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Saturday, May 29, 2021
Wuhan leak to be investigated.
So the DOE and NNSA labs are going to examine if the pandemic came from a lab leak at Wuhan. The picture in the above article showing LLNL equipment looks like NIF. I am not exactly sure how NIF will be used but I am guessing they are actually going to use the supercomputers. Well this could be interesting, suppose it does turn out to be a China lab leak, what happens in that case. Do you just say we are going to boycott the 2022 Olympics and call it even?
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Doesn’t the investigation of COVID as a Chinese lab leak just lead to more AAPI hate? I thought that any attempt to blame the Chinese for the virus is an act of racism.
My suggestion for LLE Rochester is to submit a proposal saying the Omega laser can be used to find the origin of the COVID virus, Rochester LLE actually has the NOVA scientist responsible for the D2 EOS scandal. He’s an expert liar who can convince the funding agencies that virology can be done at the nanosecond/terapascal scale. Senator Schumer will announce a $100 million award at a press conference. Maybe the funds from 100 other university projects can be redirected to Rochester.
Interestingly, there is a news report of a May 2020 report by LLNL’s Z Division on the lab leak possibility that has Congress stirred up. Reported by a Missouri TV station this month and then squelched.
The free flow of information and open debate necessary to figure this out seems to be truncated in China and the US…
Doesn’t the investigation of COVID as a Chinese lab leak just lead to more AAPI hate? I thought that any attempt to blame the Chinese for the virus is an act of racism.
5/30/2021 10:13 AM
Trump is out of office so no one cares anymore.
Here’s the news report mentioned earlier:
Typical inane responses here instead of reasoned arguments.
Democrats hate Asians.
So it’s ok.
Seriously, if you don’t vote lockstep with Democrats, your minority status is irrelevant to them.
5/30/2021 2:28 PM
The lab leak possibility was discussed more than a year ago. It may have been ignored for political reasons or they simply thought it was just a coincidence that Wuhan had a virology lab. The one thing that makes me think it is not a lab leak is that there has been no "leaks" out of China confirming this. This of course could just mean the Chinese are just simply better at keeping a lid on things. If it is a lab leak I would presume China knew this a while ago.
Typical inane responses here instead of reasoned arguments.
5/30/2021 5:10 PM
Please elevate the conversation with your reasoned arguments.
Of course China is better at preventing leaks. They don't have trials and juries in China to deliberate the fate of accused leakers like they do here. They don't have constitutional protections from persecuting one's family either. Fear is a powerful motivator, just look at the surging crime in virtually every democrat controlled city in America. Criminals no longer have any concern at all regarding petty theft. The same logic extends to other crimes, like leaking, even though the politics are different. Remember the chap at LANL who thought it was ok to lie on clearance applications and take money from Chinese talent programs? Well, the tide suddenly changed on him and he found out that the law was going to be enforced all of the sudden. Similar concept. I bet others are now reassessing their plans in response.
5/30/2021 6:05 PM
Yeah, China is a little better at keeping secrets... They weld your door shut at your home if they want you to stay inside....
Back to the discussion. It is not only plausible that the virus started in a BSL-4 lab, it is possibly the least complex hypothesis and therefore the one to be tested.
5/31/2021 2:46 AM
Actually the research on the coronavirus was being conducted in a BSL-2 lab.
Responding to 5/30/2021 6:05 PM
We’ve already learned that WIV handled these viruses, even after gain of function forcing, as BL2. About the same level of control as your dentist’s office.
Just because the Wuhan laboratory was working on bat viruses and this person allegedly died of a genetically modified bat virus at about the same time the virus appeared in Wuhan China does not mean they are related.
That is conspiracy talk.
5/31/2021 10:25 PM
Not all conspiracies are false conspiracies.
By now China has "retired" folks who worked at the lab. The paperwork has been moved and or destroyed. This is much like ordering an autopsy after the body has been cremated.
So DOE will use its supercomputers at various sites to do what exactly - calculate the odds of natural vs artificial species jump? The conclusions will be based on the available data, and if that has been destroyed or tampered, this will be GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out.
I also have the fear (yes, conspiracy theory time), that political influence will play a great deal in the outcome. Remember, 9 out of 10 researchers agree with the entity funding the project.
When I go through all the scenarios of what will happen in regards to the COVID origins, I only see one outcome. The US intelligence community concludes that the virus had a natural origin, under a lot of pressure from democrat politicians and corporations with Chinese business dealings.Any speculation that it came from the Wuhan lab will be re-censored. There’s going to be a lot of angry republicans in the end.
Fauci completely confounds me. I have never seen a federal bureaucrat like him. He’s 80 years old and has somehow eliminated any rivals in his organization. He usually speaks alone, not giving credit to anyone else. He speaks for other federal agencies like the CDC which should set off turf wars. Also, he is constantly talking going on one show after another, completely overexposed. Never seen anyone in the DOE Abe have like this, for example.
There’s going to be a lot of angry republicans in the end.
6/04/2021 11:10 AM
Since Republicans (self-described) are only about a third of registered voters (Gallup party affiliation poll, ongoing), it really doesn't matter.
6/04/2021 11:10 AM
I have to agree with this overall assessment. If it turns out that China is responsible for this what can even be done? In the global world China is simply to big of partner to punish in any way that will not come back to hurt us or the rest of the world economically. They simply make too many things and have too many trade partners. It is just good business to drop the whole thing and just claim that we will never know where it really came from and go back to the way things have been. One idea of globalism is that we are all one big country so there is not point in punishing China since they are essentially part of us.
This along with all the failures of the intelligence agencies, media, NIH, and politicians means it would be much better if they whole thing is just forgotten. Just clam that it is due to global warming or people invading natural habitats.
If you want a more "rationalized" version of this it would go along the lines. This was accident it could have happened to any country doing this kind of research including the US. It will do no good to the world economy and world stability to confront and blame China. Also since we may have partially funded this research the US is also partially to blame. Going after China could mean they will point the finger at us. This is a no win situation if we blame China, so best let it go and hope it does not happen again.
7:50 I count five fallacies in three paragraphs. Impressive. Please do not serve on any juries.
7:50 I count five fallacies in three paragraphs. Impressive. Please do not serve on any juries.
6/05/2021 11:01 AM
I am simply describing the way the world works. In case you have not noticed logic is not part of that process.
As for juries, logic may work in movies but it is only part of the process. Emotion, fear, mercy, sloth, racism, agenda, politics, confusion also all play a role in how juries turn out.
When in doubt go for acquittal, we are in doubt about China so acquit. Want cheap stuff, acquit, want your stocks to stay high acquit, want to avoid war acquit. If you are on a jury and you know that making the "logical" decision will lead to death and mayhem for you and many others you might just have a change your mind about of using logic.
7:50 I count five fallacies in three paragraphs. Impressive. Please do not serve on any juries.
6/05/2021 11:01 AM
You don't mean "fallacies" You mean statements you believe are false. The two do not have the same meaning. "Fallacy" has a very specific meaning in rhetoric.
For those that think the laboratory origin story is “conspiracy talk”, please provide the more plausible explanation that has evidence to prove it. If you cannot, then it is not conspiracy but instead as valuable a hypothesis as any other. In fact, I would submit it is the most simple explanation and therefore the most valid for examination.
To get back on topic, the accidental release of a biological agent engineered to mutate faster than vaccines can be developed would certainly be something that a responsible government agency would investigate in excruciating detail. That it is being ignored, and even downplayed, by the US government agencies involved speaks volumes for their competence. This administration is completely incompetent to address modern threats to our way of life like COVID, Cyberattacks, and the big lie.
For those that think the laboratory origin story is “conspiracy talk”, please provide the more plausible explanation that has evidence to prove it. If you cannot, then it is not conspiracy but instead as valuable a hypothesis as any other. In fact, I would submit it is the most simple explanation and therefore the most valid for examination.
6/05/2021 7:49 PM
The problem is the whole blame China stuff has racist overtones. This started under Trump with his comments about the Chinese virus that led to rise in crime against Asians in the US. The media did not want to be part to this and would not investigate a lab origins theory. A far better approach would be not blame China but try to work with China from the beginning. Instead because of Trumps talk, China went on the defense as they they should. In other words I am not saying the lab origen story is not true but the idea of creating it into a conspiracy is also not true. The conspiracy angle put the blame solely on China when in fact it was really Trump that mismanaged the diplomacy not to mention the response in the US directly leading to 600k deaths. Think about that China lost what 10k and is is 4 times bigger. The real conspiracy is how did Trump mess this up so bad and why are we talking abut China, when in many ways even if it did come from the lab the biggest problem was Trumps response. The lab origin theory is just a deflection for those that really screwed this up.
"Two U.S. experts have penned a damning essay saying the genome sequencing of COVID-19 strongly suggests that the virus was manufactured inside a Chinese laboratory.
Dr. Stephen Quay and Richard Muller, a physics professor at the University of California Berkeley, made the claim in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday, amid growing speculation that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). "
Prof. Richard Muller was also a climate change skeptic but changed his mind on some of this when he looked at data on global temperature. I am sure someone is going to say that because he is not a virologists he has no authority to speak.
6/07/2021 12:19 AM
The evidence presented in this article is quite damning.
If one or a group of Chinese intended to do the world harm, we should not blame China. The same way we should not blame all conservatives for harming our democracy.
If one or a group of Chinese intended to do the world harm, we should not blame China. The same way we should not blame all conservatives for harming our democracy.
6/10/2021 12:53 PM
Although I agree with what you say about the Chinese and simply cannot agree to your comment about conservatives, they know better and are just as guilty as every person who destroyed the Capital building, killed 7 people and terrorized the nation. No they are all guilty, beyond guilt. Covid did a lot of damage but Jan 6th was even worse than the Civil war when you think about it. Saying Covid is made in a lab is just a conspiracy to cause us to be diverted from the real danger which was Jan 6th and the fact that the conservatives will not be held accountable for why they all did.
6/10/2021 3:16 PM
Utterly ridiculous how you cannot stay on topic. Find a Yahoo blog to chew on politics.
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