Scientists Defend Merit in Science
For first time, scientists organize to push back against identity politics
Why was the paper published in the Journal of Controversial Ideas?
As the Wall Street Journal op-ed explains, the authors attempted to publish their paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) as a counterpoint to several perspectives the journal had published. They were advised to remove the word “merit” from the title because, according to the journal’s editorial board, “This concept of merit, as the authors surely know, has been widely and legitimately attacked as hollow….” This prompted the authors to explain in the paper, “not only is meritocracy in science a controversial idea, in some circles the very existence of merit as a concept is questioned.” “Ultimately,” says Krylov, “PNAS rejected the paper on grounds that appeared to be largely ideological.”
The question relevant for the blog is has the ideas of merit also been compromised at the labs?