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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

What POGO ought to know

This was sent anonymously to POGO:

POGO ought to investigate the following:

1)DOE/NNSA offered 2 plans to LLNL employees in the privatization of LLNL on October 1st 2007: TCP1 and TCP2.
Under TCP1, employees are separated from UCRP and their retirement is transferred to LLNS pension plan.
Under TCP2, they freeze their retirement with UC.49% of them chose TCP1.

Then, DOE activated the 3161 workforce restructuring plan, an open ended plan, designed to trim LLNL workforce in the years to come, starting in 2008.

If the DOE disclosed their plan to activate such a plan, no one in their right mind would have chosen TCP1. LLNL employees feel cheated because any one of them can be laid off before they retire.

2)DOE/NNSA overlooked huge increases in costs, all known in advance:
a.The new company’s management fee
b.LLNL going from non-profit to private (taxes)
d.Separation of LLNL from UC, lead to a smaller pool of people which lead to higher benefits costs
e. More people than anticipated chose TCP2 (higher up front cost to LLNS)
e.Increase in upper level management

To address this mistake, DOE/NNSA is looking to cut hundreds of working people and is exempting management. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars!


Anonymous said...

The bottom line is this. The privatization of the labs is a national scam to make the American tax payer believe there's a cost savings. The cost savings that's being accomplished is coming upon the backs of those who had a UCRP pension plan taken from them and those who are being sent out the gate without a job. In managements eyes the only way to _cut cost_ is to _cut people_ and LLNS is doing a great job of that. Soon LLNS will have dumped most of the people who can do the work and when the time comes to actually perform a vital task, they'll simply hire their own Bechtel employees to do the job for less money. Good luck pricks.

From what I've observed so far LLNS doesn't care. "Hatchet man is my name and that's my game" is the logo within the gates of LLNL. What the general publish doesn't understand is that LLNS gets their management fee, bonus checks and salaries up front. What the people at LLNL do for the rest of the year is not LLNS concern. If LLNS experiences a cost overruns the solution is simple. Get rid of more people to balance the budget before the IG finds out and takes our perks away.

So with that said I have a very simple question. Does anyone know of DOE / NNSA did an extensive background investigation on the new LLNS employees that're in ULM? I hope NNSA didn't over look this minuscule task and realized that just because these "intruders" worked for a big multi million dollar firms in the private sector doesn't mean they have loyalty to the county, a very important factor when hiring people to do work at nuclear complexes. Would it be possible for the people of LLNL to be assured and see proof that "all newly hired LLNS employees" have Q clearance with verification of such posted. If they don't then they should not be working at LLNL, should not be in any management position at LLNL and for sure should not have access how we work, what we do or even the names of key personnel or locations.

Anonymous said...

Well said December 24, 2007 8:35 AM!
Copy what you said and go to:

Anonymous said...

See "send an email to your reps in 1 shot" above!

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, all of the new LLNS people underwent the required background investigations. HR and Security were given the names of the people well in advance and investigations were expedited to get them done in time.

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2007 8:35 AM

This post has been copied and sent as requested.

Anonymous said...

"HR and Security were given the names of the people well in advance and investigations were expedited to get them done in time."

December 26, 2007 6:12 AM

This means they new two years in advance who was going to get the contract, so why bother with the bid, or, these people's back ground checks were a rush job meaning not looked into to deeply. It's amazing what throwing money at someone will do.

Anonymous said...

It is funny that many people in comp are in the cooler awaiting their clearances! why not make that an emergency!

Anonymous said...

All 8000 people at LLNL should write at POGO and ask her if POGO's intention was to put as many employees in the streets as possible to accomplish their mission or did they just want the Pu out of Livermore and then allow Livermore to continue working on other issues.

Just what is POGO's misssion.


Nuclear Weapons Complex Begins to Shrink. In December, the Department of Energy made a major announcement of plans to consolidate the nuclear weapons complex, mirroring POGO's recommendations in its 2005 report, "U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Homeland Security Opportunities." The plan is designed to create a nuclear weapons infrastructure that is smaller, safer, more secure and more cost effective. The Department of Energy has already begun moving all the bomb-making nuclear materials out of three of its sites, including the Lawrence Livermore Lab, which is in the heavily-populated San Francisco Bay area.


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