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Sunday, June 8, 2008

What is the list PSO has?

Anonymously contributed:

Coming into the lab on a weekend call-out the PSO have a list that he checks before letting me in. He made sure I won't be able to look at the list by standing behind the driver's side. Anyone have an idea or know what's the list is for? Does it have anything to do with the end of June flex lay-off?


Neko said...

There are still a few people that have not had their badges collected from the May 22/23 RIF. The PSO's are just checking - nothing to do with the future Flex RIF later this month.

Anonymous said...

the pso are looking for 1 of 49 people that are laid off in a 30 day period or they are after some contract person who has not turned in their badge.

Anonymous said...

Rolling lay-offs...and they said this would not happen???

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