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New Sports Cars for the LANS Prenup Boys
While Mikey just went out an upgraded his black Audi TT coup, Bret Knapp (Associate Director for Weapons) is flaunting his brand new $100,000 2011 Cayenne Porsche at the taxpayers expense. Knapp behavior fits the following Shaw quote to a tee.
"Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
I'm sure the poster is not a Tri-Lab employee, for surely they would never be so outraged at (gasp!) earning a living at the taxpayer's expense. Or perhaps the poster donates their time to the NNSA?
If your biggest complaint in life is that people who make more money than you drive nicer cars, you've got a pretty good life.
This news about Bret Knapp and his new $100k LANS sports car is really sick. Why does Mikey coddle this boy so dearly?
It's as if he was Mikey's own illegitimate son or something. Perhaps he is? That would explain a lot! Rodents like the Fuzzy Ewok can apparently reproduce a litter of additional rodents that then infest our NNSA labs.
What get's me about Knapp is that he is here at LANS advocating cost effectiveness, shutting facilities down, forcing workers out of the weapons all in the name of saving Uncle Sam money and on the other hand, flying back and forth every weekend to and from Livermore, buying brand new Armani suits, having his clothes dry cleaned, eating at fine restaurants, drinking fine wine, buying new homes, buying a brand new 2011 Porsche Cayenne (bronze color), and living lavishingly, all on the U.S. taxpayers expense account. I can't wait to see the day when this all comes crashing down.
I can't wait to see the day when this all comes crashing down.
July 14, 2010 3:33 PM
Good luck waiting, 3:33pm. Guys like Bret Knapp now rule the NNSA labs!
You are far more likely to see Knapp become the next lab Director than you are to see him "crash and burn" in disgrace. Besides, Mikey has his back covered, so he is fully protected from any harm to his position that may come about from his screw ups.
PBIs, Baby! That's all that really matters to either NNSA or the for-profit LLC partners. You can wish all you want for this messed up situation to change but the path forward has now been set in solid cement -- mixed and poured by Bechtel, of course!
Bret Knapp gets a $100k sports car courtesy of LANS and all I got was a 3% reduction in salary. This blows big ones!
Give it a break guys. It's their money, they can spend it as they see fit. If they swung a deal for a car allowance that drives you crazy, then complain to LANS for making that deal. It's a free country based on the concept of making a buck.
By the way guys, the last time I looked all of the lab employees are making a buck at the tax payers expense.
I'm sure the poster is not a Tri-Lab employee, for surely they would never be so outraged at (gasp!) earning a living at the taxpayer's expense. Or perhaps the poster donates their time to the NNSA?
If your biggest complaint in life is that people who make more money than you drive nicer cars, you've got a pretty good life.
July 13, 2010 8:15 PM
My biggest complaint about Knapp isn't about his Turbo Porsche but about his vengeful and hateful treatment of LANS workers. He represents what is wrong with LANS: greed.
If you think the greatest evil is greed, you are a communist at heart. If you never want to be rich, you shouldn't live in the US, but in Cuba or Russia, where you would be much happier not having to compete with entrepreneurs or anyone else, and would have the government determine what you have or don't have. Imagine yourself making a lot of money that you thought you deserved and saying "No, I don't need any more, I'll just give up the next few thousand to people I don't know." Nope, wouldn't happen, right? I don't think the LANS bloodsuckers should be shot or even defiled - every business has it's bloodsuckers. But you should definitely leave LANS employment if you don't like their system. It's called free enterprise. You are free to take your skills elsewhere, assuming you have any that are marketable. If not, your bad.
I can't wait to see the day when this all comes crashing down.
July 14, 2010 3:33 PM
Good luck waiting, 3:33pm. Guys like Bret Knapp now rule the NNSA labs!
You are far more likely to see Knapp become the next lab Director than you are to see him "crash and burn" in disgrace. Besides, Mikey has his back covered, so he is fully protected from any harm to his position that may come about from his screw ups.
PBIs, Baby! That's all that really matters to either NNSA or the for-profit LLC partners. You can wish all you want for this messed up situation to change but the path forward has now been set in solid cement -- mixed and poured by Bechtel, of course!
July 15, 2010 8:51 PM
I have worked in the Weapon Program for 35-years at LANL and no one has survived the wrath of the nuclear weapons program. It is a vengeful and hateful power game. Read my lips: no one! Not even Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. There will a day when this WILL also come crashing down.
Give it a break guys. It's their money, they can spend it as they see fit. If they swung a deal for a car allowance that drives you crazy, then complain to LANS for making that deal. It's a free country based on the concept of making a buck.
By the way guys, the last time I looked all of the lab employees are making a buck at the tax payers expense.
July 15, 2010 9:59 PM
Is that you Craig Leasure?
If you think the greatest evil is greed, you are a communist at heart. If you never want to be rich, you shouldn't live in the US, but in Cuba or Russia, where you would be much happier not having to compete with entrepreneurs or anyone else, and would have the government determine what you have or don't have. Imagine yourself making a lot of money that you thought you deserved and saying "No, I don't need any more, I'll just give up the next few thousand to people I don't know." Nope, wouldn't happen, right? I don't think the LANS bloodsuckers should be shot or even defiled - every business has it's bloodsuckers. But you should definitely leave LANS employment if you don't like their system. It's called free enterprise. You are free to take your skills elsewhere, assuming you have any that are marketable. If not, your bad.
July 16, 2010 8:58 PM
Is that you Sarah Palin?
At least Bret Knapp has earned his luxury sports car. That a lot more than I can say for all the losers with bad attitudes who post on this blog.
Don't underestimate Brett Knapp.
He has created his own Deutsch Jungvolk. He is reinforcing the view of his ideals and transmitting the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft (national or people's community). He is emphasizing the teaching of loyalty to him and the regime, and is sponsoring youth activity to reinforce the importance of male physical strength, vitality, and militarism at a very young age. They are devoted to his thoughts and they wore scarves. He believed that teaching children how to become tough would free them from their weaknesses.
Sound familiar?
He has created his own Deutsch Jungvolk.
What a load of absolute crap.
Plain and simple.
I'm sorry that LANL was asked to change by the people that send the money. I can see how that could feel unfair from the dizzying heights of the mesa.
As the NNSA labs sink deeper and deeper into the abyss under the for-profit LLC's management, might I suggest some interesting summer reading material for those lazy summer days:
"Friends In High Places:
The Bechtel Story :
The Most Secret Corporation
and How It Engineered the World"
by Laton McCartney
Price: $16.26
Oh, and by the way... Riley Bechtel's famous "Bohemian Grove" summer encampment for the rich and the powerful is now in session. Did anyone from the labs get an invite? I wonder what they are plotting for this next year?
July 13, 2010 8:15 PM
I'll bet dollars to donuts the first post is directly from Brett. Just cocky enough
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