Blog purpose

This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

Blog rules

  • Stay on topic.
  • No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
  • No political debate.
  • Posts and comments are posted several times a day.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Censorship by Scooby

More stealth censorship by Scooby. If you keep track of potential new comments on threads as I do, you tend to notice when the number of comments on a thread DECREASES all of a sudden. That's Scooby deleting things he doesn't like, about once a week. No explanation, no claim that a post violated blog rules, it just disappears. If you are one of the smart ones, you save your posts so that you can immediately repost them, since it will take Scooby another week or two to get around to more deletions. But the flow of the thread is gone and nothing makes sense anymore. If there were clear violations of the stated rules, OK, but that is clearly NOT the case. Plus, it is not like the entire world has not had a week, or maybe two, to read these posts. What is the point of deleting them, except Scooby's need to show control or stick it in the eye of the posters he does not like? Is this the kind of blog moderator we want?? Scooby, this blog is useful and pertinent, but you do not have the right attitude or perspective to run it.
October 1, 2014 at 9:02 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
October 1, 2014 at 9:02 PM

Please start another LLNL blog and we'll check out your attitudes and perspectives, too.

October 1, 2014 at 10:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The "attitude and perspective" of the moderator should be reflected in the blog rules. If indeed posts that do not violate those rules are being deleted by the moderator, something is clearly wrong.


scooby said...

I never knowingly delete anything that does not violate BLOG rules.

There is one rule that keeps getting violated; top post: it says:

Do not make comments here; they will be deleted

in red and highlighted in yellow.

Any other complaint? next one on this subject will be deleted.

If you disagree, please do not let
the door hit you in the b...

Anonymous said...

I never knowingly delete anything that does not violate BLOG rules....
next one on this subject will be deleted.


Anonymous said...

Scooby, Why is the LLNL blog being over showed by LANL's continued incompetence. Allow LANL start their own Blog so this Blog stays focused on LLNL issues.

Anonymous said...

Scooby, Why is the LLNL blog being over showed by LANL's continued incompetence. Allow LANL start their own Blog so this Blog stays focused on LLNL issues.

October 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM

LLNL moved in at LANL (i.e. Mara, Knapp, Anastasio, McMillan); the least we can do is help LLNL out here on their Blog.

scooby said...

Hey Einstein (poster October 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM),
How do you suggest we do that. How do you dedicate an open BLOG to LLNL?

Anonymous said...

Breathe Scooby breathe.......Charlie McMillan is busily putty the finishing touches on the destruction of LANL, take it is buddy!

Anonymous said...

"Scooby, Why is the LLNL blog being over showed by LANL's continued incompetence. Allow LANL start their own Blog so this Blog stays focused on LLNL issues."

Perhaps 6:34 doesn't realize that LANL and LLNL are joined at the hip by the LANSLLNS management LLC. LANL issues (e.g., PF-4) became LLNL issues, and LLNL issues (e. g., NIF) became LANL issues when the labs were privatized. Also, we share a common, shrinking source of funding, so bad decisions by one lab always affects the other. Historically, the number of bad decisions is about evenly split between the labs. LANLs hit the news more often, because the NGO in Northern New Mexico are much more active and vocal than their counterparts in Northern California.

GreggS said...

3 Oct 8:01

Scooby had offered a home for the LANL'ites after their own blog folded. IIRC one of the blog admins had died and the other quit in frustration a few weeks later. It had nothing to do with LLNL people moving to LANL.

As per complaints of Scooby censoring. I've found Scooby to be fair and upfront. In fact his forum greatly outpaces any other I have been on in how well all sides of a debate can speak out.

For those suggesting a separate LANL blog - go ahead. I've repeatedly stated that LANL people have overstayed their welcome. Each lab has enough grief going on without the petty sniping some seem to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't understand these complaints. Scooby makes the rules, and he can do whatever he wants. It's his blog. He can delete posts and block IPs for whatever reason or non-reason he chooses. That's the way that these things work.

Anonymous said...

Scooby makes the rules, and he can do whatever he wants.

October 7, 2014 at 10:48 AM

If he can "do what he wants" then there are no "rules." The honorable and moral thing to do is set rules and then abide by them, as he forces posters to abide by them. "Doing what you want" is anarchy, not "rules." You seem to be in favor of all posters being at the mercy of Scooby's whims. Why does that make sense on a blog that purports to be representing employees of a scientific laboratory? Logic and science, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Is there an apparent pattern to removed comments or posts?

Anonymous said...

This Blog "can't stand on it own" without comments and input from the LANL folks. Go ahead and "pull the plug" on this LLNL Blog.

GreggS said...

October 8, 2014 at 5:34 PM doubts that this blog can survive without LANL input....

History proved the contrary to be true - LANL's blog folded while the LLNL blog endures. Perhaps if the LANL'ites had been less partisan and uncouth their blog manager would not have quit.

Anonymous said...

October 8, 2014 at 5:34 PM doubts that this blog can survive without LANL input...History proved the contrary to be true - LANL's blog folded while the LLNL blog endures.

October 8, 2014 at 8:26 PM

Your argument is specious on its face. LANL blog "folding" had nothing to do with the question. Likewise, the survival of the LLNL blog could equally as well be argued to be due to the subsequent inclusion of LANL bloggers. Try some logic next time.

GreggS said...

This thread is about the integrity of this blog, not ad hominem rhetoric. I'd like all the trolls, LLNL or LANL-based, to find another bridge to lurk under - leave this blog alone.

Returning to the topic of deletion - there is no detectable pattern of bias. Scooby intervenes only on rare occasion and in a manner I find as fair.

Anonymous said...

How is refusal to explain deletion of posts that obviously do not violate the stated rules "fair"?

Anonymous said...

Who ever said that Scooby should be fair? He doesn't. Nor does he have to explain himself. That's how blogs work.

Anonymous said...

There is always atleast one rule on blogs: The blog owner can moderate/delete however/whatever he/she wants without having to explain to anyone.

Anonymous said...

If you typed in a 400 page masterpiece novel as a post, only to have it deleted by Scooby and that was your only copy... too bad.

Anonymous said...

Who ever said that Scooby should be fair? He doesn't. Nor does he have to explain himself. That's how blogs work.

October 9, 2014 at 12:11 PM

There is always at least one rule on blogs: The blog owner can moderate/delete however/whatever he/she wants without having to explain to anyone.

October 9, 2014 at 12:15 PM

First, There was no claim that Scooby "should be fair." The claim by October 8, 2014 at 11:43 PM was that he IS "fair."

Second, unfettered power to delete is NOT one of Scooby's rules. In fact, he denies that he does it.

I have no problem with a blog moderator setting whatever rules he likes. But then, to be "fair" he must comply with them himself, unless he explicitly exempts himself from his own rules, which Scooby has not done. If you guys are of the opinion that common rules of civil discourse and interaction shouldn't apply on blogs, I feel sad for what your beliefs are doing to our country.

Anonymous said...

If Scooby himself does not promise "fairness" (and even that is completely subjective), then he doesn't have to be "fair." He or others may think (rightly or not) that their actions are fair. That is a far cry from declaring a rule on fairness.

Anonymous said...

No one suggested a "rule on fairness." What was suggested was that "fair" means clearly stating the rules (all of them) and then complying with them. Not just applicable to blogs, BTW.

Anonymous said...

I know of almost no blogs that state any "rules." Even this blog has more "rules" listed than most. It's scooby's call on whether to post rules and whether to abide by them. He can just ignore his own rules if he so chooses.

Anonymous said...

"He can just ignore his own rules if he so chooses.

October 9, 2014 at 2:38 PM"

And so can we. It will be a few days before it gets deleted, by which time it will get read, and the point (if any) made.

Anonymous said...

There are actually two rules on blogs:

1) The blog owner can moderate however he/she wants.

2) The blog readers can question/criticize the blog owner for moderating in ways they do not understand.

Anonymous said...

And so can we. It will be a few days before it gets deleted, by which time it will get read, and the point (if any) made.

October 9, 2014 at 5:29 PM

Excellent and important point. And, it can get re-posted, which gives it several more days. Scooby is pissing in the wind here.

Anonymous said...

Scooby can just IP block people who piss him off. The non-owners of the blog don't have as much power as we would like to think we have. Again, this is the normal way the blogosphere works.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of IP proxy methods out there. Some of us use them for all blogging and shopping.

Anonymous said...

I typed in a 400 page epic and important masterpiece as a post, and Scooby deleted it. It was my only copy in existence. Now it is gone and I am butthurt.

Anonymous said...

Nothing on the internet is ever "gone." ANd your butt wouldn't hurt if it wasn't so big.

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