"You're making this up as you go": Sen. Lindsey Graham rails DOE, NNSA during hearing
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Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems http://www.nature.com/news/triple-threat-method-sparks-h...
Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
"I have no confidence we're going to have two pit production facilities, unless somebody can figure this out better than we have today," Graham said, continuing: "And this little exchange we've had proves to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're making this up as you go."
Look all the pits are going to be made in Los Alamos, everyone has been saying this for some time. Savanah river is simply not going to do it.
Now the question is what does this mean for Los Alamos, does it just become a full time pit facility and all the science vanishes?
Does it get split into a pit part and and separate science facility like Y12 and ORNL? Or the worse possible outcome they
try to keep science and pit production together which guarantees a poor outcome for both?
Your LANL/pits rant is really getting old. "Everyone has been saying..."? Give me a break. Pretty highschoolish statement. That's all you got? You don't know anything and you are projecting your LANL hatred.
Graham doesn't get it. If pits are going to be made in Carolina, there is always going to be plutonium in Carolina, despite his tantrums that he wants it out.
" You don't know anything and you are projecting your LANL hatred."
I have no hatred for LANL, I am simply repeating what I hear. From what I can tell this fairly well known. It is possible that I am wrong or the people that are saying this are wrong but it keeps coming up. I do have a question for you, do you work at LANL? I suspect that you do not.
I am simply repeating what I hear. From what I can tell this fairly well known.
4/07/2019 1:23 PM
Again, nothing but highschool rumor mongering. No attribution, no authoritative source, just what you "hear," "what everyone is saying," what is "fairly well known." Do you realize how juvenile all that sounds? Like you're gossiping in some locker room?
"Hear" from whom?? Your buddies at the water cooler, or someone who might actually know something? "Everyone is saying"?? What percentage of the entire population of the planet is "everyone"??
"Everyone" here is interested in actual information. Please stop wasting our time with your drivel. You are NOT influencing anyone's opinion.
1:23 it really is time to grow up.
4/07/2019 5:25 PM
So what you are saying is that you don't work at LANL?
4/08/2019 6:08 AM
So what you are saying is that you don't work at LANL?
4/08/2019 6:08 AM
Retired in 2007. From a reasonably high management position. Keep in touch with lots of people there.
"I have no confidence we're going to have two pit production facilities, unless somebody can figure this out better than we have today," Graham said, continuing: "And this little exchange we've had proves to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're making this up as you go."
Not sure how the NNSA will pay for two pit production facilities when it continues to shortchange the efforts to build pits at LANL. But the committee is not aware of these issues because they have been sold a bunch of crap by the NNSA. Where is the 15 billion dollars going to come from to get the MOX Facility reconfigured to make the first pit by 2030? The folks at NNSA today will be gone in a couple of years after the next election.
Graham is also right about the dilute and dispose effort. Yet another example of wasting limited dollars for something that will be a unilateral disarmament by the United States.
It is obvious that the NNSA continues to underfund the currently approved pit manufacturing plan, which is 20 pits per year at Los Alamos. New NEPA analysis is forthcoming to capture the dual 30 pits per year at LANL and 50 pits per year at SRS. What is clear is that NNSA does not have the budget FYNSP in the outer years to be successful at both. The end will be failure of both and there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that the quid pro quo is in force: cancel MOX and float a new pit manufacturing mission at SRS. Then it will be up to Lyndsey to get the added monies. NNSA will use LANL as the excuse that it cannot make pits beyond the handful that it made a decade ago. Triad has all but guaranteed the transfer of technology to SRS. LANL will become a scientific laboratory that will never return to the past glory. Billions of our tax dollars will be wasted in the process. LANL will get bought off with new science facilities and the state will get a bigger WIPP and more forever jobs as the waste facility is a pilot plant no more!
Graham is a very smart guy. With even smarter staffers. Progressives hate him but can't get their facts straight. If (big if) he stays in power in 2020, he will be a very important counter to left wing craziness.
Retired in 2007. From a reasonably high management position. Keep in touch with lots of people there.
Ok you have been out of the lab for 12 years, maybe, just maybe you don't really know what is going on. Just saying.
Keep in touch with a lot of current employees, and also read everything the Lab puts out and also what news outlets out out about the Lab. If you are stuck in one Lab organization, I bet I know more than you do.
BTW, I've never understood what "just saying" means. Please explain it, in English, please.
"I bet I know more than you do."
BTW, I've never understood what "just saying" means
I thought you just said you know more than me ;)
Look, you have a couple of problems, just read you own sentence, "everything the Lab puts out".
I am not sure how much someone is 12 years out of the lab keeps in touch with all these lab people or what they would really tell you, perhaps you have overestimated your sources...just saying.
You are allowed your opinion. I'm allowed to ignore it as nonsensical. My sources are my sources, and you don't know them. Well, actually you might, but I won't tell.
"You are allowed your opinion. I'm allowed to ignore it as nonsensical. My sources are my sources, and you don't know them. Well, actually you might, but I won't tell."
Look I am just saying that you have been out of the lab for some time now, like 12 years. In fact you have been out of the NNSA DOE system for 12 years, so take a guess where lots of these rumors are coming from. Also a few of the other posters have given you all the hints you need to know. I am not saying you are completely out of the loop or confused, or have overestimated what you think you know. I am simply pointing out some facts, and from what you have said I guessed correctly that you did not work at the lab for some times. Just saying.
As for "just saying" in the hipster way of saying.
"Hey man, I wouldn't put the lighter fluid so close to the actual fire...just saying."
There is an obvious implication of what I just said, but I formally disavow that implication, although I actually believe it.
Ok we have cleared this up can we move on to a new thread? How about LANL and LLNL pushing ahead
with ideas for the "Green New Deal", maybe we should get prepared for this in 2024?
How about LANL and LLNL pushing ahead
with ideas for the "Green New Deal", maybe we should get prepared for this in 2024?
4/15/2019 10:05 AM
Oh, man you are too funny. GND is absolutely worthless and unnecessary, just build lots of modern nuclear power plants, no CO2, no emissions, no muss, no fuss. It's what DOE national laboratories do, not moldy green new deally stuff with bartenders like Field Marshal Sandy in charge.
Once socialist Bernie Sanders wins with his VP pick, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this whole nuclear modernization thing will go "poof" along with most of the weapon labs funding. Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez will not want to see one dime spent on the nuclear triad and its supporting infrastructure. Besides, lots of money will soon need to be found to pay for the quickly growing expenses of Social Security, Medicare and for the support of the millions of people that Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez will be welcoming into America with totally open borders to everyone who wants to come here. And then there are the massive expenses of the reparations to be paid for the billions of people that America has wronged over her centuries of imperial rule. Finally, there are the enormous expenses to fund the massive "Manhattan Project-like" Green New Deal program. Nothing left for nukes after all that stuff. The whole defense budget will need to be severely whacked to a small percentage of its current size. And don't think for a moment that Bernie Sanders can't win. America is gearing up for some very radical change in 2020.
4/28/2019 9:07 PM
Your entire rant is nonsense because AOC cannot be eligible to become president until age 35, so she cannot run for vice president. Try a little civics study before you post.
Your entire rant is nonsense because AOC cannot be eligible to become president until age 35, so she cannot run for vice president. Try a little civics study before you post.
4/29/2019 5:38 PM
Take it easy 9:07 PM is obviously trolling for some laughs. However he is not that far off from some real possibilities. Sanders could pick Warren for Vice President as AOC is too young as you say.
As for the whole nuclear modernization thing going "poof" that is possible but not a sure thing. When Texas turns blue, which is going to happen in 5-10 years, it means there will never be a republican present ever again. It is not just Texas but more and more states are going to turn blue, I doubt the house will ever be red again and it is matter of time before the Senate turns blue. When this happens than things like universal health care will become reality. At that point they could say we need to start cutting and military and anything related could be on that list. Of course it could still be just spend spend spend and the military could be seen as just another jobs program so nothing will be cut. If you look at history than will see that the Soviet Union had a large military budget so this may be more where we are headed rather than cutting the military.
4/30/2019 8:36 PM
You are probably correct short term about the political evolution. However, there are always unforseen major events that can change everything. Also, there are unintended, but major, consequences of political moves or legislation that could cause damaging upheaval in society, precipitating events that are hugely disastrous, possibly including some version of civil war or other armed insurrection. Not out of the question. Further political and cultural division in our society should be avoided.
Most of the states were blue in the 80s. Still republican presidents, significant military spending, etc.. People are more pragmatic than pop culture likes to talk about.
You obviously are oblivious to news blogs and social media today. If you know about that and aen't scared to death by it you are going to be very unpleasantly surprised.
Most of the states were blue in the 80s. Still republican presidents, significant military spending, etc.. People are more pragmatic than pop culture likes to talk about.
5/02/2019 9:31 PM
It is true that that many states where blue in 80s but these where just left of center. Also most states where not even blue. California was not for example. Now you will never see California ever go red again and it is headed to even more extreme blue.
Now we have a much larger and growing far left. Also the demographics of the nation a very different today than the 80s and will become even more so. Like I said once Texas and Florida go blue that is it. Already Colorado is turning blue and Arizona is next and there is no way they are ever going back.
"You obviously are oblivious to news blogs and social media today. If you know about that and aen't scared to death by it you are going to be very unpleasantly surprised.:
You are right but things are starting to turn around for the better, just this week much of the social media has starting permanent bans against the far right hate social media. More will be coming soon, also there is a now some traction with credit card companies making sure that these people are not allowed to use their services. Social media has allowed for extreme hate to grow and probably allowed Trump to get elected although I admit the Russian collusion probably helped. Hopefully social media will be cleaned up. Hate speech is not free speech and we need put a stop to the growing fascist threat to freedom.
5/04/2019 8:00 AM
Nice trick trying to hijack 5/03/2019 5:18 PM's post and make it support your extreme leftist point of view, which it is adamantly against. The "extreme hate" and "hate speech" and the "fascist threat to freedom" these days are all coming from the left wingnuts.
Under this same construct Michigan, Ohio, and the rest of the rust belt may never be blue again and thus no democrat president ever. This is simplification of a much more complex dynamic. People vote differently than pop culture. That has been proven over and over again.
"Under this same construct Michigan, Ohio, and the rest of the rust belt may never be blue again and thus no democrat president ever. This is simplification of a much more complex dynamic. People vote differently than pop culture. That has been proven over and over again. "
Demographics is destiny, it has nothing to do with pop culture. Michigan and Ohio are always close
to 50:50 with blue and red, so just add 3-7% more people who vote predominantly blue and yes those
states are going to tip as well. American is changing and American is has always been changing but yes it is going to turn blue and more left as time goes on for better or worse.
5/07/2019 10:37 AM
Way too simplistic. Wishful thinking. Your failure to consider the portion of the voting public that is thoroughly disgusted with the left's craziness is what will get Trump reelected,
Demographics (or racial identification to a political party) IS the latest pop culture being pushed by the political left. It too will pass like the mullet haircut, the Macarena, and other ridiculous notions. People vote their pocketbook and their values.
"People vote their pocketbook "
You may have point on this
By the way I saw a guy in pickup the other day with a mullet and the Macarena blaring on the radio.
Lol. Yes. Pop culture seems to hang with certain people. Others just flash back to it every once in a while. Thanks for the chuckle. We all need it.
I'll bet the pickup was a low rider.
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