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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Diversity harmed at LLNL

After nearly 30 years of false promises regarding diversity,
not much has changed at LLNL.  Lab careers of the outspoken, those that pushed the envelope as AEM Lab employees did in the 90s, endured careers that were systematically and forever harmed.


Anonymous said...

Is this from 1993?

What was the outcome? How do you know nothing changed from 1993 to now? We need a bit more context to this.

With that we can say that LLNL and LANL have not been very active in speaking up this last week on social justice. There was a stop-stem movement on Wed in which scientific workers with morals stoped worked to consider how they can do better in social justice issues and BLM. LLNL, LANL and Sandia did not have a stop work nor was there any grass route effort picked to see who was working and who was not. I think that we need to start making the labs or any place that has not contributed to be held accountable. This is already happing in various universities this week with numerous calls to fire professors, editors, defund, and expose these people. We need to start doing this in labs as well. For those of you who don't know how to proceed there as books on the French Revolution, the Killing Fields and the Red Scare in the 50s. We have the methods to make the needed changes. Be part of the solution or be part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Nuclear weapons laboratories have no business inserting themselves into a stupid political battle that will go nowhere and mean nothing. They have much more important work to do.

Anonymous said...

With that we can say that LLNL and LANL have not been very active in speaking up this last week on social justice.

6/11/2020 9:04 PM

Hooray ! The current generation of protesters are a bunch of pansies compared to the 1960s. Not a single self immolation so far.

By the way Scooby, I really like your kinky ads. Squirt, squirt. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Nuclear weapons laboratories have no business inserting themselves into a stupid political battle that will go nowhere and mean nothing. They have much more important work to do.

6/12/2020 5:09 PM

False!!! This attitude is part of the problem. Every single person working at an NNSA lab is morally obliged to do something or reveal that they are no doing something so they can be dealt with. Your silence means you are part of the problem. Has it ever occurred to you that the labs/UC/DOE/NNSA are part of the problem? Could these be institutions of white privilege? The labs made weapons to protect but is America worth protecting? Perhaps our so called enemies are morally superior to us. After all can you name a single country that has so much blood on its hands, so much inequality, that has kills so many of their own citizens for the color of their skin? Can you. The DOE needs to atone for its sins.

Scooby said...

Hey 6/11/2020 9:04 PM
Whatever ads appear are Google's ads
and are curtailed to your internet surfing habits.

Anonymous said...

Whatever ads appear are Google's ads
and are curtailed to your internet surfing habits.

6/13/2020 8:10 AM

LOL!!!! At least we know what one of your posters likes. Hey to each their own.

Anonymous said...

"...This attitude is part of the problem. Every single person working at an NNSA lab is morally obliged to do something or reveal that they are no doing something so they can be dealt with. Your silence means you are part of the problem. Has it ever occurred to you that the labs/UC/DOE/NNSA are part of the problem? Could these be institutions of white privilege?"

"Diffusion of responsibility occurs when people who need to make a decision wait for someone else to act instead. The more people involved, the more likely it is that each person will do nothing, believing someone else from the group will probably

In the end, few will step in and attempt to right a wrong at the Labs mostly due to fear of career blowback. By definition, Lab management conduct is always correct and in compliance with all applicable workforce requirements, but it is often just boiler plate BS at the expense of targeted employees. Local NNSA Field Office oversight on Lab workforce disparities is virtually non-existent. The NNSA Field Offices are indeed part of the problem without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to obey the policies handed down by my site office overlords. There is no policy requiring me to have an opinion about anything.

Anonymous said...

8.01 PM

You can claim you have no opinion but if the government falls apart you will have to sit before the council of the NWO, New Woke Order. If they decide you did not speak up than you will be punished. The option is to speak up now and fight the NNSA/DOE or any institution of white/non-black powers or you will face the consequences. The 1st amendment is going away and nothing can stop that now. The whole Constitution is going away. The concept of the USA is going to change so be prepared. The point is to start saying the right things now before heads start to role. Anyone remember the Stalins purge, the French Revolution or Cambodias killings fields? Imagine what Stalin could have done if he had Google, Twitter and and the current rage mob. Well maybe we will get to live through this. The number of deaths of Covid-19 will pale in comparison with what may be coming. Once the spirit of the 1st ad is gone the than it is not before it is actually gone, and then the USA will fall. Be prepared and be ready.

Anonymous said...

“Perhaps our so called enemies are morally superior to us. After all can you name a single country that has so much blood on its hands, so much inequality, that has kills so many of their own citizens for the color of their skin? “
Apparently you know nothing of China, India, and the entire Continent of Africa and the racism and tribalism that has be going on for a millennia. You are spoiled by the privilege of living in the United States.

Anonymous said...

You are spoiled by the privilege of living in the United States.

6/13/2020 11:41 PM

False only certain groups of privileged in the United States. A minority in is much more likely to be killed in the United States than anywhere else in world. We need to stop killing minorities.

Anonymous said...

False only certain groups of privileged in the United States. A minority in is much more likely to be killed in the United States than anywhere else in world. We need to stop killing minorities.


Really? Ask a Muslim in China. Ask a Jew in Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Egypt, etc. Ask a white person in sub saharan Africa. Get outside the bubble and look around. You just being able to voice your opinion is a privilege not afforded Billions outside of the US.

Anonymous said...

Apparently 2:40 lives in the real world.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! At least we know what one of your posters likes. Hey to each their own.

6/13/2020 8:53 AM

Hey dude, this implies that you must have the same surfing habits! Think!

Anonymous said...

A minority in is much more likely to be killed in the United States than anywhere else in world. We need to stop killing minorities.

6/14/2020 9:38 AM

Provide data supporting this, or admit that it is a baldfaced lie, and that you are either a Trump enabling Bernie Bro, or a Rusky troll.

Anonymous said...

6/12/2020 9:33 PM

Fine. You be you, all upset and outraged. I'll be me, just keepin' on keepin' on. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Without binding congressionally driven revised prime contract mandates, DOE and their family of Contractors, will just smile and keep communicating the same disingenuous diversity talking points while simultaneously targeting employees that expose diversity disparities. We should focus our energy knowing this. Just talking about it is just a short term fart in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Can we start a Los Alamos Autonous Zone to fight racism? LAAZ, we could defend it with nuclear weapons. I am not sure the government will be as cool with this as Seattle but we need to make a statement somehow.

Anonymous said...

6/13/2020 10:23 PM wrote
"You can claim you have no opinion but if the government falls apart you will have to sit before the council of the NWO, New Woke Order."

The problem with revolutions isn't with how they start, but with how they end. This "NWO" may find itself surrounded. Or not. Good luck with your new utopia!

Anonymous said...

"What was the outcome?"

The three amigos UC/LLNL career diversity managers that had passionately pledged the Laboratory would "not tolerate racial discrimination", promptly retired on a handsome 1993 VSP just after Staff Relations breached the agreed to AEM investigation procedures and promised deliverables.

A new set of diversity managers eagerly took their places, but there were no material changes in Lab culture, and the underlying discriminatory mechanisms described in the 1992 letter to UC were never addressed. Many AEM members were discreetly placed "on a sh_t list" for their efforts.

Anonymous said...

6/14/2020 7:34 PM

This would imply previous knowledge of revolutions. No one knows this. This is of course why taking down the Confederates statutes is odd. Personally I don't care about these statues but when I talk with my "woke" friends who want to take it all down not only do they not know who these generals where but have almost know knowledge of the Civil war. I had some fun with telling them about slave owning Generals like Grant and battles in Virginia like Getterysburg where the war was fought in 1890 how Maine was a slave holding state so that is why it is so racist now and so on and they agree to every point.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to LLNL's published Org chart:

Take a look at the names and some of the pictures posted and you'll see that it's not just a solid wall of white males. This is certainly a far cry from what the landscape appeared to be in the 70's when I started at the lab. It's also quite different from the makeup of upper management the original poster was noting in 1993.

I would say considerable progress in the field of equal opportunity has been made. I would assume for the original poster it isn't enough but I would not accept the idea that nothing has been accomplished.

Anonymous said...

"I would say considerable progress in the field of equal opportunity has been made. I would assume for the original poster it isn't enough but I would not accept the idea that nothing has been accomplished."

The original post is not about progress at LLNL in terms of diversity or anything. It is about a personal grievance the person has against LLNL for something that happened to them. They have decided that what happened to them had nothing to do with them but is due outside forces of some form no matter what. It could be corruption, racism, demonic forces, bigotry, fat phobias, kink shaming, LGBTQ, left handed people are bad, or some other of the endless possibilities. Only one thing is certain the original poster takes no responsibility for happened and will always blame others for their problems.

Anonymous said...

6/26/2020 9:30 PM

You've stumbled upon the entire reason for he current protests.

Anonymous said...

We can speculate on the motives of an individual and and attempt to shame, discredit, etc. the messenger, but I seriously doubt Congressman Ron Dellums or DOE Secretary Hazel O'Leary would have acted solely on the perspective of one individual Lab employee. Why table it now? Maybe the topic was inspired by recent events?

I understand there was an audio tape recording of a meeting where AEM employees were assured by Lab diversity managers ("three amigos") the Lab would work with AEM in good faith, and act if discrimination was found. Maybe a written transcript of that audio tape minus all names, would shed some light on the progress we have or haven't made since then? The link indicates a breach of trust on the part of the Lab, my read anyway.

Or we can sanitize the past, discredit people who don't follow the party line, and repeat. This requires the least effort and is low hanging fruit.

Anonymous said...

"I understand there was an audio tape recording of a meeting where AEM employees were assured by Lab diversity managers ("three amigos") the Lab would work with AEM in good faith, and act if discrimination was found. Maybe a written transcript of that audio tape minus all names, would shed some light on the progress we have or haven't made since then? The link indicates a breach of trust on the part of the Lab, my read anyway."

My guess is plenty of good progress was made. That seems to be what most people would think who worked at the labs for 30 or so years. Definitely more diverse, so obviously something was done. The problem is if someone comes out with actually numbers showing improvements it will never be enough to satisfy some people, they want the lab population to reflect exactly the distribution of the nation in terms of race, religion, sex, orientation or whatever, however even if that was obtained they still would not be happy. I suspect that 1:03 PM is not really conserved about diversity but about how to promote themselves ect. If they where actually interested they could go out and get the numbers themselves.

Anonymous said...

"If they where actually interested they could go out and get the numbers themselves."

True, the AAP "numbers" are usually available in the public domain, but meeting Lab wide goals in the aggregate, by no means suggests Lab minorities don't face career disparities in areas around the Lab.

I reached out to the LLNS Diversity Manager a few years ago with questions and perceived discrepancies about the AAP. Instead of taking ownership and explaining aspects of the AAP process, he refused and directed me to a Lab Manager that was clearly not part of Lab Diversity Management to field my questions (?).

There was a 6/28/20 story in the Washington Times that said "The past month has been surreal for Black police officers, who find themselves straddling the line between Black and Blue." The parallel is, minority Diversity Managers at the Lab have to juggle identified workplace disparities and being a Lab Manager at the same time (the "blue" part). When pressed, you can decide which bowling pin always gets dropped first.

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