Bad for trump disastrous for the world!
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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
We all see this differently for sure. I see current events showing Trump as a strong law and order Leader and even weenie Steve Kerr is saying that and some people will like that, others not. Possibly Nuke Testing will do the same. Some people like Suburban Housewives do consider safety in their voting decision and all this just makes Trump look tough in especially comparison to the passive ÿou need a magic wand" Obama.
The workers of the NNSA should stage a preemptive walkout to protest Trump, a possible test and systematic racism. Many our shocked at the silence of the labs in light of our current situation.
Here is a video of how a four pound nuclear test would look:
I believe a part of this discussion is the election and also I am sure that Trump will be re-elected to his second term for example he got 30% Hispanic vote and now is at 40% Hispanic approval for one so that makes NM in play for example.
He can then continue the Nuclear Testing if we go that route and I would say it is going to happen (both). Interesting though to watch how Trump gets in the head of some of the posters here (as well as Globalists like Bush, General Powell) with his impolite ways, it is an interesting phenomena, very interesting as I watch this chess game.
I did not vote for Trump because he was polite, as he gets many things done.
" 30% Hispanic vote and now is at 40% Hispanic approval for one so that makes NM in play for example. "
In light of the large protests which have proven beyond any doubt that Trump is a racist, it seems unlikely he will get even 1% of the Hispanic vote. So no there will not be any testing.
I notice a poster calling President Trump a racist.
No one ever said that before he became a Politician as a matter of fact some like Al Sharpton were friends. After the election President Trump, Kanye and Ivanka signed Criminal Reform including many televised meetings on how to hire Felons into the work force.
BTW President Trump pardoned the great Alice Johnson with Kim KArdashian. With Ben Carson and Sen. Tim Scott President Trump kept another campaign promise and started opportunity zones in poorer areas with $70B investment I think.
So I apologize as I know it is not politically correct to state these facts
as it does not fit that Liberal narrative were all supposed to be pretending is true.
While were pretending let's also pretend that Sleepin Joe Biden was not a coauthor on the Bill that started all of the unfair court sentences for our Black friends.
Honestly more than anything, I think the pretending part is what is actually going to cost the Big Libs the entire election.
The workers of the NNSA should stage a preemptive walkout to protest Trump, a possible test and systematic racism. Many our shocked at the silence of the labs in light of our current situation.
6/06/2020 8:04 PM
There aren't any workers "of the NNSA." Only contractors.
6/07/2020 3:31 PM
Scooby can you delete the 3:31PM post and shut down this thread.
I'm thinking some of our fellow bloggers are seeing racism in their breakfast cereal.
6/07/2020 3:31 PM
Scooby can you delete the 3:31PM post and shut down this thread.
6/07/2020 8:10 PM
Sure, let's all do everything we can to stifle opinions that we don't agree with. Ignore that annoying first amendment thing.
You Bernie bros who helped elect Trump by staying home in 2016 because you didn't like Clinton better get used to him. You're going to have to live with his nonsense for the next 5 years or more.
"Sure, let's all do everything we can to stifle opinions that we don't agree with. Ignore that annoying first amendment thing."
The first amendment does or at least it should not support hate speech. Far to many people are hiding behind free speech as a cover to justify bigotry and racism. Yet at the same time they deny the protests their right to effectively voice there free speech. Over 5k people have been arrested for free speech in these protests. We need to start arresting the bigots not the people how fight the bigots.
>I'm thinking some of our fellow bloggers are seeing racism in their breakfast cereal.
Has it ever occurred to you that you are the problem? I suppose not.
De-fund the police and de-fund the labs. Both are tools of oppression that lead to violence.
The first amendment does or at least it should not support hate speech.
6/08/2020 7:45 AM
"Hate speech" is a made-up concept devoid of meaning. Is it speech conveying hate? So what? Everyone hates something. I'm not allowed to talk about what I hate? Is it speech that you hate? So what? Your tender sensitivities are not reason to restrict my free speech rights.
Don't you just hate all those haters?
6/08/2020 11:47 AM
De-fund the police? Yeah, great idea. That will cut crime rates nationwide, I'm sure. Who you gonna call? Somebody kidnaps your daughter? Call a "community advocate"?
Don't you just hate all those haters?
6/08/2020 5:30 PM
Yes I hate the haters and so should you or you are part of the problem. I see the word game you are playing to try and be cute but you know dam well who the haters are. Make no mistake
even if you think you don't hate your inaction or ignornace is just as hatefull as being out in the open with your hate.
De-fund the police? Yeah, great idea. That will cut crime rates nationwide, I'm sure. Who you gonna call? Somebody kidnaps your daughter? Call a "community advocate"?
6/08/2020 5:33 PM
Perhaps defunding is too far but you have to remember for people of privilege calling the police if your daughter is kidnaped is an option. For certain other groups calling the police if you daughter is kidnaped could cause more harm than help and that is wrong.
Too many people with too much free time these days.
You should provide some evidence or explanation of that ridiculous comment.
You should provide some evidence or explanation of that ridiculous comment.
6/09/2020 6:11 PM
You actually want statistics on crime, interracial violence and police interaction? The numbers are easy to find with the FBI statistics but if I where you I would not mention this stuff at all or you might find you self in hot water. You will find interracial violence does go predominantly one way.
6/08/2020 11:09 PM
So hate is ok as long as you're hating haters? Got it.
6/08/2020 11:09 PM
So hate is ok as long as you're hating haters? Got it.
6/10/2020 5:42 PM
Further proof that too many people have too much free time.
The sampling of the distribution has suddenly become more robust.
Over 22 posts and Scooby will flatten the curve on this thread. We can start a second wave on another thread.
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