Carolyn Zerkle stories and fan club. Interested in hearing about the vindictive, 4 year old ADHD mgt style of this ineffective but often promoted extremely over paid lab employee.
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Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
These stories have been posted on this blog endless times. Just search, find them and repost them.
She is the embodiment of the new TRIAD management - always managing up, protected class, technically useless, and willing to sacrifice her subordinates for any reason under the sun.
Anonymous slander of a lab manager. How original. How forthright and brave.
If you do not have any thing good to say than say nothing.
And yet, all of the bad stuff is true. Which means it's not slander, or libel.
"Anonymous slander of a lab manager. How original. How forthright and brave."
A lab manager would never ever slander an employee anonymously meaning:
-All lab manager communications have a traceable paper trail
-Lab managers would never use closed ranking sessions for slanderous purposes
-Lab managers would never use manager to manager phone calls for slanderous
-Lab managers would never use face to face manager communications for
slanderous purposes
Why? Because lab managers want to ensure said employee has full knowledge of such slanderous allegations so the employee may defend themselves against such allegations. It's called "working in good faith". Yah right.
12/01/2021 8:51 AM
Oh, look, Mr. "Yah" is back. Hey, I never said accusation weren't true, I indicated those without proof, or at least evidence, are slander.
Oh, look, Mr. "Yah" is back. Hey, I never said accusation weren't true, I indicated those without proof, or at least evidence, are slander.
12/01/2021 5:15 PM
It is ya not yah, please get your random accusations right.
According to you the blog consist only of the following personalities.
"Mr prove it"
"Mr provide evidence"
"LANL hater"
"NIF hater"
"Science hater"
"Crazy person"
"Then than guy"
"3rd grade writer"
"Trump is to blame for everything"
"Covid will kill us all"
"I hate the UC system"
"I am not bitter"
"China is good"
" I indicated those without proof, or at least evidence, are slander."
To test the correctness of this assertion, one must file a suit. Go for it. Zerkle has plenty of enemies who would enjoy feasting on that corpse. Also, learn the difference between slander and libel.
Ok, 5:15, let’s try to find out if Carolyn has any technical chops by searching her publication record, shall we? Don’t worry, I’ll wait…and wait…and wait…
To some on this blog, slanderous statements without allegation transparency, is the exclusive operational privilege of lab management. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
She has no chops, technical or otherwise.
12/01/2021 10:59 PM
Pretty lame, assuming all the posters you don't like are the same person. And12/01/2021 8:51 AM said "Yah" not "Ya."
She has no chops, technical or otherwise"
With respect, rather than a focus on accusations of an individual person true or not, what is driving this pattern of managerial growth at LLNL and at LANL?
5:58. It is a classic old boys club (with an ever increasing fraction of old girls). They are paid too much, and are generally counter productive. They can claim some minor success stories like new parking garages, but those will never offset the damage they do on a daily basis. It is just another giant, federal, taxpayer-funded tit.
"It is a classic old boys club (with an ever increasing fraction of old girls). They are paid too much, and are generally counter productive. They can claim some minor success stories like new parking garages, but those will never offset the damage they do on a daily basis. It is just another giant, federal, taxpayer-funded tit."
Is the move from a for-profit contractor like LANS to a non-profit contractor like Triad, an outlier DOE/NNSA decision, or a predictor of future DOE/NNSA contractor selections in order to address concerns like yours and related mission objective concerns?
It seems the only real difference between TRIAD and LANS is that TRIAD isn’t lining the pockets of half-wits from Bechtel. At the working level, that is a distinction without a difference.
It seems the only real difference between TRIAD and LANS is that TRIAD isn’t lining the pockets of half-wits from Bechtel. At the working level, that is a distinction without a difference.
12/03/2021 9:53 PM
Things are better in that they got rid of the Bechtel managers at LANL. Also a good number of the non-Bechtel managers also left, I guess they where on the wrong team. In general the new people that have been brought in since Triad has come in are better than what we have had but I have to admit that I am disappointed that many former LANS mangers that stayed on or even moved up. Almost all the "problem" managers are former LANS people. As I said the new people brought in seem to be a step up, not perfect but a step up. The other problem is that many of these former LANS people are not going anywhere and may be even moving up so we will start seeing a more LANS approach again. They will also start hiring more LANS like people. I expect that in a few years or least after Mason is gone that the managers will push for for some kind of bonus system again.
"It seems the only real difference between TRIAD and LANS is that TRIAD isn’t lining the pockets of half-wits from Bechtel. At the working level, that is a distinction without a difference."
DOE/NNSA don't usually involve themselves with lab hires and fires unless they think they were directly bamboozled for all to see. For example, I don't think Principal Associate Director for the National Ignition Facility & Photon Science Directorate Ed Moses left LLNS employment by choice.
As long as UC is running the place, good ol boys/girls and half wits will continue to dominate.
As long as UC is running the place, good ol boys/girls and half wits will continue to dominate.
12/06/2021 8:55 PM
So that's been the case since just after WWII?
So that's been the case since just after WWII?
12/07/2021 5:13 PM
Pretty much. It used to be just the ops side. Now science suffers too.....
As long as UC is running the place, good ol boys/girls and half wits will continue to dominate.
12/06/2021 8:55 PM
Must always wonder how UC socked it to the haters, and also why they just don't leave. Maybe feeding at the trough is hard to beat.
“Must always wonder how UC socked it to the haters, and also why they just don't leave. Maybe feeding at the trough is hard to beat.”
They font “sock it” to anyone. More like a malaise of management letting sexist northern new mexicans run wild.
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