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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Will the labs join in the fight against domestic threats?

Dangerous GOP.

Ex-CIA Director Says Today’s GOP Is Most Dangerous Political Force He’s Ever Seen
“I agree,” said Michael Hayden, in response to a journalist who covers extremism describing Republicans as "nihilistic" and "contemptible."


Anonymous said...

Oh, this thread should be good for a bag or two of popcorn.

Anonymous said...

How did we go from liberals being extremely critical of CIA and FBI 15 years ago to now being in love with them? Big Government, Big Business and Big Liberals have now fused into one giant hive mind. It is now us versus them. The educated, the elite, the enlightened and good versus the filth. Does anybody remember Hayden back in Bushs term and how was utterly hated by the left. Now because endorses executing an ex-president and the left rush to embrace this guy. Does anyone have any memory of where they stood in 2006 now they literally embrace the opposite of that.

How did the left go from "dismantle the establishment" "Free speech" "Don't trust the government". To now being the establishment, shutting down speech, and strict adherence to authority.

Anonymous said...

The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.

How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC’s Cross: ‘I Would Say a Civil War Is Here’

You have millions of people tuning into a propaganda network every night,” Cross outlined. “And then, as if that were not bad enough, that’s an extremist network itself, you have these fringe pop-up outlets from OAN to Newsmax, then you have the social media component. That train has left the station. There is no let’s deal with the rhetoric. At this point, I do think we have to have serious conversations around preparing for actual violence

I think a civil war can be avoided but we have to start taking some real action now.

(1) Shut down Fox news, Nesmax, OAN, RT, Brietbart, WSJ, Joe Rogan, and hate driven right wing podcasts and radio. Just like Alex Jones is no longer allowed on the internet we need to do the same thing for these other propoganda networks feeding lies to millions.

(2) Start talking hard action against citizens spreading false information or fake news. Say the election could have been stolen. 10 grand fine or jail time. Say Covid vaccines do not work, 5 days in jail. Say Dems drink blood, fine and down the line.

(3) Real accountably for Jan 6th I do not mean the people where at the coup but all those we are not actively condemning it.

(4) Real social shunning for people who believe in right wing hate. Banks accounts need to be closed, people need to be fired.

(5) Since this is a LLNL blog, any government agency that involves national security needs be scrubbed clean of any of the supporters of fake news, Fox news watchers, anyone who does not disavows Jan 6th, anyone who supports the overthrow of America.
This is probably the most important point for preventing a Civil war is cleans the police, military, government contractors of extreme right wing views.

(6) This is tough one but one we have to accept. We can no longer say there is a difference between extreme right wing and moderate right wing. It is all the same the sooner we realize this the better.

Anonymous said...

"There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense." says 8/18/2022 11:09 PM, while looking into the mirror, overwhelmed by self pity.

Anonymous said...

"There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense." says 8/18/2022 11:09 PM, while looking into the mirror, overwhelmed by self pity.

8/20/2022 9:25 AM

I am always amazed by the complete lack of cultural literacy on this blog, however It would be a great idiocy not to take fools seriously because fools have the ability to ruin everything even if they have no other abilities.

Anonymous said...

8/19/2022 10:02 PM

You are a very wise person.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, 10:02, you’d be one of the first to go.

Anonymous said...

8/19/2022 10:02 PM

So, throw out the Constitution and turn the US into a fascist state run by progressives. Got it.

Anonymous said...

"So, throw out the Constitution and turn the US into a fascist state run by progressives. Got it.

8/20/2022 7:17 PM"

False in so many ways that it is not funny. The far right use the Constitution as a weapon to create a fascist state. Once they have used the Constitution in such away it breaks the contract in other words the we cannot play by the rules of the Constitution anymore. Free speech cannot free speech when it is used to spread lies, hate and bring down the nation. Free press cannot free press when it used to spread lies, hate and bring the nation. The right to bear arms is in valid when it is used to create armed insurrections in our capital. We need to realize that we are playing a fair game when the right uses the constitution to destroy freedom. They broke the contract so we must also.

A state controlled by progressive cannot be fascist by definition. You failed your
history class fascisim is right wing by definition.

Anonymous said...

8/18/2022 11:09 PM

Nice, think anyone will figure this out ;) By the way are you the same guy who was quoting Mein Kampf in previous blog posts through the years that no one ever picked up on.

Anonymous said...

A state controlled by progressive cannot be fascist by definition. You failed your
history class fascisim is right wing by definition.

8/20/2022 9:29 PM

You should read Jonah Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism." Your rigidly held beliefs are incorrect.

Anonymous said...

"Ex-CIA Director Says Today’s GOP Is Most Dangerous Political Force He’s Ever Seen"

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot - I'd say the GOP has some work to do to even get into the top 10, let alone 1st place.

Anonymous said...

"Ex-CIA Director Says Today’s GOP Is Most Dangerous Political Force He’s Ever Seen"

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot - I'd say the GOP has some work to do to even get into the top 10, let alone 1st place.

8/23/2022 10:25 AM

I think I will take the word over CIA ex-director who is expert in this work than some random blog poster. It is time to start listening to the experts. I suppose you are going to tell me next the that guy knows better but is just making things up because he knows that in this political climate that this will score him points. Another excuse you are going to say is that agencies like the CIA and FBI hate Trump because of the deep state narrative of his that these agencies have become too powerful with little accountability. If that was the case than you would have ex-CIA agents just go around lying because they know nothing will happen to them....hmm. In any case it is good to know the left has now embraced the CIA and FBI after all these years.

Anonymous said...

8/24/2022 1:08 PM

What BS. You are part of the problem. Stop the conspiracy nonsense. Have both Democrat and Republican fringes gone nuts? I think so. Those of us politically homeless in the middle are waiting for a rational political party to vote for.

Anonymous said...

What BS. You are part of the problem. Stop the conspiracy nonsense. Have both Democrat and Republican fringes gone nuts? I think so. Those of us politically homeless in the middle are waiting for a rational political party to vote for.

8/24/2022 5:43 PM

Oh please you are right winger pretending you are in the middle. There is no such thing as "in the middle" You are either an insurrectionist or not. You either condemn people who are against democracy or not. You are either a racist or not. If you are in the middle, then you tollerate these things and you condone what you tolerate. In other words you are either on the right side of history or the wrong side. There has never been a person in in the middle of history. It is like saying when it comes to Nazi Germany that you are in middle. You see the problem and why this is so abhorrent to say that you are not choosing sides. The the republicans have gone nuts but they have always been a bit nuts but they went full fascists with Trump, and Trumps willingness to conquer. Make not mistake the United States in 2021 was going to be just like Poland 1939. I some ways I respect the open right wingers more than you at least they are honest about how horrible they are and do not hide it.

Anonymous said...

8/24/2022 11:09 PM

Look it up. Self-identified R's 28%, D's 29%, Independents 41%. The are lots and lots of us in the middle that you never hear or care about. We will win the next election depending on who we vote for.

You are a partisan fool.

Anonymous said...

Look it up. Self-identified R's 28%, D's 29%, Independents 41%. The are lots and lots of us in the middle that you never hear or care about. We will win the next election depending on who we vote for.

You are a partisan fool.

8/25/2022 5:12 PM

You failed to understand my point sure R 28% and D's 29% but that 41% are going to the people that say " I was just following orders". Make no mistake you are the right side of history or the wrong side, guess which side the people who "just follow orders are".

Anonymous said...

Look it up. Self-identified R's 28%, D's 29%, Independents 41%.

You are a partisan fool.

8/25/2022 5:12 PM

I get it: 28% of US voters believe that the President is above the law, 29% of US voters believe that no one is above the law, and 41% haven't yet made up their minds about whether or not the President of the United States can indeed shoot someone on 5th avenue without criminal penalty.

Anonymous said...

Michael Hayden is a well-known player in the political system. It’s interesting that he is best remembered for his anti-Trump rhetoric, and not his role in the 9/11 intelligence failure, or the post 9/11 surveillance program. Pick your credentialed experts carefully… or keep cheerleading for the ideology that keeps your focus on your supposed enemies, and not on your house that is on fire.

Anonymous said...

Trump must be stopped! He and his enablers are demons, cretins, bigots, and monsters. We should not be called fellow citizens and ordinary Americans. They are something else—odd, frightening, unenlightened, vandals, and barbarians. We must speak of the ones who go to Trump rallies in terms one usually reserves for bugs in the woodwork. Now, in 2022, wew liberals and progressives and Never Trumpers have tolerated these dunces and villains long enough. We are out of patience. No more generosity, no more pluralism. Our democracy is at stake, our freedom is at stake we must bring down the hammer.

Anonymous said...

8/26/2022 2:08 PM

What is so odd about Michael Hayden is how little he seems to know about history especially for someone how was the head of the CIA. He compared the Rosenbergs to Trump but anyone with any knowledge of of what the Rosenbergs where accused of to what Trump is accused of would know such a comparison is way beyond dumb. This is on top of the fact that the nuclear secrets at Trumps house sounded like total bs and now appears to be total bs. So (1) Hayden lied. (2) He has no idea of who the Rosenbergs are or what they did. (3) He just believes random crap from MSM. (4) Some combination of 1-3. I have seen Hayden on TV before I would go with (2), he comes across as a beyond total complete utter super supreme idiot of the dumbest order. In fact he is so dumb MSNBC does not like to have him on because it it sorta obvious what kind of intellect they are dealing with. In fact his comment of Trump and the Rosenbergs of "sounds about right" is indication of what you are dealing with. I almost get the sense he has no idea who the Rosenbergs are and just tweeted out some lame response. Look I get a ba in history for Duquesne University is pretty impressive but come on you have to have some clue of the cold war if you work for the CIA. Was this guy someones cousin or did Bush just put in him to say Iraq has WMDs?

You could say how does a total idiot become head of the CIA? Yes how could unqualified clueless person become in charge of large scale national security agency, hmmmm that has never happened before.

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