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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Trump is a Butthead Cowboy!

FBI agents were searching for classified documents about NUCLEAR WEAPONS when they raided Mar-a-Lago, according to report, as Merrick Garland says HE approved search warrant on Trump's Florida home

Did Trump ever visit LANL and their cowboy culture rub off on him?

8/11/2022 6:35 PM


Anonymous said...

What on earth? I have no idea what to even say. The whole story is just nuts.

Anonymous said...

He probably printed the contents of Hillary’s cell phone.

Anonymous said...

Trump obviously had very crucial nuclear documents. They had to be recovered by force. That’s why the FBI negotiated for months before the raid.

I know when a president leaves no one checks anything they take and I presume it they just have file cabinets filled with all the top secret stuff that the aids just stuff in boxes and put in the Uhaul.

Anonymous said...


It now clear that Trump is national security threat. Anyone who continues to support him are also supporting threats to our national security.

Anonymous said...


This story sounds like utter nonsense. (1) Why would Trump even want such information (2) No one checked what they are taking in 2020? (3) If this stuff was so important no one noticed it was missing or needed it in the last 2 years? (4) How would the president even have this stuff just laying around his office in DC that would make it so easy to to take. (5) Even if some of it is true they could have just asked or checked because it is even possible something was taken by accident. For there to be any kind of nefarious intention it implies Trump would also have to know he had data that he should not have or was told you cannot have this data and he still kept it.

Sorry not buying the media narrative on this all.

Now will Scooby allow T1 to be posted but not T2? Why would he do that.

Anonymous said...

LANL connection

MSNBC’s Beschloss, former CIA director Hayden ‘suggest’ Trump be executed for having nuclear documents
Hayden and Beschloss reacted to a report that Trump may have retained nuclear documents after his term

The photo that was tweeted out about Trump also a picture of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Julius had worked at LANL. On June 19, 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, are executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. Both refused to admit any wrongdoing and proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths, by the electric chair.'

All my left wing friends are saying Trump was selling nuclear secrets to Russia.

All I can say is I think a threat of actual civil war is very real. I simply do not see how we are getting out of this.

Anonymous said...

LANL Deputy Director takes documents home and gets fired. Wen Ho Lee takes classified computer programs home and spends a year in solitary. Trump takes classified documents home and nothing.

Trump hit the nail on the head when he said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and no one would notice.

Get ready for 2024 to 2028 to 2032 to ...

Anonymous said...

All I can say is I think a threat of actual civil war is very real. I simply do not see how we are getting out of this.

8/12/2022 3:39 PM

Take a deep breath, calm down, get real. Do you have an actual life?

Anonymous said...

"MSNBC’s Beschloss, former CIA director Hayden ‘suggest’ Trump be executed for having nuclear documents
Hayden and Beschloss reacted to a report that Trump may have retained nuclear documents after his term"

Hayden is also one of the 50 signatories of the letter attesting the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. He is Deep State

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath, calm down, get real. Do you have an actual life?

8/12/2022 7:15 PM

You are right never mind all those professors, ex generals, political scientists and books that say we are following the parallels seen in previous civil wars.

Anonymous said...

"Take a deep breath, calm down, get real. Do you have an actual life?

8/12/2022 7:15 PM"

Ok I am over dramatic person.

The chilling memo, obtained by CBS News, states the agencies 'have observed an increase in violent threats posted on social media against federal officials and facilities, including a threat to place a so-called dirty bomb in front of FBI Headquarters and issuing general calls for 'civil war' and 'armed rebellion.''

Anonymous said...

8/13/2022 10:16 PM

You will obviously believe what you want to believe, and chose your sources based on that (it's called "confirmation bias"). I'm not sure what you get out of being so scared (or excited?), but I'm not going to worry about the crazies on either side.

Anonymous said...

"You will obviously believe what you want to believe, and chose your sources based on that (it's called "confirmation bias"). I'm not sure what you get out of being so scared (or excited?), but I'm not going to worry about the crazies on either side.

8/14/2022 5:34 PM"

Not a bad strategy. Makes for boring blog but probably a good way to through life.

Anonymous said...

Look the FBI took Trumps three passports, they are never ever giving them back, ever, because they know Trump will bail for Russia the moment he can. Think about that. You would not take passport unless you know that this guy was flight. Taking the passports is a big big deal folks.

Anonymous said...

They already gave them back, genius.

Anonymous said...

They already gave them back, genius.

8/16/2022 6:00 PM

Stop watching Tucker Carlson, there is no way they gave them back. Trump colluded with Putin, stole top secret nuclear information, he is being investigated for the espienage act. Do you have any idea how serious this is, do you think Russia just invaded Ukraine for no reason, do you think 1 million Americans died for no reason. It is espionage. So no he is never gong to get those passports back ever. How can American support this mad man, and what the heck happened to Wyoming? Is that place crazy, how it can it even be allowed to have two senators when it has less people than Brooklyn? By throwing Cheny out the Republican party the votes of any single legit Republican in one night. They better condem Wyoming.

Anonymous said...

They already gave them back, genius.

8/16/2022 6:00 PM

I cannot find it in news anywhere, unless you have link to a legit news cite the FBI still has them as far as I know.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

8/17/2022 6:18 PM

I have not found this on Huffington post, NPR or CNN. I suppose I have to concede this right as Newsweek is legit but I find it odd that no else is reporting and all my facebook discussions are saying that Trump had is passports taken away because he is huge flight risk for having top secret documents that put the US in grave danger. There is no proof Trump sold these to Russia but he could have and does anyone doubt he would do this. Maybe the FBI gave the passports back but made such that they cannot be used to travel or they have trackers on them. I hope so.

Anonymous said...

People seem to forget that classified documents are not immune to copiers.

Anonymous said...

One fact revealed by the Mar-a-Lego fiasco is the extent of ignorance about classification levels, categories, process, and law among cable newscasters and their talking heads. ABC, NBC, and CBS are no better informed.

Scooby said...

Media people at ABC CBS and NBC are not familiar with classification levels and procedures because they dont work at National Labs. Clear now?

Anonymous said...

8/20/2022 3:10 PM

Government spokespeople and high-level employees don't understand it either.

Anonymous said...

Scooby said...
Media people at ABC CBS and NBC are not familiar with classification levels and procedures because they dont work at National Labs. Clear now?

8/20/2022 4:51 PM

Scooby this is simply not correct. ABC, CBS and NBC do not have to be familiar with
classification levels, it is their sources that must and do know. They made it very clear that high level anonymous sources pointed out that these are top nuclear secrets that Trump illegally stole. These are sources in the CIA, FBI and NSA, they know this stuff way better that any of us could ever know. So yes the ABC, CBS and NBC do know this stuff solid because the go right to pure source. I think is very dangerous to assume the news media does not know this stuff and sound like one of Trumps attacks on the media. You think they do not vet this stuff before they put it out? Scooby you know better than this.

It has yet to be proven if top secrete docs where sold or intended to be sold to Russia but after all the Russian Trump connections one would have to ignorant to think this is not the case.

To call the Mar-a-Lego raid a fiasco is fake news. You are spreading fake news and you know it.

Scooby said...

First read the comment I was responding to before you say that. Let me rephrase: ABC, CBS etc... don't have to be versed in classification procedures. Why? It is not their competency.

Anonymous said...

"First read the comment I was responding to before you say that. Let me rephrase: ABC, CBS etc... don't have to be versed in classification procedures. Why? It is not their competency.

8/21/2022 8:55 AM"

They should have some idea or least talk to people with an idea. The problem is ABC, CBS, MNSBC are no longer in the businesses of journalism and do not abide by journalist standards. They have no interests in informing the public. They are interested in either selling stores to specific audiences who want to hear certain things that agree with their politics, they want to the most sensational stories to keep people watching or they simply have a political agenda they want to push. I have been a news junkie for some time and the NYT was one of favorite sources. That NYT is long long gone, the current one is full of option pieces toward one side, stories that make certain groups look bad while completely ignoring other stories or most bizarre of all the tendency to cover a story claiming one thing but when if you read it the data shows the opposite. I have no problem with how they want to run their magazine and people are free to read what they want. What gets me is all these so called educated people will come up to me and say "The NYT just reported and showed that..." when in fact the person simply read an opinion piece yet seem not to understand what it means for something to be an opinion piece. I get it NYT wants to sell magazines and people want to read opinions so they can say they are informed but come on.

If you do not believe me just ask your self this, did the FBI give Trumps passport back just days after taking them? It was all over the many news sites that the FBI took them because Trump is a flight risk, yet it was very hard to find anything on these same sites mentioning that the passports where given back. Most people I know insist that Trump never got them back. Why is that? This is just from this week. Why would all these news sites never mention this. I could go through example after example of this. By the way most people I know think the FBI raid had nuclear secrets, however if you look very carefully you find that that story has now died yet the public still think Trump nuclear codes lying around and his passport was taken away because of this. Also they are going on about the "espionage act", yet the same news sites do not tell you what that means or how the espionage act was actually used in the past. I happen to know and you should look up. I do not just mean Wikipedia but really looking it up.

Many of the general public no longer trust anything out of the MSM, and who can blame them, once you have been burned a number of times trust is lost. If you are rational person do you think it is wise to trust something media says? Unless you research it yourself or look at multiple sources you are simply not informed about the world today. A more cynical view is that a big chunk simply is not capable of analyzing news and just believes whatever the read. There is also all these sites that do "fact checking" like news guard or Snopes yet it is trivial to show that they are wrong all the time and they hardly ever correct anything. When they are wrong they often do it in a very corrupt way, like " Democrat candidate ran into the store and eat 10 innocent puppies while wearing a t-shirt" Snopes will say "False"
if you look further it will say the person was wearing a sweater. I had some run in with these new fact checkers on statistics.
What happened was there is claim about crime rates, they asked a stat person who rephrased the same statistics in a different manner they than claimed that the point about crime rates was wrong. I pointed out that the stat person actually confirmed the claim he just stated in a different fashion.

Anonymous said...

The media will often point to studies showing there is no bias, yet no one actually reads the stories or understand them. Below is a link to a classic one which anybody with any understating of math will very rapidly realize that this studies implies the opposite and there is a serious left wing bias in the media. In fact I suspect that the authors know this and that is the real message of the paper. There is something about the way they present their data that is a bit too on the nose. Lets see if you can spot it in first 10 seconds. In other words there is some speculative interpretation but also some plots of hard data that are rather stunning.

There is no liberal media bias in which news stories political journalists choose to cover
HANS J. G. HASSELL HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-6679-4849 JOHN B. HOLBEIN HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0001-5099-3395 AND MATTHEW R. MILES HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-8165-0851Authors Info & Affiliations
1 Apr 2020
Vol 6, Issue 14

Anonymous said...

This blog comment thread is as bad as Fox News or National Review or Breitbart. No actual facts, just wildly ridiculous opinions, and of course, nothing at all to do with LLNL, LANL or any of the national labs, yet Scooby, Mr. "This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA." does nothing to curtail it.

Anonymous said...

8/21/2022 5:41 PM

Like it or not politics does effect the labs. This has always been true. The labs where even involved in fake news early on. During the Wen Ho Lee period at LANL, many MSM including the New York times made wildly inaccurate claims about the events and LANL. Even the NYT had to do a correction on some LANL stories which was of course carried in the far back pages. The claims made by the NYT get brought out the and time again whenever LANL is in the news. What happened with LANL was a wake up call to many just how inaccurate the news media can be and this was 20 years ago and things seem much worse.

In any case if some major civil unrest occurs it most certainly will effect the labs. I can only imagine how but you should not dismiss this possibility lightly.

Anonymous said...

When you think about it, so far this century the US has endured the 9/11 attacks, the War on Terror, the Global Financial Crisis, a complete breakdown of trust, extreme social divisions, chaos at the border, cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of China, humiliation in Afghanistan, war in Europe, record high debts and deficits, inflation, stagflation, and much more. I think we could be heading toward some sort of break up of the United States. Each side thinks the other side are authoritarians. If it comest to this what happens to the labs?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Scooby said...

Media people at ABC CBS and NBC are not familiar with classification levels and procedures because they dont work at National Labs. Clear now?

8/20/2022 4:51 PM

Sorry Julian, that won't fly. The information is readily available to the general public, even including those who pose as investigative journalists at ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Julian, that won't fly. The information is readily available to the general public, even including those who pose as investigative journalists at ABC, NBC, and CBS.

8/25/2022 4:35 PM

I would think they may actually know these things but simply suppress it to keep the hysteria and ratings as high as possible. You have this huge asymmetry in the media now. For example suppose it was the Don Jr "laptop" instead of the Hunter Biden laptop. Do you have any doubt that there would be endless coverage on all the main networks showing every explicit thing with endless calls about how this means Trump is also compromised. Do not get me wrong the Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden so I am not really concerned with personal issues of Hunter. My point is if this was reversed it would be a mass deluge of news from NYT, CNN, Forbes, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC about how serious this is. In any case with the Trump raid it is already that some of it was hypes like the nuclear secretes or the passports but none of this is being stated by the mainstream news. They can bring on some ex general or CIA person to say that maybe it is not that serious or they could bring in someone to say this is worse than 9/11 (they actually did this). If you are a head of news network what would do would you go with, (probably not a big deal) or (huge deal biggest ever!!!!). You got papers to sell and people who want to watch. The media has now learned you can say wrong stuff and no one will ever care, the just want to hear something that confirms their view. No matter how many times the news has gotten something wrong people keep going back. The NYT is not the NYT of 70s, 80s, it is a hollowed out shell of that, but I know people who claim they are super educated and smart because the just read in the NYT something.

Anonymous said...

8/25/2022 9:57 PM

Try making your point more succinctly. Verbosity is bad

Anonymous said...

Where are the nuclear secretes? I thought Trump had them lying around his house to sell to Russia? What did I miss on this?

Anonymous said...

here are the nuclear secretes? I thought Trump had them lying around his house to sell to Russia? What did I miss on this?

8/26/2022 7:13 PM

You missed the same thing the ignorant media missed, nothing was marked S/RD. You should note the silence of the media on "nuclear secrets" in the last few days. Maybe someone pointed out to them the abysmal ignorance of their garrulous talking heads, who continuously refer to each other as "trusted sources."

Scooby said...

Top secret classification is not limited to nuclear secrets. You take
Top secret info home, you are in violation no matter who you are. Lab employees who like trump should think about what can happen to them if they violate security policy.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Scooby said...

Top secret classification is not limited to nuclear secrets.

8/27/2022 4:28 PM

Scooby's got it right TS/RD nuclear weapons, TS/NSI military, or TS/SCI intelligence will all land you in jail if you take them home. Trump? not so much.

Anonymous said...

TS/SCI/HCS will get people dead.

Anonymous said...

It's better to have it on an unclassified server. Question, just how did classified material get onto Hillary's server? Sneaker Net or did they connect an unclassified machine to a classified network?

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have had clearances, how would you have been treated if this was in your home?

Anonymous said...

Question, just how did classified material get onto Hillary's server? Sneaker Net or did they connect an unclassified machine to a classified network?

8/30/2022 10:53 PM

People sent her stuff (with her permission) that was classified, and she created stuff, none of which was properly marked as classified, even though it was classified.

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