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Monday, January 27, 2025

A new national lab?

 Move over LANL and LLNL, we need a entirety new lab!

Exclusive — CIA Director: Trump Admin Considering ‘National Laboratory’ for Artificial Intelligence like Manhattan Project . “We could expand on that with a public-private partnership where a government element could participate, and we’ve done this before—our constellation of national laboratories can be traced back to the Manhattan Project, which we used as a public-private partnership to develop the first nuclear weapon to win World War II.

Maybe we could get Bechtel to run it.


Anonymous said...

Well, they better site it at a place that has a strong and reliable power grid. And that leaves out California.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Contract Honeywell and Bechtel to run it under the supervision of Halliburton and Walmart. Sounds like a winning team to me!

Anonymous said...

I keep wondering if the AI spending spree we are about to embark upon is akin to the Star Wars fantasy where we got the USSR to spend itself into its eventual breakup. I also wonder if the AI scare is related to the Minshaft Gap discussed in the movie Dr. Strangelove.

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