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Friday, January 24, 2025

Work from home

Federal workers are not longer allowed work from home. Will this also occur at LLNL/LANL? Mason made a claim a few days ago that most workers do not work from home. That of course is true amongst pit workers but is far from the truth on the rest of the lab. In may hallway only about of 1/3 of the workers show up and in my directorate about 1/2 the people show up on any one day.
I think a very small percentage are officially work from home. These are the are the people that never show up and you see once a year, however everyone else is unofficially on work from home. I would say that on the whole they are less productive. In fact at LANL they even did some study a showing the drop in scientific productivity even through the lab is as big as ever. I am not sure what it is like at LLNL. The other issue is that Los Alamos is over crowded and it is very difficult to commute. On the other hand things are slower than ever in terms of mass amounts of paper work.

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