I hope this article from the Contra Costa Times answers the question
about the 10%. It is 10% more!
Read the article
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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
I'd say LLNL's in for a hard ride for the next 2.5 years. For those who survive the RIF's they may experience a sweet surprise, but in the meantime a lot of good people are going to get crapped on before it's all over. My biggest heartburn about this transition is the fact they took my UCRP retirement and consequently ruined my life and management wasn't cut by at least 50% but instead grew by forty managers, more than we had prior to this so called cost savings transition. It seems ULM holds the keys to the pearly gates and the sacred grail. What's wrong with this picture Senators. May I suggest to everyone to lok up people in the Lab price and see where the valuable funds are being spend. The people burdens are way out of control and to say the least a joke. maybe someone can send a copy to the blog master and he or she can post it where everyone can use it from home. I found it quit amazing and upsetting to say the least.
50% of us trusted that things will be substantially equivalent and took tcp1. If a TCP1 person gets laid off, the are screwed!
"THEY" knew all of this information before the transition and the troubles that were going to follow. I'll bet the reason they didn't tell you the truth was because they knew if they did 99% of you would have gone TCP-2 driving the cost of operating LLNL through the roof and taking away the TCP-1 pension program for those in ULM who are there strictly to obtain their ( $200K - $400K 100% for life pension ). Do you really belive it about ( "YOU / US" ) at all. Not a chance in holly heck. It is and always has been about "THEM". Sorry if the truth hurts. My only hopes is that it hurts "THEM" real bad to the point where some never get to collect due to medical issues that may derive from stress. This includes all of those in the congress and senate that approved this transiton. I am sure they feel the same way about us. It's back at you, bubba.
12:06 PM "For those who survive the RIF's they may experience a sweet surprise,..."
Pray tell, what do you envision as a "sweet surprise"? Fine crystal urine sample cups, gold plated polygraph leads?
At least the future isn't so bright that I need to buy shades. Money saved there.
"Pray tell, what do you envision as a "sweet surprise"? Fine crystal urine sample cups, gold plated polygraph leads?"
I'll take that any day over being unemployed. Those minor monitoring processes don't bother me a bit.
"I'll take that any day over being unemployed"
Agreed. This economy is sinking fast. This is not the time for the government to be downsizing.
Well, a false positive on that drug test might get you into that unemployment state. Illegal drugs have no place in the workforce and I just hope that the drug testing is fair. But the voodoo science of the polygraph is just plain unacceptable. It is required by Congress.
What would be nice is that any and all members of congress (and their staff) that are able to hear classifed breifings that in any way shape or form have passed though the DOE labs be subject to drug and polygraph testing themselves. If it's good enough for us, it should be good enough for them. I know - dream on.
January 19, 2008 9:19 PM
Nah, what would be nice is to make them all take drug test and then take their pensions away and put them on a 401K telling them, opps, I know we made a promise but due to economic self centered goals we are taking your pension and benefits away and you can only save $20,500 a year for as long as we need your skill set and you are seen as a asset to the goals of the nation. Good luck and have a nice day. Oh and by the way. Social security may not be there neither when you need it. We're to busy letting in mob of illegal aliens from all ports of entry that need your tax dollars so we can hire them at a much lower rate of pay to take your jobs.
But please keep sending in those tax dollars so we can fight a war for oil, when in fact we could be spending $11B a month on becoming totally energy independent and divorce ourselves from the Arab world.
Yes we as a people of the USA are idiots for allowing this country to be run by bonehead congressman and senators who haven't a friggin clue and are there solely to assure big business like bechtel remains and empire. Maybe it's time to cut off the snakes head.
LLNS wants obedient, compliant workers and nothing more.
In about a year or two from now, you'll finally realize that the old LLNL you once knew is completely gone. Some workers will realize this faster than others.
From this point forward, everything you do at LLNL is only for the benefit of your new corporate masters. If you perform well, they will get a bigger profit fee to rip out of your operating budget and send out to the corporate partners. You, on the other hand, will get nothing.
The federal government downsizing??? What a great and novel idea!!! Lets fire all the worthless paper-pushing bureaucrats - starting with DOE, NNSA, the DNFSB, and LSO, so that Lab can hire some real scientists and engineers to solve our nation's problems. Lets also hire back the custodians that were recently RIF'ed.
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