Please post anon.
I was amazed and literally blown away when I found out where I ranked in all three categories below after decades of struggling for recognition for my work ethics, employee reliability, problem solving abilities and job performance. It didn't take me long after viewing my numerical ranking to figure out that being outstanding in all categories wasn't important to LLNL and its management at all. What really mattered was how good of a politician I could have been, was I a good smooger, and how well did I understand how to set myself up to assure a greater income so as to secure a position in the ranking so when there's a RIF I'd be in the top 50% in all three categories listed below. The problem is, I evidently didn't understand the game and played poorly.
When shown my numbers of which I've never seen in almost three decades I concluded that everything I have done for my entire career was a total waste of time and effort. It also told me that when the IVSSOP comes shortly, I'm almost certain that when the line is drawn in the sand as to who they are going to keep and who they are going to dispose of, I will be one of those who'll be shown the door.
I also found that I'm being ranked with those who've manipulated the system to acquire very high salaries, titles / positions that are presumed as being more valuable and therefore are paid more, placing them above me, not because they do anything that constructive or valuable; but because they're paid more by virtue of their position. This confirmed what I suspected all along.
Ranking is by salary, NOT, by value to the programs success.
It confirmed in my mind if you're not a manipulative individual who consistently strives for recognitions understanding how to acquire fame that consequently translates into a commensurate salary achieved, you can spend your career working you fingers to the bone only in the end being left behind in the dust by those who are perceived more valuable, but in facts are less productive than yourself. So do yourself a favor this year.
When you get handed your raise card this year make sure you're shown where you rank in your classifications in these categories.
1. Where do I rank ( lab wide) such as 1-N
2. Where do I rank division wide ( in my classification )
3. Where do I rank in pay scale ( in my classification )
For some such as myself all that's left is self respect, knowing my self worth, and understanding that I'm ranked where I am because I refused to compromise my morals, beliefs and my unwillingness to play the game, a game played by many whom I have no respect for simply becasue they've acquired their positions by virtue of everything I despise. What's sad, is that I've had to come to terms with the fact that politics outweighs righteousness, logic and common sense.
All one can do is be as good as they can be and hopefully while doing so, be happy for the moment; becasue as you can see there will always be those who'll kick you while your down.
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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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LLNS. Please do yourself and the people who work for you a favor. Please DO AWAY with this merit ranking system and put all of the people onto the STEP system. Now is the time to make the transition. Please, no more injustices. Please do this before ranking starts again, which is very soon.
It is not just your performance, but the project that management puts you on. That is another thing that makes this current system so political.
Isn't it misconduct in research to place someone in lower rank groups for political gain?
Every body, including managers, keeps saying that relative value ranking is unfair but nobody seems to do a thing about it.
A few points. First of all I agree that what project you are on has way to large an impact.
Second, don't expect management to be psychic. If you don't keep them in the loop how are they going to know what you are doing? Don't like associating with your boss or other people? Don't be surprised when you are "undervalued". Second, don't expect your group leader to be able to champion your cause by themselves. You need positive exposure with multiple managers. The more the better. When it comes time to do ranking it pays to have multiple people who can speak positively of your efforts.
Don't like it? Complain to whatever higher power you do or don't believe in. It's the way we're wired.
It would be nice to see some other sort of system put in place, but the last thing we need is a STEP based system. Isn't that more or less the way the bungling bureaucracy above us operates? Think about it...
February 9, 2008 2:23 PM
I found the STEP system much better. There was no ranking at all. You got paid (X $ ) for doing a job and when the raise package comes in at X%, everyone in your classification got X%. There was no garbage of being ranked against people who have the same 4 digit classification code as you do but do entirely different jobs; of which there really is no way to be fairly compared to. However by some unclear method of magic when the final 1-N ranking comes out, it shows just how low you can go. Quite demoralizing to say the least.
At least in the STEP system you would remain at your current wage until you put in for a new job that paid more. This is the only way to get a wage increase. Now if all things are fair the most qualified and deserving person for the job will get it. If there's politics and favoritism involved then nothing will help except a law suite.
Having been on both sides of the fence I'll take the STEP system any day. In my case if the STEP system would have been employed many years ago most of those who are paid far more than I am for doing a lot less would be making the same $$ simply because their brown nosing and manipulation of the system would have been squished before it ever got stated, because that avenue doesn't exist.
The STEP system is what Civil Service is about. Do you *really* think that is a good system? We are getting killed by the "C" students in the STEP system. Wake up....
Oh, you work in comp too!
Yes ranking is quite a joke. Over time a managers technical Skills go down, while the pay and ranking goes up within the technical group.
On a good note, at least some of them stay behind their doors and play solitare, so the rest of us can get some work done.
February 9, 2008 6:38 PM
Got news for you guy. It's the "C" students that have risen to the top and are being paid more than you because they figured out how to manipulate the system to get higher wages for doing less. Let me give you an example.
There is a supervisor in who is being paid in excess of $120K a year. He was previously a technician that couldn't hold his own and by no means has the skills to do what many technicians can do with their eyes closed. He was coached by another technical supervisor who became a senior supervisor with the same inability. The senior supervisors coached the wantta-be supervisor I am talking about on just how to pay the game. It's really simple and there are a lot of these people at LLNL. Here's how it goes.
You are a technician and you understand that by being good at what you do will never get you good pay and most certainly will never get you in peer group one or even two for that matter. So you ask a question. How do I make more money so I can have a fat pay check when I retire. The answers simply is you have no principles.
You put in for a supervisors position. Since the people on the board are politicians and have been coaching you, you're a shoe in for the position. The others that interviewed didn't have a chance in heck. You miraculously get promoted to fist line supervisors. The first year, your pay doesn't go up much. You're on probation. But, over the following five years your pay goes up tremendously, in the neighborhood a $2 - $3K a month in income.
Now remember, these people got to be supervisors not for what they know or can do, but by who they knew and with the help of those who also got there in the same fashion. Again, their promotion had nothing to do with their capabilities, as a matter of a fact they got their promotions based on politics, and since they couldn't make it as a technician management had to figure out what to do with them, so they advanced them to the next level of incompetence. This is a good place for them with a few exceptions. Now these incompetent fools are the people who are making the most money for doing the least amount of work and they determine how fast you will move in your career or if you'll move at all. But here's a real kicker for you.
Some of the people and I can name them if you wish decided after about five years into being a supervisor they didn't want to do the job anymore, but in the meantime got their ranked in peer groups that are unobtainable by the best technicians we have. These supervisors now come back to the working world as a technicians once again working side by side to those who've struggled to get close to what these people make. It will never happen. and the reason is simple.
These ex-supervisors pay was never taken from them when the voluntarily got demoted back to a worker. The worse part about this is absolutely terrible. Since they're now in peer group 1 and 2 making the most wages, they always are ranked above you and always make more money; and therefore get the biggest increase in pay simple, because 10% of 10K and month is always bigger than 10% of 6K a month.
Consequently this saga of injustice has gone on for 50 years at LLNL and no one has ever done anything about it. These bunch of incompetent people will now retire with big salaries, but were in fact the worse the lab had to offer; while those who are better have hand the thumb put on them for decades and remain at the bottom to be RIF'd.
So goes that way things are at LLNL.
If LLNL truly wants to get rid of some dead weight please research the database and fine those who have done just this and make sure they're gone by the middle of next month. I'll assure you these are not the best and brightest LLNL has. You find this to be just the contrary.
Now to make sure the people of LLNL understand that not all supervisors and nincompoops I will say I have known very few in the last 30 years who have earned my respect but there is at least a few that I know of who became supervisors for the same reason, money, but are doing a damn fine jobs and it's those who I worked well with.
Like you have heard before, the squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Your group lead has the same worries as you do, so does his manager. It is rare to find a group lead who actually puts his group first. Their objectives is to cater to their boss first!
Hey 12:33!
May be with LLNS, these injustices will be stopped!
February 10, 2008 5:27 PM
I seriously doubt it. If LLNS was going to stop this they'd stop it this month before the good old boy system has one more chance to promote their lackeys to the next pay grade while robing their funds from those who actually do the work. These donors are normally viewed as callus or assertive yet they produce more in one day then most do in a week. But that's not important. Not only that but the people who are held down see issues that need to be corrected, but when those issues are brought up they're squished for two reasons. One reason is, they're correct, and two it would make those in a position of being able to make these changes look as if they've been sitting on their cans for decades never once striving for efficiency and excellence. In other words it would make them look bad and since it wasn't the leads idea evidently it's not worth pursing since the lead wouldn't get the credit. We can't have that, can we.
I knew the game was rigged long ago, only took a minute to read the descriptions of the ranking groups. Top tier was reserved for people who hobnob and had nothing to do with technical skill.
I never had a high rank, despite multiple peer-nominated awards and saving the bacon of my higher-ups a couple of times.
I watched managers trample over other people's careers, get caught in wrongful activities, and promoted despite that.
I'm happy with who I am, a lowly grunt with a clean conscience. Somethings are more important than money.
Your attitude, more than your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
At the lab this is most definitely true. Unfortunite but still ture.
hey 10:47AM!
Don't forget that managers surround themselves with followers and tail-waggers!
The minute you question the system, you are on a the list!
"Don't forget that managers surround themselves with followers and tail-waggers! The minute you question the system, you are on a the list!"
February 11, 2008 1:08 PM
To Friggin Bad. They need to be told when they're wrong and they need to listen, but there lies the problem. They think they know everything and are God almighty to the point where once they've become one of the boys they're afraid to wag the tail in protection of their own career where in the meantime the steam roller keep right on rolling. Wimps.
I see you people are worried about your ranking, I would not worry to much, your job will be out sourced as soon as you are layed off; LLNS just wacked 200 skill craft workers and now they are quitly posting skill craft jobs with temp agencies. Check out the PLUS GROUP! wanted plumbers for large government facility located in livermore.
PlumberCompany:The Plus Group
Job Category:
Rate / Fee:$29.00 / Hourly
Location:Livermore, California
Creation Date:Thursday, February 07, 2008
A large government facility in Livermore is seeking a journeyman level Plumber. Responbilities include: install, modify, troubleshoot, repair, and maintaining plumbing for facilities equipment and structure. Requires continuous standing and walking, frequent exertion of 6 to 20 pounds, and occasional exertion of 21 to 80 pounds. Also must be able to climb ladders and gain access to difficult areas around mechanical equipment, building systems, lofts, and roofs.
Major Duties: Duties shall include, but not be limited to planning and performing operations such as preventive and corrective maintenance on pipes, fitting and fixtures of heating, water, and drainage systems. Assemble and install valves, pipe fittings, and pipe composed of metals such as iron, steel, brass, lead, and nonmetals such glass, vitrified clay, and plastic. Install and repair plumbing fixtures such as sinks, commodes, water heaters, hot water tank, irrigation system, showers, and water softer. Repair and maintain plumbing by replacing washer in leaky faucets, mending burst pipes, and opening clogged drains. Preventive maintenance of cartridge water filters and fire valves. Assist with the Water Treatment program. Perform work using industry-standard plumbing codes and safety practices.
Ranking and Outsources. RIf'd and then hire more of the same for less. Can anyone see what's going on? You Make To Much Money
It is happening at LANL too. Look at the lanl blog
"Applications wanted for Machinist Apprenticeship Program"
Now if we could only find a way to outsource management. hmm...
February 11, 2008 11:12 PM
They did but LLNS made one mistake. They didn't have a change of command the day they took over whereby all LLNL UML was relieved of duty immediately.
"It is happening at LANL too. Look at the lanl blog
"Applications wanted for Machinist Apprenticeship Program""
So what? LANL has had a very successful Machinist Apprenticeship Program over the years - this is how they develop a quality core staff of machinists. Most are young, promising individuals with good basic mechanical skills. The successful students become LANL employees. The program is good for both students and the Lab - after all, northern New Mexico doesn't have a large pool of qualified machinists just sitting around waiting for the Lab to pick them up.
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