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Monday, March 26, 2012

NNSA, Livermore Officials Struggle To Mitigate NIF Funding challenges Todd Jacobson

Anonymously contributed:

Read this


Anonymous said...

... The funding changes
would lead to a reduction of 550 NIF workers, the elimination of the inertial confinement fusion
program at the facility, and NIF would be “placed in a standby condition,” Moses said in his

And the downside would be what?

Anonymous said...

... The funding changes
would lead to a reduction of 550 NIF workers, the elimination of the inertial confinement fusion
program at the facility, and NIF would be “placed in a standby condition,” Moses said in his

March 26, 2012 7:27 PM

About time. Finally this corrupt farce will end.

Anonymous said...

About 6 billion dollars too late.

Anonymous said...

Moses has been getting a free ride for the past two years by continuing to get a reduced tax rate after the construction was finished. Paying his fair share will cost 140 million (450 employees) and the proposed 30 million cut (100 employees). It will also mean that the NIF landscape and Disney motif banners will just have to scrape by with minimal upgrades.

Anonymous said...

"Moses has been getting a ride for the past two years ..."

Actually, NIF has been cooking the books a lot longer than that. The only way they could do that was with NNSA/DOE buy-in. It's time for a major audit and dealing out consequences.

Anonymous said...

If NIF has such a big finding problem, then why are they painting all the NIF buildings inside with bright colors? Is it to fool the employees that they work in a "happy" place?

Time to pay your fair share EM! You have known there was and end to the cheap rates for years. Didn't you have that in your world class project plan?

BTW heard changes are coming on the EBA policy. Wonder if there is a limit to how long an EBA stays employed. If 49 EBAs are released a month there is no announcements needed.

Anonymous said...

Ed is a shark, these are his home waters. Watch and behold the beast.

"Cut my program = no results"

Parney is no match.

Ed would have understood the obvious error of the costly excess caution of resuming TCP-1 contributions at this point in 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

NIF has got to be one of the biggest scientific boondoggles ever pulled off by a science lab upon the taxpayers of the United States.

Such a disgraceful and expensive project sold with copious amounts of lies and empty promises by top LLNL managers with absolutely no scruples.

Anonymous said...

The NIF instrument and diagnostics now work well as the original specifications required. A tremendous technical accomplishment that the 1000s who contributed to, me included, can be very proud.

Now it can be used to explore the physics.... which of course is the point of EXPERIMENTAL science.

Anonymous said...

Now it can be used to explore the physics.... which of course is the point of EXPERIMENTAL science.

April 7, 2012 10:45 PM

You neglect to mention that NIF was sold as a necessary means to study WEAPONS SCIENCE. Never happened, and never will. NIF is irrelevant to weapons science (i.e., secondary performance).

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where to find the original letter from Moses?

Anyone know where to find the original source of this article?

Anonymous said...

I think it came from here
But they want $1.5k per year for access

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