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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The 2013 R&D 100 Awards

The 2013 R&D 100 Awards are out.

Looks like LBNL is tops as primary developer both overall and among the DOE sponsored labs, with LLNL second for DOE sites.

LBNL - 7
SNL- 3
ANL - 3
ORNL - 3
LANL - 2
NREL - 2
Y-12 - 1
PNNL - 1
INL - 1

The non-DOE national lab, Lincoln Laboratory - 2


Anonymous said...

LLNL is still messing around with dtem? I thought caltech was far ahead of them in technology development.

It goes to show, these awards are selected only from those that apply.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it time to take that money from the labs and give it to other organizations who need it.

Anonymous said...

It's not quantity, it's quality guys........

Anonymous said...

I just love this in the B&W press release on these awards....

"Three National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) sites where The Babcock & Wilcox Co. (B&W) operates have been selected as recipients of R&D Magazine's 2013 R&D 100 Awards.

Sites honored include the Y-12 National Security Complex, where Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services Y-12 LLC is the prime contractor, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), where B&W serves as a member of the management and operating team."

Could someone... anyone... please tell me what B&W has done to contribute anything towards LLNL getting these awards.

At least before the LLNS coup, when UC put out similar press releases on these awards, Lab employees were technically UC employees. I don't know of a single B&W employee that did anything connected to the work at LLNL that won the awards.

Anonymous said...

B&W does all the thankless infrastructure work that enables ivory tower types to do their work and self nominate for these glamour awards. Same for many other sub-contractors.

Anonymous said...

B&W does all the thankless infrastructure work that enables ivory tower types to do their work and self nominate for these glamour awards. Same for many other sub-contractors.

This must come from a B&W employee. I really would like to see that infrastructure work. My lab has an AC which does not work, but when I asked for a replacement, the quote I got was 26K. Please, spare me the infrastructure bull. The infrastructure is crumbling so that we can have lots of managers:
Latest count at LANL
1 Director
1 Deputy
16 AD

not to mention all their deputies.

No wonder my overhead disappears paying for this "infrastructure" and not the real one.

Anonymous said...

If they are not living up to their contractual obligations then your lab should never have partnered with them.

Anonymous said...

5:33am is essentially claiming breach of contract?

Anonymous said...


I work in Facilities &. Infrastructue at LLNL, and don't know a single "B&W" employee working at LLNL. We are basically doing the exact same things we were doing when UC was running this Lab and we were UC employees. Now we just have a lot less money to spent on infrastructure due to B&W and Bechtel sucking money out of the lab's overhead budget in their undeserved multi million dollar management fee.

Anonymous said...

Would be interesting to see what is exactly in that contract with them.

Anonymous said...

We're they paid to do any kind of service or delivered some product/equipment or anything in support of the lab? If so they deserve even some small amount of credit warranting the brag points about the R&D awards. If you are saying they didn't do anything but got paid.... That's a different matter.

Anonymous said...

Infrastructure employee compensation is just too high above market levels. They should contract out infrastructure to Honeywell or others who can do it cheaper and allow cost savings to be passed onto mission critical activities.

Anonymous said...

B&w does facilities management according to their website. So my guess is that they help manage assurance, operations and compliance areas and has impact on infrastructure. You must be very far down on the totem pole to even come within earshot of the b&w suits.

Anonymous said...

1:19 pm,

I am pretty high in Facilities & Infrastructure management, and there are no B&W suits in 551E or the 511 complex. No one walking around in a B&W polo shirt or with B&W on their badge.

The F&I AD did come from URS at Savannah River Site, but I have never ever heard him say; "well URS says we have to do it this way."

Check the LLNS website, whom among the key personnel have been connected to B&W?

Anonymous said...

then hmm. B&W must be doing service to the lab in other ways. maybe they supply equipment for the power plant?

Anonymous said...

Do what MacMillan says.. follow the money!

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