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Friday, February 28, 2014

New Mexico nuke dump workers exposed...

Tests show New Mexico nuke dump workers exposed...

This looks bad!

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) -- Thirteen workers were exposed to radiation during a recent leak at the nation's underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico, according to the results of preliminary tests announced Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Energy and the contractor that runs the Waste Isolation Pilot Project said in a joint news release that they have notified the workers of the positive results and will do further testing. They declined to comment further until a news conference Thursday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Wow this is sad for the exposed workers as well as the surrounding community. Since most of the waste came from Los Alamos, this release event is going to have impact beyond just the local community. Were any of the exposed workers LANL employees or contractors?

Anonymous said...

Now that WIPP is closed for an indefinite period, where is all the LANL waste going to be sent? If it is going to sit out in the open, it would have been better off left buried in the WW II era landfills.

Anonymous said...

Again DOE/NNSA proves it cannot operate the facility, it was the first experiment of this type, the DOE promised all of the citizens around that area and the nation as a whole that it was the safest facility that they operate.....

Anonymous said...

I remember the DOE stating that their would never be ANY above ground radiation, it would all be contained under ground?

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2014 at 11:05 AM:

So your assertion is that with any management that *can* operate a facility, that no accidents or unforeseen incidents will ever occur? There was a minor release of radioactivity from a facility that does nothing but handle radioactive material. Like that's never happened before in the history of the world. No one ever promised there would never be any accidental release of radioactivity. And in fact, the facility is safe. No one was injured by the release, and major steps have been taken to monitor exposed workers' health. This sort of thing will happen and should be expected at any such facility. If there were no expectation of that, why have an extensive network of radiation monitors all around the facility? Your chicken-little, know-nothing reaction is not doing the people of the area, who depend on the local jobs and still strongly support WIPP, any favors.

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