Devastating NIF graphic:
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
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Moron ! Doesn't understand ignition !
It would look better on a log plot...
I do not recall Albright ever saying that NIF would achieve ignition in the next fiscal year. He may have said that the NIC had an ignition deadline in the next fiscal year.
Ignition is NOT defined as a system GAIN of unity, e.g. 2 MJ UV laser input, 2 MJ total fusion output (thermal, kinetic, X-rays, ..). Ignition is the "convergence" of several critical parameters that define an ignition threshold factor. When that factor is unity +/- say 20% we have achieved ignition. Refined target design, laser pulse shaping, higher UV energy input, etc...tuning would be required to get the system gain required for a fusion plant.
Ignition is defined as whatever is needed to bilk the American taxpayer out of enough dollars to float LLNL for the next few years. Yes, llnl IS NIF and NIF IS LLNL.
Yes, llnl IS NIF and NIF IS LLNL.
April 28, 2014 at 7:15 PM
If what you say is true, then LLNL is dead.
Oh please, ITF is a simworld parameter grounded in the same simulations that are simply WRONG and can't be relied upon anymore. Reality ain't simworld. Gain = 1 means neutron energy out = laser energy in, has for years and years, long before the gamers came up with "ITF".
Gain = 1 means total energy out (not just neutron) = laser energy in
The alpha particle energy gets counted in the balance.
Any power out that can't be used to produce electricity in a plant shouldn't count. Just common sense.
Alpha particles don't leave in a high areal density implosion, they stop and heat the plasma, which boosts the fusion rate and makes more neutrons that do mostly escape. Only neutrons and photons get out to be counted, and only neutrons get counted in the balance. Been the working definition for a lot of years.
Been the working definition for a lot of years.
April 29, 2014 at 7:22 PM
Needs to be modified if you want credibility as a commercial power source.
Yes of course, but the reference was to the definition of gain = 1.
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