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Monday, November 24, 2014

E-mail trail does not support claims of Lab Director!

E-mail trail does not support claims of Lab Director!

“The Lab was very open with the Department of Energy and the Carlsbad Field Office about hypotheses under evaluation, with daily discussions on all efforts to discover the cause of the breach and to ensure the safety and security of the remaining drums,” McMillan wrote in the memo to lab workers Monday.

But emails that were the basis for the news report contradict McMillan’s memo. Those messages, colored at times by outrage from WIPP officials about what they weren’t told by LANL, show that despite daily briefings between WIPP and Los Alamos personnel about the ongoing investigations into the leak, a week passed before WIPP officials learned of Clemmons’ findings about the potentially explosive mixture in the waste.

Officials at WIPP became aware of Clemmons’ memo only after a Department of Energy employee at LANL leaked it to a colleague in Carlsbad, who then shared it with them. The discovery prompted decision-makers at WIPP to postpone a scheduled expedition by employees to collect specimens for scientific testing in the area where the drum burst.


Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me a bit is Clemmons "withheld" the C-DO chemistry memo from WIPP. If you know Clemmons he's a "slick" as "slick Willie". All this makes McMillan quite frankly a "lier".

Anonymous said...

Sad. It makes Charlie look like a liar and/or like he's clueless and only knows what his subordinates tell him. Not flattering.

Hey Congress, how much money is this for-profit-LLC-based National Lab contracting policy saving us taxpayers?

How is it doing at preventing botched jobs, cost-overruns and security disasters?

How many campaign contributions did you get from UC and Bechtel principals to visit this plague on us? Looks like you and they got rich on this scheme, but the workers who actually earned those award fees got constant-dollar pay cuts, scapegoating and reductions-in-force.

Thanks. It's been great.

Anonymous said...

"Sad. It makes Charlie look like a liar and/or like he's clueless and only knows what his subordinates tell him. Not flattering."

Sad??? Charlie has made millions upon millions and will laughs at all you fools. You are the ones that are clueless, pathetic and sad. See what being honest does for fools. The rules have changed and it the really smart people that have made out big-time. It is about business smarts not book smarts but you nerds never get that so shame on you...ha ha ha. If you did not get rich in the contract change that maybe you where not smart enough to cash and you nerds have no right to disparage those that took advantage of the situation. Revenge of the C students is sweet, so bow down to the winners!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like being unethical, a crook, and a liar makes you a "winner." Ask your Mom if she agrees. Ask your wife and kids if they agree. Oh, you don't have any of those things? Not surprised. Loser.

Anonymous said...

"...See what being honest does for you..."

Another Madoff, Skilling, and Lay fan club member. Official change in business practices will arrive at LANSLLNS eventually.

Anonymous said...

" Winning ! " - Charlie "GQ" McMillan

Anonymous said...

" Winning ! " - Charlie "GQ" McMillan

November 30, 2014 at 7:29 PM

I think the whole lot of you are just jealous of the people who played the game and won. For 1.5 million I bet you would "do the right thing" as well.

Anonymous said...

I think the whole lot of you are just jealous of the people who played the game and won.

November 30, 2014 at 10:01 PM

There is no "winning" in those actions. Only losing with some temporary profit. I feel sorry for believers in situational ethics and moral equivalency like you. You are as bereft of any true belief and guiding philosophy as any of the infamous evil-doers of history, but since you also lack any real intelligence, society as a whole has little to fear from you, thank God.

Anonymous said...

"There is no "winning" in those actions. Only losing with some temporary profit. "

Life is "temporary" you have to play the cards you are dealt and play win. You high ideals sound nice but people like talk the talk but never walk the walk, this is how we got this point so you have no right to judge those who want to make lemonade out being handed lemons.

Anonymous said... have no right to judge those who want to make lemonade out being handed lemons.

December 1, 2014 at 9:01 PM

You got it completely wrong, a society can only survive with a minimal moral and ethical standard. If not, it is the survival of the meanest. But maybe that is what you are advocating.

But with you attitude, you should apply for a management position at one of the Labs, that is what they are looking for.

Anonymous said...

"...Those who intend on becoming great should love neither themselves or their own things, but only what is just, whether it happens to be done by themselves or others..." Plato

Making lemonade from lemons is an "as long as I get mine" LANSLLNS cop out and no better than a criminal taking the opportunity to steal beer when the power goes out at 7-Eleven.

Anonymous said...

Making lemonade from lemons is an "as long as I get mine" LANSLLNS cop out and no better than a criminal taking the opportunity to steal beer when the power goes out at 7-Eleven.

December 2, 2014 at 8:30 AM

Yes, it makes one wonder exactly how he "got his."

Anonymous said...

"...But with you attitude, you should apply for a management position at one of the Labs, that is what they are looking for..."

LANSLLNS is overdue for a 1990s style "Tiger Team" audit for a basket of questionable business practices.

Anonymous said...

LANSLLNS is overdue for a 1990s style "Tiger Team" audit for a basket of questionable business practices.

December 2, 2014 at 8:47 AM

Yeah, well, I went through that, and it was not pretty. But the line workers took the brunt, having been delegated by upper management to "deal with it." Upper management got to listen to the out-briefs, pledge corrective actions, and bid farewell to the "Tiger Teams." Nothing else happened.

Anonymous said...

A serious concern should be troubling to the citizens that pay tax funds to support the lavish lifestyle of the lab director. If he does not see anything wrong with hiding information over a relatively minor matter such as internal chemistry experiments, where does it stop? We all see that he makes such an overblown deal out of his annual letter at every all hand's meeting, and now you must wonder just how anyone could believe anything that he says.

Anonymous said...

We all see that he makes such an overblown deal out of his annual letter at every all hand's meeting, and now you must wonder just how anyone could believe anything that he says.

December 4, 2014 at 3:11 PM

If you knew anything about how this annual "letter" is generated, and at what effort all over the Laboratory, you'd be less dismissive. It isn't Charlie "lying." it is essentially the entire weapons program technical staff telling it like it is. The extensive report accompanying the "letter" is what counts, and it reflects the entire scientific and technical effort of the weapons program. Don't be so quick to impugn all those people.

Anonymous said...

LANS is run by a gang of pathologic white collar criminals.

Once you fully understand that, everything else at the lab finally starts to make sense.

Anonymous said...

"The extensive report accompanying the "letter" is what counts, and it reflects the entire scientific and technical effort of the weapons program."

Any Typos?

Anonymous said...

"The extensive report accompanying the "letter" is what counts, and it reflects the entire scientific and technical effort of the weapons program?

December 5, 2014 at 3:51 PM

How many of you remember Mike Heartling acting like the Mattell Chatty Cathy pull string doll during his Annual Assessment briefing to the Director by pulling his string on the side of his hip stating "the W88 does not require a nuclear test". Isn't Mike the Deputy Division Director of Design Physics?

Anonymous said...

You are all being way too hard on Charlie. After all, he was the ONLY person in the country that was qualified to ascend to the director's position. He even said so in his very first interview after moving on up. Come on now, give the man a break. You are behaving as if there might have been, just maybe, some other qualified individuals that were passed over.

Get over it, Charlie never had a chance at success. Compared to other potential directors, he was not the best qualified for the position. What he had going for him is that he was Mike's hand picked successor, and Pattiz and UC never openly looked at viable alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Is Michael Anastasio still getting paychecks as a "consultant" to the NNSA labs? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Anastasio is an Advisory member of the LANS Board of Directors guess he gets a hefty paycheck for that. Also, according to the LANS web site:

"He is widely recognized for his leadership in national security science and is currently serving on the State Department International Security Advisory Board, the Defense Department Defense Science Board, as a Special Advisor to the Commander of the United States Strategic Command, as a member of the Corporation of the Draper Laboratory, as a member of the Congressional Advisory Panel on the Governance of the Nuclear Security Enterprise, and as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Peer Review and Design Competition at the NNSA Laboratories."

Guess what all that pays? Hint: Not zero.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago it was posted by UCOP that LLNS and LANS Board members earned six figures per year. That is on top of the nice retirement packages from each Lab for Emeritus Directors.

Mike may be many things, but financially handicapped is not among them.

Back to the OP, Mike also was not known for having the local newspaper print e-mail trails that didn't support statements from his lab wide memos. It is well past time for Charlie to move on and join Mike in the ranks of the retired.

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