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- Posts and comments are posted several times a day.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Anonymous said...
This "Rumors" post is truly the most ridiculous thing I have read on this blog.
11/20/2014 6:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Only because Scooby deleted all the previous posts (i.e., context) for it. Go figure.
11/20/2014 7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
To the guy who posted this: Yawwn!
11/21/2014 1:28 AM
Anonymous said...
To the guy who posted this: Yawwn!
You're reading the LLNL blog at 1:28 am? Loser! Must be nice to not have to get in to the lab until 11 am. Union I suppose. -
11/21/2014 10:34 AM
Anonymous said...
This "Rumors" post is truly the most ridiculous thing I have read on this blog.
November 20, 2014 at 6:05 PM
Yeah, well, I heard from a very reliable source in upper management that the guy who started the thread is the love child of Tomas Diaz de la Rubia who was secretly sent by the NNSA to serve on a commando team in Iraq led by Parney Albright who voluntarily left LLNL due to the coverup caused by the guy at WIPP without a PhD who used chili instead of non-organic cat litter because he was upset when he heard there was about to be a layoff without a VSIP due to the IG investigation into Charlie McMillan's wardrobe that is causing NIF to miss its milestones because no one at Sandia knows how to safely drive to the barber used by DOE Secretary Moniz who is planning to head the UC-only effort to regain the LANL contract in 2017 after PNNL merges with the United Autoworkers Union because some dude with a cool name like Omar Hurricane accused a colleague of plagiarism when he learned that Under Secretary Klotz doesn't know how to spell. -
11/21/2014 10:49 AM
Anonymous said...
Now that's more like it! I come here for "The True Story" because that's what the blog is called. Finally someone who actually knows something! Thank you!
11/21/2014 11:49 AM
Anonymous said...
11/21/2014 7:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Rumors song. Now that's funny.
11/21/2014 10:12 PM
Anonymous said...
What rumor turned out to be not true? The manager who took his secretary on all his trips. The lame 2013 buy out. The contract going to Rectal. The speratic layoffs. The annual LBGT pride month. The one about NIF working. The one about the head cheese using LLNL electricians to wire his house with project and task numbers. The list goes on and on and on. I do not know if you understand reality. We have become what we despise.
11/22/2014 4:15 PM
Anonymous said...
The list goes on and on and on. I do not know if you understand reality. We have become what we despise.
November 22, 2014 at 4:15 PM
Some of us made our very well. It is all perception in the end, the idea of some kind of reality or ethical foundation was always just a pathetic illusion. Some of us embraced the new reality of the labs and made it work for us. The people that despise themselves only do so because they did not adapt. Of course these same people blame "the system" the corporate mentality, and so on but they are just lying to themselves. These people have now been proven fools. Yes it is about who you know and what you do for them. Always has been and always will be. The labs just where an aberration for some time but that time is over now, long over and will never be coming back. People did not become what the despise, they always where what they despise it just took a contract change for them to see themselves in the mirror. -
11/22/2014 8:21 PM
Anonymous said...
We all construct our own reality.
November 23, 2014 at 8:13 AM
At your peril. How about a cinema theme? Reality Bites. -
11/23/2014 10:46 AM
Anonymous said...
"At your peril. How about a cinema theme? Reality Bites.
November 23, 2014 at 10:46 AM"
Indeed Sir, we are totally in agreement. Reality Bites is a film about naive realists who believe in an intellectual and ethical world that does not exits. The point that the film reveals is that the world is about power, money, expectations and accountability. This may seem shocking to the uninitiated but is is true. Reality does bite those who do not create or control reality. Many deny the new reality at the NNSA labs but for others who accept the true reality it has paid off. For those who have not embraced the new NNSA ways, you have no right to complain and will soon be left behind. History rewards those who adapt and forgets those who cling to silly notions of right and wrong. This is the way it has been and the way it always will be. -
11/23/2014 11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
I will crush your throat with a telepathic Vulcan nerve pinch.
November 24, 2014 at 9:31 AM
Oh, get real. -
11/24/2014 11:59 AM
Anonymous said...
a vice?
11/24/2014 3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
A person doesn't need to "embrace the new NNSA way" to be financially successful or avoid being left behind. A person only needs to know how to effectively work the system.
My productively has dropped to around 30%. It is now rare when I am in the office more than eight hours a day. I enjoy the euphemistic two-hour lunches. I no longer take initiative because successful initiative brings nothing but additional headaches from management. Since the transition, I have redirected 4-5 million dollars of sponsor funds to other organizations due to the hassles and roadblocks created by Laboratory bureaucrats. Do I really need to write five progress reports every month for the same project?
All this, yet I am well compensated and continue to receive above average raises. My management is so clueless and out of touch with everything but themselves that they don't realize how little I accomplish. Other than changing the date, I submitted the same evaluation input the last two years. I have not seen my supervisor in over a year. But I perform a few tasks well and make certain that these tasks are visible to those who have exaggerated opinions of themselves and their self importance.
Why would a person embrace an organization that is wasteful, ineffective, and dysfunctional when it is much easier to sit back and put it on cruise control? The paychecks keep coming and the pension keeps growing. Shame and laziness pay well. No, I do not embrace it, but I have successfully adapted to the new NNSA way. -
11/24/2014 7:10 PM
Anonymous said...
My management is so clueless and out of touch with everything but themselves that they don't realize how little I accomplish.
November 24, 2014 at 7:10 PM
If everyone were like you, where would this country be? You are a pathetic excuse for a rational, professional, self-confident, competent employee. You attempt to rationalize your slacking off by saying your employers don't deserve more from you. Well, why not find employers who do?? Why have you given up on your own career and life?? How does that make you feel? I'm assuming you once felt ambition and excitement about your career. Why did you let the assholes of the world take that away from you? Don't you owe your wife and kids a better response? Grow up and take charge of your own life, for Christ's sake! -
11/24/2014 7:32 PM
Anonymous said...
"November 24, 2014 at 7:32 PM"
Your words are rather harsh but they are not accurate. "You are a pathetic excuse for a rational, professional, self-confident, competent employee. " The key word is "rational". Economic theory discusses rational actions and makes the basic assumption that people work in their best interests. If one works in a system where hard work, innovation, creativity and honesty pays off, than rational actors will attain these qualities. On the other hand if they work in a system where there opposite is rewarded they will act accordingly. Poster 7.32 PM is just acting rationally to the set of conditions that the lab is in.
Another example are things like the Tour de France. Where all the bicyclists low down cheats or where they simply acting in their best interests in the system that they where in. As for the current state of LLNS the definition of what management would term as " rational, professional, self-confident, competent employee" would correspond to a silent non trouble making, box checker who keeps the system going. 7:32 PM in fact is acting rationally to meet the standards of a competent professional employee as defined within the current culture.
11/25/2014 6:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Please look up "were" vs "where."
11/25/2014 8:47 AM
Anonymous said...
11/25/2014 2:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
November 25, 2014 at 2:55 PM
Medium Rare! -
11/25/2014 8:45 PM
Anonymous said...
"Only an overpaid Union employee would be thinking of food at a time like this.
November 26, 2014 at 4:06 PM"
Stick a fork in it, your done. -
11/26/2014 7:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Better song for LLNL, since we're all a bunch of tough guys:
Take this job and shove it
I ain't workin' here no more
Woman done left
Took all the reason
I was working for
Ya, better not try to stand in my way
As I'm walkin', out that door
You can take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
Well, I been working in this factory
For now on fifteen years
All this time, I watched my woman
Drownin' in a pool of tears
And I've seen a lot of good folks die
Who had a lot of bills to pay
I'd give the shirt right off of my back
If I had the guts to say...
The foreman, he's a regular dog
The line boss, he's a fool
He got a flat top haircut
Lord, the boy thinks he's cool
One of these days
I'm gonna blow my top
And that sucker, he's gonna pay
I can't wait
Until I get the nerve
To walk up to him and say...
Take this job and shove it -
11/28/2014 7:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Take this job and shove it
November 28, 2014 at 7:52 PM
If I ever heard this from an actual LANS or LLNS employee, I would thank God and think I went to Heaven. Unfortunately, it won't happen in the current environment of self-pity, left-over entitlement, surprised end of scientist-worship, and gutless cowering and whining. Go ahead, all you strong-guy wannabees, say it: "Take this job and..."!!! -
11/28/2014 8:51 PM
Anonymous said...
"If I ever heard this from an actual LANS or LLNS employee, I would thank God and think I went to Heaven. Unfortunately, it won't happen in the current environment of self-pity, left-over entitlement, surprised end of scientist-worship, and gutless cowering and whining. Go ahead, all you strong-guy wannabees, say it: "Take this job and..."!!!
November 28, 2014 at 8:51 PM"
This is not accurate. Since the contract change there has been a significant number of people who have voted with their feet and left the labs. -
11/29/2014 8:49 AM
Anonymous said...
Since the contract change there has been a significant number of people who have voted with their feet and left the labs.
November 29, 2014 at 8:49 AM
Cite reliable statistics, please. -
11/29/2014 9:26 AM
Anonymous said...
There are no available public statistics.
However, we can only be comforted that, even if several folks have voted with their feet, those remaining are the cream, help LLNL rise to the top! -
11/29/2014 11:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Cite reliable statistics, please.
November 29, 2014 at 9:26 AM
It was 14610 FY 2010
11782 FY 12
Now it is 9700 FY2014
11/29/2014 1:32 PM
Anonymous said...
November 29, 2014 at 9:26 AM
Please look up "site" vs "cite." -
11/29/2014 9:55 PM
Anonymous said...
No need to - "cite" was used properly.
11/30/2014 10:40 AM
Anonymous said...
If I ever heard this from an actual LANS or LLNS employee, I would thank God and think I went to Heaven. Unfortunately, it won't happen in the current environment of self-pity, left-over entitlement, surprised end of scientist-worship, and gutless cowering and whining. Go ahead, all you strong-guy wannabees, say it: "Take this job and..."!!!
November 28, 2014 at 8:51 PM
Wrong Sir.
LLNL is situated in a tough cowboy town of real men. Go to Polomoni's bar, where you better mind your manners or else.
Also, we have the "world's fastest rodeo" where the real men show off their talents around the sheep pen.
11/30/2014 4:45 PM
Anonymous said...
LLNL is situated in a tough cowboy town of real men. Go to Polomoni's bar...
November 30, 2014 at 4:45 PM
If you think a bar is where you find "real men" then you aren't one. Or a real woman. -
11/30/2014 10:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Please look up "were" vs "where."
12/01/2014 6:09 AM
Anonymous said...
If you think a bar is where you find "real men" then you aren't one. Or a real woman.
November 30, 2014 at 10:13 PM
I guess real men work at Weapons labs and whine about the work conditions through blogging.
12/01/2014 10:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Real men never whine. They also don't hang out in bars.
12/01/2014 1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
If I wanted to hear from you, I'll ask your wife.
12/01/2014 1:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Settle down tough-guys. Everyone knows the ladies wear the pants at LLNL. How else can you explain the gender biased promotions?
or is this just a "rumor" that you can read on Newsline just about weekly? -
12/01/2014 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
If I wanted to hear from you, I'll ask your wife.
December 1, 2014 at 1:53 PM
Obviously you don't have one. Not surprising. -
12/01/2014 7:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Obviously you don't have one. Not surprising.
December 1, 2014 at 7:14 PM
Hey pal, you're blogging at 7:14pm. Wife must be out shopping. Go change the baby's diapers, will ya; and remember, wipe down.
By the way I'm married, and my wife thinks you're the result of playing soccer rather than football growing up. -
12/01/2014 9:01 PM
Anonymous said...
"By the way I'm married, and my wife thinks you're the result of playing soccer rather than football growing up.
December 1, 2014 at 9:01 PM"
Funny your wife said that about her kids, and that is why she is called a soccer mom, if you know what I mean, and many and I do mean many of us know what that means. -
12/01/2014 9:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey pal, you're blogging at 7:14pm. Wife must be out shopping.
December 1, 2014 at 9:01 PM
Nope, my wife was still at work, and I was sitting at the computer in the kitchen waiting for the next step in preparing dinner. If your wife is "out shopping" at dinner time, that tells me something. -
12/02/2014 8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Nope, my wife was still at work, and I was sitting at the computer in the kitchen waiting for the next step in preparing dinner. If your wife is "out shopping" at dinner time, that tells me something.
December 2, 2014 at 8:51 AM
Hey Gourmet,
1. I bet you wife is at work.
2. I bet you're at the computer preparing something.
12/02/2014 9:00 AM
Anonymous said...
I think you boys need to blow off some steam with the heavy bag hanging in the garage. Heavy bags don't hit.
12/02/2014 9:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey Gourmet,
1. I bet you wife is at work.
2. I bet you're at the computer preparing something.
December 2, 2014 at 9:00 AM
You win both bets. If you think waiting for spaghetti to cook is "gourmet," I'm sad for you. -
12/02/2014 2:24 PM
Anonymous said...
I bet you didn't even have any meatballs, just cheese.
12/02/2014 2:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Actually, the meat sauce (not meatballs, too complicated and unnecessary), was done earlier, that's why I had time to waste blogging with the likes of you. But you can be a meatball if you like.
12/02/2014 7:25 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm Italian and you are racist with your "meatball" comment.
Please report to HR for immediate termination. -
12/04/2014 4:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Since when is "Italian" a race? Different species, maybe.
12/05/2014 9:23 AM
Anonymous said...
Since when is "Italian" a race? Different species, maybe.
December 5, 2014 at 9:23 AM
Ok Al Sharpton, race expert, then staunchly anti-immigration stances can't be racist, only anti Mexican and Honduran, or so. Call up MSNBC and correct them.
It's the bastardization of the language. Quit cherry picking and understand the bigger picture: Italians hate being called meatballs by the police. It makes them want to riot. -
12/05/2014 1:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Call up MSNBC and correct them.
December 5, 2014 at 1:00 PM
Waaaaay too big a job. Where would I start?? -
12/05/2014 2:21 PM
Anonymous said...
It's the bastardization of the language. Quit cherry picking and understand the bigger picture: Italians hate being called meatballs by the police. It makes them want to riot.
December 5, 2014 at 1:00 PM
If you've got something to say, then say it. -
12/08/2014 3:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I think "rumors" (this blog's title) make people riot.
No wait, I think seeing others riot makes them want to riot.
No wait, I think being told to riot by someone you don't know makes them want to riot.
12/09/2014 10:13 AM
Anonymous said...
This is truly the greatest and most insightful blog ever.
12/09/2014 1:18 PM
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"Rumors" -Timex Social Club
How do rumors get started
They're started by the jealous people
And they get mad seeing something
They had and somebody else is holding
They tell me that temptation is very hard to resist
But these wicked women, ooh, they just persist
Maybe you think it's cute, but girl
I'm not impressed, I'll tell you one time only
With my business please, don't mess
When you look at all these rumors surrounding
Me every day I just need some time, some time
To get away from from all these rumors
I can't take it no more, my best friend said
There's one out now about me and the girl next door
Did you hear the one about Tina
Some say she's much too loose
That came straight from a guy who claims
He's tasted her juice, did you hear the one about Michael?
Some say he must be gay I tried to argue
But they said if he was straight
He wouldn't move that way
Did you hear that one about Susan?
Some say she's just a tease in a camisole
She's six feet tall, she'll knock you to your knees
When you look at all these rumors surrounding
Me every day I just need some time, some time
To get away from from all these rumors
I can't take it no more, my best friend said
There's one out now about me and the girl next door
I can't go no place without somebody
Pointing a finger I can't show my face
รข€~Cause when it comes to rumors I'm a dead ringer
It seems from rumors I just can't get away
I'll bet there'll even be rumors floating around on
Judgment Day I'll think I'll write my congressman
And tell him to pass a bill, so the next time they catch
Somebody starting rumors, shoot to kill
When you look at all these rumors surrounding
Me every day I just need some time, some time
To get away from from all these rumors
I can't take it no more, my best friend said
There's one out now about me and the girl next door
What's mine is mine, I ain't got time for rumors
In my life I'm a man who thinks, not a man who drinks
So please let me live my life, what's mine is mine
I ain't got time for rumors in my life
Look at all these rumors
I'm a man who thinks, not a man who drinks
So please let me live my life what's mine is mine
I ain't got time for rumors in my life
Look at all these rumors
I'm a man who thinks, not a man who drinks
So please let me live my life
When you look at all these rumors surrounding
Me every day I just need some time, some time
To get away from from all these rumors
I can't take it no more, my best friend said
There's one out now about me and the girl next door
When you look at all these rumors surrounding
Me every day I just need some time, some time
To get away from from all these rumors
I can't take it no more, my best friend said
There's one out now about me and the girl next door
Stop, stop spreading those rumors around
Stop, stop spreading the lies
Stop, stop spreading those rumors around
Stop, stop spreading the lies
Stop, stop spreading those rumors around
Stop, stop spreading the lies
Stop, stop spreading those rumors around
Stop, stop spreading the lies
Stop, stop spreading those rumors
Around stop, stop spreading the lies