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Saturday, February 11, 2017

LANL safety program receives failing grade

I am sure the new porn policy will help with this:


Anonymous said...

Well, after years of trying and 10s of 100s of millions of dollars wasted on programmatic delays, you cast rest assured in the notion that LANLs Nuclear Criticality Safety a Program is still broken.

Anonymous said...

"Los Alamos National Laboratory failed an annual assessment of its program for ensuring that work surrounding nuclear weapons development is free of accidents that could lead to a nuclear chain reaction resulting in a release of radiation. An evaluation of the lab’s nuclear criticality safety program in a report this month by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, an independent advisory board that reports to the president, found the lab had two dozen “criticality” safety infractions in fiscal year 2016, which ended Sept. 30, most of which were self-reported by Los Alamos staff."

Anything published, written, discussed or communicated by the DNFSB should be considered "alternative facts". After all, if they didn't pick on the DOE and make stuff up, they wouldn't stay in business. Looking at the details, the infractions a out to total bullshit!

Anonymous said...

"...the lab had two dozen “criticality” safety infractions in fiscal year 2016, which ended Sept. 30, most of which were self-reported by Los Alamos staff."

February 13, 2017 at 4:57 AM

Guarantees a response by LANS that suppresses and discourages self-reporting. Is that what DNFSB wants?

Anonymous said...

And yet it is still there. Must be minor, 'cause it's really hard to miss the big one,

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Workers are encouraged to self-report but then get beat up for the actual numbers. How does this create a healthy safety culture?

Anonymous said...

If the crit program was broken, then how did operations get thru federal readiness reviews over the past 2 years?

Anonymous said...

The DNFSB itself is more broken than LANL and they don't even handle or work with nuclear materials. I read a recent article indicating the DNFSB is fraught with low morale, internal politics, and poor management.

Anonymous said...

The DNFSB has always been a joke. They are second rate by any definition. Unfortunately, the do carry a big stick. Too bad they are useless.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, they (DNFSB) do carry a big stick.

February 18, 2017 at 2:29 PM

They don't carry a big stick. The DNFSB is a independent Federal organization with no huevos. The DOE Secretary (another Fed) perceives them as a pain in the butt and ignores them accordingly. If they (DNFSB) carried a "big stick", they would have fixed the problems (e.g. criticality issues) at the Labs years ago.

Anonymous said...

The DNFSB caused the shutdowns in the first place. That is how they make a living. I wish I could get paid to close billion dollar facilities because I didn't like the color of the paint on the walls.

Anonymous said...

Shhhh, be quiet! My fat annual bonus depends on it. ( Charlie "Follow the Money" McMillan )

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