- AnonymousFebruary 2, 2017 at 6:34 AMUC just landed on the new administration's twitter account post. It might soon be time to end all UC involvement with Laboratory management.
Berkeley students did the right thing and they should be very proud. The speaker is spreading hate speech and hate speech is not protected under the US constitution, if anything the speaker should be locked up. Free speech is not free when it comes at the expense of other people. It is time to fight back against hate!
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Thursday, February 2, 2017
UC and lab management
Anonymous said...
The two sides are getting wider apart by the week, and it may be only a matter of time before UC and DOE part ways forever.
2/02/2017 1:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Berkeley students did the right thing and they should be very proud. The speaker is spreading hate speech and hate speech is not protected under the US constitution, if anything the speaker should be locked up. Free speech is not free when it comes at the expense of other people. It is time to fight back against hate!
February 2, 2017 at 6:34 AM
Don't you just hate those haters? OK, Snowflake. Got it. You want to repress other peoples' rights because you don't like how they exercise them. I think I know who the fascist is here. Please refresh your knowledge of the First Amendment. You would fail 8th grade civics at this point. -
2/02/2017 2:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Maybe you should read up on the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." At what point was the Amendment violated again? Also, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from repercussion. Hate speech and inciting violence is not protected, even though our current president seems to think otherwise.
2/02/2017 4:26 PM
Anonymous said...
"No law abridging the freedom of speech" unfortunately for you means just what it says. ALL speech is protected, but those exceptions ruled on by the courts ("FIRE" in a crowded theater). There is no such thing in law as "hate speech." Violence is not protected, and you can't escape by claiming your were "incited." What a joke, Snowflake.
2/02/2017 6:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Let the Dimocrats continue to act like violent imbeciles and spew their hate-filled message. While the Demmies pat each other on the back for throwing fireworks at the police another fraction of independent voters are turning away from them.
The Dims don't understand that rational people in the middle hold the votes that determine elections. -
2/02/2017 10:47 PM
- GreggS said...
Firstly, let's skip the name-calling. That kind of baiting does nothing but trigger more vicious hateful words from opposing views.
The quote of Amendment 1 by February 2, 2017 at 4:26 should be studied by those advocating "fighting back". There is no right to riot. Having a group of thugs who concealed their faces ( cowards?? ) smash glass, start fires, pepper-spray people is NOT peaceable assembly! To have UC not immediately reacting to restore order only adds to the outrage - that is public property paid for by over-taxed California citizens that was destroyed.
Berkeley campus should get NO dollars to pay for restoring the damage. If they want to wreck the place, let them live with it or pay out of pocket themselves. Those anarchists that caused the damage should be found and tried as terrorists - committing acts of violence or using fear to change political or social behavior.
As far as UC contracts, this probably sunk any chance for UC. -
2/03/2017 6:30 AM
Anonymous said...
When Demmies call anyone who doesn't abide by their vile, race-baiting spew a "Deplorable" that's name-calling, is it not?
When Dimocrats start acting responsibly, start telling the truth, and start respecting other people, name-calling will no longer be deserved. If they can start doing these things, they might recover from the political free-fall they've been in for the last 6 years. -
2/03/2017 8:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Unless some major and unexpected event pops up in the next several months, this little episode at UC probably was the last nail in the coffin of UC as regards to DOE Lab management in an capacity.
2/03/2017 11:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Probably any university, not just UC. UC Berkeley is an infamous hotbed of activist violence, but other universities sympathize and promote the same causes. That are at odds with the values promoted by the current administration, that ultimately will give the thumbs up or down on any contract bid.
2/03/2017 1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Dont worry. Take Governor Moonbeam's Express to nowhere.
2/03/2017 11:59 PM
Anonymous said...
These erent Berkeley students. Asian and South Asian nerds were not in the crowd. Only Goths and loser Oakland high schoolers. Like always, Cal students were studying. No time for Trumpf or a Croat Nazi.
2/04/2017 12:06 AM
Anonymous said...
These erent Berkeley students. Asian and South Asian nerds were not in the crowd. Only Goths and loser Oakland high schoolers. Like always, Cal students were studying. No time for Trumpf or a Croat Nazi.
February 4, 2017 at 12:06 AM
That's been the case for years. Don't forget the folks from San Francisco, Hells Angels, Haight-Ashbury, etc... -
2/04/2017 9:06 AM
Anonymous said...
These erent Berkeley students. Asian and South Asian nerds were not in the crowd. Only Goths and loser Oakland high schoolers. Like always, Cal students were studying. No time for Trumpf or a Croat Nazi.
February 4, 2017 at 12:06 AM
I think you are right but you could still get on the case of Berkeley for not having
the police arrest people. From looking at the videos the only students look like onlookers taking pictures with there I-phones. The student body of UCB is very very different than it was during 60s.
By the way who was a Croat Nazi? Milo is neither a Nazi or a Croat, hell he never says anything controversial unless you count politically incorrect jokes as "hate speech". You know who else had a problem with humor...the Nazis. -
2/04/2017 9:19 AM
Anonymous said...
> UC Berkeley is an infamous hotbed of activist violence,
Yes, I see the flames on the horizon regularly and when I visit campus have to pick my way past the tire bonfires and blackened halls of academe.
There's a coterie of Bay Area anarchist who show up for all these occasions. Few would complain if they were locked up once in a while.
I would have let Milo speak. The UCB Republicans would have wet themselves thinking "Oh gee, he really said that." Most everyone else should have the good sense yawn.
2/04/2017 3:39 PM
Anonymous said...
"I would have let Milo speak. The UCB Republicans would have wet themselves thinking "Oh gee, he really said that." Most everyone else should have the good sense yawn."
Ideologically Milo is sort of like mellow William F Buckley with a potty mouth and politically incorrect jokes so that he can appeal to young people. It is utterly crazy to say he uses hate speech or is a Nazi. I dare anyone to actually watch a single video of one of his speeches and then come back and claim he is a Nazi or used any form of hate speech. He does spend time talking about how the "new left" "alt.left" try to shut down debate and he appears to be right about that.
I call these people the alt.left since they have very little to with the left wing or progressive policies of the previous generation. They only thing they do is call people Nazis, Fascists or KKK members, yet they have no idea what any of these things are. If they where around 80s they would call William F Buckely and Ronald Reagan Nazis. Basically they feel if you are a mainstream Republican you are Nazi or a Fascist. The thing don't realize is that they always end of turning on themselves as one group will claim to more suppressed than the other which allows them to call other parts of the movement Nazis and so on. I am traditionally left leaning and have always considered myself progressive but this "alt.left" ideology is pure poison and I find completely anti-progressive on every level. Before you go around calling people Fascists and prevent them from speaking by using violence please have an actual understanding of what a Fascist is.
2/04/2017 5:07 PM
Anonymous said...
As Trumpf looks for savings to redirect to productive capital investment among the planned federal expenditures of current programs, the question is raised, could DOE baby sit the moribund nuclear arsenal, the physics laboratories as well as the newly obsolete Renewable Energy laboratory with half the current budget? The objective would be trim the useful programs to life support and end those with objectives less important or too distant than a new well-directed national infrastucture renewal.
For instance, California high speed rail instead of LBL.
2/05/2017 5:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Local malcontents gather on Sproul Plaza as a pole for dissent. Whether Happy Hubert, Mario Savio or Ghost Ship survivors, the tolerant rules, open space and zeitgeist draw the discordant soul.
These visitors contrast with the conforming, accomplished goal-directed achievers, the Cal students, transiting the plaza between classes and residence while rapidly building their human capital.
It is a source of amazement to me that simple removable fencing isnt used to allow access to be restricted to the Plaza when desirable for safety and security.
The place would cease to draw the human detritus that accumulates, sullies and randomly threatens the international student population that studies there. -
2/05/2017 5:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Take your meds and calm down.
2/05/2017 6:24 AM
Anonymous said...
"It is a source of amazement to me that simple removable fencing isnt used to allow access to be restricted to the Plaza when desirable for safety and security."
That is horrible, noninclusive, and would limit free speech. It violates the UCB goal of being open to all people and other points of view. At least the points of view we approve of. -
2/05/2017 9:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Diversity in all things is the goal. Except of course diversity of opinion, which is forbidden.
2/05/2017 11:11 AM
Anonymous said...
" That is horrible, noninclusive, and would limit free speech."
precisely -
2/06/2017 11:16 PM
Anonymous said...
...in a reducto in absurdum kind of way... -
2/06/2017 11:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Violence and property destruction at the protests were the work of outside groups, NOT Berkeley students.
2/08/2017 8:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Violence and property destruction at the protests were the work of outside groups, NOT Berkeley students.
February 8, 2017 at 8:12 PM
The news also says that the speaker is a white supremacist which is completely false.
But if you have to read the news they are reporting that one those arrested is a
UCB employee. -
2/08/2017 9:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Ha, 8:12 believes the news! A perfect sheep.
2/09/2017 6:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Back to the topic of the posts, this does indeed look like the final gasp of breath for UC and continued operation of a federal lab. Probably at this point it doesn't matter if UC is the lead or just one of several partners in the LLC, the team will be flushed by the feds.
2/13/2017 8:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Doesn't matter. If the libs in CA have their way, UC will be a foreign university and ineligible to bid anyway.
2/13/2017 9:30 AM
Anonymous said...
It is a source of amazement to me that simple removable fencing isnt used to allow access to be restricted to the Plaza when desirable for safety and security.
The place would cease to draw the human detritus that accumulates, sullies and randomly threatens the international student population that studies there.
February 5, 2017 at 5:44 AM
Not a fence, but a beautiful wall to surround the UC Berkeley campus that puts the Great Wall of China to shame. I'll make China pay for this one!
Trump -
2/22/2017 4:03 AM
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