Blog purpose
This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore,
The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them.
Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted.
Blog author serves as a moderator.
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Blog rules
- Stay on topic.
- No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
- No political debate.
- Posts and comments are posted several times a day.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
Why do you think a name change will do? If we change it, then LLNL people will be asking for the same thing
LLNL...? What is this lab, you speak of, you make it sound as if LLNL is somehow separate from LANL. Past history has shown than only LANL exists. In case you forgot why did LLNL have to undergo a contract change in 2006? I know because it as seen as an out of control culture of cowboy lab so the contract was changed. Get my drift. The fact is whatever happens to LANL will happen to LLNL, it is just the way it is. It makes no sense but it is easier for NNSA to deal with LLNL as just just a subpart of LANL.
Scooby, why do you continue to allow completely nonsensical posts from this nut?
Do you know him?
In this blog as of Dec. 22, 2017 not one mention of LLNL ? I think the point is made.
You can say I am nut all you want however can you counter the actual point about what ever happens at LANL seems to or will eventually happen to LLNL?
Livermore: Watch and learn --- you are next!
"Seems to or will." If by that you mean "seems to" in YOUR mind, no I can't counter that "point". A lot of things "seem to" be one way in your mind that actually aren't that way at all in the real world.
The real problem with this blog is that the introduction of censorship— AKA “comment moderation”— pretty much killed the discourse, as had been predicted. It’ a crucial moment in the history of Los Alamos and the US nuclear weapons complex and all we hear is crickets?! You might as well call this blog “LANL: the Wallace and Gromit Show”, it won’t make an iota of difference.
If filtering out comments that violate Blog rules is considered censorship, then you are being censored.
This blog is maintained on a voluntary basis and not sponsored by anyone. I do my best to keep it clean. If this BLOG does not meet your expectations, don't let the door hit you in the...
In other words this blog will pretty much post whatever suits the moderators. It isn’t representative of much beyond that.
I do miss the old blog.
"In other words this blog will pretty much post whatever suits the moderators. It isn’t representative of much beyond that."
No, this blog (minus vulgarity) will pretty much post whatever suits current or former lab employees. It wasn't meant to represent anything beyond that. LANSLLNS trolls move along. Good job Scooby, and Merry Christmas!
I publish anything that complies with the rules, whether I agree or not.
From 2007?
Exactly. Merry Christmas buddy!
Problem with LANL is, they employ some genuine nut cases. One guy in particular (4:58 pm above) keeps demonstrating this fact on this blog. Could be the altitude, hard to say. The sane posts mostly come from LLNL or other sites. So, naming this blog after LANL will guarantee that it becomes an asylum.
at 7:47 AM
Care to explain how 4:58pm is a nut case? The language is bid flowery however the point is that LANL is the driver in the NNSA system which is easily checked by the history of events leading to the privatization of LLNL . How can stating facts be considered nuts? Please offer a counter argument to this point other than saying the poster is nuts.
The only part of the nut's post that makes any sense is the part where the nut wrote "It makes no sense."
See why the poster is a nut now?
No, the driver was the media allergic congress, panicked by LANL bad press and fake news from Santa Fe, they piled on DoE to "do something. even if it's wrong." Then along came Pete with his NNSA "solution", all wrapped up in that pretty republican privatization tinsel paper. After a comedic series of Keystone Kops in charge, here are, ready to try again. Watch and learn.
December 28, 2017 at 7:13 PM
So you have no counter point at all. At least 8:56 PM has tried to make point. Try and learn something from 8:56pm just saying someone with an actual point is nuts is not doing you any favors. After all if the poster is "nuts" as you claim it should be easy to make a counter argument to show that the "nut" is wrong. Just saying.
What about stating "It makes no sense" and then following on with a completely unsupported OPINION (the blather about "it is easier for NNSA to deal with LLNL as just just (sic) a subpart of LANL" constitutes making a "point"?
Hint: IT DOESN'T. You've confused making a point with stating YOUR unsupported OPINION. In fact, your OPINION is FLAT CRAZY. NNSA can't treat LLNL as a "subpart" of LANL unless it organizes the management and operating contracts AND THE MANAGEMENT of the two labs to be one and the same. Good luck with that, the two labs are in separate states. The California Congressional Delegation would never acquiesce to making LLNL subservient to the LANL management. NEVER.
That's why the writer of the comment is a nut. Oh, and also his extremely bad grammar and spelling. So bad that we can all tell that Dec. 29 at 11:45 AM is the same nut that wrote the original (crazy) post.
Scooby, what happened to my response to 8:56? It broke no rules. Were you lying when you said you post blog rules compliant responses even if you disagree with them?
I publish anything that complies with the rules, whether I agree or not.
December 25, 2017 at 7:24 PM
Pretty amusing since you make the rules. Is that you, Kim Jong Un?
The rules were established 10 years ago. They are simple. Read them. If you don't like them, feel free to stay away from the blog.
December 29, 2017 at 5:46 PM
You know that box below that asks if you are a bot or not, next time says pick the box showing fish do not choose the one with the dolphin as it is not a fish. Try it next time and your post may make it to the moderator.
I don't have all comments memorized. It must have used offensive language. I just don't delete for fun. If you disagree, please recomment.
What happens to a comment when you delete it, Scooby? Can you get it back or is it gone forever? If you can get comments back, you will find comments that broke no rules have been deleted. If you really allow all comments that break no rules, then either you have been sleep-deleting or someone else has hacked the blog.
When a comment is deleted it is gone. I may have deleted a couple by mistake over time but not to the extent you claim. On this note, this post is closed!
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