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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

LANL must change!

Now that LANS is coming to end can maybe we can make a list of things that could change. 

1 No more Fridays off. In principle the 9-80 schedule is good but the abuse is beyond rampant. The parking lots are 
are only between 1/3-1/4 filled every Friday. Nothing can get done on a Friday and Thursdays are filled with last minute mayhem. 
Essentially Fridays are now days off. Another odd thing people should be working till 6pm on the 9-80 but it starts emptying out at 4pm, which is odd. If the labs are driven by safety and security than reducing the work week by 20-25% reduces incidents by 20-25%?

2 No bonuses for managers. This creates corruption amongst the managers or enforces loyalty to LANS but not the lab or the United States. Also it encourages cheating. 

3 Get rid of the useless Divisions. LANL went from 20 Divs before that contract change to 120 after. What possible value was added to this other than extra overhead, slower response, and confusion. All one has to do is read the titles of some of these Divisions and it beyond obvious that these have little or no value. Even some of the people that work in these will tell you on honest moments that they have no purpose. How did we get to this point?

4 We need external reviews that are controlled by the outside rather than the inside. LANS does various reviews of different things throughout the year but if you see who sits on them it is beyond obvious the conflict of interest or the connections to LANS. From what I can tell LANS has alot of say on who sits on these panels. I think this leads to a very compromised review process but remember if bonuses are at stake the system encourages cheating any way possible. 

5 Tell the state of New Mexico to back off. LANL serves the nation not just the state of NM. LANL already does enough for NM providing job opportunities for the area. It does not need to give additional free money. 

6 We need to bring back the sense of excellence and national service. Right now the management of LANS views LANL has a money making operation only and not an entity that serves the nation.


Anonymous said...

"No more Fridays off. In principle the 9-80 schedule is good but the abuse is beyond rampant. The parking lots are
are only between 1/3-1/4 filled every Friday. Nothing can get done on a Friday and Thursdays are filled with last minute mayhem.
Essentially Fridays are now days off. Another odd thing people should be working till 6pm on the 9-80 but it starts emptying out at 4pm, which is odd. If the labs are driven by safety and security than reducing the work week by 20-25% reduces incidents by 20-25%?"

This sounds like a group management problem not a schedule issue. If supposed workers are not putting in their required hours, then it should be addressed individually. Don't punish the majority who faithfully work their hours and more. Lastly, you are assuming people come in at 8 a.m., take an hour lunch, and leave at 6 p.m. Many people work 7 a.m.-4:30 with a 30 min lunch. It really depends what the manager approves or requires from a work schedule.

Anonymous said...

How about some excellence in spelling and grammar first?

Anonymous said...

Fake News. Today is Friday and I am driving around the huge parking lot outside my office. It's completely full.

Anonymous said...

"Fake News. Today is Friday and I am driving around the huge parking lot outside my office. It's completely full.

February 23, 2018 at 1:37 PM"

Oh come on, everyone knows that 9-80 is completely abused. Of course not by everyone but it is pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

Try driving up the hill at 3:30 pm any day of the work week. Huge traffic going down. Not the town's private employees, I bet.

Anonymous said...

Try driving up the hill at 3:30 pm any day of the work week. Huge traffic going down. Not the town's private employees, I bet.

February 23, 2018 at 6:04 PM

The number just don't add up for the 9-80, the parking lots are empty and 7AM and by 8AM there is still plenty of parking, and you as you point out that 3-4pm is the people start streaming and the parking starts to become empty again so that by 5pm the lots almost empty. Fridays are joke you simply cannot get anything done on a Friday since the lab is so empty, especially among the support staff. 10 years ago this was not the case but things are reaching just crazy absurd levels now. It is also clear that some people are gone every Friday, which is easily seen by the parking lots being much less than half full every Friday. I really hope things change with the new contract.

Anonymous said...

February 23, 2018 at 6:04 PM

Perhaps you should try driving up the hill at 5:30 AM.

Anonymous said...

I challenge you to find parking at TA-55 at 7:15-7:30 a.m then let’s talk about empty parking lots.

Anonymous said...

And try driving driving at 4:30, 5:00 and 5:30. Steady streams of traffic. Not everyone works 9-80s and many workers stArt early before 7!

Anonymous said...

many workers stArt early before 7!

February 24, 2018 at 11:43 AM

Yeah, when no managers are around, nobody is there watching, and they can drink coffee and BS for a couple of hours. None of this is clever or new. Just fraudulent. 9/80's should not be able to adjust their start or quit times unless for strict programmmatic reasons.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps you should try driving up the hill at 5:30 AM.
February 24, 2018 at 8:56 AM"

The traffic is very thin at 5:30AM. Your definition of steady stream is odd. So we left with a conundrum: who is right?

I contend that 10-12 years ago you could get work done on a Friday and the lab was usually more than half full on any Friday. Do you agree or disagree with this? Do you agree or disagree that the lab is far less than half full on a Friday?

Anonymous said...

I challenge you to find parking at TA-55 at 7:15-7:30 a.m then let’s talk about empty parking lots.

February 24, 2018 at 11:39 AM

Hmm, so everybody in TA-55 comes in at 7:20 am, wow what does the following post back from 2015 imply?

Bob Mason came to work (TA-55 FoD) drunk one morning and failed his urine test. Raises the questions how may months or years he was coming to work drunk. Really, a drunk FoD of our nation's only plutonium faciliity? Heck of job LANS, heck of a job!
December 24, 2015 at 5:46 PM

Anonymous said...

The LANL hater is at it again! When is this dope going to do us all a favor and just quit?

Anonymous said...

This dialogue reminds me of what we dubbed the Good Friday Massacre in the procurement department. We had a new Bechtel procurement manager, Kevin Chalmers, who came into the job with an attitude that we were all idiots. I am Hispanic and he once commented to me "I can't believe how educated your people are". Gee, nothing like feeling that we were in some type of zoo.

On Good Friday, many of the procurement staff requested two hours of leave if they were hourly employees and if they were exempt, requested permission to leave two hours early. The team leaders and group leaders approved the requests. It just so happened that at 4:15 Chalmers came out of his office (where he hid most of the time, he didn't interact with the educated zoo), noted the many empty desks, and threatened to fire everyone who had left early.

From that day forward, you could not find anyone working at the zoo during the lunch hour nor working late to meet a deadline. The zoo was quiet, compliant, but not loyal to a leader who unjustifiably accused a entire workforce of fraud before verifying the employees were on approved leave. The employees approved for leave had transferred their phones to a designated person to cover their desk, typically the team leaders and group leaders.

To make a blanket statement that people abuse the 9/80 schedule is detrimental to morale and productivity. I believe that the majority of the employees work their normal hours plus extra hours out of loyalty to their employer and the mission.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the traffic cop isn’t paying attention at all hours of the day when LANL employees are to be found in transit in airports worldwide doing their jobs. He apparently isn’t paying attention when they work nights, weekends and holidays to cover aspects of the job that simply cannot be covered by “normal” hours. I wish my job were as simple as traffic cop’s is.

Anonymous said...

I think this post is dead on. If LANL can't get away from this for-profit, fire everybody who doesn't do plut, mess, the disasters will continue and get worse.

Anonymous said...

No "blanket statement" was made by anyone. Feeling a little guilty? Only observations about traffic at certain times and parking lot fullness on Fridays. If everyone is doing the right thing, no one should object to time clock punching for hourly workers, right? Most union shops allow this. How about it?

Anonymous said...

February 25, 2018 at 11:11 AM is apparently an exempt employee, and doesn't realize the comments about time fraud here do not apply to exempt employees. Lots of real ignorance at LANL about the requirements of the FLSA, even though it is required to be posted in every Group Office. Most union employees can quote it verbatim, sad to say.

Anonymous said...

I actually thought this was a good list of things to change at the start. Everybody knows that the 9 80’s or the 4 10’s is HR speak for working only 7 hours or less in a day. Between all the breaks or the lunches, less work gets done in the week than it should. As for the bonus, let all employees share in the success. After all, they do the hard work and not some stooge from a corporate entity that provides zero value. Los Alamos does have too many divisions. It’s time to focus on the mission and not the BS. End LDRD and a fe divisions will be gone cause they are nothing more than welfare. The for profit crap needs to end, and passing laws to tax the lab because some municipalities love the money and hate the work just sucks.

Anonymous said...

"End LDRD and a fe divisions will be gone cause they are nothing more than welfare."

A couple of issues, getting rid of the science divisions are not the problem division. Second getting rid of LDRD would essentially bring an end the ability to bring in talent to the labs. LDRD has traditionally how top technical staff has been recruited. There is also many others reason to have it if you consider LANL to be a scientific institute. . With LDRD gone the lab would just slither into complete mediocrity in terms of a scientific technical institute.

Now with that being said, perhaps the current needs for the LANL mission only require average to be below average technical people. This could indeed be a valid point. That is not to say would still have excellence in other areas ect, but those areas are not science areas and LDRD plays little role recruitment. If LANL is no longer a science institute than I agree that we do need top scientific talent so LDRD would essentially not be needed.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2018 at 8:50 AM

Sorry, if you refuse to proofread your post, I refuse to read it.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2018 at 5:34 PM

Keeping it simple. (1) Get rid of LDRD at LANL and you get rid of the ability to bring in top scientific talent.
Do you agree or disagree with this?

(2) Maybe LANL does not need to do science anymore. Do you agree or disagree with this?

(3) If we come to the conclusion that LANL should not do science than LANL should get rid of LDRD. Do you agree or disagree?

Easy enough. Look does the KC plant do science, do they have LDRD, does Hanford do science, do they have LDRD?

Now if we do get rid of LDRD, how would that 6 percent more money be of value to you? Do you really think that means you will get a 6 percent raise right of the bat? That you will do 6% less work? Or do you think new kinds of new kinds paper work divisions will show up to quickly grab that 6% and make your life worse?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently the traffic cop isn’t paying attention at all hours of the day when LANL employees are to be found in transit in airports worldwide doing their jobs. He apparently isn’t paying attention when they work nights, weekends and holidays to cover aspects of the job that simply cannot be covered by “normal” hours. I wish my job were as simple as traffic cop’s is.

February 25, 2018 at 11:11 AM

This is absolutely correct. Go to the airport on any given Sunday and half the flights to Las Vegas are full of LANL employees leaving their families to work out at the test site all week. Go to TA-3 on a Saturday or Sunday and look how full the parking garage is.

Anonymous said...

February 27, 2018 at 11:29 AM still doesn't realize this is not about exempt employees, if he even understands the category.

Anonymous said...

February 26, 2018 at 7:27 PM:

1) LDRD is a tax on programmatic work that is LANL's real mission. If it is so great for recruiting, let the contractor pay for it out of award fee.

2) LANL doesn't "need" to do science. The country needs LANL to do science.

3) Already answered.

KCP and Hanford are not research laboratories. LANL is (NNSA funded weapons research). All other (non-classified) research can be done better at other facilities, funded by other agencies (including DOE).

Anonymous said...

“LDRD is a tax on programmatic work that is LANL's real mission. If it is so great for recruiting, let the contractor pay for it out of award fee.”

My goodness, wow. You either think recruitment of scientific talent is so completely unimportant, or are proposing to raise the award fee by another 6% of the total Lab budget.

In the former case, you are going to end up with people who cannot get jobs anywhere else. With this workforce, you will sending more and more money for the mission and getting less and less in return. Which has already sort of being happening in the last 10 years as the quality of the new hires under LANS went down. When you say the country needs LANL to do science, I hope you don’t mean that this is the kind of science that is done by bottom-of-the-barrel dimwits.

In the latter case, try proposing to Congress that the award fee to the new contractor be increased by some $150M/yr. Let me know how that conversation goes. (Hint: expect loud laughter and a swift kick in the butt).

Anonymous said...

>1) LDRD is a tax on programmatic work that is LANL's real mission. If it is so great for >recruiting, let the contractor pay for it out of award fee.

In all seriousness if you work at LANL you would know that large sections of the talent came from LDRD. This is pretty much agreed on by everyone, so your claim is just off the wall.

>2) LANL doesn't "need" to do science. The country needs LANL to do science.

I don't understand you argument. From what I can tell you are agreeing that LANL needs to do science and in fact the country expects LANL to do science. If that is true than one needs talent to so good science, LDRD is a key mechanism to provide the talent. Not to mention that LDRD has many times lead to things that are incorporated into mission work. Of course you would not know this.

>3) Already answered.

Again from your response to point 2 you agree that LANL needs to do science. Good, we agree, than how do we get the best scientists at LANL, how do we keep LANL scientifically vibrant.
You know throughout the cold war LANL has always had great science in both classified and unclassified areas. Again you would know nothing about this since you have no idea what is done at LANL, how it is done, or why it is done.

>KCP and Hanford are not research laboratories. LANL is (NNSA funded weapons research).

Good we agree

> All other (non-classified) research can be done better at other facilities, funded by other >agencies (including DOE).

First of all not all non-classified research can be done better at other facilities. For example shock wave science, materials response, radiation hardening, certain chemistry, all large components of research aspects which are not classified but need to be done and in many cases are better done at LANL. You also seem to have no understating of how non-classified research filters into classified research. This has happened countless times throughout the history of all the labs by research done in the labs since the very beginning. I don't mean to be rude but you simply do not understand how science works or how advances are made on the classified or non-classified work. Also no one with any authority or credibility takes your point of view, no one.

Anonymous said...

1) LDRD is a tax on programmatic work that is LANL's real mission. If it is so great for recruiting, let the contractor pay for it out of award fee.

The contractor is not paid to do programmatic work. The contractor is paid for safety and
security. You don't need people for that. If no one ever showed up to LANL in the last five years than the lab probably would have gotten a higher rating over this time than if people did show up.

Once you realize this than the reason from complete degradation of LANL becomes very clear. This by the way has some very scare implications if you think about the mission, but nobody thinks about the mission. The missions is now (1) Safety and security, (2) Free money for the
state of New Mexico.

Anonymous said...

You either think recruitment of scientific talent is so completely unimportant, or are proposing to raise the award fee by another 6% of the total Lab budget.

February 28, 2018 at 11:16 AM

No, read it again. Not proposing raising the award fee, proposing to fund LDRD out of the existing award fee as a recruitment tool for the contractor, if it such a great tool.

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness if you work at LANL you would know that large sections of the talent came from LDRD. This is pretty much agreed on by everyone, so your claim is just off the wall.

February 28, 2018 at 12:22 PM

"Pretty much agreed on by everyone..." That's a very broad claim. Prove it.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be rude but you simply do not understand how science works or how advances are made on the classified or non-classified work. Also no one with any authority or credibility takes your point of view, no one.

February 28, 2018 at 12:22 PM

Well, I, for one, did non-classified research at LANL for over 15 years. None, I repeat NONE, of it ""filtered into" classified research. That's a convenient but false claim made by Full-Professor wannabees to justify why they should suck up non-DOE money to do free research at DOE funded and maintained facilities, while taking advantage of the benefits offered without having to fight for tenure or teach those pesky undergraduates.

Anonymous said...

"Well, I, for one, did non-classified research at LANL for over 15 years. None, I repeat NONE, of it ""filtered into"
classified research"

Gotta call bs on you. I am not buying it. But suppose did it ever occur to you thatyou where not very good at research so
of course none of went into a programs. This is just your case but once again what about all the research basic research that
has gone into the program and classified research and if actually know anything about the programs you will know how much that is. But of course you would know nothing about that.

" That's a convenient but false claim made by Full-Professor wannabees to justify why they should suck up non-DOE money to do free research at DOE funded and maintained facilities, while taking advantage of the benefits offered without having to fight for tenure or teach those pesky undergraduates.

February 28, 2018 at 5:47 PM"

Look you simply hold a view that literally no one holds at the lab. Now you do happen to hold a view that a few very very biter and jealous ex-employees hold, and the are "ex" employees for a reason. You do not speak for the people that work at LANL and if you are honest you come out say that.

Anonymous said...

"Pretty much agreed on by everyone..." That's a very broad claim. Prove it.

I have to be honest your statements indicates that you have no understanding of how the NNSA labs work, the science that is done, why it is done or how it is done. Your statements also indicate a complete lack of history of LLNL or LANL and how science in all variants of classified, applied or basic are vital. The people that work at LLNL and LANL all know these things, if not they would not be working at the labs. I have never meet a single person at LLNL, LANL or Sandia who has your mindset.

By the way as for LDRD as a recruitment tool, this has actually been documented several times. You do know that they do a review of this programs and measure the value of added? I have real doubts that you work at LANL since literally every single technical division at LANL has people who initially come to the lab through LDRD, if you work at the lab you would know that.

You are one very odd person.

Anonymous said...

No sense reiterating my experience, my history at LANL, or my scientific credentials. Since this is an anonymous blog, these details will be ignored or more probably denied and ridiculed. Most of the commenters here are relatively young, I'd guess, not experienced technical staff, and have absolutely no standing to comment about someone having "no knowledge" of LANL. I started at LANL when it was LASL, and it was under the AEC. Harold Agnew was (only the third) Director. I've seen much more than you can imagine at "LANL" and you obviously have no clue about the history or the changes that have occurred at the place where you (obviously temporarily) work. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2018 at 6:01 PM

Ahh, no, I got you number pal, you do not speak for anyone at LANL, nor do you opinions reflect the opinions of anyone who has ever worked at LANL. This is easy to check to since I cannot fined anyone at LANL who shares you opinion. As for people who no longer work at LANL, well 99% do not share your opinion, however I do know a few that do, however these seem to be, ah special cases. As for your bragging, that is just insulting to the thousands and thousands of people over the many years who have contributed more than you will ever know. For personal reasons I find it very jarring that you mention Harold Agnew, who happened to be a great scientist and recognized that LANL needed to to have a strong basic science. In fact it was under Agnew that LANL started to broaden its base and expand in all sorts of new science direction since Agnew knew that LANL must do this to serve the nation in the best way. I an can insure you that Agnew did not share you views of the lab. If you really started when Agnew was the director than you would something that Agnew did with new employees. I happen to personally know what that is. Sir you should know that this is not my first rodeo.

LANL currently 11000 people and since 1975 if you sum the total of LANL employees who have worked at LANL you get 30-40k people that worked at the lab. Schizophrenia occurs on about 1.0-0.5% of the population, that would give 300-400 people if LANL had a random sampling for the time period you are talking about, however LANL does have some standards so maybe it is 100-50 people through this time period are have some serious mental issues, some of these issues become evident when when they say crazy stuff like "much more than you can imagine". I can imagine an awful lot. These people will and have made crazy statements about LANL, New Mexico police, UFOs, or whatever. I am not saying this applies to you, however as I said you are a person who seems to hold views that very few people who work at LANL or who have every worked at LANL hold, in fact it is a view that less than 1-0.05% of them hold.

So in summary you do not speak for anyone who works at LANL or anyone who has worked at LANL. You do not understand LANL what LASL was, who Harold Agnew was, or his views of science at LANL or why he strongly supported the need for basic science at LANL.

"obviously temporally" may just be a tad bit off...kinda off, way way off, really really way off. Just think about this. Also if you are off about this ask yourself what else you could be off about, LANL, the United States, the earth solar system, life in general. Just some food for thought.

Anonymous said...

3:25 and 6:01 understand... the DOE labs lost their mission, and indeed their ability to accomplish any meaningful mission decades ago. Agnew predicted it would happen. He was right. Bureaucrats and bubbleheads have taken over. It is done.

Anonymous said...

So back to the original comment. Whether it’s 9-80’s or 5-8’s, the same set of alleged workers will continue to abuse the system. The honest ones, which, I believe is the majority, will march on working their hours or in many cases, 40+ hours a week. So let’s no punish the workforce by allowing flexible scheduling, which adds value to the work-balance issue. If hourly workers or even exempt employees are abusing time, then coworkers should
Be saying something to management. If management doesn’t do anything, there are other mechanisms to report time fraud.

Anonymous said...

Battle of the bots!

Anonymous said...

Battle of the bots!

March 2, 2018 at 2:54 PM

It is two different Russian bots that have have synched in troll war in order to cause mayhem.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2018 at 9:52 PM

Try re-reading your rant when (if ever) you are sober. Are you still proud of it? Does it reflect the person you really are? Because it seems kind of crazy to me. Unless you really do know exactly how every single employee at LANL thinks and feels, as you claim. Personally, I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

March 2, 2018 at 6:56 PM

Have you ever met Harold Agnew, did you know his opinion on science at Los Alamos? Your statements indicate that you are not familiar with Agnew, nor are are very familiar with Los Alamos. As I said LANL has had 20-40 thousand people who work or have worked at the labs since 1975. Of course I do not know what every single current or former employee at LANL thinks, however of the many I have known over the years none has expressed views matching yours. I take that back there is one person but they are how should a say this in a polite way..."a special case" if you know what I mean and you in fact may know exactly what I mean. The vast majority of current or past LANL employees do not hold your views and that is why do not speak for the lab. We all know that there are a few very bitter ex-LANL employees who have some kind of personal agenda and think they where very special people. These people however are few and far between but they are out there, in more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

One common theme amongst some of the bitter ex-LANL people that I have known is that they all think that they are some kind of hugely important special person who did all these great things or was super essential, really understood what the lab should be doing while others did not, seen all these things that few see. For example the comment . "I've seen much more than you can imagine at "LANL" is one I have heard many times by these people. In other words they all have hugely inflated opinions of themselves and their abilities which explains why they are so bitter since realty did not conform to their opinion of themselves. Must be tough going through life believing that all of reality is wrong.

It is the opposite of the Anna Karenina quote. "All happy former lab employees are unique, every unhappy former lab employee is the same"

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of "I'm current, so I know everything about LANL" here. The mistakes of the past shouldn't need to be repeated, but some people are determined anyway. Luckily, I don't have to live through it again. Unlike you. You ought to examine your own "hugely inflated opinions." Such self-assurance and arrogance is the province of the young and as yet undeterred. The operable word being "yet." Again, good luck to you. And yes I did meet Harold Agnew - he made it a point to introduce himself to all new postdocs. We had a good (for me) discussion, although my nervousness made me more mute than I like to remember.

Anonymous said...

"Wow, lots of "I'm current, so I know everything about LANL""

How to you come to this conclusion? Could you point me to the post in which someone says I am "current" therefore I know everything about LANL.

" And yes I did meet Harold Agnew - he made it a point to introduce himself to all new postdocs. We had a good (for me) discussion, although my nervousness made me more mute than I like to remember."

Harold did meet with all new employees, in fact he was also easy to meet and speak with at other times. This was with Hecker and and Brown, and even Nanos could be very charming, after that not so much. As for "self-assurance and arrogance" it is most
certainly not something that is the province of the young, and all you have to do is read letters form the Santa Fe reporter to see comments from a some rather bitter ex-LANL employees to see arrogance on level of absurdity. Harold was outstanding scientists in his own right and was instrumental and promoting basic science and strengthening it at Los Alamos, most people who go back that for know this very well and know exactly which steps he took, which programs these had been and so on. After he left he was still working behind the scenes for maintaining science at the labs.

Anonymous said...

This stream of posts gives me great concern about the future of the lab. Can we not have a civil, intelligent conversation without a bunch of "I know this", "No you don't", blah, blah, blah. These are not the posts of thought leaders.

Anonymous said...

I'd expect that if you are really concerned about "the future of the lab" you'd be intelligent enough to realize that "thought leaders" will come nowhere near this toxic, irrelevant blog. What would be their motive? To arouse the tiny-brained, abusive, ignorant readers here to provide their "input"?? Me, I come for the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

'Can we not have a civil, intelligent conversation "

You mean like Trump and Clinton? The time for civilized conversation is long past. As many a LANS manager has said, the world has changed, we can no longer go back to the way the world was, it is not about so called facts, figures, conversations or not. It is about Perceptions and agreement about perceptions, why they are, what they are used for an how the can be leveraged. That is the only conversation we can have and the only conversation worth having.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is about Perceptions and agreement about perceptions, why they are, what they are used for an how the can be leveraged. That is the only conversation we can have and the only conversation worth having.

March 7, 2018 at 2:40 PM

Well, you can restrict yourself to that garbage view of the world, but the rest of us normal people will continue to discuss whatever we want and have normal conversations without needing to include insane people like you. And decisions will be made and implemented without your input or even knowledge while you are locked in your "perceptions" box, by people who deal with actual facts and realize the universe gives not a damn about your "perceptions," but operates according to facts. Your "perceptions" diatribe is getting really, really, old. You need a new horse.

Anonymous said...

Well, you can restrict yourself to that garbage view of the world, but the rest of us normal people will continue to discuss whatever we want and have normal conversations without needing to include insane people like you. And decisions will be made and implemented without your input or even knowledge while you are locked in your "perceptions" box, by people who deal with actual facts and realize the universe gives not a damn about your "perceptions," but operates according to facts. Your "perceptions" diatribe is getting really, really, old. You need a new horse.

March 7, 2018 at 5:55 PM


Anonymous said...

>Well, you can restrict yourself to that garbage view of the world, but the rest of us normal people will continue to discuss >
>whatever we want and have normal conversations without needing to include insane people like you.

Who defines what is normal? People in New York view the people in the Midwest as crazy, people in the South view the people in California as insane. Clinton voters view Trump voters as deplorable, Trump voters think Sanders supporters are insane. Who is normal depends on who asks. Each of these groups has their perception and only their perceptions.

" And decisions will be made and implemented without your input or even knowledge while you are locked in your "perceptions" box, by people who deal with actual facts and realize the universe gives not a damn about your "perceptions," but operates according to facts. "

What facts, there views of how you wish the world is and than there are facts about the world. The fact is that it is only perceptions. It is odd that you would see it otherwise, have you not seen how perception have dictated the way the labs have been treated. There was a "perception" of a culture of theft, therefore there is a culture of theft and will alway be a culture of theft. There is a perception of a cowboy culture, so there is a cowboy culture and there will always be a cowboy culture. These perceptions have led to the contract change and to the gradual decay of the labs to their current state You can fight it and say that there are adults in the room that see that labs have of value and an important mission, but if that was true they would not have been made for profit in the first place. The sooner you realize that perception is the only thing that matters the sooner you can cash in.

"Your "perceptions" diatribe is getting really, really, old. You need a new horse."

This is how the NNSA labs are run and how they will continue to be run.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. "Than-for-Then" tells us how it is in her alternate world.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The sooner you realize that perception is the only thing that matters the sooner you can cash in.

March 8, 2018 at 5:38 PM

Only incompetent people who have nothing of value to offer any employer care about "cashing in." That's a gambler's term that a true professional would never use. Just grifters.

Anonymous said...

" That's a gambler's term that a true professional would never use. Just grifters."

Just as an "aside". Is that the reason the Nevada Test Site was located outside of Las Vegas !

Just a question ? Worth a few drinks after a failed shot !

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