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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Great news we need a more progressive senior. The future of America is not capitalism the old left needs to transform into the new left.
He should be about as relevant outside congress as he was in.
Great news we need a more progressive senior.
3/25/2019 2:09 PM
Except that his replacement will be junior, not senior.
I watched him in Kavanaugh hearings.
He has some issues, upstairs there in the head.
I remembered this from back then
because off all (I mean all) the poor questioning (like what is boofing or the letter F)
to me Udall's seemed the most distant from reality.
But a Liberal Senator away from reality isn't so rare,
considering to take away air travel (for us, not them)
and now I have to take a train to Hawaii?
They can have walls and armed guards to protect their family but I cannot.
So I am not sure why I was surprised by Udall's questions and immaturity. Just sayin'
Is it so wrong to take away guns and air-travel from deplorables? You may say that sounds intolerant but the problem is you cannot tolerate intolerance.
Who decides what or who is "deplorable"? Yeah, you or people who think like you, right? You do realize that with that opinion, you are setting up the US for civil war, right?
Who decides what or who is "deplorable"? Yeah, you or people who think like you, right? You do realize that with that opinion, you are setting up the US for civil war, right?
3/28/2019 5:36 PM
In the last civil war the good guys won, same will happen in any any future civil war. Just like the north all the technology is on the good side, all the smart people are on the good side, all the know how is on the good side, all the money is on the good side, all the eduction is on the good side, all the smartphones are on the good side, all the states with real influence on the good side. I am sure that California can beat Alabama hands down. Silicon Valley versus Branson Missouri, pluuussseee. All you need to do is threaten to close down Hooters and NASCAR and the deplorables will give up in a second. It will never get to a civil war, the war has been over for some time, this last two years is just a minor fluctuation. Are you really wiling to give up your PS2, porn, or beer to fight a losing war just to keep your "guns"? No I don't think so.
All the guns and the military are on what side now? You can’t fix a tire. How are you going to fight a war.
Stop with the stupid talk.
So no conservatives or Republicans have: technology, education, knowledge, money, smartphones, influential states (FL, TX, AZ, ND, etc.), influence (NRA, Koch Bros., NACOP, etc.)?? Wow you are setting yourself up for great disappointment, as all arrogant and condescending people do. The only reason there is not civil war right now is that generally, liberals don't believe in guns. You are vastly outgunned.
" influential states (FL, TX, AZ, ND, etc."
If you look at the demographics FL, TX and and AZ are going to turn blue, once TX flips blue which is unstoppable, than it is game over for any talk of a civil war. Estimates say TX turns blue by 2025-2027, AZ and FL are already very close to the tipping point.
Wow, predicting politics 6 - 8 years in advance. You must be more intelligent, more blessed, and more special than anyone else on earth. Congratulations on your perspicuity, your prescience, and your arrogance.
Who is Tom Udall?
Some nobody who used to be in politics.
Who is Tom Udall?
So who comes next? Ben Lujan or Valerie Plume?
Ben Lujan. Valerie bowed out. Maybe Ben can stand up to Graham, Udall sure can't.
Lujan is a real lightweight wannabe. Graham will eat his lunch on the first day.
Apparently New Mexico is doomed to be the nuclear waste dump of the United States. How long before shipments of power reactor high-level waste begin heading for WIPP?
"Apparently New Mexico is doomed to be the nuclear waste dump of the United States. How long before shipments of power reactor high-level waste begin heading for WIPP?"
Do you have some better ideas where to put it, you basically only have Nevada, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico and Wyoming to dump the stuff. Alaska is just too far away.
WIPP should be used for its intended function. If that function is expanded after appropriate study, good. NTS would also be a clearly advantageous site. It has to be put somewhere; storage ponds next to power plants are unacceptable from a security standpoint. The alternative is AOC's GND, bankrupting the entire country (and killing vast numbers of migratory birds).
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