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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Is Los Alamos next?

Anyone who works at Los Alamos and a number of people from Livermore or Sandia who have visited Los Alamos
are all very familiar withe the Obelisk monument in the center of the Santa Fe Plaza. It is usually mandatory viewing for visitors from LLNL when they are in town. Well no longer. In a mostly peaceful protest in Santa Fe in which two officers where assaulted the protestors tore down the Obelisk.

"Erected in 1866, the Plaza centerpiece, sometimes called the Soldiers Monument and constructed to honor to Civil War Union soldiers, has spurred several demonstrations in Santa Fe this year amid a nationwide call for racial justice."

Now I will remind of the irony in this. This stood since the last civil war. Are you starting to see where this is headed?
Since Los Alamos is seen by many in a bad light a symbol of oppression one has to ask when people are going to demand when it gets torn down for racial justice. I know no one knows anything about history but you might want to look at what happened to the nations that went through the whole tear down the statues and symbols things in the last 100 years, it actually happened in a number of counties, during their "social revolutions", hint it never ends well...ever.

Hopefully once Trump is gone we get CRT back in the labs.

Hey it is all good, It is now 10:24pm time to watch tonights riots live-streamed on youtube and facebook. For our features tonight we have Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Louisville, and San Diego, at least these are the ones on the screen. Sounds like things are headed in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Only marginally relevant to the weapons labs. Just one more inflammatory post designed to create political controversy where there need be none. What is Scooby thinking? Starting fires is a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Too many people out of work roaming the streets looking for trouble? Solution? Put them to work rebuilding our infrastructure; tax dollars well spent, and too tired to stay up late protesting.

Anonymous said...

Only marginally relevant to the weapons labs. Just one more inflammatory post designed to create political controversy where there need be none. What is Scooby thinking? Starting fires is a good idea?

10/13/2020 5:19 PM

I have to disagree with you here. You are aware that the whole Trump order to stop CRT training was because of Sandia, this is effecting all sorts of institutions and if you follow the academics blogs they are very upset about this and want it reversed as soon as possible. The issue at Santa Fe are connected to CRT, and if you happen to live in New Mexico you will know that that the same type that brought down the monument also have a problem with Los Alamos. A good bet is that if this keeps going that LANL will be target one way or another.

Anonymous said...

"... New Mexico you will know that that the same type that brought down the monument also have a problem with Los Alamos."

10/13/2020 10:43 PM

The lazy slackers that destroyed that historical monument have a problem with anyone working hard to earn an honest dollar to support their families and pay off medical expenses. Round them up, give them brooms and shovels, and get them working to repair our infrastructure. Hard working taxpayers would be more than willing to pay them minimum wages for an honest day's work.

Anonymous said...

CRT is a joke. It has no place at the lab.

Anonymous said...

CRT is a joke. It has no place at the lab.

10/20/2020 9:50 PM

CRT will be coming back very shortly. Saying it is a joke at lab will be a very dangerous thing to do.

Anonymous said...

CRT is not a joke, it is Commie brainwashing updated from the Korean War days to modern times.

Anonymous said...

No one says "commie" anymore. You're about 80 years old, right?

Anonymous said...

10/22/2020 6:30 PM is correct about CRT and his age should not matter...

The techniques being used in CRT appear to be similar to the ones used by Asian communists then (Korean War era) and now to deal with military POWs, political prisoners, and religious troublemakers (Xi's buddies know how to use them well, just ask the Uighurs, if you can).

Unfortunately, there still appear to be a substantial number of communists in the world. Please enlighten me, instead of commie, what does one say now? Leftist Slaver? What?

Anonymous said...

A rose is a rose, and a commie is still a commie, by any other name. I suppose there is a Millennial newspeak word to describe the millions of communist party members, but "commie" still works for the real people.

Anonymous said...

"Communist countries." You have a problem with non-euphemistic, non-disparaging truthful descriptions?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully after this nightmare is over we can make sure it never happens again. We need to hold those accountable who voted for Trump and make sure that they will never get a chance to let this happen again. The labs can also partake in this and look at leadership, hiring and current employees and take appropriate action. I know some you will scream "what about the Constitution!!!". That same constitution lead us to this point so it is time to get over stuff from 250 years ago and become more progressive or enlighten. Free speech should be limited, guns should be taken away, due process needs to be applied equally or eliminated. The people of American are waking up and realizing that so called American dream is a lie and always has been. We cannot cling to notions made by a certain group of all males with no diversity. I hope the labs either by management or by a grass roots effort start to stand up for equality and change the way things are done.

Anonymous said...

The most likely outcome is that CRT and other postmodern notions will eventually deconstruct themselves, a kind of ideological boomerang. People will sing songs and write tales about this idiocy, and how corrosive it is to a society.

Anonymous said...

10/25/2020 6:46 AM

You may be correct. We may look back at his current age like we loot the dark ages, filled with superstition, burning witches, excommunication, inquisitions, cult like adherence and tearing apart of families. Of course it is not as extreme but the parallels with the current CRT and Wokness is clear.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for them to go after the statue at the Trinity Test site. After that, they can fill in the Sedan Crater.

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