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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Racism in Geo-science

 I am not sure how much Geoscience work is done at LLNL or LANL, but I know Terry Wallace was a geologist.

In any case
Geology is racist science.

Access implies that individuals can obtain the resources they need to safely pursue their science endeavors; regardless of location, instrumentation, site accessibility, and their identity. Historically, access has been limited to mostly able-bodied, white, cisgender, heterosexual men. As the geosciences strive to be more accessible, the community must recognize that BIPOC and other marginalized geoscientists are not always safe in geoscience spaces. For example, holding objects (e.g., a rock hammer) has been viewed as “suspicious” and, continues to be, used as a reason to call the police on Black people, which can lead to the death of Black individuals, entirely because of racial profiling and an unjustified fear of Black people17,22. Organizations can lead by requiring and disseminating best practices that make all programs safe for, and accessible to, everyone (ACTION #7). This requirement includes incorporating anti-racism into all spaces where geoscience happens23—in the field, in laboratories, virtually, at events and in classrooms


Anonymous said...

I’m sorry, this is stupidity on steroids.

Racism has essentially nothing the do with “geoscience.” If black people were better at finding oil fields, Exxon and Chevron would have them all on payroll.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long Scooby is going to allow this kind of garbage to be posted on his blog. It turns up on almost every thread and is obviously the same troll doing it. Why is he tolerating this nonsense on a national laboratory blog? Maye he is woke enough to believe it?

Scooby said...

Thanks for the compliments!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long Scooby is going to allow this kind of garbage to be posted on his blog. It turns up on almost every thread and is obviously the same troll doing it. Why is he tolerating this nonsense on a national laboratory blog? Maye he is woke enough to believe it?

7/10/2021 5:21 PM

This is relevant to the national labs. In case you forgot about the issues at Sandia last year related racism training. These issues are also starting to broadly influence science and engineering. In case you also forgot the NNSA labs are involved in science and engineering. In other words all this is relevant to the labs. I do not think you are a troll but you are very naive about trends in the academic/science/high tech world. I mean no disrespect but I take it you are retired?

Anonymous said...

I mean no disrespect but I take it you are retired?

7/10/2021 8:55 PM

By this comment, you identify as prejudiced toward elederly retired professionals. Perhaps you should enroll in a course of self-awareness of this bias. I would imagine that Woke-U has some on critical elderly theory.

Anonymous said...

"By this comment, you identify as prejudiced toward elederly retired professionals."

It does not imply that at all. Let me explain to what it does imply.

First off retired lab people can be completely aware of what is going on in the broader scientific and high tech world, in fact in many ways they may have even more time to follow up on these issues. The point is that they would have to actually engage in this to know what is going on. On the other hand I presume that anyone currently working at the lab involved in scientific and engineering is aware of the current issues since they probably have to face this in any kind of professional meeting, organization, publicatio and so on. If you are an active member in any kind of professional society such as the American Physical Society, you will have gotten monthly emails on these issues. With this I would presume any active scientists or engineer at the lab knows full well what is occurring, at the very least they may know someone at Sandia who knows about the CRT issues last year.

Now poster 5:21pm seems to not know the current social issues that are being brought up in scientific and engineering fields and feels that even mentioning this is total garbage because it is irrelevant to the labs. In light of the current events at Sandia, scientific publications, academics, and the actions of professional societies I must conclude one of two things about the poser. (1) The poster is no longer active in science or engineering in any way so they are not aware of what is occurring, so they may have been a lab person who is retired but is no longer keeping up. (2) The person was never in science and engineering at the labs and therefore has no idea what is going on. I would guess (1) is more likely. The point is the posters claim that these topics are irrelevant is out and out wrong.

I think they are are retired and I simply urge them to use the internet to look up how social justice, CRT, BLM, whatever are now starting to infiltrate science and engineering. Just type in 2 + 2 = 5, and race and you will get an idea of what is going on, (yes as insane as that sounds this is a real conversation) too bad nobody reads 1984 anymore. The second point is that some people think the labs are some kind super isolated island that has no interface with the rest of the scientific, engineering or high tech world, therefore the labs cannot be influenced by what is occurring in these fields. Apparently the last people to ever come in from the outside world was in 1944, since that time, nothing. This has never been true for the labs and never will be true.

Anonymous said...

If wokism can affect scientific research, the US is doomed. Ask Russia or China or Iran or Pakistan if they are woke.

Anonymous said...

hey 7/11/2021 4:52 PM,

Your three paragraphs simply reek of prejudice and bias toward elderly citizens, with implications of incompetence that are astounding. Sir, you really do need help! Please, Please get some instruction in critical elderly theory ASAP, before you hurt someone emotionally!

Anonymous said...

7/12/2021 5:31 PM

Cute, but the boomers have most of the money and pretty much control everything. They will be dead before any of this huge debt has to be paid back. You post is kind of funny.

Anonymous said...

7/12/2021 8:31 PM

There you go, using that nasty B____ word to denigrate elderly citizens. You really do need critical elderly theory (CET) training if you ever want to become a full-fledged wokie. And please, please, stop using that disgusting B word with all of its connotations of the sinful past.

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