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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Telecommuting beyond Sep 30th?

 Odds on another extension of the “Maximum Telecommuting MOU past the Sept 30 end date? Delta variant, workforce resistance to return to work, etc.


Anonymous said...

I thought even the Delta variant is mostly hitting unvaccinated people. I would presume 75+% are vaccinated at the lab, you get to get to herd immunity one way or another I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Everybody in the country is back to work, masks mandatory or optional for workers. Why not mandate the vaccine and just get the stupidness over with?

Anonymous said...

“ Why not mandate the vaccine and just get the stupidness over with?”

That’s probably a good idea. They should make that a law like the one we have that bans all abortions.

Anonymous said...

Those who resist covid vaccination are probably not aware of mandates they have been accustomed to: seat belt law, helmet law, traffic laws etc...

Anonymous said...

Why cannot they just declare this some kind of national threat like in wwII or something and do what must be done and vaccinate everyone.

Lets do some math.

Right now 60% of Americans are vaccinated. Of the American population over 1/3 of Americans voted people voted for Trump. Therefore it is very clear that that 40% not vaccinated have to be Trump people, these are the same people that stormed the capital, lead the huge division in the country and are now threatening the health of the entire nation. How on earth did we get to this situation? I refuse to believe that 1/3 of our nation is that stupid and just downright evil. Maybe some can be brought back into the light but it is clear something must be done. Math does not lie, the numbers are clear. Maybe the internet was not such a good idea as some people simply will fall to fake news. Maybe too much home schooling, too many nutty congress people. I simply do not know.

This cannot go on, we either clean up the internet, make some sort of law that news must be fact based or checked, make it a crime to spread false information, and get some mandatory vaccines or things will just get worse from now on. How come we cannot be like Europe where so many of these problems are avoided and the standard of life is so much better?

Anonymous said...

I refuse to believe that 1/3 of our nation is that stupid

7/21/2021 9:14 AM

Oh, come on, people that believe that dead people can rise from the grave will believe anything, including the Big Lies that Trump is still president, and vaccines are harmful.

Anonymous said...

7/21/2021 9:14 AM

First Amendment be damned, huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, people that believe that dead people can rise from the grave will believe anything, including the Big Lies that Trump is still president, and vaccines are harmful.

7/21/2021 4:26 PM

Or people who believe in "systemic" issues yet cannot produce a single statistics to back up their claims.

" vaccines are harmful."

And just which groups are not getting the vaccines?

You know for someone who supposedly works at the lab you seem to have fairly religious way of looking at things. There is good and there is bad. The reality is that things are much more complex than simply saying one group is just bad. As for the "Big Lie" do you have any idea how it was actually used in history, do you know where it comes from and what it means? Lets put it this way both sides are saying the other is propagating the Big Lie. If you are a real lab person that you should know some actually numbers.

Just what fraction of the population has not gotten the vaccine, what is the actual political affiliation of those who have not gotten the vaccine? If you listen to twitter you are told one thing, if you get the numbers you will see that this narrative is just out and out false.

Next question, what fraction of people actually believe Trump is still president? Next question what fraction of people thought Hillary Clinton actually won. Again numbers may surprise you.

What number of people who get the vaccine die a week later after getting it. How many people die each week, how many people get the vaccine each week. What is the age range of those the get the vaccine. Not hard math.

The point is do not just repeat some thing you hear off MSNBC, NYT, PBS, FOX, or whatever. Get the numbers first before you make
a judgement. Hint, these media organization are either after money, or they are propaganda.

The world is not what you think it is if you just go along with what you read off twitter and MSM. I would expect that scientists or engineers would know this.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, come on, people that believe that dead people can rise from the grave will believe anything, including the Big Lies that Trump is still president, and vaccines are harmful.

7/21/2021 4:26 PM"

Ok, lets do some math on your statement.

I am assuming you are saying people who are Christians are stupid, and that they voted for Trump and think vaccines are harmful.

First point what precent of Democrats are Christians and what precent of Republicans are Christians? It is 55% : 70%. Sure it is higher than for Republicans than Democrats but would imply than more half of Democrats are stupid according to your definition. By the way the shift is going to reverse over time due to demographic shifts as Hispanics are generally more religious than other groups so over time the percent of Christians in either party will be the same or even slightly higher than Republicans.

Point 2. The vaccination rate is lowest for groups that much more Democratic, with Blacks having the lowest vaccination rate (38%), followed by Hispanics (41%) and while whites where at 48%. So the idea that it is only Christian Trump voters not getting vaccinated again does not stand up to the numbers. Blacks both 87% Dem, Hisp, 64% Dem, and White is 42% Dem

Math is your friend. Of course there could be additional factors coming into play but things are more complex than your simple statements.

Anonymous said...

“ Hint, these media organization are either after money, or they are propaganda. “

That’s not an either/or situation, both cases are true.

Anonymous said...

First Amendment be damned, huh?

7/21/2021 5:57 PM

The first amendment simply makes no sense in the internet age. The founding fathers could not have envisioned something like the internet, twitter, or facebook where endless regimes of falsehoods could be spread by the uneducated, the bigoted, the crazy or just evil people. There should not be free speech in the digital media. You can still say what you want in verbal speech and even write it down but you should not be able to send it out to millions of people on the internet. At least in books for some street preaching there is some damper on the craziness.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, come on, people that believe that dead people can rise from the grave will believe anything, including the Big Lies that Trump is still president, and vaccines are harmful."

When I read the Huffpost they talk about the Big Lie. I do not know too much about the history of the Big Lie other than the Nazis used it. Trump and Trump supports are Nazis, at least that is what I am told and I see no reason not to believe it. You can say what you want but in order to be a NYT reporter, a CNN anchor or work for the Huffpost you need to be pretty educated and smart.

Anonymous said...

The first amendment simply makes no sense in the internet age.

7/22/2021 10:24 PM

Very funny and not very smart. Ever study civics? Ever read the Federalist Papers?? Ever want to say something that other people find objectionable? Ever want to complain about something the government is doing? Ever want to publish something the current political environment doesn't recognize as Legitimate? Want to give all those freedoms up? Not going to happen, but keep trying on that autocracy gig.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope we keep telecommuting. I have really gotten use to this life style, I am much calmer, enjoy myself more, things are simply better. Except for meeting every few weeks it has just been better. One thing I miss is keeping up with the old friends, I really have no idea what has been going in the lab for about a year. I like the way things are and hope we keep this up.

Anonymous said...

7/24/2021 6:56 PM

I am not saying you cannot have free speech, I am not saying you cannot complain about government policies, I am not saying you should give up any of you true freedoms. There have always been limits to speech even under the Constitution such as you cannot yell fire in a theater. What is going is is that with mass media and technology is that we now have millions of people yelling fire in our national theater. I am all for free speech but you should not have speech that endangers the lives of others. For example the internet allows people to say how you should not take the vaccine, that is not ok it endangers millions of lives and should be illegal. You have people going around saying the election was stolen, that results in an insurrection at the capital and numerous people dying. Again that should be illegal. You have people going around saying that police are not shooting minorities or that BLM is criminal organization again that endangers lives and should be illegal. You have people saying that certain people cannot live their genuine selves, which creates harm leading to many people dying, you have major news media figures spewing actual hate speech. These things should have always been illegal but under the internet is now just out of control. Everyone has freedom of speech but you cannot use that speech to cause violence, cause death, preach hate, cause harm or cause terror. That is even in the Constitution it is just before the internet only the most extreme cases where considered. The internet has now made all these cases extreme. It is now time to take action and end essentially illegal speech, which includes fake news, spreading false narratives, hate speech, calls to violence and speech that essentially are calls to violence and calls to reduce the right to vote or dehumanizing migrants. The argument that this is peoples "opinion" is nonsense , the debate is over on these issues and as you people like to say so much your entitled to your opinions but you are not entitled you your own facts. To be blunt having these opinions now makes a liar, a total idiot, or just plain evil.

The United States started going off the rails in 2014 leading the electron of Trump in 2016, I think it is easy to show that this was due to extremists figuring out how to use the internet as propaganda. You have now seen the results of this, 600k dead because they would not take vaccine, police still brutalizing populations, millions of people lived in terror for four years, riots for years on end just because people like you have misinterpreted the Constitution about free speech. Unless we do soughing to have real honest information flowing we are headed toward fascisim. Jan 6th was the wake up call about how close we came to losing our democracy which was due to people being allowed to freely speak false information.

Anonymous said...

7/25/2021 9:22 AM
What stupidity. "600k dead because they would not take vaccine." Hey, most of those people died BEFORE there was a vaccine, fool.

I find it amusing and a bit scary that progressives are not the least concerned or embarrassed to find themselves drifting into authoritarianism, after so many decades of preaching "tolerance" and "inclusiveness." Constitution, nah, out of date. Bill of Rights nah, too loose, not enough government control. Federalism, nah, too many states doing what they want to do. This is funny if it weren't so sad.

Anonymous said...

7/25/2021 5:42 PM

To be clear there have been things like good monarchies, or societies where you do have a strong ruling authoritarian state that actually works for good. If you look at Europe it is true that many of the so called freedoms we have are missing. In most European countries you cannot own guns, and much of the hate speech or crazy thing people say in the US are also illegal. There are also more taxes such as in Sweden so the government has much more control over your lives. However the quality of life is much better, they do not have the racial problems we have, the have more equal pay for women, they treat everyone with dignity.

Authoritarianism of any form is bad when its intentions are bad. When it is not for tolerance and inclusiveness, when in marginalizes groups or people. A strong government control is can be very good and beneficial when it works for good.

In short your argument rings hollow. Many of us are for a much stronger government role in our lives but with government that acts for the good of people like it is done in the Scandinavian nations. And what so called freedom would you really lose? You right to spread hate, shoot people that come to your door, to accumulate millions while others live in poverty. These are not freedoms worth having. These freedoms have created a dog eat dog world, winner take all, everyman for himself, attitude. Man given too much freedom turn into monsters. Just look at US history one of the most brutal of all the nations.

Have you ever though the many the Constitution has already served its purpose or we could better. How is that places like Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Belgium or the Netherlands have much higher standard of living, less crime, more grace, and higher educated citizens, yet they do not have a Constitution. It is time for America to grow up and join the civilized world. We are no longer living in the wild west.

We are not drifting into "authoritarianism" we pushing toward a government that takes care the needs of the people and does not allow its own members to cause harm to others.

If I where you I would be embarrassed by clinging to outdated notion of freedom. Don't you feel embarrassed every time you go Europe and have to tell people you are an American?

Anonymous said...

7/25/2021 8:33 PM

Your understanding of European countries, their politics, culture and demographics is laughable. If you think they welcome all cultures, races, and have a diverse population, you are diluted. If you feel they have a higher standard of living, it is how you judge it. By wealth, no. By health, yes. It is a very simple study to prove or disprove your point. What country has the highest immigration? This would be either the most welcoming or the most attractive from a true immigrants standpoint. Not just a blogger spoiled by their countries wealth and freedom.

Anonymous said...

“You can say what you want but in order to be a NYT reporter, a CNN anchor or work for the Huffpost you need to be pretty educated and smart.”

If this is sarcasm, it wins for post of the month. If it is not, WOW.

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