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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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  • Posts and comments are posted several times a day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Daily Layoff Tally (THIS POST IS CLOSED) see Daily Layoff tally Part II

Please post comments anytime a layoff happens in your department, whether it is 3161-related or not.

Mention department, number of people laid off by category: SL, FLEX, Career.

Thank you for participating.


scooby said...

posted on behalf of an anonymous comment made under the "rumor corner" post:
We had eight designers yesterday, eight today and we here twenty more people tomorrow should all be out the gate by this Friday. We even had one 30 year FTE who has been on and off the EBA list a few times.

Anonymous said...

One more post brought to the correct topic:

One more for you people. All of the weapons designers that were housed in NIF during the VSSOP are now being sent back to their parent organization where I suspect they don't have the funds to keep them on the pay roll, so I guess they'll be laid off. After all there's no RRW and I seriously doubt that project will ever be seen again with the current state of government budgets and indebtedness. being returned to DTED / DNT must feel like they're going to death row awaiting execution. Don't worry LLNS has a lot of syringes and Sodium Pentothal in stock.

Anonymous said...

As has been the case in the past and elsewhere, the layoffs will be based on cronies, not who can do the best job or even potentially save the lab's future. When is anyone going to seriously protest, since there is no representation to help display the inequities. Before you can say "I didn't think it would come to this", you may be gone.

Anonymous said...

I was let go from my job(TRED) last week.
My boss said it wasen't because of my work but because of their miscalculation of head count !
Only one month ago we had a group meeting and the PAD director said the FT employees are the future of the laboratory. I wasted a year at the lab with emotions up down and around and now out. The good ole boy system is alive and well at LLNL.

TRED is Technology Resources Engineering Division. I was matrixed out to NIF National Ignition Facility. I was told not to worry about my job because NIF is well funded. NIF is becoming a sinkhole for taxpayers if they ever realize what the capital return on investment is. Maybe the boys at Bechtel will figure it out sooner than later because Moses doesn't have a clue.

I noticed lab open jobs were at 28 first week in March today I see its up to 67 ?

Anonymous said...

Rumor is:

More people to go from NIF come Monday of next week. Just wait for that 10:00 AM phone call from your IAP employer. In April NIF dump 50 more people. Moses to give news about ISP Monday afternoon to Nif-troops. Where, who knows? Lets hope he gives us exact numbers and dates so we have time to find employment outside this one square mile. What do you think. Are they going for 535, 700 or 1000 + more people by July or Aug of 2008, since that when the PPPM-section K will have by then been revised.

Of course you all must realize the longer ULM waits to dump these people, the $280M grows to 281,282,283 etc, etc, meaning in the end, more people must go. Combine that with a new conclusion that comes by rumor and what will we have.

The next rumor is:

We have been told we are $69M in debt on FY-09 budget and LLNL is again going to take another 10% cut in funding below that of FY-08. So 10% of $2.2B or so is about $220M + $69M shortfall already. That'll make LLNL in the hole by $289M dollars come Oct 1st, 2008 or FY-09.

Can anyone guess what we're going to do next year, or does it need to be spelled out for you? Do any of you now feel any better about coming to work each day and doing a bang-up job or feel enthused to excel? Maybe you do, but I don't.

This saga will continue years after year and probably well beyond 2010 until such time either the labs are going to become a vital asset to the nation or NNSA / DOE will literally be put out of business, since the private sector at this time actually makes a product that they can sell and make a profit. With the projected $4.2T deficit from the war, social security and medicare to go under by 2040 and the housing market recession / depression plus gas prices escalating, I have this feeling that the labs will in fact be narrowed down to a minuscule organization of which no one will even care about.

Anonymous said...

100 day plan: 1 supervisor for every 15 employees; supervisors will be working supervisors; this means they must pick up a tool and get to work, no more desk jockeys!
also superintendents are gone they are to be replaced by a senior supervisor; If you are in management and do not have a engineering degree you are probly out the gate. have a nice day and remember this job was just a stepping stone in your carree! more to come later

Anonymous said...

Hey there March 27, 2008 8:46 PM

Is this reliable information? If so, I would argue there is some hope after all.

Anonymous said...

Where is SPSE when you need them. Do they do anyhting at all. Why are they not keeping tabs on the name, date, locations, etc of every person that is being booted and reporting these numbers in real time to the blog. Nothing should happen at LLNL without them knowing the facts.

Anonymous said...

Dilbert reads like a typical day at 111 / 123 between old UC and LLNS ULM big boys.

Anonymous said...

Time is running out on LLNS and George.

Until recently, employees have withheld judgement, to see how LLNS would restructure the lab. They have now seen enough to predict failure. The facts look bad.

1. LLNS management does not have command of information. This has made Miller's proclamations a source of ridicule.
a. "No layoffs in first year"
b."substantially equivalent"
c."We can cover the costs of transition without staff reductions"
d. "Leidle will lead a team to save $30M."
e. " We need to recover $80M... ah $280M, ah...."

2. The $50M/year fee to access the best practices of industry is wasted.
a. Bechtel, Battelle and BWXT have provided nothing of value. The senior industrial replacements brought nothing but themselves. They ask questions to try to solve problems, but provide nothing intrinsic or improved for the $50M/year fee.
b. LLNL was to implement industry best practice top to bottom accounting systems and practices...
b. and industry standard, improved project management software integrated seamlessly into the financial accounting system...
c. and standard IT practices...
d. and industry-best program development practices...
e. Formerly effective and decisive lab leaders are now waiting for their industrial partners to act decisively and effectively. But the new industrial leaders, alone, inexperienced and without the industrial infrastructure to support them, are unable to see their way forward. Little is getting done, except a reshuffling of the organization charts.

3. Miller is surrounded by folks inferior to those UC provided.
a. Leidle is no Mara, etc., The new practices in human resources are a retention timebomb.
b. Many folks in 111 are not trained for the jobs they hold, nor familiar with industrial practices, because they are experienced only in the unique public sector/government contractor relationship UC and NNSA developed under years of contract 48. They cannot initiate effective change, they do not even understand the basic principles.

5. There are no resources to pay for change. This significant organizational experiment, tearing down one system and standing up a replacement has a price.
a. Yet $280M is pulled out to waste on non-productive costs.
b. Miller is now raiding programs to pay for transition costs by reducing support to programs without reducing the burden rates, effectively increasing the cost of doing business.
c. No capital is provided to pay for the necessary changes.

6. Throughout the lab, employees lack confidence.
a. Awaiting better (industrial) leadership, they now wait rather than act. Decisions are deferred, innovation has ceased, awaiting directions that do not come.
b. Morale for these formerly effective, dynamic high-achievers is at an all time low, seriously affecting productivity. Retention will follow.(Try to find a leader not on vacation last week)

In short, the Bodman/D'Agostino organizational experiment, like Cheney's Iraq adventures, has been done on the cheap, without adequate thought to the long-term consequences. THEY DIRECTED THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCURE WITHOUT THOUGHT AS TO HOW TO REPLACE IT. The result is likely to be a stumbling, crippled ineffective organization for a long time, hidden from the public by Susan Houghton's spinmeisters.

Iraq, Mortgage bubble, destruction of the national labs.
Not a bad record for a President....

Anonymous said...

Good insights 7:32 AM. Now let me ask you this, what is the best strategy for an employee working under those conditions? Keep in mind that there is also a recession going on, and jobs are harder to find.

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2008 12:16 PM

Good question. What you'll find is there is no solution under the employees control. NNSA has directed this via higher authority, so it is what it is. No one except those who obviously have their heads up their butt in Washingtao and stop this snowball. The bootm line is, "its over" and when all the l;abs have been abolished they "may" recognized what they have done. On the other hand maybe this is what they want and they are really being as nice as they can about it. IMHO I am just sitting by going to work each day waiting for someone to come into my cube and tell me to pack it up or get a phone call that say," your gone" start checking out. If anyone at LLNL feel any different, we'd all like to hear why.

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2008 12:55 PM

I know some people who don't have to worry. How about that 17 pages of ocverpaid ULM from both LLNL and LLNS. They are king crap on turd island and know they fecal substance don't stink, well at least in their minds. I'll bet if they took a poll as ask what the workers thought about them, they's crap their pants.

Regaedless, LLNS has accomlished their mission. They're put all of you in your place with fear tactics and now they just have to execute their NNSA agenda and rake in their easy money. What an easy job to do at $400K a year.

I'd like to have these clowns salary for just three years and I'd be set for life. The bad news for the American tax payer is these bozo's get this for the rest of their lives while the workers go on welfare. It's all good wouldn't you say.

Anonymous said...

Wow 7:32 AM... you are right on the mark with you summary of the dismal state of affairs at LLNL since the LLNS shell company took over from the UC Regents.

This mess was clearly going to happen once the Lab was cut loose from UC's corporate polices and allowed to make up its own polices - many that are now counter to what would have been allowed under UC's watch. The Lab is running itself with no parental oversight. I remember the days when the Lab Director would get publicly grilled by the UC regents for management failures. Now since Lab Directors no longer attend the Regents meeting, the Regents just get feed pabulum by the LLNS/LANS Chairman (Parrsky and new guy Pattiz) and VP Bob Foley on how great things are going since the transitions.

January 17, 2008 minutes from the UC Regents website - "Regent Parsky discussed federal budget constraints and workforce restructuring activities at both the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories. He reported that, under the leadership of both laboratory directors, there has been significant reduction in workforce without having to resort to involuntary separations. He expressed satisfaction with the progress that is being made in meeting the objectives of the Department of Energy, particularly in science, but noted that improvement is still needed in the areas of cyber security, safety, and certain others."

I wonder how the Regents would react to a few hundred RIF'd LLNL employees and SLOs showing up at the November Regents meeting to publicly blast them on the whole LLNS fiasco.

Anonymous said...

"They are king crap on turd island "

Does this mean we can cuss and swear now blog boy/girl?

Anonymous said...

It is sad that there are no real professionals left in management to try to set things straight, and no emplyees left with the guts to fight. As much as we complained in the past at least competent people were at the helm and keeping the wolves away. Now the George cronies and the incomps that are left either don't know what they are doing or don't really care as long as their big paycheck comes.
What is the best strategy for employees? Organize, detail the issues for all to see, tell UC and DOE that we are being run by incompetent management without a plan to deal with the issues. Don't stand back and ask what is SPSE doing, they are not helping you anymore-----ask what you and your fellow workers are doing. If you do nothing the lab will continue this death spiral until only George's cronies are left with their big paychecks. Don't wait for someone else to save your job and the lab---only you can do it.
Otherwise it is truly goodnight for everyone--even the ones that don't get layed off.

scooby said...

We apologize for letting expletives into the blog 3/29 8:36PM!
We will pay more attention!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the designers of NIF will be losing their jobs to CDI Corporation out of AZ. No need to have contract, terms or FTE in the future, just give the contracting company a high speed VPN connection and they literally can do it all remotely for 1/2 the price, no pension and no benefits. You're going to see a lot more of this as time goes on in the support groups at the labs as time goes on. It won't be long before "your" job will also be done cheaper.

Anonymous said...

CDI is also at OAK RIDGE. where some of the rechtel folks came from. I smell conflict of intrest rat in rechtel and moses

Anonymous said...

"...just give the contracting company a high speed VPN connection and they literally can do it all remotely for 1/2 the price, no pension and no benefits..."

Dont worry about this. This will fail.

Anonymous said...

Vexing how dumb physicists are with money. A top LLNL designer costs about $70 - $100 per hour for wages, benefits, office space and computer costs. The rest of the cost is burdens.

If you don't pay for the designer at all, you still must pay for all of the burdens.

So you can pay $70-$100 per hour for outstanding, timely design and pay for the burdens; OR GET NO DESIGN WHATSOEVER BUT STILL PAY FOR ALL OF THE BURDENS....The problem, genius, is the BURDEN, not the designer.

Does anybody in LLNS think? This is embarassing.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many people are leaving and no one comes here to say a word. I guess they are scared to post the facts. I'll tell you first hand I see them pass through every day. I also get to see all the new hires too. It looks like out with the old and overpaid, and in with the new cheap labor.

Anonymous said...

I see llnl has a posting for Bio Scientist on career builder, I thought there was a budget problem and they had to let people go to fix it!

Anonymous said...

There are in fact people out there still fighting. One problem is there is always somebody complaining about a manager, no matter how good they may be. So when second level and above managers hear people below complaining about a manager that works for them they just dismiss it as the typical whining.

I can't speak for ULM, I don't hang in those circles. I will say that the strain extends up at least three levels. Anyone who thinks management up to that level is having fun or enjoying this situation in any way is sorely mistaken.

Anonymous said...

I see that LLNL also has a posting on Career Builder for an In-House counsel (General Law Attorney). Just what we need...more lawyers!

Anonymous said...

The nanostructures group in Bio is indeed trying to hire a postdoc. They have funding from several sources. Bio does not operate as a single entity - the scientists are too specialized - generally there is either funding for specific people/projects, or there isn't. (more "isn't" these days since Bio has shrunk from 300 to 140 people over the last 2 years).

Anonymous said...

Two term and two fte's at NIF released today. One just prior to lunch. It's going to be a very short notice for "ALL".

Anonymous said...

Two more FTE designers to leave NIF Monday.

Anonymous said...

6 contract employees and at least one additional FTE were told last wed to head for the hills (e.g. engineering, project controls, and configuration management). Some of the contact positions were filled with EBA employees, people who were going to work on the NIC projects and misc. people from the directorate. More to come next week…

Anonymous said...

Hello apr 13th 8:07PM!
There is a trend here! EBAs are being shoved everywhere whether it makes sense or not. Why don't midlle managers and department heads use their head and remember that a "misplaced" EBA will not be productive... Oh! I forgot, that is no longer important with LLNS!

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2008 7:49 AM

It's a game. They EBA them, put them in jobs that don't fit, the employees hates the job and does very poorly for all concerned, and then the employee quits because there's no place to go. ULM's problems resolved and it didn't cost them a dime.

Anonymous said...

EBA assignments are not being thought through clearly. Sedentary type office workers today are office furniture movers tomorrow. They get injured and the response from LLNS is that they want a 20% reduction in injuries. They are so out of touch it is scary. In six months at the helm the Bechtel folks in charge of safety have given us a total of 3 areas of guidance: 1. How to get your computer fixed; 2. How to avoid a security violation; and 3. Don't ask us anything because we don't know (the new Lab paradigm; probably the only honest concept that has presented itself since Oct 1, 2007). Is this the future of the Lab?

Anonymous said...

15 Apr 2008
From: LLNL Director & LLNS LLC President George Miller


As you know we have been going through a series of transition activities involving workforce restructuring and cost reductions that are designed to make the Lab both more efficient and more competitive in the future. The goal is to enable programmatic growth among our traditional clients and to develop new ones as well. We are motivated to be more efficient because of the increased costs of doing business under the new contract, decreases in our funding, and because we must modernize our management methods for delivery of services.

Workforce restructuring has been an important component of our plan. Last fall, I announced a three-phase workforce-restructuring plan to streamline our staff. The first two phases included our flexible term and supplemental labor personnel, as well as a Voluntary Separation Program for indefinite career employees. Through these efforts and normal attrition, we have decreased the Lab‚s workforce by nearly 900 people. This is a good start, but not enough to meet our goals.

I have been notified that DOE Secretary Sam Bodman and National Nuclear Security Administrator Tom D‚Agostino have approved the Lab‚s 3161 Workforce Restructuring Plan. This plan includes an Involuntary Separation Program (ISP) for up to 535 indefinite career employees. We are now proceeding with the detailed planning, including a timeline for implementation, consistent with this authorization.

As I mentioned to you last month, it is very important for me to share any news like this as soon as possible. I know that the best way to do this would have been to discuss it in an all-hands meeting today. Unfortunately I cannot do so until Thursday because I am in Washington D.C. today for meetings in preparation for my Wednesday testimony before the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee. At this testimony I will discuss the country‚s nuclear weapons stockpile and nonproliferation programs, the Lab‚s science and technology contributions to the nation‚s security, and the proposed FY2009 budget. I believe that this testimony is extremely important for the Lab, the department and the nation.

I will hold an all-hands meeting as soon as I return ˆ on Thursday, April 17, at 1 p.m. in the Bldg. 123 auditorium to talk to you more about our path forward.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


George Miller

Anonymous said...

April 15, 2008 8:52 AM

I wonder how long it will be after the 535 FTE's are fired will just one of them get in touch with the lawyers listed on the right side of the root page of this blog and start a class action suit. Can't wait to sign up.

The question will be. How can they fire FTE's when we still have 1000 term, temps and contracts on site of which some of the FTE's that are bout to get the boot could in fact do just as well. It should be interesting to see the results. Since DOE is no longer to to fund the suit or pay for the loses I think next years budget may suffer even more than planned for. Oh well, what's another $100M tax fee in pay outs to these people mean anyway. I hope they all live very well after their rewards.

Anonymous said...

"How can they fire FTE's when we still have 1000 term, temps and contracts on site of which some of the FTE's that are bout to get the boot could in fact do just as well."

Even though I'm Flex Term I would support this approach to some extent - only if rational matches of employee to work tasks were a part of the deal. But I'm not sure how well the institution could pull this off in any reasonable time frame. And besides, LLNL still needs a flexible work force to staff the peak workloads - that way you can shed employees when their assigned project is completed, funding dries up, etc. You don't want to have every employee a Career Indefinite.

Anonymous said...

April 15, 2008 8:52 AM I'm with you!

Anonymous said...

Flex and contract workers are for peaks valleys and, in some cases, skills sets not at the lab. Maybe this is why such a large # are left? If the maxtrix orgs acted
as true service providers to the misc directorates then the dir. wouldn't have to go out and find their own people. This has a large rarely mentioned impact. Matrix orgs offer square pegs for round holes and the ranking system leaves little flexability for change/growth in people.

Anonymous said...

"LLNL still needs a flexible work force "

This Doesn't make sense. FTEs ARE a flexable workforce if they can be RIFed so easily.

Anonymous said...

LLNS may try to pull a fast one by slipping in 'check out' paperwork that in fact is a signing away of your rights. This is a warning to make sure you read everything before signing. If you see something like 'binding arbitration agreement' or 'gives up the right to sue' think twice.

And I don't want to hear about someone saying they had to sign it in order to get the severance pay. The severance was already offered to need to have to barter for it again.

Anonymous said...

April 16, 2008 12:00 AM

The goal is to get you off the pension program and onto a 410K system so they can have slave labor that in the end will allow you to work until you are 65 and no sooner. In the future you'll see medical coverage "while employed" but non afterwards. That's why you'll work until you are 65. It's it a great world. In other words There Is NO Retirement until you are on your death bed. It's NOT about YOU, IT about THEM and how they can screw you in any way they can and in the and THEY come out a winner.

Anonymous said...

If this RIF was so easy than why did it take months to get approved?

In regards to the pension versus 401k, newsflash! The pension is actually cheaper for LLNS then the 401K with matching. Now if you want to claim that the matching is going to go away than you might have a point.

Anonymous said...

One other thing. Personally I'd sue NNSA/DOE before I'd sue LLNS. Legal expenses might be an allowable contract cost, I don't know. If they aren't than every dollar LLNS spends defending itself is another dollar that is not going to be keeping all of us employed. Assuming we're not Lawyers that is.

Anonymous said...

"This Doesn't make sense. FTEs ARE a flexable workforce if they can be RIFed so easily."

Yes, but at a much higher cost to the institution. Flex Terms don't get the severance payments that Indefinite Career employees get. Even though the maximum is less than what they got at LANL, up to 26 week's pay costs the institution a lot of money. Not all Flex Terms have been here 1-6 years.

Anonymous said...

Flex Terms are just that ,Flexible time on the job,not permanent, temporary, not entitled to anything, except now days when they're all of a sudden seen as a "special breed employees". Soon they'll be writing a law to protect them under the same umbrella as those of a protected ethnic origin or race. I guess they'll be happy then. ULM is not honorable by any means.

Anonymous said...

"not entitled to anything"

No employee is "entitled to" anything any more - that's a thing of the past. "Eligible for" is the more correct term.

Right now, Flex Terms are eligible for everything the Indefinite Career employees are eligible for - except severance payments (and preference in hiring under 3161). I think that's enough of a penalty already.

Anonymous said...

At the Livermore Safeway this evening there was an ambulance with a covered body in it. I hope this wasn't another LLNL employee.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that this layoff has been worsened by a bad policy for the "special" people in NIF.

Because the NIFties were excluded (unnecessarily)from participating in the VSSOP, they cannot be considered in this ISP even though they were returned to their parent organizations.

It's time to quit making the rest of the Lab pay for NIF. Just wait till the next wave of NIFties is returned in FY09.

Anonymous said...

I got the impression from today's talk that the excluded FTEs from NIF and other places are only excluded through August/September. The NIFties will be on the chopping block come the fall. Exclusion isn't forever.

Anonymous said...

April 17, 2008 8:50 PM

Yeah what NIF is doing isn’t fair but you have to give Ed some credit. He's the only ULM who did what he could to protect his people. NIF is a horribly micro managed organization that doesn’t empower its people but if need to pay your bills NIF is the one place in the lab where you'd want to be right now.

Anonymous said...

"At the Livermore Safeway this evening there was an ambulance with a covered body in it. I hope this wasn't another LLNL employee."

... The suffering and stress created by this whole nasty mess goes far beyond the employees. Spouses, SOs, children, parents, and more. We're all suffering right along with those that work behind the fence. Only our suffering goes on behind the closed doors of Livermore's suburban homes and apartments. You see it surfacing in the classrooms, though: elementary, middle, and high school.
No one escapes. If one person in the family is caught up in the LLNL/LLNS chaos, all are.
Some reporter ought to find a typical family dealing with this mess and do a human interest story. THAT might get people's attention. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

NIF is the one place in the lab where you'd want to be right now.

The FTEs were protected even though they returned to their matrix organizations. However, approximately half of the ~100 extra people were Flexible Workforce, who are now filing for unemployment.

Anonymous said...

After George Miller's ISP speech he put up a Q/A session. This was the first person to get the microphone. He got up, made his speech, sat back down. No one said anything..they just went on to the next person.

I wanted to put his speech up for comment, so here it is:


"Hello there. Thank you very much for speaking to us.
At this point, I don't really have a question but I just kinda want to
invoke my right as a us citizen to make a very brief statement. I know other people want to speak so I won't take up anybody's time but I just kinda want to sort of convey as best I could the feeling that myself and a lot of other coworkers are making or feeling right now. because it is a very important and trying time. but anyway in the coming months, bechtel will be placing more visible emphasis on safety issues. Statements will be made that bechtel's concern for the safety of their employees is not compliance driven, but rather done because they care for the people that work with them. What betchel officials fail to grasp is that caring for people is not something that can be achieved by issuing a proclamation. It is something that must be demonstrated by everyday loyal and trustworthy actions.

It does not seem reasonable to believe that becthel would care about slips, trips, and falls while simultaneously engaging in actions which sharply increase the probability of their employees to suffer strokes, heart attacks and home foreclosures unless there were compliance or financial motives behind their actions. What the actions of bechtel have displayed to this point is that of a ruthless and inflexible institution.

Loyal llnl employees are being layed off to suffer the consequences for the miscalculations, last second realizations, and buyer's remorse of betchel officials. The state of California offers a workshare program that would save our operation 10s of millions of dollars in each of the next 2 years and avoiding the laying off of a single individual.
The refusal of this solution convinces me that our betchtel leaders are nothing more than school yard bullies who have grown up. Unfortunately, they are not satisfied with stealing our lunch money. They want nothing less than to rob as many people as possible of their careers and pensions.

Bechtel, if you truly care for the people who work for you, it is now time to put up or shut up. Actions speak louder than words."


Anonymous said...

The fact that noone cheerd or bood this person tells me that either a) most employees don't really care (therefore the voices on this blog are not representative) or b) people are too scared to do or say anything.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, there's UC, BWXT, WGI,and Bechtel. UC still clearly holds the reigns of the lab (majority on the Board of Governors, several communications by UC that they have the upper hand here, George openly ignoring the other partners input, etc.). So why single out "betchtel"?

Anonymous said...

Looking at the content and having heard the poor guy speak, I can only wonder who put him up to it (or is it set him up)?

Anonymous said...

"...The fact that noone cheer'd or boo'd this person tells me that either a) most employees don't really care ..."

I read this differently. There was stunned silence in the room. Look at how the people in the room slumped deep into their seats. The half empty room of synchophants were shocked at the open definace from a youngster to the face of the Laboratory, the haggard, aging hasbeen, Miller.

No. I read it differently. People now openly talk about how poorly Miller and the useless, 2nd-rate draftees from industry are doing.

We no longer need to be silent. I think the "shot-heard-round-the-lab",has been fired.

Where will the mob alight?
Look for things to follow.

Anonymous said...

As a former union member, I am amazed how well Labbies weather these storms. No walkouts, no sickouts, no anonymous damage... In other locales, serious consequences might happen after disturbing turn of events (Why is the Boeing 787 late? Are employees happy?)

What integrity and even-temperment; to endure shabby treatment without responding.

It would be reasonable to predict that accidents and security violations increase. Perhaps that sick leave would increase. No outbursts. It should be nigh impossible to accomplish things; morale and support being scarce. Services might otherwise not be available at the most inopportune times. It should be impossible to meet time-urgent deadlines. Perhaps work would have stumbled to a halt under the weight of scrupulously followed procedures. No evidence at all of quiet, passive-aggressive defiance.

Given the torrent unleashed over the past two years, LLNL employees have been magnificent, particularly so since the future looks bleak.

Keep up the great work! You are unreal citizens.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2008 12:14 AM

Thank you for that bit of nonsense. You must be with either the USW, UAW, or the Teamsters. I like the "anonymous damage" reference; reminds me of my Detroit days.

Apparently you misunderstand or underestimate the professional nature of the workforce at the lab. You seem to equate integrity with a willingness to tolerate shabby treatment.

If/as they become unhappy, employees will vote with their feet. No need for thug tactics as you suggest.

Anonymous said...

" "...The fact that noone cheer'd or boo'd this person tells me that either a) most employees don't really care ..."

I read this differently. There was stunned silence in the room. Look at how the people in the room slumped deep into their seats. The half empty room of synchophants were shocked at the open definace from a youngster to the face of the Laboratory, the haggard, aging hasbeen, Miller."


I've been in the 123 auditorium for 28 years; most people do not respond to questions posed by employees. As anyone knows, employee comments/questions have been all over the map (malcontents to thoughtful). Part of the culture; no conspiracy here. Move on.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2008 7:03 PM

Oh so your one of the ULM snakes in the grass. That's explains your stance. Enough said. You're right, time for you to move on.

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2008 7:18 PM

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I will look for you next time in the auditorium.

You have no clue who I am.....

Anonymous said...

April 20, 2008 8:00 PM

And note this. I don't really care. You've said all you ned to say. No one that's going to affect my judgement one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

"And note this. I don't really care."

Obviously, you must care enough to make a comment. And with that, you have said all you need to (not) say.

Anonymous said...

SPSE Working to Civilize Barbaric and Unfair Layoffs
Sue Byars, SPSE President

On Tuesday, April 15th, LLNS announced the first layoff of career LLNL employees in 35 years. By the end of the week of May 19th, up to 535 more of our friends and colleagues will receive layoff notices and be unceremoniously escorted off of the site or into “Transition Centers” for 30 to 90 days or more. Meanwhile, layoffs of our colleagues who are flexible term and subcontractor employees continues.

SPSE/UPTE Local 11 (SPSE) members are supporting colleagues who are unwilling victims of the unfair layoff process in several ways. First, as Director George Miller requested at the close of his All Hands Address on April 17th, we are offering our friendship, and our empathy, to not only our SPSE brothers and sisters who are laid off, but to all of our colleagues. Second, we are working to provide all who are laid off with future opportunities, both inside and outside of LLNL. Third, we are determined to make LLNS management of “Strategic Human Capital” more empathetic, civilized and supportive of the dedicated admins, mechanics, laborers, technicians, engineers, and scientists vital to LLNL’s Mission.

Current management of “Strategic Human Capital,” as epitomized by the layoff process, is both barbaric and unfair. Art Wong and George Miller openly acknowledged as much in responses to questions asked at the All Hands. Art heads the Strategic Recruiting and Development Department, which is part of the Strategic Human Capital Management Directorate headed by Kathryn Craft Rogers. Art and George announced that they plan to review current policies after the current ISP (Involuntary Separation Program) is completed.

If you have ideas of how to civilize the layoff process, or even better of how to avoid it in the first place, please convey your thoughts directly to both Art and Kathryn and copy me at

If you belong to the Skilled Trades Unit, you have empowered your bargaining unit to represent you. In that case please convey your thoughts to your steward, a member of your bargaining committee, or to an officer of SPSE such as myself. Unless LLNS is willing to create multi-tiered personnel policies, we expect SPSE’s ongoing bargaining for contract terms for our skilled trades (800s) unit to benefit all employees. More on this subject later.

We need everyone’s help to document just how unfair the workforce restructuring process is. When you become aware of layoffs in your area, please e-mail or call SPSE with the number of employees affected (a range is fine) and the responsible division or manager.

In the coming weeks and months, we would be especially interested in knowing if any of the laid off employees are replaced, and if so, whether they are replaced by new hires or intra-laboratory transfers. Backfilling eliminated positions is against DOE policy and may be illegal as well. To facilitate follow-on queries, you are welcome to provide your name and contact information.

To provide information or comments on the work force restructuring, please contact SPSE-UPTE Local 11 by either phone, (925) 449-4846, or e-mail, We also have openings on our Workers Watch Committee that you are invited to apply for.

Anonymous said...

Hey blogmaster. I made an entry out here hours ago and yet it hasn't appeared. I said nothing wrong and just wanted to voice my opinion. What happeded. You use to be on the ball. Have you lost interest, not paying attention, or just getting picky. Maybe you're out of business or just not wiling to put in the time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this issue lately.

Anonymous said...

In February 2008 the group leader of Technology Resources Engineering Division (TRED) gathered all the Flex term employees in the division and for one hour told us how valuable the flex term employees were to the FUTURE of LLNL. He went on and on about our job security at the lab.
Now, after being laid off, do I really know what his meaning of the flexterm employee mean's.
What a rat two faced lier this person turned out to be.

scooby said...

"Hey blogmaster. I made an entry out here hours ago and yet it hasn't appeared. I said nothing wrong and just wanted to voice my opinion. What happeded. You use to be on the ball. Have you lost interest, not paying attention, or just getting picky. Maybe you're out of business or just not wiling to put in the time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this issue lately"

1) Since comments are anonymous, I have no way of knowing what entry you are referring to. I publish anything as long as it does not violate BLOG rules.
2) No, I am not getting picky; I dont have to agree or disagreed with a comment or post to publish it.
3) Obviously I am putting in the time to maintain this BLOG or you will not be reading this, true?
4)I you wish to assist me, may be together we can make the BLOG better and more to your liking. email me your anonymous email address and I will make you a co-blogmaster, deal?
4) Remember that having this BLOG is strictly voluntary and I am subject to the same time constraints as the next guy.

Your truly

Anonymous said...

Hey Scooby, you are doing a fine job. I read this blog to get information fast and to get information that may not be available otherwise. Keep up the good work. I'm grateful that someone is volunteering to run this blog. If it takes you 5 hours to post this message...I'm ok with that. More power to ya!

scooby said...

"Hey Scooby, you are doing a fine job"

Thank you; I appreciate the recognition.

Anonymous said...

Having received my 3161 letter from LLNS, I researched unemployment insurance through the state (it is somewhat interesting reading). It stated that proof of wages might be needed. Since LLNS is so cheap and does not, by default print paycheck stubs, it may be a good idea to go into LAPIS and print out a few stubs in the case that anyone is included in the unlucky 535 sacrificial lambs (human capital). As far as I know, once terminated, it will not be possible to log into LAPIS to print these out. Think twice if LLNS would waste the 42 cents postage on a former employee.

Anonymous said...


Idea for a new post.
Is George the worst director ever?

Another new post
Revisit the question --Time to unionize?

Anonymous said...

another suggested blog

Don't ya wish George would just shut up?

Anonymous said...

Plus Russo announced another 180 would go after the ISP. He also said EBAs would not be around unless they had the SKAs to be used right away. How many are actively looking for another job? Good topic for a blog survey.

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2008 7:46 AM

I am looking for work.That's one.

Anonymous said...

Don't ya wish George would just shut up?

Yes. Or,if he is going to speak, speak the truth. I have no respect for him at all.

Anonymous said...

Dear George Miller,

You mentioned in a lab presentation that your hero is Caption James T. Kirk from the Starship Enterprise. Would you please tell me this: In what episode did Caption Kirk tell half his crew they were going to be fired, while at the same time hiring Klingon Commanders for the bridge?

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2008 7:21 PM

The leader of the Technology Resources Engineering Division is a Division Leader, not a group leader. Who's buried in Grant's tomb? Still wonder why you were laid off?

scooby said...

Moved from "Got a new topic"
From Scooper:
It also appears that the NIF (National Ignition Facility) directorate has placed about 100 of its matrixed people on EBA (Employee Between Assignments) status and sent them back to their home directorates. The problem is that some fraction of them were also placed on NIF's list of people with essential SKAs (skills, knowledge and abilities) and were thus made ineligible to take the VSSOP (Voluntary Self-Select Separation Plan), which now makes them ineligible for the ISP (Involuntary Separation Plan), i.e., the layoff which will start taking place the week of May 19. In other words, some NIF EBAs may wind up returning to their home directorates and displacing other employees who have funded assignments.

If this happens, it may be prejudicial to good labor relations, and may even expose the lab to litigation.

Anonymous said...

Backfilling eliminated positions is against DOE policy and may be illegal as well.

Anyone know where I can find this in DOE Policy or law?

Anonymous said...

April 24, 2008 2:09 PM

"Backfilling eliminated positions is against DOE policy and may be illegal as well."

I believe it's in the 3161 legislation passed back in the mid-90's. I'll try to find a link and post it.

Anonymous said...

Three times today from some very good people I have heard this. From FR talk yesterday he said, " I intend to lay off between 180 - 200 more term and contract people at the end of this ISP". What would mean either come Oct 1st of 2008 or bwfore Sept 29th of 2008. Anyone know the facts here? I did hear Wong say we were still looking at terms and contract but he was kind of whimmpy on that subject matter.

Anonymous said...

May be against policy but I don't see how it is illegal.Management can dump any one they want as long as it isn't race, religion based. For instance, they could dump somebody for being critical of the Lab. If you disparage the Lab you are in violation of Lab policy and can be ddisciplined (fired).Check the employee handbook.

Anonymous said...

"If you disparage the Lab you are in violation of Lab policy and can be ddisciplined (fired).Check the employee handbook."

1.) If that's the case you might as well fire 99% of the employees a LLNL

2.) However expressing your opinion is not against the law anywhere except Russia. When it gets to that point its time to take up arms. Bring it on. My finger is getting a little itcheeee..

Anonymous said...

"However expressing your opinion is not against the law"

Correct, but it is against Lab policy especially if it brings discredit to the Lab. The guy who flapped his gums at the last GM presentation, for instance, can say what ever he wants about the Lab. However, he may be saying it from the other side of the gate from now on.

Anonymous said...

"However, he may be saying it from the other side of the gate from now on."

April 24, 2008 8:26 PM

And I'll bet he wouldn't have any regrets and will never lose a night sleep over it just as I would not if I chose to do that. By no means should getting fired or losing your job stop you from saying what needs to be said or telling the truth or for that matter opening up peoples mines by virtue of expressing your opinion. The day we are silence by fear of retribution is the day this country and your freedoms are gone. Some just chose their time and place in an entirely different forum.

Anonymous said...

"...However, he may be saying it from the other side of the gate from now on..."

Nazi dirtbag. You and Osama have a philosophy in common.

What are you doing in California? I thought all you cretins were drinking blood in Argentina.

scooby said...

"And who is it that runs this blog? No name calling, right? Or maybe you suspend the rules when it suits you. I have as much respect for you as I do George Miller"

1) I do. Nazi is not an expletive and therefore does not violate BLOG rules.
2) As mentioned on top of BLOG, BLOG masters do not have to agree or disagree with a comment; they just publish it as long as it does not violate rules.
3) I do not need your respect; I have plenty of it from my friends.

Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

"...However, he may be saying it from the other side of the gate from now on..."

This boy must be one of the ULM's who've been put on report and are now pissed off the world is aware of his or her corporate greed and inside operation. BTW: I have the entire clip including all the Q&A where the guy with the big balls a lot bigger than yours will ever be says his piece and I am proud of him. I only wish we had 7000 more like the gentleman that spoke his mine and people like you were hung at the front gate for a few days for all to view upon entry. I can think of a few more tha need to join you.

Anonymous said...

"Had I taken TCP 2 and been laid off by LLNS and decided to retire under U.C. guess what, you are eligable for unemployment benefit."

In New Mexico, they include income from pensions, etc. in determining amount of unemployment you're entitled to. Unfortunately, many retirees with a lot of years of service, even with pensions reduced due to early retirement, would have pension income equal to or greater than the median family income in northern New Mexico. I don't believe they'd get very much in the way of unemployment from the State.

Anonymous said...

Re; LLNS Termination letter.
Sorry people but this letter is headed to the round file.
Why; ans, half the senators on the cc list rejected the funding for the RRW. Especially Tausher, Boxer, feinstein, and Levin.
All demorats ! You are barking up the wrong tree's as they say.
Need to laugh at the (Honorable) sir name. Too niave employee's.

Anonymous said...

In February 2008 the Division leader of Technology Resources Engineering Division (TRED) gathered all the Flex term employees in the division and for one hour told us how valuable the flex term employees were to the FUTURE of LLNL. He went on and on about our job security at the lab.
Now, after being laid off,I really know what his meaning of the flexterm employee mean's.
What a rat, two faced lier this person turned out to be.

Anonymous said...

April 26, 2008 7:35 PM,

Not you again.

Anyway, flex term employees are the FUTURE of LLNL. There were just too many of them to pay alongside the new ULM. Someone had to go..and it wasnt going to be the ULM.

Anonymous said...

Did others get that email yesterday from Security looking to hire 25 protective force officers from the ranks of the soon to be laid off? Not a bad deal if you are about to go out the gate and can pass the physical fitness standards as well as their training academy. You get to keep you're security clearance and LLNS benefits since LLNL security/protective force is not a subcontractor like most DOE sites.

Anonymous said...

Check this out. First it was seniority, then SKA's and now it seems if you're special you get to stay too.

Rumor: The layoff will disproportionately affect women, minorities and administrative staff.

Fact: As George Miller has stated in his all hands talks, cost efficiencies and work force restructuring are critical to the future of the Laboratory. A special Layoff Policy Implementation Review Committee has been appointed by the director to ensure job cuts are in accordance with cost efficiencies. In addition, an adverse impact study will be conducted to ensure that proposed layoff lists have been developed in accordance with the Lab's policies and conditions of the approved 3161 plan. An important part of this review will be an analysis of adverse impact.

Anonymous said...

Copied from another post:

Rumor: SL,RR,FR,HW,HC,AW and the rest of the RECHTEL boys are planing Decembers layoff.

Sound doable and timely since in around that time ULM will know their budget for sure but won't tell you until feb. If they know it's 10% short you can bank on more body bags and what better time than Christmas or New Years. One can expect anything now days which is of course what they want you to feel.It's an environment of 24-7 and insecurity and uncertainty. This if course leads to less attention to details, lower production output and sometime on the job injuries and accidents, but is saves money and that's the bottom line for now. LLNS has to meet NNSA goals or they won't get their bonus checks.

Anonymous said...

You will not know your work unit nor will you know where you are ranked in your unit until you get your pinkslip. Isn't that sweet of LLNS.

Anonymous said...

10 bucks says they dump us before the announced date thereby thwarting any attempt by disgruntled employees from doing something stupid

Anonymous said...

You're on! (I'm pretty sure that won't happen May 5, 2008 12:38 PM).

Anonymous said...

May 5, 2008 4:34 PM

Do you know something we don't? It sounds as if you do.

Anonymous said...

100's and 400's will be hit hard in this round. 500's and 300's in facilities positions. Lots of professonal discipline types in Hazards Control. Also 200's that are EBA, and those that someone in management deems dead wood! Isn't this FUN? It makes my stomach turn!

Anonymous said...

"It makes my stomach turn"
It should not; what else would you do with EBAs and deadwood?
Would you rather keep them and release the people with current skills?

Anonymous said...

Anyone could find themselves on the EBA list in these times! If management did the job they are paid to do there wouldn't be any dead wood! In the real world if you don't perform your out the door, they don't wait until there's a RIF to get rid of them! Management at the Lab couldn't run a gas station and make a profit!

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