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Friday, May 30, 2008

George & His Empty Promises

I thought George said the 10+ people - we are still employees - would be allowed to keep their clearances. Guess what, I just got the letter saying my Q is gone. Way to go G. Anybody else out there in the same situation?


Anonymous said...

Can anyone list George and Company aka LLNS list of promises in bullet format. Just how many things were the people of LLNL promised that wouldn't happen but in fact did take place. It time to reveal the lies.

Anonymous said...

A good place to start is to read through this document and pick out one by one, lie by lie. You'll be amazed.

Anonymous said...

One big lie was we will strive to attract and keep the best and brightest. Why is this a lie?
1) We just released some of the best and brightest and gave reason to some to leave.
2) We cannot attract anyone: expensive place to live, average benefits, unstable budget, lost academic culture, should I go on.
If I were you GM, I will stop talking out of both sides of my mouth!

Anonymous said...

It is not ended forever. The LLNS contact will eventually expire, and the lab may return to a meaningful, effective work environment.

Meanwhile, run for the hills. Seriously, find another job for a few years, wait for the new contract, then return. You'll have a higher starting salary when returning.

Anonymous said...

Q: Because of the higher value of the TCP-1 package, employees who opt for the TCP-1 package will be more costly to LLNS. What guarantee do employees that accept TCP-1 have that they will not be targeted in the event of any future reduction in workforce?

A: George Miller stated in his Town Hall on May 30th that he has no plans for layoffs or outsourcing. LLNS stands by that statement.

Anonymous said...

Q: 1. If sometime in the future LLNS loses the contract to manage LLNL, what will happen to the pensions of those who retire from LLNS? 2. If sometime in the future LLNS were to lose the contract to manage LLNL, would LLNS be dissolved? 3. If a workforce reduction were to become necessary, and a transferring, vested employee were to be laid off, what will happen to the pension money that LLNS receives from UCRP on behalf of that transferring employee? 4. In the event of a workforce reduction, would transferring, vested employees be more likely to be laid off due to their higher overhead costs to LLNS?

A: 1. If LLNS no longer has the contract, history of DOE sites tells you that the successor contractor assumes the program.

2. LLNS, LLC exists solely for the management and operations of the Livermore contract.

3. George Miller stated in his Town Hall on May 30th that he has no plans for layoffs or outsourcing, but to address your scenario the investment you have in the pension remains with the employee.

4. Again, there are no plans for layoffs, but critical mission skills are the core of lab hiring and not pension relationships.

Anonymous said...

Q: Strong rumor going around. We are hearing that there is going to be a RIF of 10% of the work force before Oct 1st. Mostly contract labor, post doc's and term employee's. True or False and if so again what are the facts?

A: False. LLNS has no such plans. In addition, George Miller stated in his Town Hall on May 30th that he has no plans for layoffs or outsourcing.

Look like that rumor was right on the money

Anonymous said...

Q: If one loses their job because of a funding issues and is forced to take a job that is out of their classification, does the employees pay move relative to the new positions pay scale? Having said that how many days does the employee have to find a new job before they are unemployed? A: Any time an employee takes on a new assignment, compensation is one of the issues discussed during the offer and acceptance negotiation. The process will not change. LLNS would not force any employee to take a job.

With all 45 lab TRR soon to be reclassed to Buyer 1's lets see what LLNS does.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting on the next big lie where all of sudden they'll need 16% of you pay check to stay afloat.

Question Id#2247 published on 9/14/2007 10:01:53 PM Q: I am confused by the LLNS responses related to whether employee contributions will be required to the TCP1 Defined Benefits Plan. "In the benefit plans proposed to NNSA, there are no employee contributions to the LLNS TCP1 Defined Benefit Pension Plan" "If employee contributions are ever required for the TCP1 Defined Benefit Pension Plan, it would not apply to the Defined Contribution 401(k) plan in TCP2." Which is it? Do you mean to say that no employee contributions are required at this time, although some may be in the future? If that is true, then please indicate the cap of those contributions, as was asked in earlier questions.

A: There is no limit with UC, LLNS or the IRS to employee contributions to a pension plan (TCP1). Mandatory employee contributions under TCP1 are not forecasted at this time. Should UC require employee contributions to the pension plan in the future, LLNS is contractually required to "consider " it but does not have to follow their lead. In addition, the NNSA must approve the change.

Anonymous said...

How can you believe all this crap! that George, and
all the other puppeteers are feeding you. They are
already to start out sourcing work. starting with the
Garbage pic up, they are looking at the city to do the
work cheaper(no benefits) also look to find the
gardeners gone. And the fleet garage. Wake up and
get that stupid look off of your faces. Its not going to
be better in the future, its only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to RECIPROCITY?
(maybe this needs to be another topic?)

Unlike LANS, way over a 100 of LLNL people stood to loose major parts of their retirement, if they had PERS credit.

Anastasio and others got major $ compensation to make up for what they lost.

In their public meetings LLNS promised to take care of us.

George Miller understood the issues, and even promised in e-mail to make us whole. When it was pointed out that we had nothing official in writing, and the deadline was coming upon us, he wrote that he would continue to work to make us whole even after the deadline, and advised us to take the TCP-1.

what happened to your promise, George?

Many of us, myself included, were not able to believe, and went for the TCP-2. That kept my Reciprocity, and kept about a third of my retirement which would have been lost.
The tradeoff was that TCP-1 would have been worth more for each additional year of work.

Does anyone else have any info on this?

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