Blog purpose

This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Submission Has Been Achieved

Moved from the wrong area.

I have been noticing people packing their offices already. Why? Are we going to buy into this rumor that we will be asked to leave with only two hours notice. Why would we be so willing to help these insensitive idiots by packing early. Don't do anything until you get officially notified you are being laid off. If you need two days to pack, so be it. They can pay 28 days in lieu of. I doubt if what they are doing is legal! They can have an armed guard watch me but I will leave when I am ready! I'm still employed for gods sake! I'm tired of us acting like a herd of lambs awaiting slaughter. We need to march down Vasco road with signs to protest and get some national exposure. How about it people? Lunch time event next Wednesday..We are running out of time! Only national attention will cause changes. Let me know if we can get this going! Don't go down without a fight!


Anonymous said...

"Let me know if we can get this going! Don't go down without a fight!"
I am with you! Let us have a peaceful gathering at the central cafeteria at 8:30 wednesday 5/7 and decide about an official protest!

This invitation has only 1 requirement: not be afaid of your own shadow.
Let us occupy the tables in the SW corner of the central cafeteria!

Anonymous said...

"Are we going to buy into this rumor that we will be asked to leave with only two hours notice."

That's what happened at the NTS with the NSTec layoffs - employees were notified early in the morning and escorted off site within several hours. Arrangements had been made in advance for cargo trucks to deliver the boxes with employee's belongings into town.

Anonymous said...

Another disgruntled employee leaves their mark of disapproval today in Bldg. 490! Apparently someone was angry at the way the restroom was cleaned???
Ya right!!

Anonymous said...

I was told they were going to require everyone that received notice (~3,200 career employees) to bring any government property computers, pagers, etc.)back to the Lab.

Individuals laid off wouldn't have access to their computer. A supervisor would be with the individual from the time they received their notice until they drove off.
I wasn't told you'd get any time to pack up personal items. I was told the Lab will ship personal belongings to people.

I guess it's time to take home the pictures of the family and all those presents the kids gave you, just in case becasue I don't want them touching anything that has personal meaning to me. I think I'll leave them the Lab's fifty year clelebration coffee mug.

I'm glad they are protecting the dignity of their career employees.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 6:32 AM

The good news is security forensics department will probably turn the glove inside out, acquire the person prints that're on file and his sorry butt should be out the gate. If nothing else they'll have his DNA and know what he had to eat the day before.

What's I'll never figure out is why would you do this to the custodian, she didn't cause this RIF. If you were going to do something creative you should have been very careful and delivered and entire shoe box of turds to 311 and maybe 111 or better yet ship it to NNSA with a greetings card.

Please don't take your frustrations out on your co-workers. They're people just like you who come to work day to day wondering if their number is going to be pulled so they too can join the ranks of the unemployed.

Anonymous said...

I have years of research, notes, grants, items...etc. The RIF is a good excuse to clean up and organize NOW. Not with someone looking over my shoulder. I say do your self a favor and take care of things as soon as possible, so you can spend that last two hours ensuring you leave nothing behind. If your one of the 3200 your time is probably numbered anyway!

What's surprising is the supervisors/managers will be in training to oversee this whole process and escort people around and out the lab....I wonder if we will ever know the true cost and waste of money caused by the transition.

Anonymous said...

That is sound advice. Gather your stuff. Take care of business now.
Now, you are calmer than you will be when you are told "you r out of here".
I wonder who will escort laid off supervisors and managers? or will there be any laid off?

Anonymous said...

I agree, please spread the word for a mtg @8:30 Wed 5/7 in central cafe to discuss a (peaceful) march.

We are such a large community and it would be a shame to not help each-other and unite as a strong force before we just hang our heads and walk away.

Anonymous said...

Any of you every thought about making a flyer, pass it to all 8000 employees at LLNL by e-mail and write Betsy Mason so she can get you some TV time. On the flyer you should have the URL of the blog too. It would help you get the word out right quick. Betsy's address is on the side-bar.

Anonymous said...

I strongly advise any of you who plan to meet at 8:30 to organize a march think long and hard about the contract you all signed and are expected to abide by. I think you will be exposing yourself to punitive action by engaging in activities on lab property during normal work hours which are not approved or sanctioned by your employer. If you want to do something like this it should be somewhere off site and either before or after normal working hours. If you do march during normal work hours and you do not charge the time to vacation you probably will get fired (especially if you are not part of some bargaining unit). Even then you may get fired because you will have brought embarrassment and discredit to the lab (which is expressly forbbiden and in the policy manual).

Don't let your emotions push you into doing something you will later regret. After all, any job is better than no job at all.

You are playing right into the hands of management. What better way to dump those they feel are "undesirable". It will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 12:23 PM

If a quite march with TV coverage is a embarrassment and discredit to the lab and according to you is expressly forbidden and in the policy manual, then you're also saying that expressing your opinion on a public forum is also an issue. better go after the newspapers too since the last article I read about the lab said it was run by a bunch of numskulls who had they heads up their butts and were liar's too. That was written in a bay area wide newspaper. Maybe we need more truthful coverage on the national level. Betsy Mason where are you when we need you.

Anonymous said...

Talk about saying all that needs to be said. Copy and paste

Anonymous said...

"Don't let your emotions push you into doing something you will later regret. After all, any job is better than no job at all."

Baa, baa. Yes, let's all remain quiet little sheep while the LLNS management slaughter begins.

Maybe you'll be the lucky little sheep in the herd that survives this year's layoffs to live one more year as a sheep. Remember to keep your head hung very low and make no noise. NNSA is counting on it.

Anonymous said...

Given the reluctance to fight before when it could have made a difference why would anyone think that a fight would matter now?

I'm all in favor of cleaning out early. And also shredding any notes, logs, or anything else that LLNS would find useful in continuing operations.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 4:28 PM

The best idea I've heard yet and you still have 16 days to get it done.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 1:03 PM

"then you're also saying that expressing your opinion on a public forum is also an issue"

You didn't read what I wrote apparently..

Anonymous said...

The lambs have spoken. I have seen so many of us struggling to cope with all the turmoil this change has brought to us. Daily I am confronted with depression, confusion and a sense of hopelessness by the people I work with. I used to love to come to work. Lately it is a struggle. Not just because of my possible termination but because the people I have come to regard as friends are hurting. All of you who are knocking a protest better not ever complain to anyone! You have a choice to bring this to public and political attention by walking down Vasco road with the press invited. The ones who orchestrated this mess are like rats, they hate the light of day and work best in the shadows when they are at their most devious. A protest will bring this to the light of day. We may not make a difference. But what if we do.

original post author.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 1:32 PM

You all should have spent more time unionizing. It's too late now. So, "baa, baa", lay down and be sheared like good sheep. You know it was tried once before at the lab(walk off the job). Either e-techs or electricians decided to walk off (early 70"s late 60's). They fired every one of them.

By the way, since when is "heads up their butts" allowable on the blog. Can I or can I not swear? I am confused.

scooby said...

"heads up their butts" is not expletive.

Anonymous said...

Rather, expletive is a term in linguistics for a meaningless word filling a syntactic vacancy (syntactic expletives). Outside linguistics, the word is much more commonly used to refer to "bad language". Some linguists use it to refer to meaningless, "filler" use of "bad language" ("expletive attributives"), distinguishing this from meaningful use.

Your definition is different than mine(an a lot of others too).I guess you think "heads up there butts" is meaningful use.

In that case, you have your head up your butt.

Anonymous said...

May 3, 2008 7:03 PM

"Expletive:an exclamatory word or phrase; especially : one that is obscene or profane"

We have a winner!

scooby said...

"In that case, you have your head up your butt."
I thank you for visiting the BLOG and expressing your opinion. Wherever my head is, it is of more help to LLNL employees than yours is.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it scooby. I guess you hit a nerve and sometimes the truth hurts. Would you like me to send you a clean graphic picture that shows what head up your butt means. I have a good one I acquired a few years ago and its been passed around for a long, long time. I found it to be very informative, especially if you want to tell someone they're screwed up to the max. In this case a single picture is worth a million words. You don't have to put it on the blog if you don't want to but you'll understand what I'm talking about when you see it and you'll have many uses for it. It's perfect.

Oh and BTW your last statement is absolutely correct. Thanks for being there for all LLNL employees who care.

Anonymous said...

"The lambs have spoken".

This has nothing to do with laying down. People should take care of their families, themselves and friends first. Only after they feel they have taken care of those things, then think about what you can do to help illuminate what's happening at LLNL. The pen is probably better than a march on company time.

As for me, I think Its time to move on, after all its really become ONLY a job and I don't see a clear plan for things improving in the near future. On top of that, most of the leadership at the division levels on up is so far removed from science and ignorant of the programs they manage, they only know how manage people out the gate.

Anonymous said...

As for packing early, I think that it is a good idea. For those let go who have less than 10 years seniority, we will be given 30 days pay up front. I look on the positive side of is 20 days of free vacation! Thanks NNSA!

Now why would I want to spend the first 2 days of my free vacation packing my office? The taxpayers paid for this, I should do something fun with it!

Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry that none of you seem to get it. No one cares that "the lab" is laying people off other than us. The housing market is in the crapper (by the way, it was a not a gentleman named Crapper that invented the flushing toilet). We are not alone - lots of people in the bay area are getting layed off - we are not alone. Am I mad - well duh! The closest paying job I can find, requires a two hour commute and a 40% reduction in pay. My blood presuure is up, I don't sleep well at night, I'm having trouble making decisions - we're all getting ( the boner ), it sucks (not a bad word). Best we can hope to do is hope that our management makes a mistake and we can all make a few bucks in a class action suit.

Good luck everyone - we're all going to need it.

Anonymous said...

Form Factor, in Livermore, is laying off 243 people (100 in April and about 140 in June). The 535 at LLNL just a blip in the East Bay employment situation. Join the crowd...

Anonymous said...

I'd rather get laid off than get fired for cause. Out in the world if you were to have some protest on site you'd be out in a New York Minute.

And yes, it is perfectly legal to give you no notice (not even two hours) and have you escorted off site. I've seen it done more than once. As long as you get your final payout you are terminated. That goes for flex, career or contractor. You are far less empowered than you think you are. You are at the mercy of the corporation that makes the ruled (within the law).


scooby said...

"You don't have to put it on the blog if you don't want to but you'll understand what I'm talking about"

Please do email it to me;see email address on sidebar.

Anonymous said...

This is right out of the policy manual:

Conduct that brings discredit to Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, casts significant doubt on the employee's reliability or trustworthiness, or otherwise materially affects an employee's ability to work effectively or harmoniously with others is improper.

Anonymous said...

And here is some more right out of the policy handbook:

Improper use of working time includes any use of Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC time for non- Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC work.

Neko said...

Here is an article from CNN. I suggest you read it. It makes a lot of sense. I'm ready - should it happen to me, I'll simply hand my boss my badge, tell them I'll contact them next week and leave peacefully.

Anonymous said...

Try this people,

Six Ways To Prepare For A Lay-Off

Anonymous said...

Thanks blogmaster for the link on the sidebar entitled. How Hungry Are You. Maybe this place will get a few thousand applicants. They're now aware that LLNL is in the purging process.

Anonymous said...

When layoffs are ahead, you need to watch your behind. Here are six ways to prepare and protect yourself:

1. Get Organized

Print and take home personal files on your computer and locate copies of your performance appraisals and other personnel records. Review your status reports and project files to help you update your resume so that it reflects all of your recent accomplishments and newly acquired skills. Think about what you might want to do next and whom you might want to use as a reference.

2. Get what's coming to you

Take advantage of any perks and benefits to which you are entitled. Schedule your checkups and tend to any dental or medical issues while you're still insured -- especially if you've already met your deductibles.

If you've got a flexible spending account, turn in all outstanding claims to avoid forfeiting any balances. In addition, know exactly how much vacation and floating holiday time you've used and make sure you've taken credit for your holidays. (Most companies will not honor unused holidays, but will pay you for any remaining vacation.)

3. Get connected

Spend at least one to two hours a day networking. Call your friends, former co-workers and clients. Attend your professional association meetings. Talk to headhunters and corporate recruiters. This is a good time to help others who may be helpful to you in the future.

4. Get searching

In addition to networking with colleagues and recruiters, visit the Web sites of any relevant trade and professional associations as well as companies where you'd like to work. Check print and online job postings to see what the requirements of your desired next job are and note any gaps in your experience or skill base.

5. Get an exit strategy

The HR folks will be working from a script when they give you the news. Make sure you know what you should say, too. If no information about severance pay has been communicated, check the company policy manual to find out what is standard practice. Do not agree to sign anything then and there; say that you need to review the proposed agreement with your legal and financial advisors.

The National Employee Rights Institute (NERI) contends that employees have more bargaining power than they realize. And it's not only the amount of severance pay that is negotiable.

Thoroughly assess your situation, so that you can negotiate aspects of the termination that will have the most value for you.

For example, if the layoff occurs shortly before a bonus will be paid or before a service anniversary that would increase your vesting rights in any company-sponsored retirement or profit-sharing plans, prepare a case that you should be entitled to receive that payment or additional vesting.

Also think about receiving your severance payment as salary continuation rather than a lump sum agreement. Salary continuation often allows for a continuation of disability benefits and also lets you answer "yes" when asked if you're still employed.

6. Get fired up!

When layoffs are looming, the best course of action is to stay positive and place yourself in a position of strength. Remember, change is an accelerating mechanism. It can bring about hardship and anxiety if you try to avoid it, but tremendous opportunity if you accept and welcome it

Anonymous said...

March down Vasco? What good would that do? It would get about as much attention as the anti-Lab protests get, probably less because very few employee's would be willing to do that. Besides do you really think the general public really gives a damn about our little RIF? Hell no! They're more concerned about the rising costs of fuel and food, not to mention thier own jobs! I've been layed off before, it's not a fun process! You either position yourself to help prevent it, or if you can't just move on with your life! It sucks, but that's really the only choices!

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