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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
The current presidential race certainly is relevant in light of the LLNL contract fiasco. The existing administration subscribes to the ideology that the government should have virtually no role in American life. To that end they have systematically given away our national assets, such as LLNL , to private interests, who are usually linked to the administration. LLNL no longer serves the national interest. It is nothing more than a cash cow for Bechtel & co. If you think this is a positive change, go ahead and vote for McCain. He will certainly continue down this path.
Or you can vote for Obamma and turn the country over to the middle east. We already have a congresman that is not loyal to America, now we can have a president that isn't neither. What a choice.
hey 7:44PM!
You have the same fear that Bush used in 2004 to get elected. If Kerry were to be elected, we would have had terrorists in our airports.
Well, you have that fear now with Obama don't you? You dont know Obama!
He is as patriotic as the next guy.
I think you listen too much to Rush, Drudge and that bitter Michael Savage!
qoute: "Or you can vote for Obamma and turn the country over to the middle east. We already have a congresman that is not loyal to America, now we can have a president that isn't neither. What a choice"
How very literate of you. I guess the republican strategy to decimate education has been very successful. "If they are stupid, they won't see through our BS"
Repeat after me:
The most important issue in this election is not terrorism. Not health care. Not the economy. Not Iraq.
The most important issue is lapel jewelry.
Obamma is a Muslin and the only good muslin is a dead Muslim. A Muslim IS NOT an American as well as anyone else who hyphenates their name in order to hold their heritage. I will not vote for a foreign national to run this country.
Obama for President?
July 14, 2008 11:31 AM
You are correct.
to 7/15 5:05 PM:
You say Obama is a muslim; It is like saying Goerge Bush is Budhist!
You are an ignorant american. We have Muslims at the Lab who are terrific human beings and great contributors to this nation!
Direct your anger towards those that ruined this country: The Bush crime family! instead of the peaceful few muslims.
July 5, 2008 4:08 PM
Boy! You want 8 more years of Bush? You gotta be nuts.
July 15, 2008 9:23 PM
I suppose,for you,ignorance is a virtue.
(10 bucks says you haven't a clue what any of that means)
July 15, 2008 9:23 PM
And they probably have Q cleanrance. There's America's problems. The doors are open and she's for sale. What idiots you are.
As several of the commenters here have noted, some people feel threatened by intelligence and will vote for the person who they resonate with, regardless of the issues. A common refrain heard during the 2000 election was, "Bush is the kind of guy I could drink a beer with." Bush has made light of his sub-par academic record, and so does McCain. see
It is a sad commentary that many Americans do not think that the US Presidency requires brains.
It is a sad commentary that many Americans do not think that the US Presidency requires brains.
July 16, 2008 7:16 PM
The answer is, do not vote for a Muslim period. They are the enemy or we wouldn't be in Iraq and you can bank they don't like you and never will. They's cut your throat as they have done many publicly if given a chance. They are here in America as parasites milking your tax dollars to feed their cause. They are not loyal to America but to their HOMELAND and RELIGION, not yours. Vote McCain. At least he's an American not a foreign national. We don't need a liberal socialist in office who worships a false God named Ala that promises 17 virgins upon death, as if that was a grand prise.
July 17, 2008 5:57 PM
you couldn't possibly work at the lab. Who in their right mind would hire you? I don't spell well but I am guessing you have no more than a grade school education if even that. It's obvious you don't read much if at all. You are a dolt.look it up (if you can)
I agree with July 17, 2008 5:57 PM
They may not be able to spell but it's better than giving the country away as most of you bonehead liberals want to.
July 17, 2008 8:46 PM
Giving the country away to who? Oh,I get it, you mean give away the country by squandering billions upon billions of dollars and the death of thousands of young soldiers on a search for nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. That, my friend, is conservatism in it purest form.
July 17, 2008 10:11 PM
You people are really stupid. You'd give away your mother for a price. No wonder America has gone to hell. Look around. You people are nothing but a bunch of Heinz 57's with nothing in common and no unity what so ever. It's all about the ability to express yourselves, freedom of worship and remembering your heritage more that what country you reside in. Yep, you've finally done it. Divide and Concur. Try that BS in some other country and see what happens to your happy, happy little butt sniveling carcass. America has been going down hill since WWII and it has never come out of the spin. Why? Because of people who believe we should let every JA in the world reside on our soil and do as they wish.
July 18, 2008 5:57 AM
Bravo-Zulu my friend. Someone finally said what no one wants to hear or admit. So much for global economics. I'll vote for you in Nov. There's no one with a good set of gonads or any sort of intestinal fortitude in the congress or the senate that I'd like to see in the Whitehouse, ever. They are all just a bunch of self center politically correct buffoons in fear of making any decision that would conjure up a negative world opinion for the sole assurance of a 100% retirement with only five years of service. The only cure would be to clean them ALL out in one big sweep.
July 15, 2008 6:56 PM
You forgot the .pdf at the end of the URL or no one will be able to read about Obama's BS. Obama for President?
July 17, 2008 5:57 PM
Ditto on that. The borders should have been closed for the last 50 years and deportation should have been in full swing. If it was, we wouldn't have a candidate for president that's Muslim at heart while at the same time killing the very same type's of people in Iraq, and we most certainly wouldn't have a congress person who honors the Koran over the bible. We have a bunch of idiots running the country. Nevertheless we've allowed all points of entry into this country to remain wide open even after 9-11 and for this reason the face of America is nothing more than a bunch of Mongols stemming from sexual experimentation in cross breeding and act of defiance by a younger generation brought on by a politically correct media who's goal was establish a one world order. Welcome to planet earth an experiment in itself that's gone bad. The good news is, someday we'll get to start all over again.
July 19, 2008 9:44 AM
When Yellowstone National Park erupts it'll take of these problems you have defined. It's only a matter of time. Until then mankind will continue to do itself in.
July 19, 2008 5:59
What some may view as a major disaster may in fact be a blessing in disguise as long as the eruption is large enough to take out the entire worlds population leaving no one alive.
Obama at his best
Up until now, I have been in the Undecided column. Full disclosure, I am a registered Republican and military vet (Marines). After reading the viewpoints expressed here, I am voting for Obama. I cannot believe how my fellow conservatives and patriots could have sunk so low as to spew such nonsense, racism, religious hatred, and anti-American values. If you really are LLNL employees you should be more aware than anyone who has been giving the country away: the present Administration. This Lab has been handed over to private industry and will never again be the national resource it once was.
July 20, 2008 11:46 AM
Glad you are voting for Obama. These viewpoints are as anti-republican as you can get and are more like socialist than anything else. I guess the marines always lets a few slide by.
I too have been reading some article in the newspaper where the Army and other branches have been letting gang bangers, thugs and felons in the armed forces. Evidently they do not screen their recruits very well. At least they caught them and now they are being booted into prison.
Yes, Bush/Cheney/McCain have indeed been letting scum into the military. Because it is getting very hard to find regular people willing to volunteer to go get their heads blown off for the sake of oil companies, KKR, Halliburton, Bechtel, etc. If the Iraq cause were just, there would be no problem finding Americans to volunteer. This country has declined so far and so fast in only 8 years. Time to put it back together.
Gang bangers, thugs and felons in the armed forces? YES! YES! YES! Skilled professional translators who are gay? NO. NEVER! VOTE BUSH-McCAIN 08.
July 20, 2008 12:46 PM
And the draft dodgers said the same thing about Vietnam. Just look at the PdD at LLNL and you'll see those who ran with their tails tucked between their legs. I can see now they've raise the next generation to do the same. I guess the nut doesn't fall far from the tree. Vote Republican or Embrace Socialism. That's your ONLY option. Just say NO to Obama.
I am not sure what your complaint is about the LLNL PhD scientists who have devoted their careers to inventing superior defense technology, to end the cold war, defeat the Soviet Union, and keep our country in a position unmatched of military superiority. These are the people who are now being shown the door if Bechtel does not consider them to be profitable. The only real big shot draft dodgers I can think of are Dick Cheney and GWB.
July 20, 2008 3:05 PM
Better do a head count at LLNL. You've missed the boat by a long shot.
July 20, 2008 3:05 PM
I'm sure glad you think the Phd's make this country safe. The truth is they've been remaking the wheel since 1953. Not a bad milking job.
July 20, 2008 5:30 PM
You can't understand how far defense technology has advanced since 1953? Why - is that how long you have been in a coma? Have another Bud Lite, Rufus.
I too will NOT vote for Obama. I'll leave that to the rest of the fools.
Just as a disinterested observer, why would the moderator of this blog leave the venemous, hate-filled rants on this page standing to represent your lab? "The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" is not a thought any decent organization, let alone a decent human being, should be associated with. It is hateful trash spewed by someone who needs therapy.
Take you BS " get out of jail race playing card with you" and play it someplace else. You'd be surprised how many people in America think the quote is 100% correct. You must not be an American. Go back to Iraq or what ever sand pit you came from and take your liberal ideology with you. I guess you think when we went to war with the JAP, Germans or Vietnamese wen are to greet them with open arms too as they resided on our soil. Well guess what. There are many that don't like them to this day and never will for various reasons and I agree entirely. Get over it and face facts.
I am assuming that many of the virulent comments from muslim-haters come from non-LLNL people. In that case, I look at such commenters as ignorant people that are still scared by the Bush propaganda. These are the same people that despite the bad shape they are in economically still worship Bush. They really believe (honestly) that if Bush was not the president, we will have the terrorists roaming our airports!
In the event some of these anti-muslim comments are from LLNL employees, I have a message for them:
US citizenship, the right to life in the US and the right to have a Q clearance is not the monopoly of any given race or religion.
"The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class, it is the cause of humankind, the very birthright of humanity." Anna Julian Cooper
July 21, 5:07 PM
For what it's worth, my grandfather lost a leg fighting the Japanese in World War II and my father was a Marine who died in Vietnam. I can honestly say they would both be disgusted with your ludicrous, hate-filled bile. It disgraces the country they fought and died for. Thankfully, that country still has a preponderence of decent citizens who understand why the Stars and Stripes are worth fighting for.
It is pretty clear from the (lack of) writing style that the xenophobic ranting is all from one guy with too much time on his hands. Probably a 14 year old boy having a tough time with adolescence. Like all trolls he just wants to see how much reaction he can get. Best to ignore him.
"xenophobic ranting"?
The word fits 100% and if we had 99% of the nation for the lastt 2000 with this problem we would have never had any problems in the first place.
Hmm, when exactly should "we" have started the xenophobic rantings?
Before a Pole and Frenchman came to help us win the Revolutionary War?
Before the Irish came and dug the Erie Canal?
Before the Germans settled the upper Midwest and marched bravely into Civil War battle?
Before the Chinese came to build the Central Pacific Railroad?
Before my grandfather came through Ellis Island, grew up and trained to be a skilled machinist?
Before the wave of European scientists exiled by fascism made extraordinary contributions to America's defense and intellectual life?
All in all it hasn't worked too badly. Admittedly it's a bit messy and chaotic. Kind of like humanity in general.
July 23, 2008 9:37 PM
It could have worked a lot better if we would have allowed skilled labor only into this country and set a combined limit of immigrants to 1000 per year. It should also be a requirement to become a US citizenship within five years after planting their feet on our land. If they fail to pass the test, learn how to speak English and haven't accepted our ways of life, rules and regulations they would then be deported back to their home of origin alone with any and all relatives gained in that five year stay and this would include all those born on to them during their stay. The sucking sound has to stop and it needs to stop today.
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