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Friday, March 8, 2013
This is a joke...right?
You think the Lab is having some troubles now....if you ever worked in a union atmosphere when you cannot even sweep a floor or carry a package because that is controlled by some high school drop out union head then that is an experience you must try.
How would a scientist excel with union restrictions on their work.
I want to be a fly on the wall when some uneducated union thug boss tells Parney how to run the Lab.
The caption should read "Do you want to be a union drone"? - 3/09/2013 8:39 AM
It seems to me that Unions are a part of the Entitlement part of our society.
Think about it...because of the lie of prevailing wage most unions cannot make it in the private sector and a vast majority of their work is through the government.
If you were building a commercial building would you hire union workers at $70 an hour or would you hire workers who are paid on there merit at maybe $40 or 50 an hour?
SO how can a union survive?
Well they are not surviving in most states (like Wisconsin) that have curtailed there political contributions.
The only way unions can survive is by getting government jobs through political contributions...period.
I do not want to be a party to unions that kick money up to the Democratic party...period.
Also unions like to control things and that can really hurt productivity.Think about it you have some uneducated union boss running things and usually they get into where they try to control everything. I know of a situation where a job was stopped because the electrical union and the labor union had a big fight over who could carry out some cash registers at a large job.
Nuts!!!!! - 3/09/2013 8:52 AM
On another note how much does the GSE constructions workers make an hour? The union there is raping the Lab.
I have chatted with some of them and they are seem to be good people but do they really deserve to make that high of an hourly rate.
With all of the sequestration debate how come no one is complaining that the Lab is paying these union folks $70-80 an hour.
Why is that...couldn't some of that money be used for SCIENCE? I know it is a novel idea, - 3/09/2013 9:17 AM
good old union bashing. Brought to you by the Koch brothers.
- 3/09/2013 2:23 PM
Saul Alinsky said what you cannot defend with words personally attack and distract.
Liberalism (utopia)and Unionism do not work unless the system becomes corrupted.
Unions are corrupt by their nature and there are thousands of examples of union corruption.
You have to have a severe case of
"Unionmentality ism" to believe a union is not a corrupt entity.
It is in the AMA book of mental diseases right next to BSism and Entitlementism formally called "gimme mine because I am owed a livingism"
if you are going to tout the benefits of a union at the Lab then be honest and tell people that unions have some positive traits but also have a huge downside.
Remember NUMI which was Toyotas ONLY union plant or maybe that was a coincidence.
Oh lest we forgot Hostess which closed because of union demands.
It is possible that we lost 1 million steelworker jobs partly from Chinese steel dumping but a lesser known fact is that 50% of the reason the Steel mills went out of business was Union demands.
One million blue collar jobs.hmmm.
- 3/09/2013 7:56 PM
How's that non-union solution work'in out for ya?
How do you like having upper management make all the benefit and salary decisions for you when they gather around the table with no workforce grunts at the table to argue on your behalf?
Yeah, like I thought. Not doing so good. Keep up the union bashing. Upper management LOVES to see it. They get paid the big bucks to make sure that no unions ever gain a significant foothold at the labs.
- 3/09/2013 9:23 PM
Unions are less than 11% of the private workforce (like LLNL and LANL), less than 30% of the public workforce. Far down from the corruption of the 50's, 60's, and 70's. It's a good thing.
- 3/09/2013 9:39 PM
Sorry I was busy but let me respond to the union drone bees.
So being a merit (getting paid on the merits of my work) employee is working quite well for me to answer the question.
I am an hourly worker at the Lab (for over 25 yrs) and I am grateful to work at a company that has fed my family and paid me well for that time.
I (from outside experience) am a little more educated and understand a little bit more on the present day corruption and shadiness of unions and their absolutely infantile tactics.
Example I had two different Plant employees separately tell me that they were told to fill out ïnformation only"cards at a meeting with UPTE union reps but were really "check cards"it meant if they filled out the cards it was a deceitful voting method for a union.
The fact that even UPTE is a deceitful, shady entity run by uneducated people who dislike the Lab which has provided for their well being speaks for itself.
You really have to have a deep seated union mentality to believe that a union atmosphere does not have an incredible downside.
Any more questions?
- 3/10/2013 2:48 PM
Unions fill the bill for the two Cs - communist and corrupt. Didn't know there were bowling alley/chewing tobacco/uneducated types at the lab who were interested in such a thing.
- 3/11/2013 12:17 PM
Didn't know there were bowling alley/chewing tobacco/uneducated types at the lab who were interested in such a thing.
March 11, 2013 at 12:17 PM
When your livelihood is threatened and you feel powerless, you tend to become "interested in such a thing." Thuggish behavior on the part of management invites thuggish behavior (unions) on the part of employees. The key is to have a workforce that is mobile, educated, and motivated to succeed. Any employees who allow themselves to get "stuck" at the mercy of management with no options to leave and find a better job elsewhere are perfect union fodder. Teach your children well. - 3/11/2013 7:19 PM
Unions got established when there was little rule of law to keep some poor slob from getting canned for looking at his foreman cross-eyed. The major capitalists played hardball and had the governments in their pocket.
The pendulum swings one way then another. It's the competition of self-interests. - 3/11/2013 10:41 PM
In response to the person not aware of the bowling alley/uneducated types, you need to meet Miss Anti-Science who has been acting ditector of security for a while now.
- 3/12/2013 2:01 PM
The first post must be either from Bruce "Trust Me" Warner or Lynn "Screw 'Mm' Soderstrom
- 3/13/2013 11:54 PM
Each contract revision results in less compensation. Preexisting contracts with binding terms eliminate the arbitrary reduction.
Seems like an excellent argument for employment contracts, which will only come about as the result of collective bargaining.
The arithmentic seems to favor protecting onself.
The better of two weevils? - 3/13/2013 11:56 PM
OK, we got all the orgasmic diatribes released. You boys calm now.
Think. How do you protect yourselves during the next lab management contract renegotiation so that the benefits reduction that were forced on you in 2007-2008 debacle and still play out today in the form of unfavorable contact 44 clauses?
Think. Don't just spew. Think. How do you do it? One sure way is having an employment contact in place prior.
T - 3/14/2013 12:02 AM
And think of the improved attitude of Congressmen and their NNSA contract overlords when the scientific establishment votes to collectively bargain and even loses by a small margin.
Not so haughty now. - 3/14/2013 12:06 AM
...scientific establishment votes to collectively bargain and even loses by a small margin.
Not so haughty now.
March 14, 2013 at 12:06 AM
Never happen. Unions never win anymore, because they always demand more than management needs to provide under today's labor laws, otherwise they (unions) have no reason to exist. Which is why, in the US today, they almost don't. - 3/14/2013 11:24 AM
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