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Thursday, October 1, 2015
Unconfirmed story but from reliable sources:
LANL Team Leader observed throwing stuff/tools out of truck into canyon (near TA54?) by local police officer . Police officer takes license plate number and wait for truck to leave. Police officer collects tools and takes to LANL management. Tools are contaminated. Officer is contaminated. Suspect individual was stealing tools and has done so repeatedly........ can't make this s***t up! Did he take tools from the waste stream processed at TA54? Did he take tools home? Give them to friends and family? Did he sell them? Who and what is contaminated? Hopefully this is a false story. Hopefully it was the first time. Hopefully the cop is fine.
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
I heard this as well, and I really hope nobody is harmed. I can only imagine Charlie's anger!!!!!!!
Why would Charlie be angry? The team leader was just "following the money" if the story is correct.
A Decemeber 2014 press release:
From DOE Headquarters Occurrence Report System for Oct 2, 2015
Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL Road Near TA-18
Discovery of Contaminated Tools in an Uncontrolled Area - (Significance Category 2)
On September 29, 2015, following response to tools discovered beyond a guard rail along a laboratory road, radiation protection personnel surveyed a portable band saw and detected alpha contamination levels of 100,000 disintegrations per minute (dpm) fixed and 3,000 dpm removable. The location where the tools were found was an uncontrolled area. Because Security and Los Alamos Police Department (LAPD) personnel had been handling the tools for investigative purposes without personal protective equipment or knowledge of their contamination, the Health Physics Field Coordinator suspended the tool survey to perform surveys of the personnel. Contamination was detected on the Security worker, the LAPD detective (radon), and the personal pants of an emergency manager (radon). The individuals were transported to the Laboratory's occupational medicine facility where they were re-monitored and the Security worker was decontaminated. Isotopic analysis of the tool smear surveys indicated plutonium-239 and americium-241.
Was there a 9-29-15 official announcement from LANS management instructing ALL employees to stay clear of specific "uncontrolled areas"
and other potentially contaminated employee paths and vehicle routes while those areas are decontaminated and investigated?
So 12:34 has a link to a news article back in 2014 about this behavior and LANS/LANL refused to cooperate then???? Disgusting Charlie! This is on your hands now.
Charlie has no control over the rogue cowboy culture that has been pervasive at LANL. Most of the lab should be shut down, keeping only essential operations with employees on a much tighter leash.
The manager that told these guys to "dump the tools" should be put in jail for a very long time. Ditto for the guys themselves if they knew what they were doing.
My god, it's full of cowboys!
My god, it's full of cowboys!
October 3, 2015 at 7:13 PM
Your (apparent) definition of "cowboy" is an insult to true cowboys everywhere. I wish you coneheads would find another epithet. Why imitate Nanos?
Charlie has no control over the rogue cowboy culture that has been pervasive at LANL. Most of the lab should be shut down, keeping only essential operations with employees on a much tighter leash. Another cowboy shooter.
Yes , get rid of all the unnecessary scientists and only keep the managers. Problem soled, since they are the only essential operations. Then the lab can only operate on overhead; I am sure congress will be happy to just fund the overhead.
Oh and the leash; reading too much 50 shades of grey?
"From DOE Headquarters Occurrence Report System for Oct 2, 2015
Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL Road Near TA-18
Discovery of Contaminated Tools in an Uncontrolled Area - (Significance Category 2)"
Is there a public web link to this DOE occurrence report?
Are any contaminated tools showing up on Ebay ? Just a thought. DOE/NNSA better investigate.
"It's the day-in and day-our safety and security issues at LANL"
Dr. Victor Reis, Former Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs (DP-1), 1997
An eighteen year old quote from a has-been? Like it means anything, if it ever did (or if he ever really said it).
That quote is not documented anywhere else, so it probably never happened. The scum troll that insists repeating here should ... .
Privatization of the labs has failed.
Victor Reis,
Now that was said last year.
October 4, 2015 at 3:48 PM
Since it looks like nothing has changed in the past eighteen years, then it means something.
October 5, 2015 at 7:57 AM
Using a presumption to support a declaration is something most of us learned not to do in high school English class.
The problem was that Nano didn't have enough power to institute needed changes. He didn't try hard enough.
If you were there and know what happened, you'd know that his name is "Nanos."
If you were there and know what happened, you'd know that his name is "Nanos."
October 5, 2015 at 7:12 PM
All I know is that I am a bitter POS. But if you really have to know what eats at my guts, what really pisses me off after all these goddamn years, is that suppose they did shut down all labs, most of the people that work at these labs would end up getting jobs elsewhere and live a better life than me. That is what I have to live with day in and day out it it's just not fair, now do you understand why I am a f*king troll and totally bat*it crazy out of my mind? Reality sucks it is just so unfair. At they very least you bastards could have pity for me rather than just correct my naming of past directors but no some "I am so smart" jerk has to point out the correct name.
October 5, 2015 at 9:34 PM
I am sorry for your affliction and hope you will get help. I also hope you don't own guns. But I have to ask - if people who can get jobs live a better life than you, why is that their fault? Whose fault is it that you can't get a job?
For anyone out there who thinks he knows this person, please call the authorities without delay. This guy is a mass-shooting waiting to happen. Scooby, think carefully about whether this post should remain.
So 12:34 has a link to a news article back in 2014 about this behavior and LANS/LANL refused to cooperate then???? Disgusting Charlie! This is on your hands now.
October 2, 2015 at 8:35 PM
Sure hard to find a positive spin for this debacle.
October 6, 2015 at 8:27 AM
I think the poster created what is called a strawman. You may have noticed that there a few posters that over the years have expressed extreme dislike for everyone and everything at the labs. The 9:34pm poster was just exaggerated to some extent what these people really think. There are indeed some very bitter people who like to post on the blog although they never tell you what motivates them but they seem to think that every person who ever worked or ever has worked at the lab is utterly incompetent and could never get a job outside of the labs. This of course is utter nonsense considering the skills that that lab employees have and that there is always turn over at the labs and the people that leave seen to do just fine. I would guess it is some form of projection or denial, the logic works like this "I am a true genius and a great human being" however after leaving the lab for whatever reason they cannot get a job, who is to blame? well it must be the lab,
and since they could not a job, nobody else in the lab could ever get a job outside the lab or something like that. It never occurs to them that the premise was wrong.
Seriously, is nobody concerned that this guy is the next mass shooter at a mall or school?? Wake up!!! You all probably want more gun control laws rather than identifying and putting away the crazies before they get guns.
Seriously, is nobody concerned that this guy is the next mass shooter at a mall or school?? Wake up!!! You all probably want more gun control laws rather than identifying and putting away the crazies before they get guns.
October 6, 2015 at 7:18 PM
Well if they get rid of guns than crazies will not get one. Strongly enforced gun control is the way to go. By the way did you read the 5:59 post?
Well if they get rid of guns than crazies will not get one. Strongly enforced gun control is the way to go. By the way did you read the 5:59 post?
October 6, 2015 at 8:41 PM
5:59 is a self-deluded apologist for an admitted "batshit crazy" person. "...if they get rid of guns than (sic) crazies will not get one." Who is "they"?? Sorry, "getting rid of guns" is fantasy to any reality-based intellect. Tell us what realistic, achievable (i.e., passable through both houses of Congress and signable by the President) new gun laws would have prevented ANY of the recent mass shootings? Huh?? Just one idea!!?? Nope. Unless you are for abolishing the Second Amendment, or some other fantasy shit. If you think laws against guns prevent people intent on criminal acts from getting guns, please look at the rates of shooting and murder crimes in Chicago, which has the nation's strictest gun laws and which Obama is afraid to refer to in his anti-gun rants, as it is his home town. The recent school shooting is just a standard weekend statistic situation in Chicago.
And before you respond with Obama's bullshit lie, that the gun death rate in states with stricter gun laws is lower than in states with more lenient laws, that is only true if you leave out the suicide statistics. Those are not "crimes." Plus, looked at by city instead of state, the argument falls apart completely.
October 6, 2015 at 9:11 PM
Take it easy but please tell us what is your solution? Why is it that the United States has a much higher rate of gun violence that most other first world countries?
Solution to what? If you mean the isolated mass murders, the solution is to find and incarcerate the crazies before they kill, with guns, machetes, bombs, or whatever. Let anyone refer their crazy neighbor for mandatory mental screening any time. You like how your rights might be taken away? The US admits that its citizens have the right to defend themselves with firearms. Other "first world" countries leave their citizens at the mercy of armed criminals. Gun "violence" often includes the loss of a criminal's life.
You still did not answer the question. But then again, the FACTS would shatter your nice little bullshit Republican view of the world.
Staying on topic, the problems at LANL are not going to be fixed until there is a housecleaning of the entire leadership. Otherwise just prepare for continued reports of such events.
"Let anyone refer their crazy neighbor for mandatory mental screening any time. "
So suppose that your neighbor thinks you are crazy, not an unreasonable assumption in your case, how would you like the mandatory screening? If they decide that you are crazy, than you put you away. Some criteria for crazy could include listing to Michael Savage, liking Ron Paul, being a preper, being on medication, reading too much Tom Clancy, posting stuff on blogs. Ok I see you that you are true defender of the constitution.
Take it easy but please tell us what is your solution? Why is it that the United States has a much higher rate of gun violence that most other first world countries?
I agree with the other poster. Solution to what? Gun deaths in general and school shootings in particular are rare compared to other tragedies. The difference is that gun violence gets reported non-stop by an agenda-driven media. Alcohol-related deaths are one to two orders of magnitude higher than gun-related deaths, yet the people and politicians yammering for strict gun control laws or the abolition of the constitution never seem to demand the same level of control on alcohol. An innocent family being slaughtered by a drunk driver is an acceptable loss to them as long as they still can have a beer.
Similar attitudes apply to the public perceptions directed at the national labs. Significant safety/security incidents are comparatively rare considering the amount and type of work that is performed. There is no cowboy culture. In my three decades, I've never met anyone who didn't take security very seriously. And to be honest, I'm guessing that even cowboys take safety and security seriously. Yes, there are incidents, but they are almost always minor and accidental. Intentional or overtly careless actions are rare. It's unfortunate that the events that do occur often take on a life of their own. They are exaggerated by the media and are used by politicians as excuses for politically motivated changes such as privatization.
Events should be put in context and appropriately evaluated for what they are. I'm more concerned that a tree will fall on top of me than I am with a safety accident in the lab. I believe that ISIS is a greater threat to national security than a minor security infraction by a fellow employee. I'm more concerned that my children will be hit by lightening than that they will fall victim to a school shooter. Yet I still allow my children to go to the mountains and to the beach. It's up to them to consume alcohol or own a gun (following age restrictions). I've taught them to be both careful and free.
October 7, 2015 at 9:06 AM
Well thought out and nice post.
October 7, 2015 at 9:06 AM
Gun deaths in general and school shootings in particular are rare compared to other tragedies.
please read this:
I believe that ISIS is a greater threat to national security than a minor security infraction by a fellow employee.
What an absurd combination.
I believe that global warming is a greater threat to national security than a minor security infraction by a fellow employee.
I can give thousands of examples like this; that does not mean I should not try to prevent minor infractions.
Two good articles on the facts from non-partisan
Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts
December 21, 2012
Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes
October 4, 2015
Both articles point out strongly the inability to determine causation between gun laws and gun violence. That it is impossible to prove that gun control laws lead to fewer or greater gun crimes or gun deaths.
There is a glaring omission n this article. While it states that Switzerland requires military service, it does not mention that this means every soldier takes his gun home.
The reason we in CH have that many guns per capita is exactly because of this. It is not because we feel we need to run around with guns.
This is one of the reasons Switzerland has a high suicide rate by guns, it is just too easy to get one.
This is one of the reasons Switzerland has a high suicide rate by guns, it is just too easy to get one.
October 8, 2015 at 9:11 AM
If I wanted to commit suicide, you bet I'd want a gun. There is nothing wrong with suicide, my friend. Let's not hinder people's right to take themselves out.
WTF ?????
I thought this post was suppose to be about stolen, contaminated tools at LANL.
I've heard of topic drift, but this is ridiculous! Stolen, contaminated tools morphing into pro/anti gun diatribes? Get back on topic folks, it is critically important to the health and welfare of anyone living near LANL !!
it is critically important to the health and welfare of anyone living near LANL !!
October 8, 2015 at 7:54 PM
No it isn't. Get a grip. Do you understand anything about radioactive contamination?
You have the whole friggen desert, did a whole.
Man, thid is a hot story, like man-made global warming. Somebody somewhere must care about this sacrilege...
Posting the same comments repeatedly on two different threads is really lame. Get a hobby.
"Posting the same comments repeatedly on two different threads is really lame. Get a hobby."
Sir I will have you know that I have a hobby, I am a genius that has been overlooked, my hobby is post on every blog out there that the people working at the labs are not smart like me. Can you say the same?
So what's wrong with cowboys? Someone has to round up the little dogies and bring 'em to market, no matter the obstacles.
Regulations, administrations, procedures can be aids but can also be obstacles. Loafers stop at obstacles. Cowboys overcome.
I ain't got a dime in these old, worn out jeans,
So I' ll quit eating steak and I'll go back to beans...
Hmmmm,Hmmm, Hmmmmm
More likely due to Swiss women...
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