The top machine on is now Chinese, 5 times faster than the nearest DOE machine. That's not set to change for at least two years: http://nextbigfuture.
The Chinese system is also all non-US hardware. Somebody in the US Gov't thought an embargo might slow things down: , but it had no effect; China built their own. The author of the article pointed out: "If the ERC honestly thinks that the ban will put a significant dent in China's supercomputing plans, it is either very foolish or dangerously misinformed." Oops, that only took a year. I guess they were both foolish AND misinformed. The main effect of the embargo was to ensure Chinese independence of US hardware.
Of course, the US is responding. We've got Meetings, Programs, Timelines, and Plans. What we don't seem to have is a chance of catching up. The first Meetings began in 2007, and a Timeline was created almost 10 years later, for a system to be delivered in 2023, only 3 years behind China's projected exascale delivery in 2020.
Does anyone see any way to get DOE HPC back on the successful track of the 1994-2008 era? Or does it make more sense to call it a day and start buying HPC systems from China?