New York Times: Chinese Bank Spanks Workers
— The training session started with a harsh public shaming. A
performance coach took to the stage and asked eight employees at a
Chinese bank to explain to a room of their peers why they had fallen
“I didn’t cooperate well,” a woman said.
“I wasn’t courageous enough,” another confessed.
the session took a bizarre turn. The coach brandished a wooden stick
and shouted, “Get your behinds ready!” He proceeded to slap the
employees on their rears, going down the line four times. A woman
recoiled in pain, and several workers gasped.
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From June 17th on the SantaFeNewMexican
This Mechels guy is totally out of his mind, from what I know he is some crazy nut bag that had performance issues "parted ways" with LANL 1994 and he spent the last 22 years of his so called life obsessed with hatred at LANL. It is kind of sad in a pathetic sort of way.
Chris Mechels · De Soto High School
Until they start putting LANL managers in PRISON for Criminal Negligence the game will continue, as it has for 70 years. There is NO PRICE to LANL employees for this endless mess. We pay their bills, they don't. It's like the cops, who shoot someone illegally, and the family sues. We pay millions, the cops get 3 days off with pay, we pay the bill.
> 70 years, wow I guess that is why we lost the cold war? It also sounds like Mechels has had some issues with the police...hmmm
So why don't they follow the rules? Because they're TOO GOOD to follow the rules, and because Senator Domenici protected them. Spoiled brats don't follow rules... The good kid, Sandia Lab, follows the rules.
> What? Domenici been gone for some time. In any case they must have followed some >rules in order to get rid of low life such as Mechels. Sandia is good kid!?, funny >that is not how NNSA sees it. Mechles seem to be unaware of the numerous incidents >and scandals that have befallen Sandia. My guess is he must have some clue but his >hated for LANL is what drives him and makes him blind to everything else. But hey >at least we can all agree that Mechels was NOT GOOD ENOUGH for LANL ;)
My "solution"? Give LANL over to Sandia Lab management. If anyone CAN fix LANL it's Sandia, as they understand them. If Sandia CAN'T fix LANL, close it.
Oh, and don't let the University of California bid on the contract. Seventy years of failure is ENOUGH!!! The Zinner Report of 1970, which you can Google, shows that UC failure was known even then. If only we had listened....
>Drugs, medical condition? what that hell went wrong with this guy? He is seriously >deranged. As pointed out earlier Sandia has plenty of problems of its own. >Mechels fails to realize that if any other company other than UC had run LANL he >would have been let him go at a much earlier date than 1994. It must be sad to >realize that you have wasted your entire life full of hate fighting an enemy that >never was your enemy. LANL never did anything to Mechels, his failure in life is >his and his alone. It is obvious that science or technical work was not for him. >All he had to do was accept this and find something else in life that he was good >at, but nooo he would rather blame the world. It is like being a mediocre athlete >in high school and than spending the rest of your life being bitter and blaming >the NBA for your lack of talent.
"Then the session took a bizarre turn. The coach brandished a wooden stick and shouted, “Get your behinds ready!” He proceeded to slap the employees on their rears, going down the line four times. A woman recoiled in pain, and several workers gasped."
Minus the stick, the above sounds just like our Friday afternoon staff meetings some decades ago when we where designing the NIF !!!
I'm not sure the "lashing" helped any science, but boy/girl you wanted to have something significant to say on Friday. Show some illuminating viewgraphs with nice color graphics !
June 21, 2016 at 10:19 PM:
So you are saying, all of those serious Friday meetings and still NIF turns out to be dud? Maybe if you had gone one step further and implemented the beatings, it would have got you ignition, or at least an idea of if ignition could occur.
It's not that LANL didn't play by the rules, it's the fact that most LANL managers are incompetent to understand the rules. Look no further than the Cracker Jack management team at TA-55. I rest my case!
What decline?
When DOE Froze our salaries, I went to a 7 hour work day for the year. Twice.
Rank Group 4, Monday through Friday 8 to 5, took as much vacation and sick leave as possible!
Well then, you will always be in Rank Group 4. You reap what you sow !
Durimg the salary freezes, long lunches, short days, postponed deliverables, low demands on coworkers,haphazard publication editting...always one grammar error....
A salary freeze year was a very relaxed year. A hiatus introduced by Ms. SECRETARY. ..What the heck was that useless womans name? Lazy, Lazy O'leary...
Poof! Arbitrary censorship re Rank Group 4. Nice.
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