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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

UC leaders make the case to keep LANL

UC leaders make case to keep managing Los Alamos lab The New Mexican Nov 29, 2017 "Top leaders of the University of California were in New Mexico this week making the case that despite safety and operational lapses over the past several years at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the university system alone has the experience and expertise to manage the nuclear weapons lab — a role the university essentially has had since the lab’s inception. “Through all of this time, the last 12 years, the laboratory has consistently been rated for their excellence in science and in support of their missions,” said Kim Budil, a physicist and the vice president for national laboratories at UC, responsible for both the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and Los Alamos."

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

UT goes for LANL

In rare split vote UT regents vote 4-3 to pursue Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab contract

'Longoria said the safety and financial risks aren’t worth it, citing the lab’s checkered safety record in recent years. She said operating a nuclear weapons lab lies outside the system’s core mission and could even put its multibillion-dollar endowment “at risk in a catastrophic event.” She added that the system’s flagship, UT-Austin, wasn’t in favor of the initiative.'

More on Wallace

Wallace to become director January 1, 2018 LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico, Nov. 28, 2017— Dr. Terry Wallace has been appointed Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and President of Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS), the company that manages and operates the Laboratory for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The appointments were announced today by Norman J. Pattiz and Barbara E. Rusinko, Chair and Vice Chair of the Los Alamos National Security (LANS) Board of Governors, and are effective January 1, 2018

It is Terry Wallace!

LANS Names Terry Wallace LANL Director

Monday, November 27, 2017

Are they impervious?

Are historically "underutilized" minorities at LANL or LLNL, especially those in management, impervious to sexual harassment charges or other forms of misconduct? If so, why?

Do you guys remember Joe Barton the congressman from Texas ?

Do you guys remember Joe Barton the congressman from Texas who had it in for Los Alamos? He was the guy who kept saying close the place down. Below is just a typical example of some stuff he would say but there are dozens more. "But when Montano and his fellow auditors wrote up an account of the fishy deals, the report was buried. Montano was kept idle without work for nine months, he claims. Obviously, this burying of whistleblowers has become a habit over at Los Alamos. And Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX), who heads the House Energy and Commerce Committee, seems to be getting pretty tired of it. Attkisson asked Barton how could Los Alamos finally be cleaned up. And Barton answered, “One thing we could do is just shut the entire complex down.”

 Well, well well, it looks like Joe Barton is the one that is going to get shut down, with his latest scandal of him sending some rather wild videos of himself if you know

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Public records requests at Livermore

I came across this blog while doing research in advance of a FOIA request I intend to submit to LLNL (which for some reason has to be sent to NNSA). I am curious to know if anyone here has experience with the FOIA process at Livermore and would offer advice on how to maximize the likelihood of it being processed without necessitating suit in Federal court. (I found dockets from a few suits, which is actually how I ended up finding this place.) So, new topic suggestion: Public records requests at Livermore Thanks!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Any friction?

Has UC parting ways with Bechtel (and other LANS partners) on the new LANL bid, introduced any friction in the LLNS team?

What happened to Evil Echo?

On leave.

LLNL SHRM AD opening

Who are the front runners for the LLNL SHRM AD opening?

Harmless on his own

Ok they are going to announce the interim director soon now that Charlie is has been given his walking papers. One odd thing is that publicly people say that Charlie is leaving on his own but privately every single one of them said he was fired. So all the fingers point to Leasure. No one seems to like the guy and say he has absolutely no ability lead and no clue about the programs, his job over the years has been to be a yes man and gofer for higher ups. Many people say he is sort of harmless on his own

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving "Labbies"

I wish all blog visitors and contributors a Happy Thanksgiving day and a safe Holiday season.  I feel blessed and often dream of a peaceful 🌎 with less hatred and more compassion.

Monday, November 20, 2017

DOE cites Savannah River

DOE Press Release November 8, 2017 "WASHINGTON, D.C. 

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (PNOV) to Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS) for a violation of worker safety and health requirements.  The violation is associated with worker retaliation by SRNS against an employee at the Savannah River Site in 2015...DOE proposes an escalated civil penalty of $320,000.  DOE considers the safety significance of the Part 851 violation as particularly egregious given the involvement of SRNS senior management in the retaliatory act."

 DOE PNOV November 8, 2017 "Of particular concern to DOE is the involvement of SRNS senior management, including the past SRNS President, in the retaliation. DOE highly values an environment where employees are confident that their safety concerns are taken seriously, and where acts 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Defense funding bill protects Los Alamos

New Mexico’s two U.S. senators have successfully added an amendment to a major defense funding bill to help protect Los Alamos National Laboratory’s role as the nation’s producer of plutonium pits, the triggers for nuclear weapons.
  Pits baby, they keepan NM good!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Sexual harassment at LANS and LLNS

With the recent male political, hollywood, and academic figures accused of sexual misconduct, are LANSLLNS managers held to a higher ethical standard, or are female LANSLLNS employees just very fearful to file a complaint with Staff Relations or HR and as a result, such matters do not frequently surface?

Former procurement officer indicted

What is it about the NM environment that leads to repeat waste, fraud and abuse at the NNSA labs?

 Former Procurement Officer at Federally Funded Nuclear Research and Development Facility Indicted on Charges of Wire Fraud, Major Fraud and Money Laundering

Thursday, November 16, 2017

UC Regents Approve LANL Bid

UC Regents Approve LANL Bid "The UC Board of Regents unanimously approved the submission of a bid to manage the Los Alamos National Laboratory ... “NNSA is a tough, demanding customer,” said UC Regent Norman Pattiz, chair of the National Laboratories Subcommittee, during the meeting. “But the work to be done at Los Alamos is too important for the university to walk away from. I see nothing in this (request for proposal) that changes things so dramatically that we walk away from this.”

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Aides Interfered

UC President Janet Napolitano's Aides Interfered in Audit of her Office, Investigation Finds Top aides to University of California President Janet Napolitano interfered with a state audit of her office, suppressing campus criticism of its services and operations, according to findings of an investigation ordered by the UC Board of Regents. Napolitano approved a plan to instruct administrators from the UC system’s 10 campuses to submit responses to confidential questionnaires about her office for review by her aides before returning them to the state auditor, according to the fact-finding review obtained by the Times. “Based on the foregoing review, we conclude that members of the president’s executive office did interfere with the surveys,” stated the investigative report, which was conducted by former state Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno and the law firm of Hueston Hennigan. It added: “We further conclude that two members of the president’s staff undertook these actions with

UC announcement today 1PM

UC will make its announcement today - Nov 15, at 1pm. There are two national lab session at the UC Regents meeting; one closed and one open. From the posted agendas: Closed Session - "Discussion. Update on Partnering Arrangements Related to Proposed Bid for Los Alamos National Laboratory Contract" Open Session - "Action. Approval to Submit Bid for the Los Alamos National Laboratory Contract."

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

UC regents to hear demands for Norman Pattiz’s removal

Chair of LLNSLANS BOG may removed by UC Regents UC regents to hear demands for Norman Pattiz’s removal; vote on 2018-19 tuition hikes tabled
At the UC Board of Regents meeting this week, the regents will hear demands from students at various UC campuses for Regent Norman Pattiz’s removal and vote on submitting a bid for the Los Alamos National Laboratory. A year ago, a recording surfaced of Pattiz asking to hold television writer and colleague Heather McDonald’s breasts, sparking outrage in the midst of the university’s ongoing efforts to address sexual harassment cases systemwide. Despite the backlash, Pattiz has retained his seat on the board

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Energy undersecretary wants nuclear safety reports hidden from public

 By Patrick Malone | The Center for Public Integrity Nov 10, 2017 Updated Nov 10, 2017
 The head of the federal agency that produces U.S. nuclear weapons has privately proposed to end public access to key safety reports from a federal watchdog group that monitors 10 sites involved in weapons production. Frank Klotz, administrator of the Energy Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, made the proposal to members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board in an Oct. 13 meeting, multiple U.S. officials said. Klotz contended that recent media stories — including those in The New Mexican — about safety lapses that relied partially on the board’s weekly disclosures were potentially counterproductive to the National Nuclear Security Administration’s mission, the officials said. His solution was presented as the Trump administration considers an acceleration and expansion of nuclear warhead production 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bid rumour

Some random rumors Webster is heading the UTexas bid. Jon Sarao? is the head of the UC bid. If this is the case than if either of these teams win I would not expect much will change at LANL, both these guys have been in the LANL systems their whole career. I would guess they would put in other current LANL people for the new PADS, ADs so we are just gonna get exactly the same kind of management as before. I am not saying that either of these guys are bad on a personal level I am just saying that they have only been exposed to the LANL way of management, this is all they know so no doubt will continue to manage the place they only way they know how to manage. Why are we even going through a contract change if we are going to just end up with same managers and exactly the same management culture. Make no mistake everyone knows that the issues at LANL are due to the management culture, just look at every survey, look at the annual scores that come out and read the reports of on 

UT having second thoughts.

UT getting second thoughts about LANL. 
Looks like the risk - reward equation is being examined a bit more closely by UT regents. 

Lab safety record

The best way to improve the safety record at the labs:

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sandia recruitment

ALBUQUERQUE (AP) — The head of Sandia National Laboratories says the research facility has recently made changes aimed at bolstering recruitment and diversifying the workforce. Just great, great lower the standards. Lab director Stephen Younger told members of a state legislative committee on Wednesday that Sandia has dropped its grade point average requirement for non-intern positions. Younger says the change adopted in August is part of an effort to look at the whole person, rather than just transcripts or what kind of degree a person might have. He says the change opens up the field to prospective workers who might have struggled early in college but went on to earn degrees. He says the lab is looking for people with grit and determination and it plans to work more closely with New Mexico's colleges and universities.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


The MSTS top level organization chart is now available on the MSTS and NSTec transition websites. Most organizations are not expected to have significant change. MSTS will release the next layer of organization charts in the next few weeks.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

NNSA wants to increase explosions

NNSA wants to increase explosions for Site 300 from 100 pounds per day to 1,000 pounds per day

The Proposed Action is to increase the weight of explosives used at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Experimental Test Site (Site 300) Building 851 Firing Table up to 1,000 lbs./day to 7,500 lbs./year. The explosives weight is the actual mass, in pounds, of explosive mixtures or compounds for an experiment. Currently, research and development activities at LLNL’s Site 300 Building 851 involve detonation of explosives up to 100 lbs./day up to 7,500 lbs./yr.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

RFC answers

Check out this NNSA answer to one of the DRFP questions published on the government solicitation

Question 168. Section J, Appendix A, Chapter III, Paragraph 2.3, page 31: Comment: The DRFP indicates an expectation by the NNSA to achieve culture change at LANL. Yet this expectation ignores the importance of lower-tier management buy-in because the winning contractor may only replace Key Personnel and their immediate directs, giving the right of first refusal to every incumbent position below that level. Recommendation: Enhance the culture change likelihood of success by allowing the incoming contractor the latitude to evaluate and replace personnel, if deemed necessary, at up to 2 management levels below the Key Personnel position.

Answer 168. Please review the Final RFP and responses provided herein regarding right of first refusal. Although initially the right of first refusal is offered to incumbent personnel below the level of the direct reports, it remains the responsibility of the New Contractor to meet the requirements of the contract and properly manage and operate the Laboratory. There is no contractual requirement prohibiting the new contractor from taking appropriate personnel action against individuals with adverse performance.

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