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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wyden presses Perry over Hanford possible cleanup

"Wyden Presses Energy Secretary over Possible Hanford Cleanup Cover-up"


Anonymous said...

U.S. Department of Energy statement:

“DOE is committed to the safety of the workers, public and the environment. One very important aspect of that commitment is strong oversight of the construction of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site. The Department recently identified that the quality assurance records needed to demonstrate the pedigree of the safety significant structural steel used in WTP facilities were not adequate. The Department directed Bechtel National Inc. to gather the necessary documentation and provide it to the Department. When received, DOE will determine whether the documentation meets applicable quality assurance standards for the steel being used in the WTP facilities. The Department takes its oversight and mission execution responsibility seriously, and will continue to provide strong, safety-focused oversight of the WTP project.”

Anonymous said...

Hanford... who is in charge of that? Oh Bechtel, what could go wrong with that. Best put them in complete control of Los Alamos.

Anonymous said...

Walter Tamosaitis and Donna Busche alleged that Bechtel and URS (both LLC members of LANS and LLNS) removed them from the Hanford project because they raised safety concerns.

Anonymous said...

WTP is a money grab. The state (oregon and washington) have NO interest in finishing the plant. They get $600M a year into their economy. IF they wanted to finish, they would let the constructor finish. Look to South Carolina if you don't believe me. Same tech, generally the same waste, been operating since the early 90's producing glass logs. SRS Defense waste processing facility, built by Bechtel and designed by Bechtel/AECOM....

The game is to come up with reason after reason why it should not finish. Change the requirements or make a ridiculous requirement like "able to process any possible thing in the tanks that we don't know what is in them" (DOE does not even have a consensus on what is in the tanks and has not sufficiently sampled in the past 20 years), DOE rejects the technology provided by the DOE to Bechtel during the BNFL transition in the early 2000s (pulse jets), DOE stores the worst constituents in the worst tanks and stores LLW water in the best tanks, etc. It will never finish until the citizens freak out due to contamination in mass quantities hitting the river. When it can get done in South Carolina but not Washington and it is the same tech, one must examine the other variables like politics.

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