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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
This date too will come and go. Expect a 6 month extension followed by protests. My guess is 18 more months of LANS.
And the third other is that people who talk don't know, and people who know don't talk.
LANL retirements are up in anticipation of this announcement.
So far, every single "rumor" has been false. What an embarrassment to Scooby and this blog.
OMG! No, no, no..... not Bechtel. Anybody but Bechtel. This is nuts!
What has NNSA wrought?
News from the Forrestal building, late on Friday, Perry vetoed the deal!! An anonymous source said Texas A&M/UC team is going to be announced as the winner on June 8th.
The diabolical Bechtelians win again!
From "Bohemian Tragedy" - Vanity Fair (April 1st, 2007)
Is this really what I want to be doing? Sneaking into the exclusive Bohemian Grove, on the Saturday night when roughly 2,500 of America’s richest, mostly right-wing Republicans are kicking off their annual July “encampment”? The members of the San Francisco–based Bohemian Club are mostly all here, partying boisterously in this primeval stand of gargantuan redwoods 75 miles north of the city, or will be during the next 16 days. Over the years all the usual suspects have made appearances: Rumsfeld, Kissinger, two former C.I.A. directors (including Papa Bush), the masters of war and the oilgarchs, the Bechtels and the Basses, the board members of top military contractors—such as Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and the Carlyle Group—Rockefellers, Morgans, captains of industry and C.E.O.’s across the spectrum of American capitalism. The interlocking corporate web—cemented by prep-school, college, and golf-club affiliations, blood, marriage, and mutual self-interest—that makes up the American ruling class. Many of the guys, in other words, who have been running the country into the ground and ripping us off for decades...
Several small groups are already making their way along Edwards Road, passing one humongous redwood after another, to the lake, and I fall in with them. After a few minutes we reach the lake, which was donated, along with the original sewage system, by the Bechtel family. The lake is small, an acre or so, and on the other side of it a looming four-story statue of an owl casts its reflection on the water. The statue is a little creepy. It has a slightly diabolical vibe. It was sculpted by Haig Patigian, a great pal of Jock’s great-grandfather’s. In front of the Owl there is a stage. This is where the effigy of a child called Dull Care will soon be mock-sacrificed by a group of men wearing red robes with sharp-pointed hoods, then placed in a little boat with a carved skull on the tip of its prow, set on fire, and sent across the lake...
Why an embarrassment? He just publishes what people write .
Bechtel might be in for a rough ride if they win. They've burned MANY more bridges with the technical staff than they realize and there is an enormous amount of bad blood toward them. Internally, people are preparing for major backlash if Bechtel wins.
Perry vetoed the deal!! An anonymous source said Texas A&M/UC team is going to be announced as the winner on June 8th.
Ha, ha, ha, Perry knows who the master is and will do exactly what Bechtel wants. Not even he can stop what is going to happen. Bechtel made a ton of money off LANL and that is why they want that contract so bad, now the will have free reign to steal everything.
News from the Forrestal building, later on Friday: Perry got confused and awarded the deal to a coal mining company who will be descending on LANL Tuesday with a pack of Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers set to purge any disgruntled workers with extreme prejudice. The newspapers will blame any deaths on a combination of organic kitty litter and lax TSRS. An anonymous source says so, so you've been warned!
I think we all should guess 1 day each, eventually it will be right... I am not surprised that people are not having to go see doctors because of unnecessary anxiety.
Bechtel might be in for a rough ride if they win. They've burned MANY more bridges with the technical staff than they realize and there is an enormous amount of bad blood toward them. Internally, people are preparing for major backlash if Bechtel wins.
June 3, 2018 at 7:24 PM
This is why Bechtel needs to bring down fury on the place to rid it of the technical staff. We should start anew with a new "technical" staff that gets it and will obey Bechtel. Word is that Bechtel has been very effective at lobbying for the contract, part of the pitch may be that they are going to make scientists and engineers suffer, apparently DC likes this.
I have no idea who will win and place zero faith in rumors. But if Bechtel does win, I'd prioritize following the rules over everything else. They'd probably be looking to make examples out of any notable noncompliant moments.
speaking from direct experience, Bechtel's corporate culture has a seething dislike for scientists and the higher engineering disciplines. The type of employee that thrives in that company are usually no college construction types, and all the stereotypes that go along with that (close minded, arrogant, angry ex schoolyard bullys).
Have fun guys, I recall talking to a manager that was relo'ed to LLNL when they got that contract, he would wail on the technical talent for not sucking up to him. He was really offended.
that's what you have to look forward to, if this rumormill is true..
No no no! The Trump company has won the contract. There is free money going and the Trump organization is going to get it. They didn’t put in a bid but why should they? Oligarchs will be running everything soon enough, but if the Bechtel family thinks they can grab this porker away from the Trumps they have another thing coming. Nuclear weapons are Donald’s thing.
Purdue people are showing up at LANL this week. Something is up.
"But if Bechtel does win, I'd prioritize following the rules over everything else. They'd probably be looking to make examples out of any notable noncompliant moments."
Do you mean be compliant to Bechtel's for-profit rules or face the consequences?
part of the pitch may be that they are going to make scientists and engineers suffer, apparently DC likes this.
June 4, 2018 at 8:52 AM
Well, "DC" may like it but LANL will no longer employ scientists and engineers. If you think anyone else can maintain the nuclear stockpile, you are sadly mistaken. If you think the nuclear stockpile needs no maintenance, you are delusional, potentially catastrophically so. Sad that so many (or so vocal a few) think LANL is a "compliance" laboratory, not a scientific one. Revenge of the C students is alive.
June 4 at 8:52 AM.
The technical staff understand all things technical. They do not obey stupidity. Making the staff suffer will ultimately lead to failure.
The possible plan, if North Korea agrees to a disarm than the United States will no longer need a credible deterrent so in that case Bechtel can run LANL. If North Korea does not agree to disarm than the United States will still need a credible deterrent so any other contractor than Bechtel will get the LANL contract. So don't expect a decision until after the Trump-Kim meeting.
If it really is Bechtel, despite the narcissistic sycophant that is constantly commenting here about ridding the laboratory of scientists (bitter much?), LANL really is finished. A real shame for what was once a real jewel. Warts and all. I have hope that someone in Washington will do something sensible. All appearances aside.
"The possible plan, if North Korea agrees to a disarm than the United States will no longer need a credible deterrent so in that case Bechtel can run LANL. If North Korea does not agree to disarm than the United States will still need a credible deterrent so any other contractor than Bechtel will get the LANL contract. So don't expect a decision until after the Trump-Kim meeting."
This demonstrates exactly why no one should believe rumors on a blog. We had a nuclear deterrent before North Korea ever fired off a nuke, we deter people other than North Korea today, and we'll still want to deter people other than North Korea in the future.
It's just another random, stupid DOE contract award. There's no plan at all.
In the absence of NTS nuclear weapons testing, any LANL contract bidder with a track record for firing engineers that raised design, functionality, and safety issues, like occurred at Hanford, should not be involved in the production of plutonium pits, or other untestable nuclear weapons related work.
So much for June 6th.
For what is it worth the new talk is that a decision was made in mid-May but somehow some issues arose and lawyers are now involved. This is not even the official protest period which will be open to the public. Wallace has reserved a room every day for the announcement but is being told to keep everything under wraps. Obviously something very odd is happing and this whole thing puts NNSA in bad light since we are now going year three of this, can these guys do anything. I think we can safely assume that the privatization of the labs has been a total disasters. Can anyone point to a single benefit to either LLNL or LANL since the contract change? You can argue all you want about possible anti-benefits but please provide one thing that improved.
No announcement yet. Possible the decision has been made and one of the losers is challenging (protesting) the result.
When they come, it will seem like a bike gang taking over a small town ala "mad max". Either that or a stream of prison buses dropping off your new mgmt. team. and a horde of analysts to make your lives more difficult.
FYI don't believe a word about open communication, forthright conversations, no retaliation blah blah blah. Went thru it myself, now I know better.
June 6th eh? heh, heh,...death of another stupid rumor. keep it coming guys. makes the wait that much more fun.
So I guess it wasn't June 6th, huh?
Big surprise.
if North Korea agrees to a disarm than the United States will no longer need a credible deterrent
June 5, 2018 at 6:30 PM
This is the most naive and self-serving post I've ever seen. Really??!! NK is the only reason for a credible US nuclear deterrent?? What a load of BS! No knowledge or thought, just pure Bechtel worship. Or ass-kissing. Whatever. Get a clue about the world and the history of the US nuclear weapons program and its successes, instead of your little Bechtel bubble that will burst any day now.
Still waiting for the announcement .
Once the evil Bechtelians get their sharp claws in you they never let go.
June 6th has come and gone. Still no word on the contract winner. Not even information from NNSA about why they missed their self imposed May 31st deadline. Strange...
Some rumors are that NNSA has not announced anything yet because they are going through everything to make sure that their decision can be justified. This could mean Bechtel since they know they are going be a bad reaction and lots of questions if that is the case. This whole 3 year saga has been pretty crazy.
"if North Korea agrees to a (sic) disarm than (sic) the United States will no longer need a credible deterrent"
6:30 PM
Like North Korea is the only nuclear weapon state or NW aspirant state? What about Russia? Pakistan? China? Iran?
"Sad that so many (or so vocal a few) think LANL is a "compliance" laboratory, not a scientific one. Revenge of the C students is alive."
What's even sadder, it's the same vocal people who think 100% compliance equates to 100% safety.
The "Black Cloud of Bechtel" is hanging over Los Alamos. Staff in on edge about a possible decision that puts them in full control. If they win the gloom around LANL will be huge.
A day without compliance is like a day without a gray cloud of cold drudgery suffocating your every thought and move.
I hear we may know 10AM Friday. People seem very worried it is going to be Bechtel.
Tomorrow mid day the UC/A&M/Batelle team will be announced as the next contract team to manage LANL.
Triad (Battelle, UC, Texas A&M)wins! Buh-bye, Bechtel!!
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. We won’t get fooled again.
Well, so much for all these rumors about Bechtel. Say hello to Battelle, UC and A&M.
UC WON, Great Rumors about all the North Korea Talk, Fake news.
So much for all the "Bechtel wins" and "Purdue/Bechtel visiting" rumors. The M&O contract was just announce for Triad National Security (Battelle, University of California, Texas A&M University).
So who’s on the leadership team? Any guesses?
Ahhhh!!!! My world is falling apart, I curse the universe! I said UC would never bid, they bid, I said UC would never win, they won. How could I be sooooo wrong?
Any idea what to expect from the new bosses? Better salaries?, but not just for mgmt. End the favoritism culture? end with the is "all in the family business culture"? Really, really, really hope this change is for good.
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