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Friday, June 8, 2018

It is Battelle, UC & UT


Anonymous said...

Best not to confuse TAMU with UT

Anonymous said...

At least UC will have a much smaller role. Hopefully Battelle and A&M can keep UC from screwing up.

Anonymous said...

It’s Texas A&M not University of Texas. Don’t you know the difference
Between the 2 schools?

Anonymous said...

Texas A&M not UT.

Anonymous said...

So who is going to be the Lab Director?

Anonymous said...

Well, I’m amazed. Apparently NNSA can occasionally make a good decision.

Anonymous said...

From the Los Almaos Monitor.

"The contract awarded to Triad National Security, LLC presented the best value to the government when all factors were considered, and will provide future stability for a period of 10 years if all options are exercised, the NNSA said in the release.

A looming issue for Los Alamos County is whether the county will continue to receive gross receipts taxes from the lab contractor, as it has with Los Alamos National Security.

“Los Alamos County looks forward to working with Triad National Security, LLC, the newly announced private operating contractor at LANL,” said County Council Chair David Izraelevitz. “The County will assist Triad National Security through the transition and looks to collaborate to ensure that the County’s support of the LANL mission continues without interruption.

“If Triad National Security claims it is exempt from New Mexico gross receipts taxes it will impact government services in the State and County. Although Triad National Security is organized as a nonprofit corporation, this does not imply that it is exempt from New Mexico taxes. We call on Triad National Security not to request such a New Mexico tax exemption.”"

Triad should not be for profit should not pay a gross receipt tax. The whole gross receipt tax was obscene and the for profit model was a horrible mistake. Although some of the money has been used for reasonable improvements a large portion of the money was absolutely and totally wasted.

Anonymous said...

So if you take a look at the LLNS Corporate website ( you'll see...

(LLNS) offers a team of world-class organizations whose primary objective is to deliver the National Nuclear Security Administration mission for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Our team includes Bechtel National, University of California, BWX Technologies, and AECOM. Our cutting-edge science is enhanced through the expertise of the University of California and its ten campuses and our team's affiliation with The Texas A&M University System and teaming subcontractor Battelle Memorial Institute."

Strike the industrial members and you're left with UC, Battelle, and Texas A&M... aka - Triad National Security LLC.

Its a different approach than LANS LLC...

Triad National Security LLC is owned solely by the three partners - Battelle Memorial Institute, the Regents of the University of California, and the Regents of Texas A&M University.

The industrial entities; Fluor Federal Services, Huntington Ingalls Industries/Stoller Newport News, Longenecker & Associates, TechSource, Strategic Management Solutions and Merrick & Company provide support to Triad National Security LLC but are not actually part of the LLC that will be the M&O contractor for LANL.

Anonymous said...

UC has now been fired twice as the LANL contractor and won the recompete both times. I wonder if Perry being an Aggie mattered.

Anonymous said...

So much for 80% of the rumors that we've heard.

Anonymous said...

As soon as the announcement was made, this was the response from the county:

County Council Chair David Izraelevitz "Although Triad National Security is organized as a nonprofit corporation, this does not imply that it is exempt from New Mexico taxes. We call on Triad National Security not to request such a New Mexico tax exemption.”

Anonymous said...

Shorter Izraelevitz: “Don’t take away our cash cow!” Los Alamos County squanders more money than any other entity I’ve ever seen.

Anonymous said...

As a non-profit, Triad is, in fact, exempt from New Mexico taxes. Of course, they might decide to play nice with the state and Los Alamos County and not file for non-profit tax exemptions. Governor Susana Martinez gave a big "FU" to Los Alamos when she angrily vetoed the bi-partisan bill that would have solved this problem. Thank goodness she'll soon be leaving office. She's been a disaster for the state and its dismal economy.

Anonymous said...

At least UC will have a much smaller role. Hopefully Battelle and A&M can keep UC from screwing up.

June 8, 2018 at 9:32 AM

Bitter much? Under LANS UC was at best 10-5% while was Bechtel 100-105%. UC will have much...much more say now. There never was as UC screw up. You know that and I know that, and whatever happened to you under UC you may call a mistake but in the long run it was justice. Now that it is all over can you please go away, there is nothing more you can add. The next step is to liberate LLNL from Bechtel. On to the next.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Perry being an Aggie mattered.

June 8, 2018 at 1:29 PM

Or Maybe NNSA and Perry realized what a total mistake this who throwing UC out in the first place was. Look some people are starting to realize that the United States cannot just throw out the accompaniments of the past just to make a fast buck. Maybe someone is thinking a new cold war is coming and things actually matter, you actually need good people, you actually need the ability to do things.
If a real threat to the United States occurred would you rather have UC or Bechtel in charge? Just saying.

Anonymous said...


There's no polite way to put this. Your whole post is a flat lie. Every bit of it. UC had more votes on the LANS board of directors than Bechtel, 2 to 1, 9 of LANL's top 11 managers came from UC, the LANL director was from UC - he was the person ultimately in charge of the entire LANL scope of work and also the President of the LANS board, and UC even fired the first two Bechtel Deputy Directors. UC had COMPLETE CONTROL of LANS. You know all this yet you continue to lie.

We don't yet know the responsibilities of each Triad partner but if it's split evenly three ways, UC will have lost scope and power.

Battelle has done a mediocre job at ORNL and PNNL at best, UC screwed up everything they touched at LANL, and Texas A&M hasn't managed any DOE lab.

Anonymous said...

As a career LLNL employee, this seems a fine thing to me. I truly hope it will be a positive step for LANL’s mission and for our brethren who work there.

I think it is huge that Triad is a non-profit and not an LLC. Huge both culturally and financially. And sorry, New Mexico but after the inevitable legal wrangling, you will lose your gross receipts income. Maybe bad for NM in the short term, but good for the nation.

I’m curious who the new management team is but I imagine we’ll find out soon enough. It will take years to understand the full impact of the change, but I think the people who come in under Triad will be a harbinger.

The announcement also makes clear what was already clear...this blog is amusing but pretty much useless as a conduit for factual information. It’s a shame, really. There’s a lot of potential here but it is largely stymied by a small number of trolls.

Anonymous said...

Isnt a "Triad" slang for the Chinese mafia(s)?

I used to know some Battelle folk. Good crew, objective, decent, only a hint of hubris, not a lot of baggage corporate culturewise, good news for LANL IMHO.

Anonymous said...

So the town of Los Alamos and the state of New Mexico are freaking out about the possible tax money if the Triad is non-profit. I really hope that DOE picked Triad because they non-profit. I cannot speak for the state but enormous amounts of money have been wasted in the town on massive new buildings for county officials that have empty, bizarre things like paying a million dollars to a company to change the motto of the town to something so bad that they decided not to change the name. The town did just fine before the first contract change. They argue that the extra tax money makes the town more attractive to scientists and engineers. What usually motivates the people to come to Los Alamos is (1) quality of the work (2) the outdoors. The GRT hurts (1) and has no effect on (2). Although there has been some improvements many of these could have been paid by the normal tax-base the town gets which is considerable due to the lab in any case. Also most of the improvements people like never cost that much money in the first place or as it turns out have not actually been paid by town but by private benefactors, although the town likes to take credit for these things. The go on about the free bus service, however at this point it should actually charge a fee which would enable improve or expand the service not to mention that in the town people could easily afford it.

The purpose of LANL is not about being a cashcow for the town or the state, it is about serving the nation. The town and the state already get huge amount of economic benefit from the presence of Los Alamos, essentially stealing extra is shameful, wasteful and wrong.

Anonymous said...

The federal government through both NNSA and LANL already pay a significant amount on money directly to Los Alamos county and city budgets. For example the Los Alamos County Fire Department from their latest annual report FY 2017 Annual Report...

"The Fire Department operates with a budget which is developed in accordance with the 10-year Cooperative Agreement (CA) with the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). This agreement began on October 1, 2013 and expires on September 30, 2023. ... DOE/NNSA funds 77% of labor and benefits, and overhead costs [$18,974,436], the Los Alamos County general fund makes up the remaining 23%. The CA budget for FY 2018 is $24,642,125"

Only two of five county fire stations are located on LANL property... so 40% would seem more appropriate share, not 77% and $9.85 million instead of $18.97 million. Even more so if you consider that part of the County general fund probably comes from GRT.

Anonymous said...

Battelle has done a mediocre job at ORNL and PNNL at best, UC screwed up everything they touched at LANL, and Texas A&M hasn't managed any DOE lab.

June 8, 2018 at 10:29 PM

Wow are you bitter. As usual you have no idea what you are talking about and just letting hate dictate your life. You have no knowledge of ORNL or PNNL which are both doing great and the people are very happy, you also seem to not be aware of the 12 other labs Battelle operates. UC did not screw anything up, we can all agree that they ran the lab very well for 60 years, after the contract things crashed which means the only conclusion is that Bechtel was the problem. LLNL also was doing well before the contract change, teamed up with Bechtel and than they RIFs. You have some personal issue with UC that clouds you reasoning. With the new contract award reality has decided against you. Just move on with your life and leave the hatred behind. Like it or not UC will be much more involved now and will have more say, which will be a good thing. Again you are not at Los Alamos you have no clue what is going on or why it is going on, you also have a very poor understating of DOE and what DOE wants.

Anonymous said...

Being as Los Alamos is a small town, the current "free" bus service with it's mid and large size buses seems like such a waste of money. Many times the buses have no one riding in them. The county should see about joining Google's Waymo testing effort. Having smaller but more mini-vans autonomously running around town would be far cheaper, more time efficient and the high education of Los Alamos citizens along with the fairly easy road system in town would make it ideal as a testing site for a research effort like Waymo. Likewise, perhaps the Uber autonomous vehicle effort might also be a good fit for testing in Los Alamos. With the GRT funding likely to end due to the new contract, the county needs to quickly reconsider how it spends tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Triad is an LLC. The individual entities are not-for-profit. I think Triad will decide what it wants to do.

Us trolls had different sources for information. The contract team did an extremely great job of keeping quiet and directing misinformation. The blog was useful to convey that disinformation (fake news). Absent a blog to complain about how bad the DOE or NNSA are, bad decisions in Congress that impact our national security, or the sites, the real stories fail to emerge.

Now who will be the next director. Let’s hope that Triad cleans house at LANL over the next several months, down to at least the division leader level. Otherwise, the past 18 months and next several years will be a waste.

Anonymous said...

It’s really amazing that UC actually succeeded in its strategy to pin the blame for the decades of mismanagement of LANL on Bechtel. Lesson for everyone involved: there’s zero accountability in this game. Manipulating perceptions is everything. I’m truly impressed how UC pulled this one off.

Now, a prediction. The new director and the upper management team will be familiar names, LANL old-timers, hired before the 2006 contract change. They will present themselves as saviors of the Lab from “LANS”.

Anonymous said...

Governor Susana Martinez gave a big "FU" to Los Alamos when she angrily vetoed the bi-partisan bill that would have solved this problem. Thank goodness she'll soon be leaving office. She's been a disaster for the state and its dismal economy.

June 8, 2018 at 8:22 PM

Martinez did not create NM's "dismal economy." It already existed for the past 100 years at least. No respect for or need for education, no respect for or need for decent jobs, a fixation on subsistence farming as the correct culture for the modern world, a fixation on government handouts as desired and deserved for all NM residents, the entire, irrepressible "something for nothing" mindset of the 20-plus generation Hispanics who value nothing more than keeping the kids at home to take care of the parents who become incapacitated in their 50's due to crappy lifestyle. Yep, "dismal." Martinez' fault? Nope.

Anonymous said...

2:40pm wrote:
“It’s really amazing that UC actually succeeded in its strategy to pin the blame for the decades of mismanagement of LANL on Bechtel. Lesson for everyone involved: there’s zero accountability in this game. Manipulating perceptions is everything. I’m truly impressed how UC pulled this one off.”

Man, you really hate UC, don’t you? It’s kinda pathetic at this point. Let it go.

“Now, a prediction. The new director and the upper management team will be familiar names, LANL old-timers, hired before the 2006 contract change. They will present themselves as saviors of the Lab from “LANS”.”

You will discover that you are, once again, wrong. You were wrong about Bechtel, and you will be wrong about this. Of course there will be some familiar names that are currently at LANL. There has to be. I don’t know where else you think you are going to get deep expertise in nuclear weapons physics and engineering. However, you are forgetting the Battelle element. There will be some real surprises at the top.

Anonymous said...

"Governor Susana Martinez gave a big "FU" to Los Alamos when she angrily vetoed the bi-partisan bill that would have solved this problem."

Oh, give me a break, Martinez did the only sane thing. If New Mexico had actually tried to pass such crazy bill it would totally embarrassed the state as it would not even be seen as constitutional, so there is no way it could stick and would have made NM a bigger laughing stock than it already is. It was not "FU" to Los Alamos but a "hell ya" to America!

Anonymous said...

"Manipulating perceptions is everything. "

It is rather ironic that someone like you would talk about perception as it is clear that yours is so far off from reality that it is hilarious and kind of sad. Should we remind you that everything you have predicted has been completely wrong. Your first said that no one with any credibility would ever bid for such as hell hole as Los Alamos, but we now know four teams bid, you said that UC would never bid, and that no credible partner like Battelle would join them if they did bod, and than you said that UC could never ever win no matter who they partnered with. Are you starting to see that maybe you are the one with a "perception" problem? Since you have been wrong about these thing just ask yourself what else you may be wrong about, perhaps you may also be wrong about the perception of yourself? Ok I know the last question is sort of deep for you but please think about this for some time before you post again.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that three women, Janet, Ellen, and Kim, cleaned up a giant mess created by men. These women deserve to be recognized for a job well done.

Anonymous said...

I do so miss the Bechtel-Baby Brass Band! sniff!...;-))

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