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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Highlights from the week

Highlights from the week include Mason unveiling his new lab leadership and lots of random guesses on most everything else. A&M does not play much role, if any, in the new structure and Battelle is, from all appearances, fully in charge of the operation. They do not look to be leaning to pay GRT, but are reluctant to underestimate the resolve of the local politicians to find a path to collect it anyway.

Other events also happened in the world this past week, but you would not know that from overhearing casual cafe conversations in town.


Anonymous said...

"Other events also happened in the world this past week, but you would not know that from overhearing casual cafe conversations in town."

Ok, I will bite what other events "happened" last week. I know the news media went on and on about how bad Trump is but did not give any context or any meaning on why he is bad. We are simply told that by Trump meeting with Putin it confirms that Trump is a Russian agent. Does anybody have have doubt that if Obama had meet with Putin that it would have been hailed as a great victory and the right thing to do? Opps, I think Obama did in fact meet with Putin and it was indeed hailed as a great thing, but we all know this will never ever be brought up on the news. By the way I liked Obama I am not some partisan hack but I am a critic of the so called mainstream media, which is not even news anymore. When you say some other things "happened" in the world it is very hard to tell what actually happened if you what your really mean what was the hot topic in the news this week since it is almost all extreme agenda driven narrative. You simply cannot believe the media anymore as it is just getting more and more off the rails.

Also how are you even suppose to talk about what is going on in the world with many people? The conversation starts off like, "I just heard on NPR that Trump is Fascist for saying CNN is fake news, this is horrible since a free press is essential for democracy so that everyone can be informed and have a voice, these stupid rednecks get their news off off independent conspiracy sites, these sites need to be shut down right away and maybe we should not let rednecks vote because they are dangerous to democracy and because they are racists." By the way I have actually had this exact conversation in Starbucks, when I point out a few minor "contradictions" with this statement, the person said "I cannot talk to you about this because you must be brainwashed to even question these self-evident truths" and then they left. I suppose I just should have said what do you think of Traid and we could have talked.

Look all I am saying is that one needs to be very cautious about what is in the news and what it means, next time you call Obama a communist you should actually know what communism is. Next time you say someone calling for smaller government a Fascist you should know what Fascism is, and what totalitarianism is. Finally anyone who calling you these or similar over the top claims but refuses to discuss with your further about these issues is not someone to take seriously as it is doubtful that they themselves are taking it seriously and are just going along with some simple crowd mentally or fad, like being into pokeman go.

Anonymous said...

"Other events also happened in the world this past week, but you would not know that from overhearing casual cafe conversations in town."

Gotta call BS on this, I heard some people talking about Johnny Depp at Comicon, about how rapper Tekashi 6ix9nine was attacked in in Brooklyn, some stuff on Meghan Markles half sister being on Big Brother, Elon Musk freaking out, Kyle Jenner becoming the worlds first self-made billionaire . So yes many more important things happened in the world which got talked about in town. You are just trying to insult the good people in Los Alamos by saying they don't follow the big events of the day.

Anonymous said...

I believe the big talk in Los Alamos is NMGRT and Triad. Talks are ongoing at high senior LANL levels with the NM LFC and there are plans for the county officials to travel to DC. That is the focus right now at LANL, the county, and the LFC. If there is a loophole or statute to be found for TRIAD to directly pay NMGRT, these folks will find it.

This issue is bigger than the Russians interfering with the election. Bigger than former security officials losing their security clearances. And the prior news events cited above.

Anonymous said...

"This issue is bigger than the Russians interfering with the election. Bigger than former security officials losing their security clearances. And the prior news events cited above.

July 23, 2018 at 5:12 PM"

You are right the county will do anything and everything for that money, IT IS THE ONLY ISSUE, you people don't understand just what is at stake, this means so much to so few but this is it, there is everything at stake for the county officials, they thought this could never happen and spent like it would never happen YET WE ARE AT THIS POINT OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DOE needs to stay firm and make sure that GRT is gone, long long gone.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2018 at 1:58 PM

Trump is still a childish bully and disgusting person. A coward that refused military service during the Vietnam War. He has told more lies than any national level politician in the modern era. Worst President ever by any measure. Insults our allies and kisses up to strongman dictators. A pawn of Putin to the point of treason. Cheated on his current wife with hookers and porn stars. Can't wait to see the reaction of fake Fox News when he is impeached and thrown in jail.

Anonymous said...

The original post is in line with conversations all weekend long. There are strong views on both sides, but no other topic is crowding it out for conversation.

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2018 at 5:39 AM

I am no Trump fan, but a post like yours is just not serious nor rational and is the reason I cannot take you or people like your seriously. You have fallen into the Media hype machine.

"Trump is still a childish bully and disgusting person."

This is sort of an opinion, you could say the same about Clinton or Bush. Even if it is true the better question is if he is an effective president. But it is your opinion so fine.

"A coward that refused military service during the Vietnam War. " Of course if he was Bill Clinton, he would be seen as smart person who did not want to serve in a pointless war. The point is he could be seen as smart for not serving in such a war. Again it is your opinion which is fine.

"Worst President ever by any measure. " Ok now you lost me as this is no longer a matter of opinion but is something that is measurable. (1) The economy is strong as ever, (2) Crime is lower as ever, (3) we not in a needless war. There could be many others as well. I will grant you that it is early on and how much influence he has is debatable but the point is as of right now you have no basis or information to say he is the worse President by any measure since there are clearly real measures that go against you assertion and to really believe what you are saying means you are not rational.

" Insults our allies and kisses up to strongman dictators. " The exact same thing could be and was said of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan and so on. Of course there are counter points that he is standing up to dictators and plenty of allies are very happy or we even have new allies. A reasonable case can be made that up to now he has had a very effective and productive international policy.

"A pawn of Putin to the point of treason."

You need to be honest that this is pure speculation, so far no evidence whatsoever. There is plenty of evidence that he is certainly not a pawn if you look at all the sanctions on Russia. You simply do not know what is going on in this case. Did Russian try and interfere with the US election, yes they did, in fact they do that every single election and guess what, we try and interfere with them
every single time as well. It would be nice if the media at least put this aspect in to context.

" Cheated on his current wife with hookers and porn stars." So what, when Clinton did it was ok. To be fair the Republicans went crazy at the time but the Democrats where like so what this is not our business. I agree that it was not our concern when Clinton or
2/3 of the other presidents did it and Trump should be no exception.

"Can't wait to see the reaction of fake Fox News when he is impeached and thrown in jail."

Can't wait to see the reaction of the fake CNN when he is reelected a second time. Ok I can also make empty meaningless statements just as well as you.

You have not given one solid reason why Trump is so bad, it is either opinion without argumentation, random speculation or statements that are provably false. Again I am not a Trump fan but I could give you actually reasons for why Trump has problems. These are not "he says mean things", they are along the lines of he has this policy which is not the best policy because of these reasons. You may not believe the reasons but they are actual reasons. Now let me ask you a question and I want you to be honest would you actually be willing to have a discussion on these topics with someone or would just say "I cannot talk about this anymore with someone like you" and walk away. If it is the latter than you should seriously reevaluate your ability to analyze or think about things. Just some food for thought.

Anonymous said...

"The original post is in line with conversations all weekend long. There are strong views on both sides, but no other topic is crowding it out for conversation.

July 24, 2018 at 9:27 AM"

Perhaps I am limited with who I talk with but at least at the lab there is an overwhelming view that that GRT tax should go away and that county has used the money very wisely. As for Triad I have yet to meet a single person say anything agains them.

Anonymous said...

5:39 am is right. Anyone who refused to go to Vietnam was real dumb-dumb. It’s was an awesome war!
I mean, who could forget that famous photograph of the Vietnamese girl burned and running after the napalm attack.
Seems that that would be a great thing to be involved in. I was too young to enlist so I missed out too. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the reaction of fake Fox News when he is impeached and thrown in jail.

July 24, 2018 at 5:39 AM

If the Democrats take the House, he will certainly be impeached. So was Clinton. And likewise he will not be convicted by the Senate. He will therefore come out strengthened, and will win reelection in 2020, setting all liberals' hair on fire, at least those who still have any unburnt. BTW, impeachment and conviction does not result in "jail." That would require an alleged actual violation of some statute or law, an indictment, and a criminal trial and conviction, after impeachment. Don't hold your breath.

Anonymous said...

It will be easy-peasy for Los Alamos County officials to get by without the massive influx of lab GRT funds. They'll just vote to raise the county property taxes by 300%. There, solved it for you.

Anonymous said...

Don't despair. Observe the facts. Keep your head. Mature, rational, deliberative, open, unified, communicative, productive,compassionate are the virtues we aspire to and employ regularly. Don't be tricked or sidelined by the noise. Night is long, cold and dark. Look for daylight.

Anonymous said...

Night is long, cold and dark. Look for daylight.

July 26, 2018 at 6:51 AM

Funny, my nights are long, warm, and peaceful. Perfect sleeping conditions to wake up refreshed. Guess the advice "don't despair" comes from someone who despairs.

Anonymous said...

Now that it is clear that Trump will be removed from office with all the new revelations maybe it is time to ask what this means for the labs? Will his policy change under Pence?, Will Pence simply step down because he does not want to associated with what is going on and allow Hillary Clinton to come in or will some other Republican come in?

Anonymous said...

Now that it is clear that Trump will be removed from office with all the new revelations

July 27, 2018 at 8:11 AM

Not clear to anyone but you. Try to avoid creating your own reality and then inviting people into it.

Anonymous said...

Not clear to anyone but you. Try to avoid creating your own reality and then inviting people into it.

July 27, 2018 at 6:26 PM

Excuse me but have you been watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, BBC, and another legitimate source of real news? It is over Trump is gone, you can either ignore that or prepare for the changes. Do you read TIME, NEWSWEEK, NYT, LAT, Der Speigel? Do you listen to PBS and NPR, or do you listen to Rush Linbaugh, Coast to Coast, Alex Jones, and read Wall Street Journal? These fake news sites need to be removed so that people do not have access to them for they are poison. In many ways this blog is also fake news and should be shut down , anyone can come onto this blog and say anything real or false and no one, NO ONE should be allowed to say FALSE things on the internet. The random person on the street cannot determine what is FALSE and what is REAL. I will prove this to you beyond any doubt...BEHOLD 30% of people voted from TRUMP, and they are evil. 31% precent voted for Clinton, good people, but what bit the 33% who did not vote, we must take action for these people and if that means the end of fake freedoms which allow for people to watch anything they want on the internet or to post on blogs. We simply cannot allow people to some to their own conclusion if we allow them to freely post, freely what the internet, freely chose which channel to choose, to read what they want and tweet what they want. Freedom is horrible thing that hurts people.

Anonymous said...

July 27, 2018 at 9:22 PM begins with an anti-Trump tirade and ends with a statement that is pure Trump. Really sick dude ! A clear case for psychiatric evaluations as a requirement for voting in national elections.

Anonymous said...

"A clear case for psychiatric evaluations as a requirement for voting in national elections."

I agree and who should decide which people should do these evaluations? Presumedly you are saying that people that are
"crazy" should not vote, but why not expand this to people who hold "crazy" ideas? I think you are on to something.

By the way some could say your post is a bit "off" as you say the 9:22 PM poster ends in pure Trump with the statement "Freedom is horrible thing that hurts people. " Just out of curiosity when did Trump ever say this? Perhaps you think you heard him say this but this could be a sign of psychosis since you are hearing things in your mind, so perhaps you should have a psychiatric evaluation before you are allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

It's all working as intended.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but have you been watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, BBC, and another legitimate source of real news?

July 27, 2018 at 9:22 PM

They aren't. Neither is Fox News, Breitbart, or Limbaugh. They are all biased one way or the other. There is no unbiased news source anymore. Get used to listening to everything and figuring it out for yourself. Unless you were educated after around 1970, in which case you aren't capable of that. Too bad for you.

Anonymous said...

Are you actually saying that Fox, Breitbart and Limbaugh on the same level as CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT and TIME? Are you freaking serious? The latter are actual news media that report news, unlike Fox which makes it up as it goes. You have to have shut your brain off if you think otherwise. This is the problem with America the world is changing the, the capitalist society that only benefited a small portion of the population is coming to and end and you all freaking out about it. We are creating a just and caring society free of toxicity, exploitation and harm. Freedom of speech is made so that marginalized voices can be heard it is not for you freely say things that cause harm. Like it or not socialism is coming to the United and it is about time. Have you ever been to Stockhom, Paris, Antwerp, or Copenhagen, compare that to Detroit, Cleveland, and Salt Lake City. The former are products of enlightened socilisim the latter products of greedy capitalism. Think about this.

Anonymous said...

Scooby, we can all find that you are a Democrat activist in a quick web search. We know you have political interests and that's ok but somewhere else. If you want to keep this blog alive, you'll have to disallow ALL political posts regardless of political bent. Continue allowing the brain-dead dialog that we've seen in this thread and the only thing you'll accomplish is to steer your previously useful blog into the ditch.

Scooby said...

Disallowing political opinion is wrong . Even if I decide to do it , it is time-intensive and requires making decisions that not everyone likes. May be you can help me?

Anonymous said...

"is to steer your previously useful blog into the ditch.

July 29, 2018 at 9:39 PM"

To be fair to Scooby most of the threads have very little political content to them, the only reason this one did was the original post sort opened it up a bit, so take it easy. In some cases political talk could be relevant, for example it is possible that Trump will not make through the full four years so one could ask how this could change things at the labs. I am not saying it will happen but it is certainly a real possibility and could be talked about.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to Stockhom, Paris, Antwerp, or Copenhagen .. ?

July 29, 2018 at 9:24 PM

At least these "enlightened" cities wash the dog doo off the streets early in the morning.

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