Couple of real wild quotes in here
"The UC will take a leading role in the management partnership among the three institutions, which will operate as Triad National Security, LLC, or Triad, according to UC President Janet Napolitano."
REALLY need to get this news to Battelle, who is pretty clear on who is leading the Triad show.
"The UC is estimated to earn a net fee of $24.6 million for the calendar year 2018 under its existing contracts for management of both the Los Alamos lab and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. According to Kimberly S. Budil, UC vice president for national laboratories, the fee that the UC will earn from the new Triad contract is slightly smaller than that earned from the previous contract and will impact the 2019-20 budget."
SO the fee that UC takes from LANL will only be slightly smaller under Triad than under LANS. That will sure come as shocking news to NNSA.
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Why would this be a shock to NNSA? Do you not believe the fee structure was part of the winning proposal?
"SO the fee that UC takes from LANL will only be slightly smaller under Triad than under LANS. That will sure come as shocking news to NNSA."
Hey, UC hater, we have explained this to over and over again. Bechtel kept the profit while UC reinvested their share back into the labs for joint research programs, graduate and undergraduate students and so on. NNSA liked that and UC will continue to do the same thing. Not only did Bechtel keep the profit but as was explained many many times to you Bechtel uses leveraged profit to gain additional monies from the lab just like they do in every other thing they run. This was well documented in several books written on Bechtel with just the latest one being the "The Profiteers" by Sally Denton.
NNSA knows the original contract change was a mistake and wants to go back to a management arrangement that worked and worked well as acknowledged by virtually everyone expect a few ex-employees with a personal agenda.
Triad won, therefore UC won, get over it.
Hey I just had a random thought could you be a Russian bot? Maybe that was part of the whole thing, the Russians know that UC managed the labs well so take UC to hurt America? Is that your gig, or are you just of the crazy LANL haters that likes to send letters to the paper about how bad UC was? I would go with the latter since the Russians would do a better job that you can.
Is 6:20 PM attempting to claim that almost 100% of the Triad fee will go to UC?
If so, what does that make the other partners out to be other than window dressing?
Is 6:20 PM attempting to claim that almost 100% of the Triad fee will go to UC?
If so, what does that make the other partners out to be other than window dressing?
July 20, 2018 at 7:21 AM
6:20 PM is not claiming that. 6:20 PM is imply resounding the to original poster who seems very confused. In any case the fee is not relevant to the non-profit status of the operation and most money will be put back into the lab. Is it that hard to understand what
NON-PROFIT means? NNSA and DOE are clearly very happy with this and UC, get over it.
"SO the fee that UC takes from LANL will only be slightly smaller under Triad than under LANS. That will sure come as shocking news to NNSA."
No, that is not what the article said. Read and read it again it says 24 million under the current contract with both LANL and LLNL, not the upcoming contract with Triad. Read the article.
"REALLY need to get this news to Battelle, who is pretty clear on who is leading the Triad show."
Battelle is NOT leading the Triad show. The name of the company is "Triad" there is no one entity "leading it". Why do you even care about this anymore since you no longer work at LANL? Like it or not UC is 1/3 of the management, which is probably more than it was under LANS.
Triad has not been determined (or yet officially claimed) to be nonprofit.
5:54pm--Yes, they have officially claimed to be a non-profit:
"Triad is a nonprofit, public service-focused organization..." from
They're also registered in Delaware as a non-profit. You can search the Delaware business registrations yourself.
Jeez. Why do people make stuff up and then claim it as fact, especially when it's so easy to check?
"Triad has not been determined (or yet officially claimed) to be nonprofit."
It is non-profit, think about it Battelle is always non-profit, UC and Texas-AM are also non-profit, so triad is non-profit and this is what NNSA wants.
Their CEO claimed Triad was a non-profit in an all hands meeting just 4 days ago.
Do you want to know who is leading the show? This is actually very simple - look at who the leader is.
The soon to be Director of LANL, Thom Mason, is from Battelle. Thom is also the President and CEO of Triad National Security. See, not complicated at all. Battelle is leading the show.
The soon to be Director of LANL, Thom Mason, is from Battelle. Thom is also the President and CEO of Triad National Security. See, not complicated at all. Battelle is leading the show.
July 21, 2018 at 7:12 AM
It does not work that way, should also look at all the other management, the overall structure, experience and the statements from Triad. Its is not that complicated it UC is an equal partner and that is the only thing that you need to know and you care about. The fact is UC is back and stronger before. Lets face your post is about UC not Battelle.
Its is not that complicated it UC is an equal partner and that is the only thing that you need to know and you care about. The fact is UC is back and stronger before. Lets face your post is about UC not Battelle.
July 21, 2018 at 9:04 AM
UC RAH RAH!! UC RAH RAH!! WTF is wrong with you?? You don't get to decide what is "the only thing I need to know and care about" you putz. Why can't you just accept actual facts (you don't get to have your own facts, just your own opinions,) and see what happens, instead of trying to create your own reality and convince everyone else that it is real?? You are quite sick.
I agree with 6:24 PM. 9:04 AM is hyper-delusional. You wouldn't claim that an Army General is an equal partner with a Lieutenant, would you? Well, the General of Triad, the Director, the guy in charge, is a Battelle guy.
You wouldn't claim that the President and CEO of the company is an equal partner with a division manager, would you? Well the President and CEO of Triad is a Battelle guy, quite literally.
Battelle is not only in charge, UC lost all responsibility for facilities, operations, procurement, finance, and construction. UC also lost much of its responsibility for safety, and security. In the real world, UC has been demoted.
"July 25, 2018 at 10:03 AM"
Nope UC will have more say at LANL than they ever had under LANS. This is a real vote of confidence from DOE. Perhaps what really tipped it in UC's favor is with how they dealt with certain people in the past, you know the whole culture of theft nonsense. UC stood firm and did the right thing as they always have and fought the good fight! It may take some time but in the end as we have seen they got rewarded by DOE for doing the right thing.
In rough numbers UC went from 85% of LANS management control to 40% of Triad management control. That is indeed a significant demotion.
In rough numbers UC went from 85% of LANS management control to 40% of Triad management control. That is indeed a significant demotion.
July 25, 2018 at 1:40 PM
False no one, and I do mean no one believes your numbers. More like 15% under LANS at best to 40% now which shows that NNSA has acknowledged that UC needs to have more say, likely because they liked the way LANL was run before LANS. I have yet to find a single person at LANL who does not think UC will have more say than they did under LANS and everybody is happy about that. You have some bizarre issue withe UC/LANL which is some personal issue with you and you need to let it go. UC is here to stay for a long long time and no matter how you spin it, it is vote of confidence for UC by NNSA.
July 25, 2018 at 3:50 PM is the same guy who insisted "Bechtel is here to stay" for so many years. Delusional, immune to facts, and just plain crazy. Or, possibly, just stirring the pot no matter what's in the pot.
July 25, 2018 at 10:03 AM and July 25, 2018 at 1:40 PM are absolutely factually correct. Anyone can confirm these facts with a little research. A concept with which July 25, 2018 at 3:50 PM is apparently unfamiliar.
The July 25, 2018 at 1:40 PM poster is the same guy is (1) insisted that no credible team would ever bid for Los Alamos, which was false. (2) UC would not bid for Los Alamos, which was false. (3) Battelle would never team with UC, which was false. (4) If UC ever did bit it would lose, which was false. Ask yourself if this poster has be been so wrong about this many things what else could the poster be wrong about? This poster has made many claims about UC and Los Alamo yet reality does not seem to back up his narrative about UC or LANL, yet he persists in his anti-UC and LANL crusade.
3:50 PM claimed that he knows what everyone believes. People who make such claims are often severely mentally ill. The likelihood that he is in fact mentally ill is supported by his absolutely ludicrous claim that UC controlled 15% of LANS when UC actually controlled 9/11ths of the upper management, including the Director position, about 82%, and UC had twice as many votes on the LANS board as any of the other LANS partners.
In any case, if he thinks UC ran just 15% of LANS, he did not and does not work at LANL. The troll is a phony.
July 27, 2018 at 3:11 PM
This is not news. Some of us have just learned to ignore his drivel.
July 27, 2018 at 6:28 PM appears to have flunked "Ignoring Drivel 101"
UC controlled 80% of LANL and that is why LANL has failed so badly, they have run this labs to ground since 1943. The fact that they are still around is crazy just crazy, look at all the bad things they have done. I fight the drivel of the trolls because the truth that I known my heart to be true needs to get out. UC has been horrible for a long long time. It is the only thing I care about it is the only thing I ever cared about and what gives you intellectual nuts who worship science to claim otherwise? UC may have backed Nanos, but you have to admit that Nanos got a lot of things right about you people, he just went about it all wrong. So yes I ignore the drivel from the troll but I still need to set the record straight.
Yes I did think that UC would never bid, would never win nor would team up with Battelle, because I am thinking in a sane way but in case you have not noticed we live in an insane world. I will continue to make rational predictions because I refuse to thin insanely.
I will continue to make rational predictions because I refuse to thin insanely.
July 28, 2018 at 10:42 PM
Super VUCA squared !!
July 28, 2018 at 10:42 PM
I think "thinning insanely" is bad for your health. Try to lose weight sanely. BTW, the phrase "intellectual nuts who worship science" is an absolute prize winner for the most insane statement ever made. I want the t shirt,.
"BTW, the phrase "intellectual nuts who worship science" is an absolute prize winner for the most insane statement ever made. I want the t shirt,."
Before you give too much credit to the 10:42 PM poster for making up the most insane statement ever you should realize that congress already said this about LANL . You may recall from around 2004 during a session on LANL the following was stated by congressmen Issa.
" Mr. Issa [Darrell Issa (R- CA)] points out, perhaps these people don't realize, these intellectual nuts or whatever they call them, these people don't appreciate the sensitivity of what they're working on because they work with it all the time."
This statement is is particularly ironic because Issa is well known as one of the biggest leakers in DC of classified and sensitive information.
" A Sunday press release from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the Oversight Committee’s ranking member, on Issa’s disregard for State Department warnings of unauthorized release of “classified and other sensitive information” makes clear just how worrisome. According to a transcript of a meeting Issa had with State Department officials, the oversight committee chairman was dismissive.
Yeah Cummings is a totally reliable, unbiased, knowledgeable source on the subject. HaHaHaHaHaHaHA!!!
Like Elija Cummings is an unbiased, reputable, knowledgeable source of anything. Look up "resting on your laurels" - his picture is there.
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