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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Any cases of Covid-19 at the labs?

I know some of the DOE Labs are under minimum operations but no one had reported any covid  cases?
Are there any?


Anonymous said...

Whoa, hold on partner. First they have to figure out the proper charge code. Until then, nobody is permitted to get sick.

Anonymous said...

No confirmed cases at LANL

Anonymous said...

Of course, it is entirely coincidental that Wuhan is Home to China's first BSL Level-4 biolab, opened in 2017.

Anonymous said...

"confirmed" does not mean presumptive positive. This next week will be the two week marker for all the "rumors" about the presumptive positive cases at LANL. Despite management's protests to the contrary, there have been numerous people that have been told to self-isolate for two weeks. What will LANL have to say when any of these cases become "confirmed"?

Anonymous said...

That connection deserves much more investigation by international authorities than is apparently being done.

Anonymous said...

3/21/2020 12:28 PM

Not confirmed. Not that hard to understand. Hey just take sick leave or vacation if you worried.

Anonymous said...

There are thousands of positive cases all over the country that have nothing to do with LANL. Or foreign travel, or contact with foreigners.

Anonymous said...

There are thousands of positive cases all over the country that have nothing to do with LANL. Or foreign travel, or contact with foreigners.

3/22/2020 5:05 PM

Sounds kinda weird, do you have some issues with "foreigners".

Anonymous said...

Which is more probable: accidental contamination from a new BSL-4 biolab, or people eating bats and pangolins?

Anonymous said...

Which is more probable: accidental contamination from a new BSL-4 biolab, or people eating bats and pangolins?

3/23/2020 11:57 AM

Yes but the public can’t absorb that fact.

Anonymous said...

Sounds kinda weird, do you have some issues with "foreigners".

3/22/2020 6:34 PM

Yes. Especially the ones who bring in infectious diseases knowingly.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Especially the ones who bring in infectious diseases knowingly.

3/23/2020 5:36 PM

How about the infectious diseases of stupidly. What have you ever done for the country, what have you done besides live of the work of "foreigners". Last time I checked LANL and even LLN owe their existence to "foreigners" All you LLNL rednecks should realize that not only was Teller a foreigner but he was also a Jew, now consider that the next time you go on about "them foreigners". If not for "them foreigners" you would be speaking Russian, eating sushi, or drinking German beer.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching MSNBC and it is absolutely heartbreaking to see what Trump has done to Italy.

Anonymous said...

3/23/2020 8:48 PM

You might take time out of your rant to consider that you have no idea what you are talking about, nor especially to whom you are talking.

Anonymous said...

You might take time out of your rant to consider that you have no idea what you are talking about, nor especially to whom you are talking.

3/24/2020 5:33 PM

It is pretty obvious to whom I am talking to. You have been on this blog for some time now with your anti science, anti LANL rants. You seem to have little knowledge of the history of the labs, what is done at the labs, why it is done at the labs and who did what at the labs. It is rather obvious you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA about the labs.

LANL and LLNL was founded by foreign scientists, that is fact look it up at some point. You know Teller came from a place "called" Hungary, I know you don't this is a country but it is, again look it up.

Anonymous said...

25. Now. before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

3/24/2020 7:28 PM

3/23/2020 5:36 PM here, Well, you have your posters completely confused. I am a retired LANL scientist (Ph.D. physics), who thinks LANL is and was the most competent and modern multi-program national security laboratory in the country. I am not anti-science and not anti-LANL in the least. And I am probably more knowledgeable about LANL history and the Manhattan project than you are, having spent many years working very closely with the LANL Historian in the LANL Archives building on DP Road. I have read literally thousands of the old mimeographed and onion skin memos from the earliest days at LANL and the other Manhattan Project facilities around the country, many of which were signed by the foreign scientists you mention. Try directing your rants at the anti-science, anti-LANL posters who are actually posting here. It isn't me.

Anonymous said...

How many more Americans will Trump try to kill before the 25th amendment is invoked? Do it now!

Anonymous said...

How many more Americans will Trump try to kill before the 25th amendment is invoked? Do it now!

3/27/2020 8:32 AM

Agreed this entire thing is due to Trump, none of this would have happened under Hillary. Trump had all the information and he did nothing not one thing, the planes kept coming in, the ships kept sailing and he will now order the country open by April 12th and kill untold numbers of people. The country has gone mad. What scares me is not so much Trump because we always have crazy people like him. It is the untold masses that voted him. These people are dangerous and should have never been allowed to vote. These are the uneducated, ignorant, low wage, deplorables that Russia could influence so easily. These people should never be allowed to vote particularly under a system where you so much fake news is allowed on the internet. This has to change.

Anonymous said...

How many more Americans will Trump try to kill before the 25th amendment is invoked? Do it now!

3/27/2020 8:32 AM

The stuff Trump is saying is just nuts, he said the virus is a hoax, then he said that fish tank poison cures it, now he is saying that the come hell or high water the US will be open by Easter. It is just crazy, who knows what other nutball things he says are, I refuse REFUSE to watch his press conferences and agree with what many in the news are saying that they should not be televised due to his lies and insanity. I hope California and New York say no to Trumps "open" command. He can blame China all he wants but the reality is he started a trade war with China so of course China would not trust the US and hid the numbers because of Trumps action. I am not saying China is right but when you have crazy nut job like Trump than do not expect good reactions from other countries. Not to mention that he totally gutted the CDC and fired all their pandemic people. We live in crazy crazy times when a bankrupt TV idiot TV personality runs your country. How did it get this state.

Anonymous said...

3/27/2020 8:32 AM

Your reasoning capacity has reached empty. The only thing you have to love is fear itself.

Anonymous said...

The only thing you have to love is fear itself.

3/27/2020 5:37 PM

The only thing we have to fear is Trump himself. The virus is going to hit the US harder than any county and this is on Trump. One good thing that this crisis shows is that capitalism is uniquely ill equipped to deal with such events and hopefully people realize that in our global world that ideas of the rugged individual is nonsense.

Anonymous said...

So unprepared hospitals due to states' overdoing it on Medicaid expansion on Obama's insistence have nothing to do with overwhelmed ERs and ICUs? It's all Trump's fault? Did you comply with your Governor's mandate to isolate when it was issued? Are you complying now?

Anonymous said...

So unprepared hospitals due to states' overdoing it on Medicaid expansion on Obama's insistence have nothing to do with overwhelmed ERs and ICUs? It's all Trump's fault? Did you comply with your Governor's mandate to isolate when it was issued? Are you complying now?

Yes,yes yes.

Trump owns this and Cuomo is having to clean it up.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo doesn't want quarantine. After all the complaining about Trump not locking down the country, the governor of the hot spot agrees with Trump’s original position.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo doesn't want quarantine. After all the complaining about Trump not locking down the country, the governor of the hot spot agrees with Trump’s original position.

3/29/2020 12:15 PM

False, Trump wanted to close the whole place down, no food in or out, no medicine, nothing. Cuomo came in like a boss and laid down the law and told Trump no way. Cuomo is now essentially in charge of our response. He is going to win by a landslide in Nov. Heck it may even be possible they invoke the 25th and remove Trump and put Cuomo in to save the hundred thousands lives.

Anonymous said...

Who ever said "no food in or out, no medicine, nothing"?? Nobody, just your fevered jerky little mind. PS: the 25th A does not allow "putting someone in" it allows the President to be removed in favor of the Vice President. Get a grip.

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