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Monday, March 30, 2020

Is LA County's Inaction CRIMINAL?

Anonymous said...
Is LA County's Inaction CRIMINAL?
For more than a week the Los Alamos county leaders were informed about high risk for COVID-19 exposure of public servants in Shops (Smith, Pharmacy, Post-Office ..etc), and they will transmit the virus to the public and produce an avalanche of sick people.
The county were made aware that covering the mouth and nose with some paper towel, mask may reduce the probability of spreading the disease by more than 100 times.
This is necessary to be done by the entire community only when entering public spaces, not on street or inside own cars. Customers' and employees fever will be good to measure before being admitted in the shop.
By imposing these measures only, it might reduce transmission factor by 100 to 1000 times, and with "social distancing" the numbers may be much lower, most of the threat coming from outsiders in Santa Fe and Espanola.
A leaked LANL estimation predicted that about 5000 cases and >200 dead will be until September and I think taking these measures we may reduce the number well under 500 cases, with few or no death.
The difference is the cost of inaction or the reward for preemptive action.
I hope they will take the right decision, and not wait for instructions from a bunch of incompetent, inexperienced people.


Anonymous said...

Couple of problems.

(1) It may be that after a three year period we will need about 90% of everyone to get this. So perhaps there is no real point of protection other than flattening the curve from overwhelming the hospitals.

(2) The 100-1000 reduction by use of masks is not known, only speculation.

(3) There are simply not enough masks. I suppose you could use bandannas or something.

(4) It may be irresponsible, but it is certainly not criminal.

Anonymous said...

I see you are as unaware of local/state government decision-making processes and powers as you are of anything federal.

Anonymous said...

3/30/2020 2:26 PM

There is significant data that shows any mouth covering is helpful in preventing contamination of others. Not so much for yourself if you are not infected (yet).

Anonymous said...

We will all need to get this to achieve herd immunity. Best that can be done is to flatten the curve. Calm down please.

Anonymous said...

There is significant data that shows any mouth covering is helpful in preventing contamination of others. Not so much for yourself if you are not infected (yet).

3/30/2020 5:49 PM

I agree but not by 100 or 10000 times.

Anonymous said...

Geez, tiny little Los Alamos is all up in arms about this? Calm down, children. Do whatever you want to protect yourself. The government can not and will not protect you.

Anonymous said...

Geez, tiny little Los Alamos is all up in arms about this? Calm down, children. Do whatever you want to protect yourself. The government can not and will not protect you.

3/31/2020 5:30 PM

Wow bitter is as bitter does.

Anonymous said...

What does "bitter" have to do with absolute truth? If you rely on government to protect you and yours, you are a fool. No bitterness involved, just practicality. Widespread pandemic means law enforcement, first responders, and military are sick too.

Anonymous said...

"What does "bitter" have to do with absolute truth? "

The absolute truth is that you are very bitter about how you think Los Alamos treated you. Take a small hint on this, it is about you and not Los Alamos.

Anonymous said...

4/02/2020 7:59 AM

Los Alamos (and UC) treated me just fine. I had a 30 year very rewarding (and awarded) career and I have a six figure pension from UC. No problems for me. I have a deep respect and even affection for LANL. What made you think otherwise (except your mistaken belief that everyone who criticizes LANL must be the "bitter" guy)? I'm not that guy, I'm the guy who believes that anyone who counts on government to protect him or his family is a fool.

Anonymous said...

4/02/2020 5:38 PM

OK you are the wrong guy. Better hope that the government lets you protect yourself.

Anonymous said...

4/02/2020 9:51 PM

I don't need anyone's permission to protect myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't need anyone's permission to protect myself.

4/03/2020 5:06 PM

When the new laws come into play to prevent the next pandemic you may not have a choice. We cannot have people just doing whatever they think in order to protect themselves. We need to think of the protection of all of society. Your rights do not trump the rights of the society.

Anonymous said...

"Your rights do not trump the rights of the society.

4/03/2020 11:00 PM"

Well played, but you missed the mark. Trump's "rights" trump the rights of society in the eyes of the US Senate and the US Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

When the new laws come into play to prevent the next pandemic you may not have a choice. We cannot have people just doing whatever they think in order to protect themselves. We need to think of the protection of all of society. Your rights do not trump the rights of the society.

4/03/2020 11:00 PM

I wouldnt be the lawyer taking that to the supreme court. Typhoid Mary wasnt trying to protect herself and she still was released.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt be the lawyer taking that to the supreme court. Typhoid Mary wasnt trying to protect herself and she still was released.

4/04/2020 10:08 AM

We live in clown world now, anything can happen. Hear someone breaking into your garage and you shoot them and they turn out to be a protected class...good luck with that. Just let them take the stuff and hope they don't want more. You may think that Covid 19 will get rid of the crazy SJW, PC stuff but it is also possible that it will have the opposite effect. Lots of things are coming together right now and with the upcoming presidential elections look out, as there could be payback...big time, someone needs to pay for the past four years.

Anonymous said...

When the new laws come into play to prevent the next pandemic you may not have a choice.

4/03/2020 11:00 PM

I will always have a choice.

Anonymous said...

I will always have a choice.

4/04/2020 5:20 PM

Indeed, but what if "they" decide what you choose. Do you really trust "your" judgement? How do you know what "you" are. How do you know it is you that thinks it is you that want is what "you" want. You may not be who you think you are. There is is no "I" in "choice" only i.

You have served us well and continue to do that thing that "you" do.

Anonymous said...

You may not be who you think you are.

4/04/2020 8:51 PM

Uh, OK, who do you think I am? Does everyone get a say?

Anonymous said...

Uh, OK, who do you think I am? Does everyone get a say?

4/06/2020 5:16 PM

Someone who would trade their liberty for a small amount of security.

Anonymous said...

I think you just busted your "I'm not insane" bubble. Who exactly are your referring to?

Anonymous said...

I think you just busted your "I'm not insane" bubble. Who exactly are your referring to?

4/07/2020 5:14 PM

Now that bubble is bursted the insanity of the outside world can just pour in? Or are you someone who thinks that personal responsibility is insane?

Anonymous said...

I think this thread is evidence of viral infection of grey matter, what little there is of that in the heads of some posters.

Anonymous said...

Wow, more of the same. Pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

4/07/2020 6:27 PM

The virus has shown tha for the good of the people that individualism must be checked. Yes this means that the 1st and 2nd amendments must be repealed. They may have some served some purpose when American wanted to keep its profits from the new world for itself rather than share it with England but the make nooo sense now. Tell why is it allowed for some random idiot to say that G5 will cause cancer? Sure it is protected by the 1st amendment but that speech kills people. The 1st amendment was never meant to hurt people and must be abolished. As for the 2nd amendment it allows these same idiots to be armed and cause mass shootings. How often do people actually use guns to protect themselves...1% of the time at best. You have more chance of dying of corona virus than you do of using a gun to defend yourself. We do not allow people to have bio weapons yet we allow people to have guns? It is not 1776 it is 2020 we are bit more evolved than people who did not even know that viruses existed.

Anonymous said...

Entitled rage about existing law. Give us more please.

Anonymous said...

I think this thread is evidence of viral infection of grey matter, what little there is of that in the heads of some posters.

4/08/2020 4:21 PM

Bernie it out? It might have been interesting to hear what his plan would have been for the military, DOE and NNSA. I have no idea what Biden's spending plan is. So it is Trump versos Biden, of course Cuomo could come in. That seems like a bit of a long shot. It seems abruptly insane to to consider but Trump could win again? How is this possible. We should really consider who is allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

You think the voters are the problem? Look at your choices in 2016 and 2020 and tell me again it is a voter problem. The only ones I like the media and the party elites hate.

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