I think this guy is dead-on about the bonuses:
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Stores are empty, people are fighting. One of my neighbors house is wall to wall supplies, he goes to several different towns everyday to multiple stores to grab everything up to whatever the limit it. It is like he had a hidden hoarder gene that switched on. He is still going to work, or more precisely he goes in for an hour every other day. He seems angry all the time. He has thousands and thousands of eggs, which seems odd since I am not sure that you can even freeze them. Also how long can milk be frozen? One of the other neighbors has family of where both people work at hospitals and he seems to hate these people again which is odd since they are supper nice people. The labs have some very strange people. One thing for sure I have seen some behaviors that I have never seen people.
It took a retiree who cannot be fired or punished, but am glad somebody finally called out LANL management.
Thank you!
Lot of extremes in the community but a lot of good too. Each of us should focus on being the best we can be.
@ 3/21/20 8:50 a.m.
Presuming that your not making jest of this, then your neighbor sounds like a sociopath to me.
In a panic situation, people display their real selves.
What I don't undertsand is that knowing what kind of people that work in LANL I would have guessed they would be the very first to get the virus. You know these guy don't exactly know how to hold social norms much less social distancing. Also being cowboys they are not exactly known for being careful or safe. Heck I thought LANL would be one of the first placed to get it in the US. I just don't seem to understand these people.
6:38. You are absolutely correct, you do not understand LANL people or practice.
3/23/2020 3:23 PM
You beat me to it. Well said.
3:23 PM. I think what 6:38 PM is referring to is management and LANL management has completely dropped the ball in terms of being a leader in the fight agains COVI-19, whereas the NM Governor has been ahead of LANL. TRIAD should lose the contract based on their bahvior and actions during this whole COVID event.
ped the ball in terms of being a leader in the fight agains COVI-19, whereas the NM Governor has been ahead of LANL. TRIAD should lose the contract based on their bahvior and actions during this whole COVID event.
3/23/2020 5:45 PM
Agreed, Triad should be out and Bechtel should be brought back in, shut down the labs, fire the scientists, make lots of money and let a lot of people die. Bechtel Baby!!!!! 5:45PM you are my brother, LANL treated us wrong and they should all pay...all of them. New Mexico would be so much better without LANL. Bechtel!!!! Bechtel!!!! Bechtel!!!!
Let me be clear if Bechtel cannot come back in that at least get rid of UC from TRIAD. Oh and I am not bitter, never have been never will.
Oh LANL, no management will ever be good enough.
Triad should follow the panicked, stampeding herd?
9:01, you are almost correct. No Livermore manager will ever be good enough for us. You can take that to the bank.
9:01, you are almost correct. No Livermore manager will ever be good enough for us. You can take that to the bank.
3/24/2020 4:32 PM
What shocked me the first time I went to Livermore after working for years at LANL is that they don't have DRAMA every single day like LANL. It is generally friendly, happy, and a great place to work. Not sure this is a "management" problem....
3/23/2020 8:42 PM
Excellent! The real "Bechtel Baby!" guy has been outdone. Fabulous satire.
"Let me be clear if Bechtel cannot come back in that at least get rid of UC from TRIAD. Oh and I am not bitter, never have been never will."
Blathered on by 3/23/2020 8:42 PM
The connection of UC with whoever is managing Los Alamos gives the mission at least a hint of scientific integrity. Take UC out of the picture, and you get a Rocky Flats pit factory all over again. I am sure that is the preferred scene for the well-paid managers, but I suspect that the glove-box workers would prefer a less risky occupation at the same wages. Clearly, the surrounding communities should learn from the history of Rocky Flats, and the impact of massive contamination, before subscribing to the insanity of getting rid of UC. Is the company town of Los Alamos really ready for an FBI raid?
You think Battelle has no scientific integrity??? That is a big stretch.
The strategy UC had was that Battelle will help them win the contract. That was correct. What they did not recognize or are hedging against is the fact that once Battelle learns LANL, Battelle does not need UC.
I'm sure that Battelle has much needed experience in nuclear weapon design, testing, manufacturing, and handling of SNM.
The strategy UC had was that Battelle will help them win the contract. That was correct. What they did not recognize or are hedging against is the fact that once Battelle learns LANL, Battelle does not need UC.
3/27/2020 4:53 PM
It seems like the opposite in that UC now knows it does not need Battelle.
It seems like the opposite in that UC now knows it does not need Battelle.
3/28/2020 7:38 AM
Nor does it need LANL!
I'm sure that Battelle has much needed experience in nuclear weapon design, testing, manufacturing, and handling of SNM.
3/27/2020 8:53 PM
You really need to read the history of Battelle before you write.
" LANL management has completely dropped the ball in terms of being a leader in the fight agains COVI-19, whereas the NM Governor has been ahead of LANL. TRIAD should lose the contract based on their bahvior and actions during this whole COVID event.
3/23/2020 5:45 PM"
TRIAD is merely acting on the direction of NNSA and DOE, where managers did not score high on STEM in high school or college. And those poor souls are taking direction from a failed real estate broker who does not even understand compound interest.
TRIAD is far worse than LANS. They have done absolutely nothing to make this place better. They claimed that they understood where the problems are, who had to go and what had to be fixed. They still have many of the old LANS middle managers. They haven’t fixed anything. TA55 has no management and no direction. The subcontractors than TRIAD brought in need to be sent packing. Knowledge about how to do things is gone. Scientific integrity is a joke. New hires are leaving after several years. In short, it is time to shut the doors, clean it up and close it down so it is nothing more than an asterisk in the history books. Los Alamos must be reduced significantly before the country follows it down the toilet.
You have a very inflated idea of the importance of Los Alamos to the country. It is nil.
Anonymous said...
You have a very inflated idea of the importance of Los Alamos to the country. It is nil.
3/31/2020 5:42 PM
Agreed, LANL, LLNL and Sandia are not needed. Why do we have nuclear weapons in the modern world anyway. What done at LANL that cannot be done elsewhere. Why do I post on this blog.
3/30/2020 7:00 PM
Everything you say makes total sense, logic in its purest form. I am glad that you are not bitter about anything.
You have a very inflated idea of the importance of Los Alamos to the country. It is nil.
3/31/2020 5:42 PM
You might want to tone down the bitter vibe on some your posts it is not doing you any favors.
"You have a very inflated idea of the importance of Los Alamos to the country. It is nil.
3/31/2020 5:42 PM"
I take it you have no idea whatsoever about what is done at LANL and why is it so important. There is a very good reason the budgets are going up. Hint recent events have revealed why. Before you post again think about why that might be. If you don't get it think about more. If you still don't get it than just accept that the world is just too complex for you to understand therefore your rantings are pointless and you should top posting your noise to this blog.
4/01/2020 10:03 AM
I worked at the lab as a scientist for 30 years, and lived in Los Alamos for 40 years. I know whereof I speak. If you spend time outside the DOE/NNSA/National Lab bubble, you realize it is of no importance to anyone else in the country.
"I worked at the lab as a scientist for 30 years, and lived in Los Alamos for 40 years. I know whereof I speak. If you spend time outside the DOE/NNSA/National Lab bubble, you realize it is of no importance to anyone else in the country."
You are so full of it is not funny. There are many that are spending considerable in dealing with the military, academics, DC, and many other governments facilities and yes Los Alamos is very important for rather obvious reasons and it is not just the NW programs either. Again this is all easy to check even to the outside science. There is very good reasons that LANL is so well funded and will be continued to be funded for some time. Not to mention that LANL is pondered in high regard across all these institutions.
We could go over all the numbers about the specific NW programs, about high performance computing, about bio modeling work, quantum computing, surveillance, multiple other national security work, climate modeling, space sciences, materials, production, magnetic field lab, nonlinear science, complex systems, the unique science capabilities, the number of postdocs and students that go through LANL and end up as professors, staff at DOE, and the number that go to high tech jobs like Google, Microsoft, and numerous start ups, and these numbers are in the thousands. How is it that we have all these professors and scientists that come to visit LANL every year to give talks and do research including profs with Nobel prizes. The list just goes on and on. It is also very telling you call something like the "DOE" a bubble. Do you have any idea whatsoever just how big the DOE is in terms of basic science for the US what are the other DOE labs and the DOE funded University research, do you have any idea how LANL compares to these in terms of publications to the other DOE labs and Universities in the US.
Now with that in mind you claim you worked at a lab scientists for 30 years, if that was possibly the case you would know this. Either you lying or are just so beyond bitter about what you think LANL did to you that are delusional. Look we all know a few of the crazy bitter nut jobs in town and Santa Fe and I think it is pretty clear where you fall. You have made you nutcase claims over and over again. You have no idea what you are talking about so please give it a rest.
I worked at the lab as a scientist for 30 years, and lived in Los Alamos for 40 years.
Ya right pal, Chris Mechles also worked at the lab for some years before he was fired. I think you have some sort of personal agenda and you have no interests in the truth just your personal narrative about how you so great and LANL is so bad. Ever think it might be you and not the lab.
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