I have talked with more than a few coworkers about how Liberals are taking over the Main Portal with constant Liberal messages. As we know the great silent majority is silent for a good reasons.
One reason is outside of the Lab the term Inclusive means one is included only if you agree and kneel at the Alter of the false religion of Liberalism and Abortion.
For example the Inclusive Woman's march does not allow serious Christians, Pro-Life women nor Conservative Women's Groups but is Inclusive. Funny, haha.
I would say (I predict) with LLNL becoming more like Google and Twitter with Liberal Management that at some point they will turn on Christians as it is inevitable because our Creator values life which is not a tenant of Liberalism/Socialism as their Ideology in every facet comes before a persons or family's life.
I would say two things.
If you doubt the silent majority at LLNL or in our Country, then let's talk on Nov. 5th. But more importantly our Lord will return some day and every thing that has breathe will kneel before His Majesty as this all will end.
Blog purpose
This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Dear scared Christian,
I am posting your thoughts because they do not violate blog rules. But...I must reply.
We all fear what we don't know. You seem to think that conservatism has the monopoly on Christianity and patriotism. That is a subjective, even blind, approach.
Liberalism is at the origin of the fight for civil liberties, economic equity and freedom from/of religion.
It is liberalism that has encouraged science and enabled diversity. As a result, we have the best talent in every field: Caucasians, Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Africans doctors, researchers and the like.
Conservatives view that as a threat to the original waves of European immigrants. That is irrational!
Immigrant do not take anything from you! They contribute more than you think!
Do not judge lest you be judged!
There is a good reason why the Constitution separates religion and government. It is so that scared Christians don't abuse non- Christians for their differing beliefs.
So what if LLNL becomes like Google? That will be great!
You conflate the concept of "liberal democracy" which admits what we call today both "liberal" and "conservative" political viewpoints, with today's "liberalism." The former is indeed credited with all the things you mention, but the latter is not.
"But more importantly our Lord will return some day and every thing that has breathe will kneel before His Majesty as this all will end."
The Lord will not return as he does no exits, George Floyd was not murdered, BLM does not care about black lives, Norway is not paradise. Free speech is evil. Death to non believers and dedund the police !!!!!
Every empire comes to an end and the USA is no different, the NNSA labs have been a canary in the cold mine. When we decided that NW should be run by sleazy profit companies I said that this was the end of the US empire and it would take 20 years. Well that time is almost up. China, Russia and the Middle East are watching and know the end is near for the US.
Now what comes next???
There is a line from the movie "The Longest Day" where a German General utters the statement "Sometimes I wonder which side God is on." It got a great laugh in the movie theater. But it does reveal a truth, we tend to believe that "my way is the right way and God has my back."
I am also reminded of the line from John Lennon "whatever gets you through the night."
I am convinced that wars over religion or wars over race do tend to give the same results: dead people and folks seeking revenge.
God is is always on the side that wins. Just look at history.
There is a message for the NNSA labs. Be on the side that wins not on the side that wants to make money in the short term. Around 1996 or so someone said that the USA has won and we can let our NW and our labs rot since they will never be used. This may come back to haunt us real soon.
Oh who cares.
Scooby, if you’re going to answer an unhinged rant with an unhinged rant of your own, you might reconsider whether it was appropriate to allow the post.
Scob, narrow minded comment. Pigeon holing like that is an assumption of conservatives on your part, wrong and shows your bias against them. A typical liberal trait I've noticed is once they make up their mind on something, no amount of reasoning or even
proof will change their view (and I'm not going to start here).
Liberalism is not the glue that made and holds the world together, thanks. Keep up the good blog work though.
Definition of unhinged: mentally unbalanced or deranged.
I am reassuring a Christian that liberalism isn't what he thinks.
In your view, that is unhinged?
8/07/2020 7:52 PM:
"The Lord will not return as he does no exits"
"NNSA labs have been a canary in the cold mine"
"does no exits"? "cold mine"? Man, you are out there. Seek help.
"God is is always on the side that wins. Just look at history."
8/07/2020 10:47 PM
That is laughable. The side that wins gets to write history. Of course they'll say God was on their side.
8/08/2020 10:53 AM
I think that you are confusing liberalism with the far left. What we are seeing is the far left not your run of the mill liberal. Traditionally a liberal has always fought for free speech, free thought, and free ideas. In this way they have come into conflict with strongly Christian and conservative world views points that often did not promote free speech and promoted censorship and so on. However in the current world it is now the far left that that is against free speech, free though, free ideas and promote censorship. In many ways the far left is very similar to the far right in terms of tactics. Antifa is a good example of a far left group that wants to enforce censorship by violence and its oddly enough a group that is closest to violent youth groups found in Nazi Germany. In pre-war Germany young people jumped between Nazis and Communists on a regular bases since their stances where actually fundamentally the same. These youth just wanted to lose their individuality in some large scale group promoting violence, the details of the ideas are irrelevant.
Although the far right has had some influence on the world it is nothing compared to what we have seen that the far left has done. Right now many cities are actually talking about defunding police, all sorts of people have been effectively banned from social media or fired from their jobs. The closest we have been to this is the red scare. Let us put it this way, if you dislike far right conservatives, or extreme restrictive religious groups than you should also dislike the current far left since they are pretty much the same. Any true liberal must cring at what the far left has become s
Take away the Christian rhetoric and what you have is a raving loon. This person is no more rational or reasonable then the person with a tin foil hat raving about aliens or the QAnon conspiracy nuts.
Here you have someone who is terrified of modernity and progress. I don't have time or respect for this fearful way of thinking. Frankly, I can't understand why you gave this person a platform for this garbage. The credibility of the blog is dropping.
I must post opinions I don't agree with, as long as they do not violate blog rules. Otherwise, that is pure censorship!
Blogger Scooby said...
I must post opinions I don't agree with, as long as they do not violate blog rules. Otherwise, that is pure censorship!
8/09/2020 7:21 AM
Scooby you are starting to the see the problem. What is wrong with censorship if it censors bad ideas. Not all ideas and thoughts are worth discussing and some thoughts and ideas should be activity rooted out and eliminated. Censorship is a good thing if it gets rid of nuts, bigots, people living in the past, trolls, non diversity ideas. Also censorship sets an examples to others that wish to cause harm that they in fact are not safe. People who cry for free speech are terrified peopled against progress and modern thinking. There is a difference between free speech and good speech.
8/08/2020 7:57 PM
Well said. I hope some people read and understand.
It reminds me of my youth growing up in a funnymentalist baptist church. Or as I always like to say, "They weren't really all that funny ... but they sure were mental."
Anonymous said...
I think your cutting off comments on "Our Lord will return some day!" was premature, since it did not allow responses to 8/09/2020 10:28 AM, whose comment was extremely dangerous and anti-democratic. He was advocating censorship of "bad speech" as being not "free speech." This is fundamentally in opposition to our constitution and to the free functioning of our society. That comment deserved to be rebutted (respectfully but forcefully), but you prevented that. Too bad.
I want to thank you deeply for publishing my post. I read your comment and am thinking about it. I appreciate your objectivity and some courage I would say.
Liberalism is dead. Only Leftism remains. These are two very different things.
8/09/2020 10:28 AM
The First Amendment exists for very good reasons. No one in our US society, government or civilian, can ever be empowered to decide what speech is "good" or "bad," and to restrict in any way speech they deem as "bad." That is tyranny, and the Founders did everything they could think of to suppress tyranny in the Constitution. Yes, the Bill of Rights is "undemocratic," by design. You don't get to vote on it. We have a representative republic, not a democracy. What you espouse is exactly what the Chinese Communist Party is now attempting in Hong Kong. Suppressing free speech is the road to dictatorship.
So where do you think President Harris will stand on NW or the NNSA labs?
This is a serious question since Biden is ahead in the polls and there is a good chance he will not get through his first term.
8/11/2020 5:36 PM
Reread you own post and it is obvious why the Constitution has to go. It simply makes no sense in the world we live in and rather problematic when it comes to diversity.
By the way make no mistake, if you have ever been to China than you will realize that this is exactly when many in the US want. I can tell you for a fact that the US is becoming a bit more like China everyday. There is now censorship of the social media, the internet, cancelling of people, and a rise of different "classes" of people like old versus young, correct thinkers versus wrong thinkers ect. The cultural revolution had various similarities like people disowning family if they have the wrong ideas, reporting on parents and so on. There is is now also a bending the knee to certain authorized experts, like NPR, CNN, and NYT and to speak ill of these of these entities and you will be branded a bigot, idiot, or raving lunatic. Oddly enough if one takes the time to find old newscasts of NPR, CNN or old copies NYT you even going back to 90s you will see just how much these news organizations have changed. The ideals of what was traditionally journalism is over, and now replaced with activism and as such are not bound to the ethical standards of journalism. You cannot trust the news out of China just as you can no longer trust the MSM in the US. The MSM media is now actively burying certain stories and pushing others. I tend never to believe in conspiracies but the fact that there seems to be so much coordination in the MSM I find to be very very disturbing. There is the rise of independent news media but the MSM is doing everything it can to get rid of that. I find it odd that a high school drop out broadcasting from his basement seems 10 times more intelligent and logical than anybody on CNN. Could this mean that I am an idiot? I do not discount this idea, but I can actually count the number of logical fallacies on a single CNN news cast every night and I cannot be the only one who sees this.
I have been around for awhile in the past 6-8 years I have seen something in America for the first time which is that people are now scared to speak on certain topics or say certain things or say what they think. Some evidence for this is is the Trump election, people where simply afraid to tell pollsters what they think since there is now real consequences. My guess is that the red square in the 50s probably had this as well but it burned itself out. Will the same happen this time or is this the end? I also do not recall ever seeing such large groups of people at least in the US who are actively against the US constitutions and the ideals of the
In short I fear that that the US constitution is next on the chopping block and it will not end well and yes all of this could really matter to the NNSA labs, if the US simply falls apart into a Civil war, social breakdown, or if China simply takes advantage of our moment of weakness. Suppose China says "let us have Japan, Tawain, and Singapore" and we will help you abolish the US police force, perhaps it would make a lot of people in the US love China.
8/11/2020 9:45 PM
You would be scary if you were not so ridiculously comical. Look around an see if there is anyone around you who is going about their normal lives and living them as best they see fit. Go talk to them. No? Then get out more. In fact, if you even understood the Constitution and the requirements to change, or even amend it, you would just give up and take your stuff elsewhere.
... for the first time which is that people are now scared to speak on certain topics.
There have been multiple such periods. As you mention, Joe McCarthy. See the post-WWI Red Scare. Things ebb back and forth. The worst abuses of Cancel Culture will subside. The level of violence in the streets is actually minor compared to the 1960s.
We’ve argued what the Constitution means for its entire history. That will continue. Time for another election.
I personally don’t watch any TV “news” so I wouldn’t lump entertainment like MSMBC or Fox with a major national newspaper.
Our adversaries are having a field day with asymmetric warfare via social media. Too many people on multiple sides too easily inflamed. A few true crackpots set off.
And then the pandemic arrived.
8/12/2020 5:21 PM
I am not sure what your point. Yes in our rather isolated town things are fairly normal although I do see some fairly educated people saying some pretty nutty things.
The issue is that yes I do have an extensive set of family and friends all over the United States. I am in regular contact with hundreds of people at universities and other national labs and I myself come from a big city and yes things are changing and people are indeed scared to speak. Oddly enough this is particularly true at universities. Weird stuff is also happing at schools and there is push to essentially get rid of the ideals of the constitution. The problem is you know have large groups of people who are openly hostile to the very ideals of the constitution and yes I have spoken to these people. There are not too many at the labs but amongst some of the younger crowd and students I have many times encountered out and out contempt for free speech, ideas such as certain people should not be allowed to vote, racists ideas against certain groups, promoting mass censorship, and ideas that whole groups of people are essentially worthless, and that capitalism is evil. If you go visit a university this about half of the people openly say stuff like this, the other half say nothing so you could guess that they are not onboard with this but know enough to keep their mouths shut.
I am very well aware of what it takes to change or amend the Constitution, but I am not simply talking about changing it through the legal methods that allow it evolve or change naturally through the different branches of government. I contend that it is perhaps you that needs to get out and interact with other people, particularly people not in your probably small local circle. Do not be so naive to think that some kind of revolution cannot happen in the United States. If you look at most other countries they have had radical changes in their governance at some point. The United States has been relatively stable in terms of keeping the same constitutional governance since it started but do not be lulled into thinking that it cannot happen here.
I am not a "scared" Christian,. I am atheist libertation that wants more freedom for every person to succeed, worship who they, marry who they want, and have their own opinion. I think fascists and oppressive regimes are the worst thing that can happen to humanity that is why I cringe so much when I hear young people essentially espouse fascists ideas. I have simple rule to determine if you are on the "bad side" or not. Ask yourself this, is the political side you are promoting "burning books", or actively against the free speech. If yes you are on the bad side. This by the way is not a left or right question and who is burning the books now?
Poster 9:08 PM has some good points that some upheaval like this has happened before and passes so perhaps the same thing can happen this time, however this time could be different.
Yeah, the result of the pandemic on our society will be immense and catastrophic. Already, the marginally sane among us, independent of politics, are starting to lose it. From insane physical altercations over masks in stores, to someone shooting at, and hitting a USAF helicopter over Virginia, to the riots and looting in many major cities with police and officials standing by and watching, this is getting pretty bad. It can only be stopped by sane, level-headed, rational people saying "enough." We need our leaders to be that now. Unfortunately, we've got Trumpists and Wokers.
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