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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sandia executives and white male culture

National Nuclear Lab's Employees Sent to Seminar That Claimed 'Rugged Individualism' and 'Hard Work' Are 'White Male Culture'


Anonymous said...

It’s pretty funny to think “hard work” is in any way associated with the average national lab employee.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this, my God this is offing insane. So this is a mandatory for white male executives to break down their white male identity, and confess their sins and write letters of apologies.

Any time I see one of these trainings just take the word "white" and replace it with "black" "jewish", "arab", "gypsy" or "gay" and see how it sounds and if it comes out as racist than guess what it is.

This is whole "white" privilege thing is what it is...racism. The idea that you can blame a group for ruining society because they are succeeding at the cost of others has already be tried before by the nazis against the jewish people. Anyone familiar with nazi Germany and its history can see the parallels of blaming a group for the so called "ills" of society. Somehow all those jewish scientists, bankers, store owners , entertainers and business people where "bad" for Germany. The Germans had to go through a lot of mental contortions to make up arguments as to why jews who contributed to the economy and culture of Germany where actually bad for it. Suppose this way of thought succeeds, and you are not "white" or you are not christian, they will expand out this racism to include other groups just as the nazis did, to include, gay, gypsies, slavs, and so on. So all you other groups that are successful or different are going to be the next targets and we are already seeing this against asians.

Some may say "could there be value" in some of the training. No, I have read up on this and seen how it works, there is no research to back up any of these claims, the stuff is just pure propaganda and makes no sense at all and in facts hurts underrepresented groups. Another thing this does is that it allows one or justifies one to actually be an open racist. Once you are open to racism in any form it never stops with one group.

If this comes to my lab I will fight it anyway I can including lawsuits. I will not be party to the new nazis. If you are young I can understand how may want to be silent to protect your future. Luckily I have way more than enough money so I have no problem speaking out or engaging in a protracted lawsuit. Of course I suppose in the future one could be labeled as a wrong thinker and have your bank accounts frozen, but I figure if enough people speak now it will not come to this. I encourage anyone with the means and ability to start to fight this stuff now.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty funny to think "hard work" is not in any way associated with POC or women.

Anonymous said...

It’s pretty funny to think “hard work” is in any way associated with the average national lab employee.

8/14/2020 3:02 AM

Cute, at least someone has a sense of humor.

Again the idea that certain characteristics of success are "bad" has been used before. The most notable was Nazi Germany against jews, but there are many other examples such as Canbodia with the killing fields against "intellectuals" , the cultural revolution in China, and several countries in Africa. Even the communists ideals have much of this as well where the upper class is seen as evil.

Freud talked about this tendency of humans to attack what they see as successful or good and called it the death drive. The idea is that you see something that is good, beautiful, or great than there is this inner urge amongst certain people to destroy it.

Anonymous said...

This must have been a response to some incident or employee complaint.

Anonymous said...

That's just trolling. Or a bitter lab employee who is upset that others work harder than he does.

Anonymous said...

I was once trained to believe that wearing a tie at work caused sexual harassment to happen. There was even a video demonstration to prove the point.

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad to be retired and not to have to put up with this insanity. At least until the PC Police gain total authority.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, same boat. I can laugh at the idiocy and shake my head in derision, but feel for my former colleagues and coworkers who have to live through this garbage.

Anonymous said...

DOE Secretary did not approve of Sandia seminars and has called the DOE Inspector General to carry out an expedited investigation of the matter:

Anonymous said...

8/20/2020 10:21 PM

This could be very dangerous, if the DOE is seen to be against "critical race theory" it could be seen a systematic and structurally racists institution. Once someone looks at the demographics it could be worse. I could imagine calls to defund or abolish the DOE. Another buzzword is decolonize. The DOE and NNSA have avoided this long enough but the DOE secretary could be making a very bad move with this.

Anonymous said...

Another buzzword is decolonize.

8/21/2020 10:20 AM

Must be the next step beyond just clipping out the polyps.

Anonymous said...

So standing up for facts, ethics, and honesty is "a very bad move"?? Someone has to stop the garbage. "First they came for..." Martin Niemöller.

Anonymous said...

So standing up for facts, ethics, and honesty is "a very bad move"?? Someone has to stop the garbage. "First they came for..." Martin Niemöller.

8/21/2020 5:06 PM

You can be the first to "stand up"and see how far that gets you.

Anonymous said...

8/21/2020 10:20 AM wrote:
"This could be very dangerous, if the DOE is seen to be against "critical race theory""

Being against something so absurd and irrational as critical race theory is a very good thing.

Anonymous said...

Being against something so absurd and irrational as critical race theory is a very good thing.

8/22/2020 12:37 PM

That is not how this works, this is not how any of this works. You can claim critical race theory is correct because it is. If you claim it is incorrect than that proves you are part of the systematic racism which is one of the foundations of critical race theory which once again proves it is correct.

Neat how that works and that is how you do theory.

One thing I would like to know in all these trainings and seminars is what are the "numbers". I just want some real numbers and evidence for critical race theory or systemic racism. This seems like something that is really lacking in this "theory". By the way once they use the term theory are the bound by the scientific standards for evidence and rigor?

Anonymous said...

"Critical race theory" is not a theory. It is a radical, unscientific, bigoted (against white people) nonsense idea that has gotten traction among the white virtue-signalers who strive mightily to expunge their white guilt, which has no reason for existing. But it is funny to watch.

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