Anonymously contributed:
This is the type of BS that's going on behind closed doors under the Obamanation reign. You can say goodbye to your retirement and here's where you can find the author's name. IMHO it's time to end the terror this Socialist Republic of California is bringing upon the working class and put idiots like this and his followers out to pasture for good, by any means you feel fit for the circumstance. I for one will turn my head the other way. It's time for tea party's to start forming across this nation that'll emulate those of the original Boston tea party, forcefully leading to what in todays PC world will be known as a _"reorganization"_ of the entire system, and the removal of all those who endorse taxation without representation.
Authors of bills like this evidently view the common man as a peasants to be used as an endless source of income. This income for the state in their view is to secure what they deem as necessities, but in reality are to be used to secure their personal well being, self righteousness and survival.
It's very evident that now's the time to become well armed, become proficient and fight crime, one shot at a time. As you can see our most dangerous enemies are at the top of the food chain and in some cases elected by those who live with blinders and self preservation in mine, on the backs of those who've earned every dime. Welcome to Socialism.
Legislative Office Analyst's review
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Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems
Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
So, you're advocating violent overthrow of the government and direct violence against the President? And all this while suckling at the teat of Uncle Sam?
Please post your name so we can let the authorities know and also turn in your clearance while you're at it.
his a reply to May 27 5:59
Let us see if we can help you out a bit since you seem to be so agitated.
1)"This is the type of BS that's going on behind closed doors under the Obamanation reign"
a)In fact this has nothing to do with the federal government. This is a proposal coming out of the California legislature.
2)"I for one will turn my head the other way."
b)You will turn your head while "what" happens. Are you advocating violence? It would seem so in which case you are advocating totalitarianism or anarchism.
3)"removal of all those who endorse taxation without representation."
c) b) (see previous) applies. You don't seem to understand representative government. In this case a bill is being proposed which will require your elected REPRESENTATIVE to cast a vote either for or against the bill (assuming it ever reaches the floor)
I sincerely hope the moderator elects not to post this disturbing submission by May 27 5:59
This a reply to May 27 5:59
Let us see if we can help you out a bit since you seem to be so agitated.
1)"This is the type of BS that's going on behind closed doors under the Obamanation reign"
a)In fact this has nothing to do with the federal government. This is a proposal coming out of the California legislature.
2)"I for one will turn my head the other way."
b)You will turn your head while "what" happens. Are you advocating violence? It would seem so in which case you are advocating totalitarianism or anarchism.
3)"removal of all those who endorse taxation without representation."
c) b) (see previous) applies. You don't seem to understand representative government. In this case a bill is being proposed which will require your elected REPRESENTATIVE to cast a vote either for or against the bill (assuming it ever reaches the floor)
I sincerely hope the moderator elects not to post this disturbing submission by May 27 5:59
moderator. Please note that I was mistaken in my recent post suggesting to 5:59 that he didn't understand the legislative process. The bill is proposed through the initiative process (which was approved by the voters). To be more precise, 5:59 doesn't understand the initiative process(which supersedes the legislative process). All other comments I have made are still relevant however.
Lets do away with Social security, workers comp, medicare, public schools, the FDA and other organizations...And let loose the capitol ist dogs to give us all the working wages we deserve as well as helping us with family values!
How about we just try to find balance...oh and you need a chill pill!
I won't be visiting this blog anymore. I think the owner of this blog had better get himself a lawyer since I suspect the Secret Service will be paying him a visit soon.
Good bye, dirt bag.
May 29, 2009 8:07 PM
And its people like you who have turned this government from what it was, into what it's becoming under the Obamanator's days in office. That's right, a Socialist regime. Wrong answer dude. Can't wait until 2012. Hopefully the people will have come to their senses and vote this entire body of clowns out of office for good. Lower taxes and allow people to keep their money instead of the parasite sucking machine this adminstation is creating.
May 29, 2009 8:07 PM
Don't worry Obama is taking care of the freedom of speach. I'll dare anyone to have an opinion other then those in control. And you guys thought the Patriot Act II under Bush was bad.You haven't seen anything yet.
BTW: There is Nothing desturbing about any post out here. It's just people feed up with the BS the democrats are imposing upon the American tax payer to support those with their hands out and think the world owes them a living for being hatched on US soil.
The hilarious thing is that reducing public employee pensions would be an anti-socialism sort of thing to do.
If the initiative author has money, he'll get it on the ballot. There's an entire industry out there to collect the signatures.
Maybe having a "private" LLNS pension will be a silver lining.
May 30, 2009 7:31 AM
Who gives a rats ass if Secret Service gives anyone a visit. Any one with BALL something you must have lost at birth would tell the SS exactly how they feel and if they didn't like it eat crap and oh by the way if you need help I'd be more then glad to shove it down their throat. feat tactic to keep people mouth shut is a communist tactic and that the same card the Obama clan is trying to play by taking over the Internet. the good thing about this country is, if you don't like something, no matter what it is, you have the right to tell it like it is and suggest a solution no matter what it is. Thank God for being free and not under the rule of threats to be beheaded for thinking , talking or writing. You can go back to Chine, Russia or what ever fringing country you came from NOW. Check out the CATO institte sight on Obama new Cyber Security Czar bull $%^&
May 30, 2009 7:31 AM
The only dirt bag I see out here is you. Have a good day and move on little doggy...
May 30, 2009 7:31 AM
Hey dude, if you think what the root entry had to say was bad you must live in a shell surrounded by democrats. I live around people who are between 56 and 75 and as they sit around talking to one another I hear things like, " I have two dead spots in my grass that needs a little fertilizing, I wonder if we could bury some of these scum bags politicians and lawyers under it to make it greener" and then there's one I never thought of. "The terrorist hit the wrong building on 9-11, they should have waited until all the Democrats were in session and took them and their lobbyist out in one swift move". If you think for a minute that the conservatives of this country and vets like Obama and his Kingdom or the people that voted for him, you are sadly mistaken. If SS concerned themselves with all these comments about wanting tax reform by assurance we have the right people in government, they'd have no time for anything else and they'd have to lock up about 90% of the nation. Not going to happen. They are looking for people who are in the process of acting upon their desires. My bets on the fact there are a lot of them, some are not inside the US.
after taxing pensions
Obama's going to buy me gas.
If you think for a minute that the conservatives of this country and vets like Obama...
Cannot say I thought that. I don't view 'vets' as a monolith, especially when I see four stars like Generals Jones and Shinseki in the administration. Or know 'grunts' that did a tour in Nam and voted Democrat last November.
May 30, 2009 7:31 AM
I'm shaking in my boots . . .
Someone said:
"I won't be visiting this blog anymore. I think the owner of this blog had better get himself a lawyer since I suspect the Secret Service will be paying him a visit soon.
Good bye, dirt bag."
My answer: do me a favor and dont come back!
Who's the deranged nut who keeps posting all of this conspiratorial clap trap.
Is it Neko or scooby? Whoever it is, this person needs to go get help for what appears to be a serious case of mental illness.
June 1, 2009 10:51 PM
Scooby and I don't come up with this stuff, we just post it. Something about freedom of speech (mostly).
May 29, 2009 8:06 PM
In reality you don't need a clearance at LLNL anymore since they don't do much that requires it. If you were listening to Senator Fienstein talk she said she's going to see that weapons work at LLNL and the nation is abolished on short order. This is the same agenda Obama and Biden have if you'd take the time to read their plan on their website. Get the wax out of your ears. It isn't all good and nothing that's being done today by this administration is going to make it better.. Go back and listen to the PBS Special- Ten Trillion and Counting, if you know how to do a google search.
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